Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1953, p. 7

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thursday december 17 1953 the acton free press acton ontario wilson electric 297 arthur st phone 328r industrial installations domestic maintenance motors repairs gerald a candler chartered accountant new location 27 acton blvd monday friday 79 pm saturday from 9 am phone 541 hovim manning electric superb new rca victor way tv combination 21 tv-victrola- radio hant complete fun ily home entenain- mcot television radio md phonograph all in oaw glorious console model each iannuncfll u an out tandiiie rca viaot achievement home t at in 02i tv pfctur to rtwdy to dor lhal you r right thr whtrmf lh tv camra tok youl orstubf radio rubrilltont tound reproduction of tha fomoui ttcavktorooldan throat ton lytttm mpefd victtola tt lupwrb 3ipmd vjctrola automatically playi all iacardi with new playing u wfh finail ton quality with rctuwv 5 s rca victor 56950 free i th- prit of any jica vkr tv mt you buy may b nfunavd in full at obout rh big rca vktor jwey tv content dstauffer tells of coops value blue springs the new farm for um in nassagawcya has just com pleted its first month of discus ions meetings in the different homes in the community have been well attended and opinions freely aired some recreation cards and a song or two have added to the en joyment and plans are going for wardtftor a good winters work the months activities reached peak monday evening when dan stauffer president of the united co operatives of ontario address cd n joint meeting of five neighbor ing forums ligny town line no 7 i imestone and blue springs in brook vi lie hall n issagaweyi c immtnting upon the country jouth and strength mr stauffer held that communism in the woild was giinmg because turn is on its sidi wt art not extruiinj our brains nor our fuultics enough nor mhring thit we the people arc tht rial uniis if struigih ind vigor tlio stigmi which allachis itsilf to the co operatives vani his when isit known that this m t meut ib a 60 001000 business op crating in 156 different places on full time he said people said the speaker i in run business much belur thin the big boys if they will only do it india ind pakistan do not dt il with chain stores when ihcy buy in this country but with co opcr atives not the least pleasant part of the ming came when jim stauffer ins son told about the great co operatives in sweden it was good to hear that this is one country wftcre ther are no slums out of the terrible turmoil in the world todiy the farmers of canada can teaanheway-by- norwastmj vr produce food for the hungry mil lions ways and meins to deliver our goods to the starving can ind mut be found before communism kes over the meeting closid th an earnest prayer by mr stauffer a collection was taken and will sent as i contribution to care the choirrmn of the mcclint as calvin mclntyre and a sir vice introduced the spnkcr malaria control work of agency tht mnhria control work of the world health orginizilion in hiilind is estimiltd to havi pn entid some 10 000 case of mahn i n i single jeir dr baits jenrr 1 director if th health icigui f cinida rip iris tht privml in ot tht si ists meins that n it irea iloru which has i pop hum of approximately 280000 ins program saved more than psooo work wicks or 175000 mm dijs of productive labor who investment in mohrl i ontrol in thailand and elsewhere n asn is being returned manv t me over with the opening up of lind for farming lumbering and mining by raising the average in come through the prevention of sickness hospitalization and pre mature doiih and in the remova fscapfd a jobber wis out with the 1 13 s int evimiij and btf rt hi icili d t tht morniiij of the next i i dawned he hesililed to call hi me but finally ml on an idea he rant his houa and when his wife answired the phone he shout ed don t pay the ransom honey i escaped heartiest christmas greetings and a most sincere thank you to all our loyal customers for your patronage and good will on this our 22nd anniversary as we build for tomorrow on the strength of your good will of today we will try to serve you with the same high quality merchandise as in the year s gone by barrs quality grocery 1 wxiccicicicicictdcicvcvcvcikwcvcv bonus specials j suggestions for easy shopping xmas grapes 2 lbs 25c