Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1954, p. 8

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday march- 11th imf of al kbns j o goodall of bockwood tu judged ierve grand cbtmplon in poultry and dairy products judging at the oac college royal march an acton man wai found guilty of drunkenes in a public plan and fined 20 and coata in magistrate locke a court here wed nesday afternoon three new elders jack mcgea- ohle george bowman and george simpson were installed at the rooming service in acton united church last sunday films were shown when the united church couples club met wednesday of last week r was decided to meet in the homes of the members rather than in the church baxter laboratories tills week announced their vacation period for the summer of 1954 employees will head for the beaches after work on thursday july 29 the plant will be shut down for two weeks mist mary jane force received word from the royal conservatory of music that she successfully pass ed her grade iv examination in piano with first class honors ob talning b8 points she is a pupil of miss ethel franklin aclon piano pupils of miss 01 ive lampardof guclph who were iccrasful jv passing examinations held receajfy in guelph by the royal conservatory of music of toronto were norms cunningham honors in grade four peter wolfe honors in grade one and susan heard honors in grade one piano pupils of miss joan pickering were successful in the r recent examinations held by the royal conservatory of music of toronto in guelph elizabeth jany and joe jany were each awarded honors in grave five ella jany honors in grade four itier esa arbic first class honors in grade three and kathennc kirk ness first class honors in grade j one green light can be greatest traffic hazard highways department expert the feeling of safety which comfc es over a motorist when he sees a green light is the greatest of all traffic hazards according to the highways department chief sur veyor w h fulton an improperly placed traffic light can be the cause of traffic anoxia and enfcn fetal accidents the highways department keeps its hundreds of lights under con stant survey to ensure that they are doing the job they were intend ed to do in a special report to highways minister doucett recently mr ful ton outlined his findings on traf fie lights throughout the province people put too much trust in a green light he said green lights don t mean safety they rather warn us of danger a panacea for ills critics often lose sight of the fact that the real purpose of high ways is to move traffic the ui stallstion of a traffic light docs not always facilitate this move ment despite the fact that mom people seem to believe that a traf fic light is the panacea for all traffic lib especially at mtersec tions he said tostart with a fixectlime light with equal intervals each v ay puts the highway out of commission for six months of the year department experience has shown that only when certain traf fic conditions exist should a light be installed there are five war rants hch tc department checks before installation they vary ac cording to rural or urban areas density of traffic both automobile and accident hainrd rating safety alone seldom justifies an installation mr fulton said a signalized intersection is s idom a safer intersection and signal should onlv be installed after an adequate trial of less restrictive remedies world prayer day relcttnstrjbhnv the women s world day of prayer service was held friday af ternoon in st john s church with members of the three churches in town in attendance in the evening rev r e price condutced a brief lenlen service and showed a number of slides dealing with incidents in the life of chriit such as the temptation in the wilderness and the rich young ruler 70th anniversary the 70th annivwviry of ihe sal v it ion armv in guelph was ob sirved at the citadel with hrge numbers in attendance sundav the band of dovercourt citadel in toronto wis in attendance with some 30 members sunday after noon a brief service was held at st georges squire adjicrnt lo the roil bink and on the s u where the guelph c irps wa founded insolatlnx bee last wnk a bee was held at the presby ten tin church to insert in sulation material under the roof sunday morning a decided im provement was noticed in tht temper iture of the auditorium local happenings a large number of rockwood ypu member attended tin pns b u r ong fiesta held in elora united church sunda cvinuig then are a number of mild cas es of scarkt fever and alw mtasle tin iit some ijrnorr red lights quite often when o fatal ac ctdent happens at an intersection 4he coroner jurv recommends that a light be installed but a traffic light should not be installed be cause of a tectacular accident mr fulton said this maj be due to some flagrant