Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1954, p. 2

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pact two tut acton frii iki a ion ontario rilursday ffbruary 25 im that horseless buggy when the horse and buggy went out of com mon usage on this country s roads and the horse less buggy was introduced the new vehicle was equipped with a notsemaker referred to as a horn the earlier fype horn had the bulb on the end and took some energy to put into operation today s successor to thejoulb type horn is the automatic horn complete with hom ring that can be put into operation without a second thought since blowing the horn has been made 10 easy it is natural that more use is made of it and to a disgusting extent in many cases naturally th city streets emphasize the use of the hom but in the smaller centres its use while maybe not as frequent can often be used in an unfortunate man nerj weve seen older people crossing the streets and a motorist approach quite close before shat tering the nerves of the pedestrian with a blast from the too easily reached horn of course where there is a traffic tieaip it seems almost inevitable that some motorist ex presses his disapproval and self importance by leaning on the born and for no helpful reason nctcrtibf metnewsked spmctontarge which we live has increased the necessity of the car horn as a warning when passing other cars and as a disciplinary reminder to the shaky driver but it is not meant to shatter nerves of older people and anger other drivers before you blow your horn think of the effect it might have on the one you direct the blast at and remember your horseless buggy is not for the annoyance of pedestrians reading brwn th uni should acton fluoridate water or are childrens teeth healthy r t brotherhood week this is brotherhood week it s a time when men of different social religious political and ethnic identity are urged to recognize and em phasize the sympathies of humanity it s a time and regrettably a time of only a week s duration when acts and attitudes of brotherhood which should be common the whole year are promoted for seven days more or less perhaps this reflection tinges of bitterness but when the worlds statesmen and politicians continue to achieve discord over foundations for peace when the worlds religious leaders and theological scholars manage every year to drag in some spat of doctrine before the public when a man s color or birthplace still remains an insidious determinant of his social and economic achieve mentwhen these are considered there is perhaps rel5 for bltterness we have no obection to brotherhood week and its aims the mere fact that the need was recognized and men were concerned enough to make efforts to meet the need is proof that bonds of brotherhood do exist and can be foster ed for the good of all the unsavory characteristic of the whole scheme is the continual emphasis on tolerance ignorance breeds fear not long ago canadian papers and periodicals made a mighty editorial outcry pro and con but mostly con over the rantings of a british colum bia mayor to have his city s library stripped of all books and papers which suggested their political color might be the least bit red we trust the mayor s face is sufficiently red after the indignant blast of criticism and censure he got for his illconsidered remarks censorship in its tenderest state is a revolting and gritty pill for any intelligent mind to taste there are many forms of censorship some so stealthy we often fail to realize they exist others so common we forget they exist and still others sc obnoxious we refuse to accredit their presence but of all the shapes of censorship the kind that is the most despicable is censorship which would warp and whittle the minds of children and men into a frame of understanding with only one shaky dimension the process of this distor tion can be induced slowly over years by meth ods such as the mayor of victoria upholds or it can be swept quickly effectively by means em ployed in russian indoctrination schools and tor it is presumptuous on themtelligence of can adians and ridiculous in a democratic nation that book burning should be necessary necessary presuming that necessity was the mayor s motive to satisfy a need a need to eliminate the fears and insecurity which musf then characterize our way of life if there are great empty pockets of faithless ness in democracy in this country then the way to fill them is not with the blackened ashes of burn ed books faith and security in a freedom will be nourished with the understanding and knowledge that comes from having many more books on touched by fanatic censors not only with books but as the detour signs and roadblocks are removed from the paths of other vehicles of information we will be able to disentangle truth from the twisted mass of in difference and falsehood for only as the sources of knowledge good or bad are retained and left unhindered can fears be quashed and made rootless its ignor ance more than anything else that breeds fear symbol of aid disasters hit small towns and big cities and headlines shout the misfortune always behind those headlines is an army of workers bearing the banner of the red cross administering to the needs of the victims year in and year out the canadian red cross society through its network of humanitarian ser vices is there