Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1954, p. 2

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i mt au i un tkcl kkta m i un sjin i mk iw this compulsion business if the department of education and school boards throughout ontario are experiencing trouble with the teachers federation a great part of the blame can be laid on the legislature of the province of ontario which passed legislation mak ing tt computsory for secretaries of school boards to deduct dues from teachers salaries and com pulsory for all teachers to belong to the federa tion no other group of citirens of the province of ontario that we know of have a check off sys tern for their group backed by the law of the pro vince but then of course no other manufacturer in the province is barred from using yellow in coloring iheir product except those who manu facture butter substitutes all of these occur m a land where equality is stressed but to get back to education troubles which uem at the moment centred m toronto it seems ridiculous to the average man or worryin to read of the trivial incident that is causing dissension in our educational circles and the means being used to enforce the demands of the federation upon the public of that city suppose every citnen of the province decided hv would not take partwsnyfwties4jevond their work hours we would have no school boards no councils no church or social activities no one participating m sports no volunteer fire brigades no trophies or scholarships for school pupils no service clubs these and many other things which go into community life are extra currtcular work of citizens in every walk of life take them away and we have assembly line life in all our hours of the day the power of the teachers federation is be ing badly directed if we are to udge by the re cent articles of the toronto papers and the exper ience that is being had elsewhere in the province it would be well if the government of ontario in the interest of the province s alliens at large re sanded the bill which forces the checkoff for federation dues and made membership in the organization optional as it is m most every other union and the payment of dues a matter for th individual to decide it might be w se f teachers federaion of ficials in the nterest of those the represent would listen to the turn i ngs from all oter the country about h oh edic 0a costs and tttmt those who pa t its nk of what is a en n return for ttu evpenituie it s just poss i e t the compulsion or school attenhai e cf itr child to the age of it tears was reacted hit ontario miqhi have a s rpks of leathers or k secondary schoo s and i e ot schoo lu h for the needs of the day more shoulders an announcement elsewhete in this issue qives details of a change m propnetorship of the free press and the canadian champion the partnciship of the editor and his two sons is the fulfillment of plans tint have been in the minds of all three for the past ten years it is nearly 27 purchased the acton freo press and lust a little over ten years ago that we pur chased the canadian champion prior to that we had been m partnership with the kile h p inaooic of acton ind for neatly 45 years we have been engaged in newspaper work and printing in both canada ind the united states it is indeed a scurce of greit satisfaction to us that both sons have chosen to continue with our life work and that we have been able to continue actively with them many times we have been so occupied that we have felt that we did not give our readers and customers all the attention their loyalty deserved their forbearance with us is indeed appreciated and oft times as we entered newspaper competi dons if was nor only the trophy which we aimed at but rather the tudgment of others to determine ntbutnewspap vrentgivmg goo se the- awards of merit which adorn the walls of the champion and the free press offices have urged us on to the lime when the present arrangements could be culminated we would indeed be remiss if we did not share any credit which may be accorded to our newspapers with a wife who has been always willing to assist and a most loyal staff m both offices we are very thankful that all these mem bers of staff continue in the organization with us this is by no means a valedictory or farewell the present editor will continue to write the edi tonal columns and some other articles for both newspapers he will continue to give of his ex penence in the printing field and m the mamten ance of equipment and continue to der ve plea ure m the production of good printing we re not retiring by any means for many very valid rea ons but we are shift no the