Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday december 3rd 105 monday is your day monday is election day in acton and what ever your decision it is a duty to get out and vote true the number of decisions will not be confusing by the ballots electors will be given on that day the question of council will require a further nomination and public school board and utilities commission have been decided by ac clamation but there is the duty of choosing a mayor to give leadership to acton through the year and the decision of whether a three men or five man commission should look after the public utilities affairs in view of the fact that this past year there have been two changes in commission members it does look as if a five man commis sion would carry more continuity than the three man board the fact must also be considered that more duties have been shouldered by the com mission since the days of formation when its sole responsibility was the affairs of hydro alone the question was up for voting last year but deferred because of acclamations in all offices the voting on election of mayor is an im portant one and requires the serious consideration ofevery elector it is nofa mattettrrwhictrper sonalities should have any consideration the man who will head the council next year or any year should be chosen only on his ability to represeln you your taxes the progress of your town the representation of you where matters of acton are under consideration in other centres for 1954 are decided by you in the choice you make for your elected representatives you have a duty on mon day to vote and decide your mayor and the public utilities question which you consider are best for you and your town south of the border it was refreshing to note the solidarity of all parties in canada against the circus style investi gation of harry dexter white being conducted in the united states which could have swept can adians into the same senseless hysteria that is j making most every one distrustful of his fellow men we re a bit confused on ust what may constitute un american activity we are not get tmg any enlightenment from the charges and ac cusations that those in top places in the united states are hurling at each other we don t think the exhibitions in newspapers or radio and tele vision are creating any confidence of the people in the elected governments of the day canada and canadians want no part of such sensationalism and if this is world affairs the sooner we give more attention to our own affairs even if only by examplethe better for all the time can come in any country when the menace from within is greater than the threats from with out canada s minister of external affairs and the canadian government have shown a solid front that commends them to canadians now if our vanousmeansof communication such as news papers radio and television wjill use other news than the investigators across the border it will be more palatable to canadiaifsno are verytired of reading even the headlines h s nice to be neighborly and helpful but neighbor mess can be spoiled when one party becomes too nosey in the affairs next door we wish our united states neighbors well in whatever they are trying to in vestigate and we hope canada s answer about witnesses will suffice to keep the investigation south of the border reading between the lines local government on way out will set up board of experts fighting a scourge during the past week thousands of packets of christmas seals have been sent to the residents of halton county by the halton county tuber culosis association the money raised by the sale of these seals will fight tuberculosis throughout the county the year around with health education clinics and chest x rays it is perhaps unfortunate rhat many of these people who have suffered the disease are not able to tell their story to their communfry it would tend to make everyone more conscious of the danger and the importance of early detection detection of course is but the indispensible first stage in the campaign to eradicate this disease treatment must be undertaken as a second step and facilities provided as a third stage another and important stage is that of rehabilitation after one has been treated for the disease at a sana torium every stage is costly and it is in the first and final stages of the above program that the association stresses its aid although it aids in all four as each person received their christmas seals this year they should as soon as possible send in their donation too often it is put aside and un intentionally forcjotten this is one place where early christmas buying should have top priority continued support of this worthy organization and its work is essent al to the good health of our by jim two thoughts have been run ntng through my mind lately in connection with municipal gov eminent this last week for some reason they both presented them jelvea in one solution the first thought has to do with the autonomy bf local municipal government