xmas oranges 2 doz 75c tana fuh salmon sardines shrimp chicken mnahrooma canned meal xmas bananas 2 lbs 33c xmas lettuce 2 head 25c mcvtie price english biscuits peek frean english biscuits gray dunn scottish biscuits keiller s famous shortbread c b special fruit cake weston s macaroon snow creams 45c to 1 75 25c to 89c 29c to i 85 tin 85c tin 1 50 tin 89c tin 39c olives tickles duia gherkins relkh hanee chill banc tavener english fruit drops english toffee little folkmcjjiue bonnet 75c red boy english toffee in 1 25 honey syrup peanut batter f d tern mil coffee ginger ale bod water grape j nice coca cola asst pop cranberry i sance or jelly jams marmalade frnlt salad frnlt juices mincemeat currant peel dates figs i cake mues i shelled nnu tobacco suggestions for easy shopping bonus specials cluster raisins spec al pack stuffed dates are dehc ous box 35c 1 00 cand ed fruit trays horn hoi and xmas cakes 50c 5v 1 00 1 60 15 3 75 3 50 xwas puddings 50c 55c 75c try one for 39c lowneys crackers j choc ba hard mixed or xmas mixed candy 1 tb 29c no 1 quality roasted cadbury s chocolate biscuits creams toff or xmas mixed candy 1 ib 39c fresh mixad kinds mr mrs t leslie mark 60 years wed mr and mrs thomas l leslie obstrvtd their diamond wedding annivtrsary on saturday december 5th mr leslie was a member of esquesfng council for ten years and was warden of the county in 1929 he was a director of farmers mut ual fire insurance for many ywrs was president of esquesing agrlcul lural society and so is well known in the county a turkey dinner was served to ovtr to guests in st johns memor ial hall georgetown by the wo man s association of tht church to mark the event hi retired fiom farming 13 years io to gtoigctown where he ind mrs itslie wire active in church jnd community activities much can be done to ease hay fever since hay fever unless it is treated by injections is apt to last 10 or 20 years and even longer with asthma always prone to ap pear early medical treatment of the condition is worthwhile notes dr c collins williams during the first season of hay fever a child is usually thought to be suffering from a cold the toronto paediatrician explains however the symptoms do not respond to ihe usual treatment for a cold and when this same type of cold develops at the same seasoi of the nexi year the true diagnos s usually becomes apparent if hay fever is trented only by drugs capable of giving temporary ix lief tht patient has about a 50 per cent chance of developing asth later to give permanent help he must be skin tested to dttti hlch ire res ponsihle for hls symptoms and tlun must rrceivc njectinns of m nulc unit of this ub t inns in r to build up immunil o them some phsmans prifer to give se injet lions for scvn il months in fore thf senson eich yt ir id givt them thi ye ir round wlm hi vi r method is idopted it years to obtmi comp lete relief of symptoms though partial relief should be noted the first season if you have an allergic child do not b discouraged concludes dr collins williams whatever aller gy he suffers from a great deil lbh be donn lo help him tunc 7obsta clcs to new roads dams power and communicition lines by oinfi m al the request or national governments to demon stiatc thi ust of modern techniques diseiso control lhi specialized ency of the united nations pro des ticlicil proof thit wc of the western nation are ictively con irrud over tht plight of on eighbors elsewhere in this very sm 11 world it w is a 1 ttle more thin om tar ao that the health icigui f cinida a 34 y ear old heilth dulilioml organization was isk ed lo nssume the duties of a can citizens committee for wh o since that time il his been helping lo make some of the work of this un agency better known ithm canada christmas greens brighten home a few well placed christum greens can do much to brighten a house al christmas time properly clipped the branches will never bt missed and might improve the looks of the tree from which th are cut hemlock red cedar juniper yew pitch pine while pine will mike suitable materia for a spray to decorate a mantle door or a spray for a newel posl in pruning howevtr keep in ind the natural appearance of the ee from which you clip branches chance that he can be given uch complete- relief thai he con leid a normal or almost normal life if he does not do this well at leaathccan