violation of the traffic laws and the coroners jury and a great many layirteneem to be laboring under the naive be lief that if for instance the motor is has ignored a stop sign and plowed into another car he would have paid attention to a traffic light this argument is backed up b the sunc which should that a the oakmllr traffic 1 jrht on th queen elizabeth va m thu 500 000 northsouth drivers an dadd ha ld hi firm era m osi and r li nds ha r in auction sik ti tin nar future riconl and week end isit i mr and mrs rilph b r chirrt r mr and mrs rob rt bihnn vim land sta ion mr and mrs g g miller and ion jim kitrhtncr mr and mrs maurice hurd wisten as a result of freeze up after hijrh water last week some of th young folks in town are enjoying ska ing on the old bowling green and mrs hart bridgman w nd rr 2 and mr lock sim bnwkv lie attended the funeral of thi la e r chard forth mr bndgmans cldst bk nualb ignore the ivd hrht atot k trhi ing fumral h im her queen elizabeth intern cli ns w t rd w m m lrch t 3 non observance of rtd lights nre m bur daft hi rd wn ci m from 2 per cent lo 15 pi r unt rv mr aid mrs iionird niht n i ik sr hut purchistd tht rop rl of mr wm g edward on tht nglwi ind are enjagd in ex ciu ic improvements fr tnds f mrs huih grit im s ngrit he r illmv and hi pi f r im a sptd good attendance at prayer service the world da or pvaer wis observed in the hum f mrs hi rb gilbertson mr h tirol nwn of the un ted church and mrs w lowne of the prtsb er an chuch ere leader prers were riven by mrs fred gardener mrs w ilk wttson mrs oorwi mrs j d lone mrs jame g bertson and mrs john m lne a duet my mother s praver ws ung br mrs will mclean and mr robert wrigfet a good atendance report a profitable hour of priter and fellow ship mr and mrs frank lemmer and family of erin dale and mr and mrs sandr martin and tarn ly of baden och ere is tors n the heme o t p m- an mrs j d lowre mr harold jalws ird fr end of i hamilton were guets in the same home on sundat mr asd mrs s rason of ac- i ton vis ted on suidai ih mr i and mrs c seo 1 mr and mrs jack g bertsor of guelph msied m ihe home of the former parens mr nd ms herb guberton mrs john chamberlain and lit tie son have arrived home from the hospital mrs d macdougall has returned from visiting bis ester in michig an us a wedding bells are ringing in our f ght acton square dance club f al dance of nd sertes st albans parish hall 8 30 sharp fri march 19 please note change of dae plan to beautify improve ss no 9 seventeen persons attended a meeting in ss no 9 on saturday evening for the purpose of orgnnfi ing an association for beaut if ication and improvement of the local school mr sheldon lawr was nam ed chairman mr fred briggs vice chairman and mrs roughley as sec relary for the balance of the school year a parlj to raise funds for work has befn arranged for next week three flrea i wt regret lossts of homes by fires in our m ighborhood recently mr and mrs ted rogers were burned a week ago sunda the harold mickle s last thursday and the dodd s family three miles west of speyside at 2 a m last monday morning marathon euchre another in the marathon scries of t uchrt s sponsort d by the hall board was held on wednesday even ing firsts wen won by mrs clif ford stortv and gtorge burt ice onds by mrs a norton and gltn scott and loin hands by mrs storty md gkn scott congratulations lo mr nnd mrs fred coxe on the arrival of their sicond son at guelph central hos pitnl recently miss collinson visited at rock wood on sunday mrs paul spltzcr is nursing sprained ankle this week miss dons mitchell was home from toronto over sunday congratulations to mr and mrs clifford mcdonald married on feb ruary 27 coming events this office cannot be rtponstbl for conflicting dates of events engagements mr and mrs w j mcdonald rr 2 acton wish lo announct the engagement of their daughter evtljn margaret to edward earl son of mr and mrs c e storey rr 4 acton the marriage to takt place quietlj the latter part of march a remind r father and son banquet thursday april 23 in the y i a 36 i acton citizens band concert roxy theatre sunday march 2a 8 30 pro a bible society service and fire side sunday march 14 7 pm un ited church a high school part nts association regular meeting town hall thur sday march 18 8 pm a si patrick s dance saturday march 20 aclon legion hall its duby orchestra admission 50 each door prizes a 36 2 on tuesday march 30 at knox i church the quetnamen malt chorus from islington 830 pjii adults 50c children 20c a i remember the annual st pat ricks bingo at st josephs church hall tuesday march 16 8 30 i fifteen games specials and door priie procure tickets from parish loners admission 25c a 35 2 meelinu acton home and school association public school ludltor uim monda march 15 8 15 pm mr david gra of rockood w i present