and the increasing roll that queen s park and the ontario municipal board are tak ing in this field towns and muni cipalitlcs are expanding partlcu larly in this area and we cant help but cdme into contact with the municipal board on numerous occasions since they must approve any capital expenditure any on tario municipality might deem it wise to make to build a school the department of education must approve since they pay a large percentage in grants to issue the debentures the munici pal board must approve despite already rained approvil of the department of education muni cipal government whik it is re cogmrcd ai being closest to the people it represents is allowed very little freedom the second thought nnde itself appirenl al nomination mi clings where very few new names were added to the slates for various offices sure before the norm n a tions we heard some remirks that would kad one to believe the people in office were all scound rels but no new mrflscre ad ded all of which means as municipal tasks grow increasingly more difficult and more time consuming the more difficult it is to secure men for public offices municipal government as it now is known is on the way out soon the solution to the whole problem will be that queens park will set up a number of subsidiary muni i cipal boards that will visit the municipalities a few hours every other week or every week as re quired and legislate on the var ious municipal problems they will listen to the arguments of various ratepayers and miki a national trend the announcement during the past week that banks would increase the interest rate on savings accounts is another indication of the changing picture in regard to money during the past few years municipal debentures sold at three per cent and lower interest rates and were readily dispos ed of the issues which had sold 20 or 30 years ago bearing interest of six per cent and some times better seemed a bit ridiculous in the light of the-three-pcr-ccnt- iss dills their very judicial decisions based on their legal background of course they will set up pattern like problems in differ ent places will be treated eimil arly to follow consistently tax payers will not meet their coun cillors or officials on the street complaints will be received only at the meeting and no telephone calls could possibly be accepted if the citizens of one town did something to displease the board it might not be well for that town there would be no bother or expense of nominations and elec tions the officials would be ap pointed because of their qualified tions the board would consist of probablv an engineer to deem the advisability of extending ser vices a lawver lo rule on the method of procedure and the leenl problems that face the board a chnirmin who would be an all round good fellow to ellmi nate the stormy sessions and keip the other members from be ing too blunt with the taxpayers a financial expert or economist who could say what taxes the people could piy based on the trning power and avenge wage rites j conti ictor or construe tion ixpirt who could quickly provide the tstimius called for on the engineer s plans that would be a board of five with a majority vote necessary on each motion right now youte probflblysay ing thats a lot of rubbish it is but it could quite possibly happen because what are you do ing lo slop it irom happening did ou nomimle anyone for municipal office did you eer fill a municipal office did you ever do inything to eliminate provincial rule on municipal ground yes its a lot of rubbish but all the sitting it home doing nothing will never prevent it cries of bureaucracy fascism commun ism and others wouldn t stop it either the good old days may have seemed better back in 1933 from the issue of the free preas of thursday november so 19s3 the nominating meeting last frf day evening in the town hall was not largely attended but plenty of candidates were put for all the of fices all the offices have been filled by acclamation next years council will be the same as this year viz f thetford reeve e jones w a lnsby j e mcmillan and s m lasby the school board members two of them new this year are dr p w pearcn h i g frasor w k gra ham w r norton dr a j buch j m mcdonald 9 public utilities commission is unchanged and comprises reeve f thetford r j kerr nnd i g king s council chamber was hardly lirge enough for the crowd that as sembled for the annual meeting of acton hockey club last thursday president j m mcdonald presided and the following officers were i kcted president j m mcdonald first vice president w d talbot second vice president h i g fmser executive commttie dr e j nelson j w jones and joseph kentner secretary neil gibbons treasurer w k crihjim it was umnimously decided lo enter both junior and intermednl teams in ihc oh a this year ind there seems lo be plinty of material to make n good showing in both etc partments at the fourty fifth annual conven lion of the o h a last siturday several ch inges wtro made in rules of the game and no longer