load on vtry capable shouders we do hope that wl en mw airannenunts are ri nn ng smoothly we an qe1 about and visit more ih o i ofrespon it is vh ot r tnen h both m the w hon and acton d sir its lnh we st rvt i w ho t oalt h n qitn l s 1 1 o nm nt n the past aid w ii no v in s or k i 1 those who m till ildttllt of i ill mill 11 ml ills i 11 wl tllll fll ulust tt tin 111 1 l oiutlktlllk itlkllllkl tht first unit tojiitt mluntitin 1 hah thought frv 1 ikism should tonsidt r onmm it t tn lliv nt itiiuuiiliiik 11 tut lint tin t should bt prt pared tilth tht immi f undaint nt ils of purliumt ntiy pro rodurt an uimndmtnt to the mm ndriit lit lo tlu motion should not bifflt hit 111 mmpuuly as in tlu cast of 1 mm miiny circiun actual v ji persun should mini duct a motion tufnrt iny discus sum lakts plan no person should ii posit 101 uiiidiict 1 mt krmip h it 1 mi and bt pr mtttliik fi 1 r ideally speedinn up iht nut titirs by iiiltnik dnttn on ttu discuss um dot not nitan hint inn drnnxracy of a tnt disti luhd hut it tmiit hi thunntlfd to moid 1 1 u tititm fc t rt 1111 mix r of tlu 11 oup can uy tht siimt tlimk in dtffirtnt n hut the i- ram ihr hue at the free 1 thursday junuary 4 ibm ljnl rritluv nlulil in front w xitiiiu t inwtl i mil iht 103334 rdl turn of tlu at it ti juniors show d ped the luivs liitn lluilinmoii hy the f ii jink moilou mt nn lo kmt 11 mil limn thin viar on the jualtir iklr k d ihi v nhnnld be m hi ttin njimin pi tty ofun llu minium d s don of the 1914 umikil t t ai 1 m tt is h id on tu- h lllorstlttt w a ijisiiv r j h j i- utlfil 1 tn inil m uby und ltti ts l ihitltrtt oh m 11i wiih h mikik m 1 n k w n h id at soiiii of tin 1 him his mind ij m tnd r ult i iht whtn hit motion carried phrase is d 11 in red und iht navel fs ihunipcd at tht mtt tinu ou at lind tn surt it is proctdid by a sound tffitlivt distuviuin north e ast west s outh turd oaklllr proirtra villi blnst asstmbly of ford of cuindi thicls in tht oakvillc pliint is prtdicttd for tlu first six months ot i9m b tht utcord blar this is to mcludt lmd nmbh b 1 1 of all ford of can ida car and mrmts ind t nlliiisiism from trach rs so much sti that in has hopo l t irlinji j sitond trtiltr camp sun iv school class at knapmm s 0 ink- from llu iiktslmrt park cnf show to i- rin th of tht inn k pniduttb ln m oplim she hoist m brtt dt 1 s c hnrr pionship s r 1111 llu piptr slum en rtntu ii id it tl t cn e uul d strict to imliiun to bo iii tlu ado hi rit is at a roctnt with 1 t mdus if hols in hrt di rs in tointu mil ti m on s nuis prosp kilrlutu 1 01 nlt t il w is shihiliil pointed dt is out the too irl llolida 111 jin ks 0 1 hkk t wlh n lk nil iii it k aiu holi i hi i iks ti t prti hits whit sh ms a 1 riiumn 11 ul 1 u inu 1 llsttl s 1 f st in 1 111 tu uih ropmtt slid it k bt 1 fot tlu ih 11 ird uotuu 1 s m ho sill islll 1 in t h triipit nslup s tht hindtrs inltrtslfd trnwd at tht kinn rd kink tin nw yt nr s day ht hockty malih littwttn the mouldtts of iiulpli and the local as an inhibition tif first ratt lukki it was n fiiltin ntlthtr as in condition but tht ac ton boys with scuitily any praclkco cntirt ly ouclnssed tlu visitors und weired olwuljia-lhey- wished hojj- tht score 13 8 is not alts ktihtr an illustration of tlu mt rila if tlu uuim iviuihtk c imp no 31 stinx of scotland at tluir rtgular mtttink ilfctttl tht fulln winit offictrs hit f k b johnstont tin flam j lasby past chit flam a mcnab chaplain ci moffat ktcordini secretary ii swickhamir financial seen lary 1 utatty tn isun r w ii ktnmy marshall a stt wart standard ikanr w smith sinmr guard w hall junior guard j smith ihyskian or j m macdiiuald ilptr j ross 11 it lit in- t myoiu in the ptut ti nioiithn mi111 hari rnrnplainfd ll tlllh will 1 imi t old fufaianttl loikh rollownik t bitiidnidc collwon ivtm a n it truin und a motor lk tiiiryiiik 17 palit nla o die laiio hospital at onllia back to institution dm inn a blind i uk und two voiilha an dead ihcrr ihursday niht last and four w r stvnly injund jack k ntiu r rtttived the final samtion of th oh a to partiulmtr in tlu minn 1 with tin local club thin ir mr misttr of cdnicoc hflj luc iidtdmr w nialu t as accountai 1 at flu acton brunth of be- qankot linn of tin acton wvuan tt is b tic htld thii ivm c olltk 1 t liambt r id thin wt n 15 cars in tht bllltlk li liikhway bttwthn ml lb a iplon on sunday 1 and fi 1 nds of lorn wt 1 kivi n a splendid ih torn it on friday evn irn still ol htv c l inwlf thai nn 11 and many mm i pits it d v k v ill hi observed b khts 1 att ii m tin n llorkrt lut itrhut n honcsl strangrr to f 1 of i altci t c h i r 1 1 hard t dlsajrt ho 1 11 his f nd 1 another added cost some of us