be hejpcila great deal stretch small space with room illusion if you invi a small amount of mci but want il to create the ii- sion of a lirger room stretch it by i si simple methods ror in unbroken lint bilwicn nine ind iilig irons ust low booklists or shelves for storage scatter rugs give wiy lo neutral iujs and wall to wall caiptt inj for a more spacious look olor ton helps create o larger feilnii to your room bluis and ns an wonderful for walls but be supi your woodwork and mould ngs match the wills for a more spacious effect in the purchase of furniture for down to the room size new furniture serves a dual pur pose and is ideally suited to small homts sofas become beds at night desks turn into dining room tables and servers brtakfronts are tables tc coffee tables by assuming ad ded inches in height make handy dining tables the proper furniture turns the den into a guest room a dressing room into a perfect sewing room that bare corner of the kitchen into compact breakfast nook look around you there s prob ably room to spare in your home make every corner work utilize every inch and you 11 have a larg cr more spacious home jj enjoy the christmas program at zion tabernacle f 21 water st georgetown monday december 21 at 8 00 p m special film the power of god 3c 43t tn 35c ju london cheese sandwich christmas serviettes santa or ponsettia pkg 20c j peanuts 1 ib 29c nuts 1 ib 39c burrs quality grocery 77 79 mill st family headquarters for gift shopping is across from post office open till christmas until 10 pm every evening store hours are 9 a m to 10 p m for the conven ience of gift shoppers who will enjoy the larger range of suggestions available here fells how to guard from pickpockets the pickpocket is likely to be present wherever there is a crowd how they ply their trade and how to guard against thorn an mill la a reader s digest article pickpockets possess not only jk remarkable dexterity but an uner ring ability to know whal the vie tiar do next choosing his prey in a crowd the skilled pick pocket learns two vital facts a once the exact position of the wal let he is arter and whtther his in tended victim has any iiiixhlhm on a cafeteria line n man will hesitate to drop a tray full of food to grab for his pockelbook among crowds al sporting events partic ularly in a ninth inning rally or the finish of a horse race men momcntirlly forget their willi is in uk ixciliment of th moimni in such placts t ml oris hi iclt r s digist it is will ti be m rt tiian usually nit rt pukpoikre it eiunly firs have bun known to sh ul n w iniing lo tht crowd look out fur piik pockets immedrittly marly i v ry mm will shp his wall i l mike sun it is satc and tin thuvts llun know win re tht m nicy is somi turns is miny is fivi ni ix pukpkkits including a worn in will work togcthi r only one may do tht actu il mealirif the ithtrs act as decoys or have vir ious suporting rilts in plots ct vcrly conceived and xecuted the article offers this general idvict carry only what morn y you netd and don i fi ish it if yu rt i wormn don l hi your handbag dunglo hold tht bag it self wjlll your band over the clasp a man an inside pocktl c saftr than an outside oni a purse n a hip pickit is the easiest pick lng juiove all be suspicious in rowds move instantly whin josll cd st francis made first crib in cave sl frimis r a s i is liruevid 1 iv 11111 it i hi uisl m f isplmri tin christ child in i chi sums ime ii i i l in f hi f ii wir- 1 wi h to h brill inly clir rn i i n lit w th in in hi w i r th i i lit vi u w 11 find i l i when w sl ill urrnim in ii j r fillt i w hi inj w lull hm in x ind i is j s it ihlhhllltl 1 wlhl ii st i how poor id m inbli the mm sivuur bet inn f r u so it midnight m h snnll ii- alnn vrlligc of garni in thi ytar 1200 st francis and his followirs celtbrited mass ii thi civi and sing hymns tn h inor of the christ child an age old story retold sh brought forth htr firtt born son and wrapped him m awaddllig clothes and laid him in a mangci your floors are our business armstrongs nairns dominion drinkers accident hazard calculated statistical studies of the possib ility of having an accident after one or more drinks were carried out by university of toronto per sonnel and reported on at the re cent internationa conference of alcohol and rood traffic a sum mary of their findings reads the