relieving suffering reviving hope saving lives and carrying on the work of mercy wherever needed women across canada volunteer their time and their energy for the red cross they gather kioupn in at lin in th itddlliim rtiioi hl n it our inking wnti tiklit t niimllnii iiitrti are nl umlv adding a ehainical mm pound to their tup unto to trv to kim ohllini ihlur teeth thin in ill om of llu most rontiei m ratal nml rnuki s from iicclnma lions on tht itrmtibt thing since pasteurization to cries of ral poison a recent article in maclean b magazine points out that in can ada tooth decay is now increasing six time aster than dentists can provide adequate treatment half of all two yearolds in this coun try already have tooth trouble the arguments for and against the fluoridation of water are ad vanced by many groups and the suggestion in any municipality that action might be taken usual ly results in many objectors and many supporters about 10 years ago branuord became a test city for an experi ment on the value of fluoridation of water with stratford whose water naturally contains the fluoride and samia whose water is free of fluoride as part of the experiment results arc periodically an nounced concerning the reduction of dental decay in the branttord area and the figures are impos- ihi jiiilin in f ii ftoni i nr on hi flu utdi lion bntll fl i i tin ii irn nti nt flu ililnti n n einol hum of uhi in i it in stjoii lo ih dttnv but iiih al i it it hazard i one of on iniiln tmwirds iiiiutlth nil in h thiitui of i pi r son kitting loo nun ii of tin nod linn muoririi that in iiviuliihli to tht human nyttim through mime niituial food 11 btttimih a pols on if too much of the fluoride in takin in by the system a con ccn ira tion of between 1 and 1 2 parts per million wan added in the case of tht brahtford experiment u s pharmacologist guslav wm rapp in a paper on the pharma cology of fluorine says a review of the literature of xluorlac in dlcates that many of the common foods in the north american diet contain fluoride concentrations in the same order of magnitude the sofl or water in the environ ment in which the grow cost of fluoridating the water once initial expenses are met averages from 12 to 17c per per son per year once the initial ex penses are met it would probably cost acton about 450 a year with the present population plus the cost equipment that in brantford was 450 would you favor fluoridating actons water supply the good old days may have seemed better back in 1904 om the innue of the free press of thursday february 28 1904 li ul a morrison of no 2 com pany halt in regiment has been promoti il lit is the capuiin of the tn w company ni h with hnd iliinrurn at hornby and has nrol lrcl i nbir llitfl thin good old fashioned winter hnn hi tn tht niin of many a good thermometer n reputation one would hardly believe some of them would sink so low society circles in kingston are stirred by the address of bishop mil in in which he condemned card playing and women s clubs next monday will be the fifth ih february no february will have five mondays again for 28 years on monday afternoon the married and single men of harness leather tannery went in for a game of hoc key although the players managed to keep it rather quiet quite an in teresting little crowd gathered to see the amateurs play the men lined up as follows married men james hall joe agnew george mann f swackhamcr lome moore j dobie c hildenbrand single men j mcarthur j mcdonald w smith r mcphcrson j woods a swidlcs d lawson the game fin ished with a score of 7 to 5 for the married mea two cars of coal came in on mon day and pateriimilks gave thanks inthe japanrussian war -tt-fsfe- ffifamwernber who with a smug smile slides into a conversa tion about social differences he suffers himself to hear the little people and their preudces then he wags his head with silty impatience he fairly glows with forbearance and pretended puz zlement as he smirks why cant you be tole rant then he turns and admonishes the little people to be m idly n a favorably indulge t w th d fferenets toun i ofhe s ard at tie same time he warms ii mstlt and r s aud ene n the thouqht that tuv n a not to i t a pt t de th s s popular tolera ice true tolerance s iot sdlted v th char alle forbearance and paron nq ndulgence true tolerance has and s t nderstandmq and the tole rance that lacks undeisand ng can be ev i if understand ng coud replace th s popular tole rance perhaps there would be no need for bfotherhood week unf i then brotherhood week must continue as a move to enlighten the better conscience of mankind from time to time you may run into the fellow t work groups to make clothing bedding editorial notes csmpbemton nb1 graph c old bbl ca n lunction earning your bread by sweat of your brow seems to be go ng by the board and hospital dressings for use at home and over seas this is one of the most important services of the red cross and on it depends the stock pile at geneva and the stockpile proposed in the middle east to bring quick ard tothe victims of disaster this year commencing on march 1 the can ad an red cross is ask na the people of canada foi 5 d2 350 ontar o branches are responsible for 2 144 690 of u s amount to ma nta n the id y red cross sec ces such as d saster relief terna onal rt i ef i iltn a u lucjoi sev es c ie u s ig outf si i osp f s veteran welfare i ood