Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1953, p. 3

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thursday december 3rd 1853 the acton free press acton ontario page thrkb mac sprowl to study 6 months in uk on nuffield scholarship rj r nm r r th nnffit lil iinnid siuiik ml vol nrp kent ind raised and each now lips n count v dirt ctur on the at the cnnndtan national ex hi iide of the hull yimiiim iu tiiontd j e whltelock halton county ijut friday the news ect that mac sprowl o younr fnrm er wll known throughout thi county had ben silecled by tht ipcial committee of tht canadian ftderntlon of aurlculture to par tiefpate in the 1b5 scholarships offered by the lord nuffield foundation of england for nl unst ilx months of study and travel in the united kingdom young mr sprowl s many frands mure delighted he himself could scircely believe tht newi telephon fd to his farm friday hy this news paper he is tht son of mr and mrs john r sprowl i nt 21 of the third lmc of esqticsmr a past presidtnl of iht hnlton junior fnimi rs who has liken put in min club nnd cnmmunjtj ic- tivities mi sprowl idmits ht really tnjovs iltendink meetingt emirs s orknnl7mn and insisting nl special tnts competitions and will ctiythinj from a local junior formci intitink to icting as the young st president acton fill fair ever had and ho hkts trivdlinft ion ht is thnlltd nt the prosptel of his visit to england although he dotsn t know much about what hell be do ing thtre yet he has ht ird another f i hi nuffield a imird apt nk and knows thit his predecessor nt undid a short louise at a college and visitt d mam farms in fngland and scotland and wales luckily mi bpiowl knows a huu of what to txprct sinct graham roger a ung sto tish fiimii stayed with tht sprowls whtn he vlsilid canada last vtor 1hi younj farmer ilso wnnts to look up rtlntives whilt he s away on sehohrship hes discendtd fiom a pionttr fimil that mignt ed fiom dlasgtm scotland to the scotch block in fiqucmtik in 1b20 moving to the acton district in 1b26 horn on november r 1927 on the ffinn ovmittl by his jr it4dfthi i tin hi rolml s sjimlnd now wind b his fillur mil sijh s 1 itttndid h mm tlf bum sth m i in ot lit i k d s itili n im mtl aet in conlmuillon seht ol spi upl of i lldtti tl bi fou bt ing ship will i about apiil 1 f i his ill t xp ii pilft inif tnui fxchanurii infomnl m hi ii i tdlirir u k firm is ihi ut his 11 lut h illon fnm v hue o it wht il ind hiv nn rnwn to ftt 70 hcid of shoi thorn cittw a tppnidn special for chmstmas bakxno australian seedless raisins 2 39c cut mixed peel is 17c citron peel 2p glace fruits 21c red cherries iko 17c green cherries 18c shelled almonds 39c currants australian m bleached raisins 25c bpeoial paramount sookeyb salmon ns 35c attjsktioir r churches r organizations we will oivb yotj special fbxoe8 01j oases of christmas candy abe otjb btobe manager fob details special mccobbqok8 fresh fig bars 29c chicken noodle crown of chicken onlcken ft elce soup mix belmae 2 o 25c ruddiflv sbirriffs 11 oz tin 33c lemon pie fill 58s 17c gingerbread ssft joc special romar instant coffee e 49c rbee halo shampoo with palholive or cashmere bouquet soap 3 37c new low prices on bleach rayola 216 0z btlfl j btls jvc concentrated ode kept ind raised and each to n stiers nnd heifers nd fk8s jire shipped t 1 ii toronto from 200 la rii fin hits h full line 1 111 11 him 1 he ht lps opt so mie ts will qunllfitd to talk shop or rathtr talk farm and ht s betn talking fnrm nnd learn 1j1k firm and promoting farm liv uu a are it dml for a man in his 20 s mi ntletltltd hifji school in alton ftir foiu nrs foi the pist thiu winter he his itu ruled iulm sch i 111 milton taking fnrm rmctiimrv fntni biisun ss nnd fnrm mirngemenl this ycai hes sludy ink ff ttim iminiss as will h tiku t tht o a c 1b4h i crops mo rm hren issocnttd with ac ton liinior r 11 mi is sintt 1041 sunt 11147 lit his misstti onh one imiltnl uf tin i lul during hint lime ik leltd is diteeloi in 19411 seuit11 m 1140 ind pusidinl for i jir ind s htlf niintik tht turn of puskinc hi wis tkd vice pit sidtnl of tin hilton jumoi firtmrs and wi 1 lie t county pusidtnl 3ntprinr sfrnrattrtg for expert color achem ugsestioni superior workmamhip and the lateit sunworthy waterfast wallpapers call bgril e ojttt decorator rockwood 51 ring 5 onliii board uf tlois ijist juni hi ncttd ns chnlrmnn of the junior fnrmers softball iiitimittti at guiljih field dny supt rvisinij nun liinnionds this is hit hrlisl fit id dny lit id in cnnn mi nbti of hnlton mu rum ry club and has com iiu jenis of gruin club in hnlton in 1947 hi was n ir of lit tinm itprisentlnr lion gi tin club 111 hit inki run tompitition at the o ac mm etmsiuilm mirshehns ipitittl in the hnlton jut udmiil iiiiiipelit iisuii