practical viewpoint obtain ed from this survey is that small amounts of alcohola cocktail a bottle of becrtaken by the aver age person in an hour gives an al cohol tevel which dtd not- appear to impair driving ability in most persons if however several cock tails or bottles of bter are consum ed in about an hours time the al cohol content of the blood is in the range of 0 10 to 015 per cent in this rnngi the stiiistician has cal- culittd llu hazard of accident la ibout 1 to i for any driver operat ing undir identic il driving con ditions as compared with ihi haz- iird when sober if sufficent ilrohol is consum- d fl drinks of whiskiy 0 cock- tiils or bottles f beer in a relat- ivily short time an hour or so then tin rang f blood roncenlrat ion will b above 0 15 per cenl and the hazird of icrldent is tm fold dripping faucet costs you money housing officials figure that if ii the leaky hot water faucets n hi ci nntry wore made undrip- pable wc could save 66 000 tons of conl a year on publicho p jects alone this came out during a practical emonslrallon of efficiencies and economics in the operation of hous in connection with the national association of housing officials nn ting soot they say wastes btu by nsulating boiler tubes clean ubis make sle mi ind s ive heflt u p tht boilers clt in good tombu lion gets you more heat for liss hiavj smoke kills tin little btus and costs money ki tp your equipment in good li ipe if thil le ik rij f meet drives you nut j hi i in add this lo our mis u it ul cin it sl you money hire in a ftw rulis on in sub- jut llu hoicsing officnls govern nuni and pr valt recommended to lulp you savt money dislnbult the he it by turning off the ritiialor in ihe rlghl place at the right time depending on un and shadi in the house a it iky radiator trap allows steam to escape get it fixed a heavy draft pulls heat up the chimney is your boiler operating properly heat is lost throigh the wjlls md roof arcyou insulated inlaid linoleum and tiles rubber and plastic tiles quaker floors and congoleum ongowall quaker wall plastic wall tiles venetian blinds plywood aluminum moldings waxas and cloarwrs sanding machines for rent clement floor wall covering 46 mill st phone 440 relaxation is key to a happier life most of us in practically all our everyday activities are driving with the brake on and that brake is unconscious tension says jos eph a kennedy in the readers digest the author claims that o overcome tension is to find the key to happier living he hartought his methods of relaxation to over wrought executives pilots and midshipmen ti relax first locate the tension in your muscles the muscles of tht brow ntcd spcciil attention for they are closelj associated with inxicly with the brow relaxed it is prartic illy impossible to feel w irntd simihrly tensed jaw muschs signal some difficulty or pr iblem to the brain a relaxed jaw gives i icnst of ease and con- fid nee the hands main executive in- strumcr t of the body are involv- id n ilmo i everything we do learning lo relax the -hands- when irnlatid or in a light spot takes the pressure off the muscles generally should be relixed at midmorning again just before lunch and again m mid af ternoon sit down and jelly yourself into the most comforubla position or he on your back with arms at your sides then check key points for tension brow ab domen jaw hands tighten each then let go allowing the muscle to relax itself breathing furnishes a valuable control for regulating the degree of tension when a crisis is past we sa wc cm breathy easier bat learning to breathe easier in the first place prevents tension from forming hurrj i one of the major causes of tension whenever you feci a stusi of hurry and you can fip it even whle litting sull i jnu should deliberately slow diwn ard concentrate on the spe cific job a hand instead of an ul- imale gnl which you may m try rig loo hard o wtn notice to the citizens of acton your attention it drawn to paragraph no 18 of bylaw no 945 which readi as follows it s unlawful to park on any street for an un reasonable time hav ng regard for the traffic requ remenlj of such roadway and n no case for a longer per od than three hours between twelve o clock midnight and seven oclock in the fore noon r dy govern yourself i jrdingly j mcgeachie clerk

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