will teams engage in lengthy overtime ten minutes overtime only will be played by teams in all series the indestructible milk crate co are remodelling the monument plant and moving in machinery the company owned and operated by messrs phillips will bo a welcome asset to actons industrial activities north e ast west south new radio station pee counlj s ndio station is al most completed the red gl v i the peak of cfjb s newly erected 150 foot transmitter tower can be seen for miles at night during the da light hours the skeleton f pleel on the ttrst ltlte wei call those days of lower interest rates were tough n stgnt w 0 m on the individuals who had small amounts to in be heard in a huge circle of ome vest and must have safe investments the ever 5 squarc mi1 j u announcement wis made this increasing living costs and the lower income from week by e f job manager of the savings made a difficult situation for many folks whose days of earning were past and who were dependent on the income from savings indications of the present day point to a bet ter balance for those living on limited incomes with an improvement in interest rates on savings true there yet remains a disadvantage with in created living costs but the gap is narrowing a little there might be another sign in the mcreas ed cost of borrowing money credit and the do ing things in the present on the future ability to h crec n of hl pay is going to cost more government regula i u n f tions failed to curb credits and spending but the d old law of supply and demand will bring about n lime what regulations failed to accompl sh broadcasting ou let in bnmp ton that cfjb 1090 on jour d al is slated to begin let broadcasts within the next few daji regular programs he said would be sche duled bj mid december at the lat est unless there was some unfore seen hitch mr job reported that the en gineers are buj and rnult ire quite evident despite carh set backs which delated orec m of ihc transmitter the tati n lower and buildings are taking shi t ajax enguecnng of act n did 146 fxt h gi from th we should alfgive as much as town and coun we can as soon as we can to provided the ad that is needed keep this symbol more thir canad ans w ii moui regrel f f the 1 es s abandoned musical nde tioof of tl says the f nanc al post tins s one of the ery be s advert seme its for canada at the coronat or parade n london at new york s mad son square gardens and at our own rtal winter fa r and other exh b t ons these colorful prec s on squads of the rcmp have brouqht car ada favorablt atlent o i that could not be pi chased for m ii ons and m ii ons of dollars the musical r de s a spectacle and an exce lent one moreover t s a spectacle thai mea s canada to mill ons of people we have all loo few national symbols in canada now not even a flag that we can agree on we w ii be poorer si h t we let the mus cal de d sappear coin ju- trippinit chief it a f r famou h f 1- i o other papers soy the vvorst thing a boy can be taught s that the world owes h m a t v ng says the shaw n gan falls que standard imbue h m w th th s no t or aid t w ii be a wo ider f he does not d ft nto a fe of cr ne 5e tier a ta 1 i deper de if in these days we uepree ate arge fa i es and prefer more trac tors more comb nes more autos nstead of more ch idrer there s so much to do now to keep up w th the soc al wh rl we extend our sympathy to any young coujje who have more than two ch idren beware of market ng boards les they dupl cafe the e s of ex st ng nstitut ons s the head i ne of an ed tor at n th camrose alta canad an we del eve n scientific marketing of vital products but so far the science has been appl ed aga njt the unfortunate consumer chirged with then from ford mo co the mdniloban wis char with obtaining a eir in bronk on fflse prftcnsis ind his ca was dismissed before m iilra e landon in milton well chief ot iver had a good trip another school maple grove public school in the ninth line of trifalgar with a new 210000 iddition wasofficnl ly opened recently by dr canm n deputy minister of education for ontario reeve emmerson ford spoke declar ng thai the cost of education now proved i enous lax burden especially tn re il o tatc with increased school regi tralion he thought part of the cost should be borne by the federal government l l skuce and r bornholdt were other speaker winter weather predictions and prophecies about the weather are pretty common these dajs some say w nter wont arrive until the swamps are full others are telling ibout smkp n dicit ng a green winter but we read mother one ti oakv lie record st at port h pe rep i st fh ng rth out i nlerpre this is i re ii be in jh n w r i i patint panslrs bo h ht week ind ih f r back in 1903 from the taaue of lie free pt4m of thursday december 3 1901 the annual meeting of the ladles aid of the methodist church was held in the vestry tuesday the past year showed very encouraging results the officers for the coming year were elected as follows preal dent miss lottie e speight vice- president mrs w