a film of the coronnti r and comment on his travel through england i a one act piny secret cues and other musical numbers will he presented by acton junior farm ers in ballinafad hall friday march 12 at 8 30 sponsored by ballinafad w i dance after pro gram admission 50c special bingo town hall ac ton march 24 8 30 pm auspices branch 197 liadies auxiliary to canadian legion btsl adn sion 25c for 15 games 2 special share theweallh proceeds lo help defray part cost of the recent don ntion of a television set to sunny brook hospital a 34 36 37 frosh take it from me 1 m bod s fool sph then maybe you could gel somebody to adopt y6u acton and brookviue junior farmers f l 1954 variety show acton public school auditorium tugs march 16 tme 8 15pm admission 50c our curtain rises every night on the grandest entertainment in the world i acton phone 110 frisat two big hitsi march 1213 twwtstwptmib kbihursen w dom duke race asm extra technicolor cartoon tom tom tom cat montues march 1516 extrai technicolor cartoon captains outrageous births marriages deaths etc webster bud and molly nee crcany ate happy to announce the birth of their ion suphm lcwls at the guclph oenernl hospital on friday march 31 h 1w4 all well thomsonmr and mri jiunes thomson nee jton wilds wish to announce the birth of their son james francn at milton private hospital sunday march 7 1054 a brotlur for judy robinson at milton on wed nesday march 3 1154 margaret rebecea pewtress wife of the late gtorge robinson and dear inutlur of gordon rr 4 milton stunky rr 2 rock wood and howard deeeamd rested at the mcfccr it and thau her funtrul homt milton un ul friday whtit funeril service was held ut 2 p in inurmenl hornby presbyterian cemetery rocher suddenly al her nvd ence bower ave acton on wednesday march 10 1054 av thna alvarez beloved wife of carlos rocher dear mothtr of charles john and aveiina in hir 63rd year resting at the victor rumlty and son funeral home acton until saturday morning then to st jo sephs church for requum mass at 1000 am interment dublin cemet ery card ofthank mr stanley robinson and fam ily would like to express thtli thanks to many friends and ntigh born for messages of sympathy and floral tributes following the death of mrs george robinson we would like to thank our neighbors friends and relatives and tht factories and stores who gavt donations during our tragedy thise kindnesses will be grtatlj tnpreciaud mr and mrs clarence dodds and fimily and mr gtorge davis we wish to extend our since it thanks md appreciation to our rel ilivci friends and m ilhbor- for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of a beloved brother james clarke we espec lally wish lo thank hi re v t a currey for his consoling weirds all the donors of the miny beauti ful flornl offerings the doctors and nurses of st josephh hospital guclph the pallbearers jnd vitl r rumlty nnd son fumril home for um i efficient mftnafjermmh the nome and clarke family we wish to express our htarl felt thanks and appreciation ti our many friends rthtives neigh bors and business t cules for their cards txprtfens of sym pa h for i weilih of fkirit tr bulti and manj olhir kindliest shown lo us it the tim of tin sudden pissing of our beloved hus band and father we iuld espec lallj like lo thank dr kenny rev arm rong for his con olinj words nnd v b rumlcy nnd son f r hi r k nd efficient minagement eif the services these acts will be jrate ful y ri membind mr normin mifichirn md fjm 1 in mfmoriam wantads latest time for insertion 4 p m wednesday rates no charge fur announcement of blrthi marriage deatha and engagement in memorlam 80c plua 10c per line for vcraei article for aal rent etc 2c a word minimum caih 35c box no to thla office 15t additional coming evmw loe per count line 60c minimum card of lhanki 50c billing charge of 15c uddtd to nil accounu if not paid until after iimprltun and addtd for each bill rendered for sale nfrw iow cost term payment direct billing automobile inauninci r f bean limited phone 5b5 a 35 t for saif lnrgi sofa bed light blue 72 long with large storage compartment under acot reasonable phone 608 o for sai e portable under wood typewriters easy terms con tart robinson business colli ri phone 510 milton b 40 1 for sai f 1 bid ciustirfiild practically new i doubli in d springs apply mrs m it faymon lit bower ave phone 217j a for sale late 1940 dodge ae dan radio healer direction slg nala rebuilt motor new battery shocks and carburttor good tires phone 169 a gibbons in i v ng mimorv of m d r hu band j r g b 1 who pisstd iv u mireh 1 hh9 alviavs romemberi d by h 1 vint wifi and family hoi iow ay in 1 v i mtmcr of fnnk i esht hollow iy who pissed aw nv on march 7 1947 til memorj fidt and i f diimts v u 1 v irvrimur heir alwns remembered by mother brother md s er gibbovs i in nc memory of