or tins ht h million spitlator i11u ilil in li4t 111 ik loik judjt of s tin 1 ii ilti lit lit vi il to in tht sounilst fill fun pi 1 suit nl in uu promiiu mie spi tumid tnuth prnsi for his pliudul win k diitituii ailons an nuil fin i 1st st ptimbt r fvin is vounkis pri suit nt ht hid pknt of t tpuii net in fur work in 1mb hi wis eletud in issticinte dinctor or alton fall f111 board and as a director the next enr me has bun i dinctor eich yiir until insl when he headed the board he has siind on cummilttis on btif col tie grain dairy cittle roots and veectibles nnd in 1952 was assist ant superintendent jjf theiull he is a juntoftnrnier director re presenting esqmsnir township on the hatlon fotrauoa vxagnqyj inn executivt lit s 11 number of ttu hilton 4 ii club itndi rs issoeia lion ind list ymr acted as assistant club itadir or the aclou tractor miinteiimci club he is 1 junior director of the hilton c nip im prow mint assoc nlion ind in 1952 wis chiiimin of llu junioi stclion if the county tair held il milton tht hilton cuimiv iinstrvition nitti list mts hui ind ht itlinds tin 1111 met lints 1 tinm lot il rirm it is hard to draw the straight line that divides you from debj it is harder still to foresee money difficulties that may arise and to protect yourself against them more than 570 000 people borrow from household finance every year to help them straighten out their financial line nearly every employed person knows that at times there are sound logical reasons to iwrrow money that is why there are consumer finance companies we provide a sensible business like way for you to weather the storm we hope you never experience fitabf lii in conodo 1928 ousehold finance at the cn nnd inn national ex hi billon hi was a judge three years nnti in ihj 1 wns a member ol the hilton livtslock judging ttam which plnced third at the inter county competition ut the itoyal winttr i- air in which 30 countits took pari a i school he won prizes for pub lit speak inn piano playing and suiting back in 1931 he performed in kills at local t writs too bad thost kills won t fit him now for his trip to slollund in 19s0 he was a number of the acton junior farm tr entertainment group fur itittr club compt tilions whit j mini firmtr dotsn t like to siuari dnnct topically mnc sprowl not onh squnri dances but wis chosen group liidtr orthetwu junior tirmtr sqliari d nice mf fnm hilton thit pi ici d in th r il in the 1952 rojil winter fair hi is a mitnbtr of tht presby ti n in churi h ind has t iken part unj i topli s ulmtus ht s a dilntu ir0 i a ii il im is bo ntitl hilttn at islup tamp at dllll1t thioulh not tht fit id tif sjiorl mil husk mr sprowl l- oih tin iwnn of hi sports ulivilits this witk while tin coimmtlti wis nnili7ine their chum f r uu nnffit id schihrship ht was bound bv seven reel or ad hisivt tipe foi piinful broken ribs ht received during a junior farmer hockt v fami in milton even tightly strapped mac sprowl still laughed when he reported the fam iliar words acton lost again he has playid hocko and softball thrte ymrs al school he played basketball soccer took pirt in track jind field events and army cadets wriirc his nciivtiies a it centre in hal ton mic sprowl has travelled through lhewest tebrj4sh colum bia has been all over ontario i h rough michigan on a lour with members of the halton crop im prnvement association in 1953 and to the fastern united slates in 1951 and what s more he works on the farm iist wok with his broken ribs he wis liking it easy repair ing i hon house his senpbooks on junior fanner ivtnls alrtidy bulging will have to nnki room tor a greit deal more clippings progrims ind ribbons ir mic sprowl continues his busy does h illon s scholir r tike iart in all thest tils in doi s i wonderful job denct wis overhtard at a meet rtcintly when mies name was put up fur office r roin the other ship side of the hnl jim who he cnndidnt titiiiiinalor dt dared i sprowl who did such with acton fur uitti spontaneous mic was tltc id live on i countv out farmer li ippli qui si lurud was the s the mnc grnnd job hall brokt ist and tpn ntn i of agriculiuri nm sprowl tilk d fi r i hilf wilh th out u cotnmilti tomptstd to fcdi ri it n of ak arnti director of oi mr d p ii and t r milli ird lor if t xtttisit n of th i m nt f amki km s nomilltl nuffiild sthti nv irtl d fi ir j hil nt h nt ii tt is iht i i ild small winnmi in lij lod nuffitld is h id or thi british firm which ni muf irturts morr nnd mg cirs the nurrielri fundation domin ion firmi rs trivelhnj cholarsh p is given to study rirming pnctice and conditions of agriculture lit in dreit britain with thi i b eels of promoting i better imnt r standing between firmers of t mid i nnd grtal britain tr veiling wilh iht hilton f in er will be the winner