can recall hen penm poitaqe and the once cent post ard and open letter rate mere things of which the post off ce vtas ustifiab ly proud through wats and other added costs the rate has gradual mceased and on april 1st the letter rate will be 5c for outof town delivery the fort ene re f comments that in usn fication of the increase the postmaster general totd parliament tht ne tuient i seal ear ma show a def t t on opera o s elimination of the stamp ta on cheques oiei oss a id other ac tors were c eo o r it t 1 t p eete ears the posa 1ttarfe ias j n 1 11 tpius l ir ot h t tea e er ws1 r tit i t t r tljl jf nltmmi v s t s v e t t nq cve sf- 1 e t n ets iiepart e s i u e is we te- is ee m h triple holidays i tie onq weel ei d i ol ins t c esulted o m lx 1 liw s ias nd not ttmi s om nq on a iv ike one a mist s for a i lar fixed j rate tor t ese evens each year beore any con j t troters s started te want to po nt out we ci dn t 1 idtoate a i ed dn for these ho idays but mere 1 epressed the pleasure we de ved when they d d fall ori i friday it made an almost balanced 1 week of four days work and three days leisure and whei ou productive economy w i afford i hat t s a n ce thought for any week t tht holidavs when followed o rstmas and 1 new year s gate such ample t me for second en r loyment lo v e g tts and review greet ngs for 1 le sure for home comers o get back to the r work aqa n and or me o d gest the enraod nary fare and uet se ed dew o pla n v ng aga n that professional directory and travellers guide vittkinary or w g c kenney phtklrlan and surffon of fit t in stm n illuk 43a mill si 1- at ion hmrr phone 7r rrtldrnir iis hurrh si t- phone 150 dr u a garrett phjsklin and surrron orn r f willow nid hitr itjti in hit r sti t at ion onl um ihonp 23k ijintal suprrlalitc business more trafalrir poller 1- lerl our tek i as de dott ed fl i nships our mm slid uliirilitt krn rd 11h ot s fore is to 1 miriwd to ir john h misk 11 ttnh sh dt n hi m nth f mr mt rt th n tin ild 1- dt ikin with 3n in ht nrt f n rumml stiff t f in tt us t h irrh ilh 37 ot- onh murliuul bul mort uncr milton in u millm in i4 is t itr 1 itrl r 1 nt cru s r dm shi rt p thin r 1t1 itt fridit it mid nifht ilthtmkh tht tf in 1 mmxi ih i wnsh i h ill ti th n v n irh m n build ul n tt vmdt r oitd f r r 1 th iniini municipal runl ih ixundtrt nhri nn nl bronte boast a ursx wh rh n 1 nt s u risidrnlnl dr a j buchanan llrnlil surgeon ffir i ishtnnn lllnck mill st offin mtinrs 1 m to t m x hay th hhosf i4h dr h leib drnui surtron offict orn r mill ind fndtnck slrttta office htiuri 9 am to 0 p m telfihonf 19 acton b d young b vsc c i young d v m rlrrlnary surjeonm ohm himkmll onlirr 1 hn milt m idirji g oakfs bv sc rterlnarlan iiirolhactor d j armmrong llorlor of i hlropractlc fi j tin si n artm 1ka1 c f leatheriand baninter a sollrllor notary pabu 1000 am 12d0 am sitnrdiys offir 2 1 00 pm 100 pm ot appointment vnlf phont he 151 atn mis fllaneoim ak t u ed id ti events yea s but at the other papers say victor rumtey son i funeral home funeral home heated ainbanuk phnn 30 nirht or day strvinc the rummunily for 4g art olivf m iampard a t m rmt terher of piano studio i nlted harrh thundar 4 1 hk a f 1 ei pm iever hoskin bartered accountant successors to jfnkinh and iiakdt i3tfi mi tropolilan bldg vict1 nto m gerald a candler bartered accountant lay i fniiiy 7 9 p tn nl irrliy u mtn r a p p 2x united church of canada in i i h h h k ri of i at lda s ip e postal vefi ce th rt3 ev cf or j break fie b mlvi 1 m ijmpird t m e eseo a t t at e i re iat q ft aoc 1 t et e t pes lji artnn rtt txtss presbyterian church in canada km t lit b 11 acton kl korrrt h rmttkonr ma hi mlnltur st alftans chutch ncllean travellers guide gray coach lines f 111- ri m i 1 ti 11 t li i v 1 tl mt inil rf i hi f i ai kht tte on v par frer pbmuled tn a ton d in 1ss and published eerv thursdax at 56 mil vccr on merbr ot the id t burrau nt cirxula hf c n v and the onuivq dutsion of the a detisng rates on recuet subscriptions par idnirr st vi n canada s3 v n the i iited stat- j i v sitije r cvpiw tc ithoritd as seind la p c o v dea- rr 0a c 4 dili edttn ed pumuh- b apt i st church acton canadian national railways standard time fi phan ii wfdbotoml miir jive 1 t i0 p ft sjdaj 9 13 in tr bpaclfen laaurabx affi 1 in business and editorial office telephone 17 4 artopl saturday h n si uiti 00 1 2 p r- sjidir nrly b43 ajn rag p sjday oly flyet at r ft r ti i ties in ttjr rt a purhae u proirv ijayd f aallffe r r n 6 cl lph phtinr hrpeler 01 salrvattan r f 5fan livited capjeie bmaranr wri b3 mill st acton phone w5

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