rar sus on rv ce ar d wome s work all des gned to br ng he p where ever and w hen ever r etded editorial notes we haven t run out of jobs n canada by any means declares the f nanoal post there is work wa ting io be done on our new front ers we may have to work a little harder we may not be able to pick and choose as we have been doing in the boom period since the war but this country was bu it by men who were not afraid to go after lobs m cannot hope to continue to prosper and sell its production on the markets of the world f we s t back and wa t for the obs to come to us early morning work erin fire brigade had a busy time recently a fire outside the village at a fire home turned the erin fire fighters out in the early hours of the morning to the home of mr and mrs wm murray no serious dam age resulted a few davs later the brigade was again roused in the wee hours to speed to orton where a fire at the home of frank george was found ui bo alreadj extinguished looking to the future the green light as the herald puts it vtas given last week for a four room addition to georgetown howard wriggltsworth school board chairman r salter said it uiu possible thit future school board ma bt discussing with coun 1 1 complete m school in in her part if town di pending on inch w n thi kwn grows an industrial impetus an impetus to the industn il e unsi n in burlington and nelson wnship wis seen the gazette sas the application of tht union gt i c hit him for i franchist for i pipe lint eirring western cimdi iral gis icross thi township nelson council last week promised to gue spce action and hive a re port rcidj b its next meeting spring and flowers spring must be somewhere near last week members of the burling ton garden club could not help but feel the gazette surmises that the first signs of spring were in the air ecn though the gardens themselves were still concealed in ice and snow whin they met to talk oer spring flnwirs a battle royal a battle roal js predicted to re suit in oakmlle from the local im provement assessment notices that have been sent out recenlh bv the tow n the record star says lots of homt owners bought their pro partes without anj idea thit hire were contingent liabilities for local improvi ments hanging over them lik unrt corded mortgagi s o raise in pay bronti mncil lit wit k turned d wn c nslibh mori j hnston s h 1 rili n for 1 10 i wnk in ir in tik tint h ilidnt mint raise ind that the village couldn t pa him more anvway its getting to be a sore point a councillor of fcrcd we re not getting satisfactory results from the constable nobody can find him when he s needed to try secret ballot a retail section committee of the milton chimber of commerce plans to circulate a secret billot among local merchants to find out if satur day or fridav closing is preferred merchants pointed out the cham pion rcliws thit in extensive pro grim would be necessary if i rnijor itv favond remnning opin rrldav night as opposed to thi present baturd tv niht a grim warning mill n tin c hit r a t c liment said last week that firemen could nit ih ri ichid b tele phi ni llu nihl it hi lift likinl bl ie u the back in 1934 from the inne or the free prean mf thursday february tz wm he re was a hectic meeting of the acli n public utilities commission this week concerning a building for ission reeve thetford polntid out that no mention of m building had appeared in the nun s since 1929 the proposition for murray memorial building had altered the course commissioner kerr pointed out the need for the building and mid there was no assurance of a ifurny memorial building where it wotild be located what rental would be- demanded or what commrtut- would be the landlord a heated discussion vu pfecipi tated on the truck which one mem ber claimed one garage had reftiv ed the major portion of the woht mr bearhope and george bad an experience they wont want to hap pen too often at limehouse their furnace chimney took fire and to keep the roof from taking fire they had to get up on top keep wetting it with water carried from th- ground in pails it was below sere- weather and mr bearhope took cold and has been real sick for few days mr and mrs a mason mis e gibbons mr c w mason and mr and mrs g a dills attended the annual concert of varsity band i convoc ha t ontties ported that a strong japanese squad ron is neanng vladivostock for the purpose of attacking the russian fiect in the harbor there it is said the ice is broken up and the japan ese are able to approach the lon don eng post declares that japan s iction alreidy in a fortnight has al tered the political condition of the whole world it must compel seve ral of the great powers to revise thur policies and may well result in a rcarr ingement of international groups the great change consists in pricking the russian bubble goh clubs arc meeting through out the province to arrange for the coming season tht first robin hus been seen in town other evidmces ire ilso disctrn ible that spring is coming george mawm and mr knox beardmore whil riding farmers sleighs siturday little bettv turner had a nirrow t scape from serious injury she jumped from a sleigh on mill st and failed to notice an autorao bile d i recti folic wing the sleigh tht motorist hid difficulty coming to i slop but fxtiinately did not strilte bitty bins and girls whr have been enjoing the fun of rid ing seighs