from the wtt kennllhenwon of oyama hritisn columbia many have expressed congratul ations to mao sprowl tt mjr ht selection is an honor to the county soim of ihese messages follow george leslie warden ot halton county ahd reeve of esqnealnx township i was indeed delighted lo learn of mac sprowls succi s m btinj rded i muff id sch hr hip fi lege 1954 it his been i mic ind his brother cik fields of tndti par r i ribulio ind h whlteloek iblton county agrlrnltnral reoresenuure mr sprowl is indeed a worlhy winner nnd his legion of friends will indeed be most happy lhat hii outstanding contribution to agricul iuri in his community township count ird provinci have been re- togiired ti this fini wav dave pelletterio past presmebl of ontario junior fanners i mid hki to txtend congrat- ti mic sprowl for being us int of c nn itli two re lives on the nuffield scho- arhi th is ilso n well earned ewhrd for ihi i ffur interest and imc thit mar hi devoted in help- it t i irrv ut hi unus act n s in hi run t immunily i rime ii know mic through acton firr i i the nly mere i r s l of hal r 1 c di pi ied n rreat 1 1 r h p ti i l never c ii pn s dent devoted rut or wurktd harder lo th fulls rtii tt hi i towtih p of esquesmg i unty tr halton in w nn ird mac has hr ujht hor eir ind fimily ind also your floors are our business armstrongs nairns dominion 1 im vtrv happj on behalf f the couity or hilton to extend to mic sincerest congratulations mn his stay tn gnat britain prove a most profitable ind enjoyable cecil a carl optometrist gueiph s douglas si this ability m c no v h mu v responsible po it ons in senior orfiin ithhs as will a buik the director of the junior firmers asvicialioiv of on urn a gnat deil or mies success hts been due not onlv ti his own i ff rt but to the assistance given bv olhtr igricultural leiders in the c iiuitj tribute should be paid to mr ind mr sprowl ind calvin who hive given him cverj oppor lunilv lo participate in community aftiirs and thereby develop into an outstanding community leider i am sun thai the county of halton will benefit even more by macs co operative ways and untir ing efforts after his si months study ot agriculture in great bnl mim ethel chapman editor of home and county and native of halton i was delighted to ht ir on the ndio tonight about your getting the nuffitld scholirship i cant thn k of anyone who deserves it more or who would gel more good from it my very btst wishes for i rnlly worth while experience a p service president of the halton federation of agriculture hilton firm pt iplt will i am uri j in with mt is prtsident of hilt n f din mn f agriculture wh n i iv h iw hippy and pleis td we in t leirn that a hillun firm b in tht p ron of mac sprowl his i tn iwardid th nuf- fu id sch ilirhp through the can id m ridirilim of agriculture which intuits him to it least six m mths of sludy in greal britain to bi i host n one of two farm young p iple in all canada is in- dud m honor but 1 be so worlhy of such in iw ird as mac has prov en himself hy tht cipable leader ship and effort he has given to junior farmers associations 4h ehibfll fairs and hatlm feder ation of agr culture makes the honor still greater t hi parents mr and mrs sprowl ind other members of his family miy wt siy think you for tht it udersh p mic his given and w trust thit this awird will am ply n piy vou for tht sicnfices vou mut min 1 mes hive made to prmi mic lo j v the time ind it adi rhp th it he his lo his com ind fu i pe pie inlaid linoleum and tiles i rubber and plastic ttles quaker fioors and congoi eum 1 ongowall quakfr wall i plastic wall tiles venetian bunds plywood aluminum moldings wixm and cleanon sanding machines for rent clement floor wall covering anthonylittle motors 341 queen st acton front end alignment bean line up equipment texaco gas oil marfax lubrication oml sarvica general repairs phone iw grapefruit fk di mirsh veiless e qc 10 for 49c he l i spinach c l local cabbage 7c cooking onionsn 10 1 25c golden ripe bananas lb 19c new york metropolis a dry of absorbing interest nw york off en to vmton of oil kkfinortom o vonl 52 76 of octrmty and a hot of iighti to on thn delight w tnp you hove 3 full day and 4 wghri m new york of america i including a villi to j greenwkh viuoge and you baxtt choice of several features that will touno tut m04 i your tnp both tn- om toftomi terestsnq and tioyabl 5n a te dufa twdbrtuw mcuioe worn too ro4fiogrfts uim harold wiles agent phone 207 if you feci that i can be of further service to the town of acton where i have spent nearly all my life your vote and influence for ted tyler for mayor of acton for 1954 will re appreciated ee on da v t dectmher 7th tc epor e 1 33 vor ng from 0 a ti to 7 p

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