mj dear n pt j hi gibbons wn w kill d in ae i scr re mirth b 194 hi d d h s best f r ih r he 1 ved and h s h il rmimlxr in nt n memb red b mom mjrgc nd wilr for sale 1951 ct cnn i ni m teor coich i9s0 ford coich 1w nustin sedan 1 m 1 it srtu i 1m- ausi n edin 191 mtrcurv ceiarh 1m7 h idson c mrh 194 m rflrri s dan 1146 hudsen sedan 1m8 f rd coich 1942 iljmolith coach wafch tor special on display at garaqe i ised trl ck8 and tractori- j 102 dodge 4 ton panel i 1910 ford 3 ton dump i94b ford one ton express i 1948 s udebaker 2 ton stake ued ford tractors from 1942 ibm for sale applei quantity of well sprayed spys greening de liclous onttirlos and jonathans brirtg your tjwn container james lnldlaw lot 9 5th tine west nor vnl a tf for saif- 1 kitchen tiblt n amp top 1 dlnmc reiom table electric stove high oven 1 mi stove 1 studio couch kitchm nh net 1 chesterfield 1 buffet mrs i ihn morton 3d ftedinck si ac ton t thompson c1iickk make sure of poultry profits foj 1914 by nrdinnit your chirks e irly rop sired white leghorn and camdinn approved red x wh t i thorn leghorn x r d w rw ek si tain rhode lshnd rid will bive vou the very lops in egg product ion md feed conversion popuhr hnivv breed hred f r both m and egrs light sussex red sussex sussex x himp hi hampshire x rid nnd rop ired barred rock and rop sired n w hampshire div olds md stirlcd chicks aviihble weekly wr te to dav thompsons poultry ft ind hilchery phone georelr tr 7 2121 b f notice to creditors in the filiate of albert norrle farmer deceased all persr ns havir ela ms nt i ml ih eslite f albert norns lite of the townliii of nis kiwiji fir mi r wh di i en r it nil th 10lh di of d eembr a d ifllt ire hereby not f ed t nd pirticnhr f ime t tt e in ri r gnrd n or hnfore thi 11th dn f ai ril a d 14 ifler t id lit th ti f w ii br di limited with r iird t the en m f wh eh th ur di rs pi ed hill hi i him n n iid th mder ihned will not he h t ir v i rot f wins rlum thiy sh ill not thtn hav r o ice ditid it ge re town tt is 1th da ej m rrh ad 1954 htii m nirrn md aidrew r irk ex cillers of the i st e if albert n irne b thi ir i ci or di nd bennitt ge rfidowi ont i 16 1 wanted 12 00 each for your dead or disabled cowa horaci 24 hour aervlcd george gibson call collect 23rll a f deadstock removed from your farm promptly for aanltarr disposal telephone collect georgetown 11 or guelph s334 gordon young looted if wanted to buy large house in aclon with at least four bedrooms or double hiuse will pay up lo 11 0 000 w f hunter 107 main st n brampton or dutch salesman mr jan meyer glin williams phone georgetown tr 7 3422 lost and found ixst jtt black labrador re iruvtr aboul a wtckago hume found1 ftmale beagle hound blntk and tan with brown and while ticking phone 290j3 a 34 3 miscellaneous automobile and commercial loans aranged phone 585 a 35 3 cress corn salve for aura relief your druggist sella crei wart remover leaves no scaia a 3 tf housfwives addn ss advert ising posl cards mast hjvt good hindwriting lindo 904 water t wn masa a 35 4 adfquatf fire in urance could in y ur hist invtstmint investig ite new lnw rales today phone 181 a 35 3 for sale one ftrguaon twenty 85 damonttrator with davl loader mounted and ready for uie new guarantee reduced to sell see t th s week at lome garner motors phone 452 acton kitchenfr upholstery have your chesterfield suite re up holstcrtd for as little as 99 r finishing md slip cover work for prompt and efficient service calt 103 acton one week a service tf commercial and domest ic upholstering add looks md comfort with skilled re styling your furniture can be handsome ai new again low cost call us one week sirvice phone 88 aclon a tf join us now and become a mtcfnl diakr large vinelv of c smitus housih ld necessities firm products lo sell with interest ing disciunt openings in your urroundmks familfx 1600 de lonm er dept 4 montreal a 1 ktn buys cosy farm collar i ro ms md 1 aunroom hydro turr r new cistern spring water nvi hble just the plict for some om w intmg pc ice ind quiel and a place for flowers nnd gardn tr ankle 7 3884 b jimmy brown custom television antennae service every installation guaranteed and insured 30- 30 40 brampton 1573w 50 00 60 00 70 00 stetson bob ridsdalfs you wllfnd a handsome selec o of stetson hats n the iest s ridt dress up for spr no w th one of these f ne fj fell hats now stetson selections b 95 other hats from 4 95 bob rtdsdales clothes for dad end the led everybody has heard the old saying some people eat to live while others live to eat n w ri ftardlt ss of wh rh cat- kn w that it r li a sm 11 for tun c t das if ar n in nt rested in driml r t n deiun i m f m pr ng th t and y 1v f i i r sj ni r tt titnc better consumer food plan r h marchington acton 77wi1 appotntmentt filled promptly

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