j oram secre tary mrs h p moore treasurer mrs anna mad dock parsonage committee mrs john stephenson mrs i francis and mrs c c speight the halton old boys and girls of toronto held their monthly meeting at the king edward hotel they ray that nothing is too good for for mer residents of the glorious county the new open rink between clark s and and the dominion hotel will be ready for skating early next week citivens an turning over in thnr minds the names of men whom they consider desirable for election to the municipal council the present memberi are all eligible for re elec i lion and other eligible names men tloned are messrs john harvey george soper james mcintosh a a sccord dr gray dr macdonald w a store v d s mcdonald h hamshaw a t brown thos gamble and j g chapman from this formidable list a very superior council mny bt chosen the anninl ball and supper of ac- tnn fire brigade held last friday was the most successful yet 225 sit jmg down to th supper provided m clark s hotel in order lo avoid confusion lh company left the town hall in relays of 40 mr a t brown has been elected president of the lpworth league to succeed mr george vincent dr mckeague was in toronto on monday nssistmg at an operation the sleighing keeps things lively sinta clans is in the stores professional directory and travellers guide mfdical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 8 p m x ray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office- corner mill and frederick streets office hours it am to 6 p m telfphonf 19 acton legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary i office hours 1000 am 1200 ajn 100 pm 500 pjn saturdays by appointment onlj office 22 phone rea 131 acton lever hoskin chartered accountanta successors to jenkins and habdt 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 4 9131 gerald a candler chartered accotmtant monday to friday 7 9 pm s iturday from 9am temporary location 105 mill st chiropractor m i n papc btrrirmng pi i h fur hi has vrtlrinary fy at the uliig arton iflm jrphg ttwofrtpi t pubttihtf hi fl founded in ir5 and published everv thursday at 58 mill st f actoh ont member of the audit bureau of circula t iu l f c w n a and the onurm quebec diision of the i w adtrtising rates on request subscriptions pa il in adsance cw in canada win the united states mnths 1 so sinjtle copies 6c uthormd a second t i mail post office department ottawa c a duti fdiior and publxthrt business and editorial office telephone 17 4 united church of canada acton ontario a friendi n chl rch rev e a currry ba mm bd ster parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mlas o m lunpird a t c m organist and choir leader stjnda december 6 h 1953 1000 amsunda scrm rta w rihuf le 11 00 am morn ng op cm ng ser 00 pn evening wonh j foe on the sundaj sch x 1 holar taking pari moi c ure for prr h id n g d fcrvom urged t l t w p c in canada knox church acton re robert r armttrovg ma bd mtnjater st alban s church angllran r rilph f i nre ba bd rclor secovd sunday i advfnt dtcembfr b h 19s1 10 00 a m church school 1100 am brginnor class 11 00 am choral communi n 7 00 pm epn ong and serm i all welcome b d young b vsc c l young d v m vclrrinar surgeons f g oakfs bv sc rterlnarian rtal estati and insurance wright real estate insurance d j armstrong doctor of hlropractlo i 6 john st n i aeton i hol 5 0 mlhcellanequh i the victor b rumley i funeral home funeral home healed ambulant 1 h in 10 niht or day s rvint tin enrnm imty for 4fi i ars f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ont phone 9i s b wright macdonnell st cuelph ont phone 491 5w he for he kingdoi of ma l 3 2 valuator realtor inanrora member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district insurance agents association baptist church acton rav h coteru patm w b bracken real estate phone 26 olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher of plana studio i nlted church thursday 14 park ave guei ph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach lines oachf8 lfave acton frlbound fi3flam hviam 1133 ajn m pm sfid pm 633pm ib p n b98 pm westbound 10 27 am 12i2 pm 2 57 pjn r pm 27 pm 9 12 pjn 11 32 pm 1 12 am sun to klt- ch nr onk a daily except sunday and boll- b saturday sunday and holl- acton pecember 6 h 19s3 6tndav se si mh otc bfr 6 w 1 t w iqst list vour farms business or house with us we mmte ou to use our facilities in securing a purchase for jour property ity4 s aarttfle r r no 6 guelph phone hespeler 01 haletman r f bean general 1 nannnee hi mil i st acton phone sr5 office hours 9am 3pm s 3 p m 9pm canadi na railways standard tune kastbamd daiy 40 anv daily cpt sun day 9 55 ajn 7 10 p m sunday onl 818 pm daily ercept sun da flyer at georgetown 9 co a m dail fler at georgetown 1011 pm weattwmd daily 128 am daily except sun da 8 48 am 630 pm flagstop 7 44 p m daily except saturday and sunday 6 10 pm saturday on ly 236 pjn sunday only 9 43 ajn nagttop sunday only flyer at c elph 7 0s pm

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