will need to exercise ex trcme caution or i senous accident will happen in this sport the fiml act so far as actoa i concerned this ar m the oha wis plaed last thursday night u the acton ire in when the group chimpionship w is definitely clinch id by preston lav f ii hi i switchboird w is fl lodtd with c over 2mi of until mi king del i of the fir financing dfvelopment the commonwealth develop ment finance corporation formed i tarly last year with the backing of the bank of england and leading financial and industrial interests has made its first overseas invest ment th will oe the rupee equiv alent of 2 8 million in the equity f the new sui gas transmission company in pakistan professional directory and travellers guide meokal dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in svmon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone im vftfrinatty british cars at show british car representation it the 19m international motor sports show in new york this year is more varied than previously shir shoes mister your no boy shine cm x you can sr face in era no boy don t blame jou muster although john cabot s report of thr rrh cod binks off newfound ind n h97 brough europein rjurmcn nn annual vovages from thit time oi set limer on the lind was j f r t dlcnurigid bj ub i 1 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone z38 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to fl pm x ray telephone 148 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton l5r21 f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave aclon phone 130 legal dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frrdcnck streets office hours fl am to 6 p m telephone 19 acton chiropractor c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary rsmso office hours 10 00 am 1200 ajtt- 1 00 n jn 5 00 dju saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone rea 1s1 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successor to jfnkins andt hardy 1305 metropolitan bidg 44 victoria st toronto em 4 9131 hp at the united church of canada acton ontario i a fr1end1 y church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone so mba o m lunpanl a t cm organist and choir leader sunday february 28 r 1954 10 00 am sunday school h it us to help the children 1100 sn mornirg worsh p st c cal service men association r charge speaker wm rams den buffalo onivers ty n y subject chr l men and the church special muic b th men st artnn wxtt tyxtbb th only paper erer published in artow founded in 187s and published everr thursday at 56 mill st e acton onl member of the audit bureau of circula tions the c w n a and the ontarioquebec division of the c w n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pt able in advance j3 so to cinada s3 50 in the united states months si so- single copies 8c authonred as second class mail post offica department ottawa o a duu editor and pmoltahrr business and editorial office telephone 17 4 p e ucj hmns on of chr j con d make rurself id hm iou maj ne nscal irsj r i crl n church in canada knox chtstcii acton attv robert h armstrong ma bod muater sun da february 28 h 19m 9 45 a m church school 1100 sjn divine worship 00 pm evening servie they that wait upon the lord ihall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you st alban s church anglican ralph f price b a b quinqiagesima sunda fcbmar 28 h 1954 looim holy comm r 10 00 am church sch 1100 am begnrr clas 11 00 am morn r g priver ard sermon 00 pm eer rg prar- ard sermon ash wednesday march 3 1954 7 00 am hoi cimmur n 9 00 im children s service pup ed from school f he attend dvrr scivirel 800 pm shortened evenorg and comminalion serv ce am we 1 ke sheep hive gore alray e hnve lurred frn nr a hi own a i a ah 53 6 d j armstrong doctor of hlropractle fl jo i si v rt n mis fl 1 tniol s victor rumuy son funeral home funeral home heated ambnlan i h n 311 nit t r day serving the c nui in tv for 4 ars olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher af plana stadia united chareh thandam i 14 park ave guxlph phone 296 real estate and rnblteancl are excu f l wright 20 wilbur st ac on ontario phonejkt a pan torr real estate and baptist chutch acton ray h costerui p or parsonage 115 boer av phone 206 sunda february 38 h 1b54 10 00 m sunday school 11 00 am morning worrti p 00 pm evening worship 8 15 pm bypu wednesday march 3 1pm b pu musical evening w r bracken real estate phone 2c lift your fan acton business or house with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for iour property phone m iton i46r43 r r 1 campbemh- r f bean limited 83 mill st acton phone 58s gerald a candler t harlered arronntabt m n lay t iridiiy 7 9 pm alfrfu bishop rrtlfled putllr arrounust travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eaatbaand a3flam 858am 1139 a 208 pm sott pm 633 pm u m bosa pm wmlbasnrf 10 27 am 12 52 pm 231 pjn 527 pm 727 pm 9 12 pja 1132 pm 1 12 a m sun to kit chrner only i daily except sunday and holt- days b- saturday sunday and hou- daya canadian national railways d- ly 6 40 m daily except stav d i 9 ss sjn 7 10 pm sunday only 8 16 pm daily except soa- day flyer at georgetown ttn ia dally flyer at georgetown ifcll pro dally 1ji lb dairy a day 14 ajn ffjh pm 7 44 pjn duly except sriattdt and soadaj 110 psl sstfandtf ly lis pm ftbasarmlj ml fc

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