Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1954, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday aihii 11 im booster or buster i what do you any to a visitor about your town the answer to that question will give a clear pic ture on your position as a town booster h the conversation you start is led off with complaints about the taxes bad roads poor finan cial condition insufficient sidewalk and other notes of gloom you re far from being the desired town booster if you point to the better roads express con fidence in the work of elected officials and ex plein the promising notes of the future you would safhfectorily pi as a town booster it seems that some towns have more than their share of town boosters white others may be hin dered by the expressive operations of the town knockers one industrialist planning to expand hit operations visited the main street and chose the town with the best main street boosters feeling more secure in the future of that centre the activities of all the service clubs and cham bers of commerce in existence can be very readily undermined by a few town knockers with a few chosen words to a few special visitors what do you tell a visitor about your town delayed expenditure the legislation governing the operations of the local or municipal government continues to intrigue us the trust placed in the freely elected officials is continually waning for example tb build a new school the board is provided with a simpllfed list of no less then 1 7 steps before con struction can be commenced as tax rates climb and times are considered good it is an interesting comparison to note that the money raised is all being spent the natural question to follow from the burdened taxpayer is why shouldn t it but in other provincial and federal circles where the scale of dollars is higher available for public works in a time when the em ployment level is not as great sincesewers have been installed manyhave commented on how cheaply the work might have been done a few years ago when the relief rolls were bulging to overcome the repetition of this situation a change in municipal financing might be wise if the senior governments fail to hold any trust in the decisions of the local councils they might decide as they do in so many other things that a certain portion of a mill might be placed in a sinking fund for future works the time of ex penditures could be set by the municipal board as c is now but then probably we shouldn 1 advocate any more drain on the tax dollar than is already pro vided for no doubt taxpayers wouldn t ap preciate paying for a program of road building that might not be carried out for 10 years canadians too are always more anxious to serve dishes more popular with our southern neighbors rather than popularizing some native canadian duhes blueberry pie in the north coun try during season strawberries and cream straw berry shortcake asparagus on toast and many other morecanadian dishes would surely be wel corned by u s and other tourists no doubt a beneficial effect would be achiev ed if canadians developed a little more interest in their country and arrived at a happy medium in the quantity and type of advertising done bank loans on houses it will be welcome news for many who are planning construction of a home this spring that the banks are now in the mortgage business on house loans a recent announcement by the central mort gage and housing corporation pieces 10 of ii chartered banks in the field the one bank not in the business is the small dutch owned mercantile bank of canada under the act the down payment on a 10 000 house is reduced to 1 400 mortgages will run from 25 to 30 years at a maximum interest rate of 5 the general idea is that more money will be available for loans and it is hoped this may be the case although bankers disagree there is little indication that the procedure of obtaining one of these bans will be made any easier except that the bank is more easily accessible than the offices of insurance companies in district cities loans were formerly obtainable through the insurance companies if one could interest the company tn lending the money in the particular area concern ed since the loan necessitates visits from the in spectors to interest the banks in this business of resi dential loans it was necessary to introduce a type of insurance to guarantee the loans this measure iatsedthe miefet f f 5l4 t 5 while the red tape of securing a loan may not be lessened it is to tie hoped the procedure will be easier in contacting the loan source and make more houses available for families time due for relief on auto tax industry in 53 made 484406 units there art a 1 of tars em the main sired today pr ibnbly eniue few formers dreivi to luwii fm ur 1 1 rles or the r supplies n i doubt a good number of people left town today by car lo gel to their work in other centres thci a ll of irnfflc the strexw of this town today ihls k last k ami t i aiiki lo come this is all a rraull of tin tn creased standard of living pro duced by industrial and resources de ve lopme nl that hw brought in iar of today from the horse iris buggy era or 30 years ago rfo longer is the gaaollnr machine a luxury available lo the feu it ha become for many people in industry business and in rural ureas a necessity the automotive industr in canada in 1953 set an all tirm record by producing 12 per cent more vehicle than it did in 1932 that is a tolil of 44 406 cirs and trucks it ii just possible that our fed or 1 budge t thinking ha not kept the necessary iace with our ocial development in still con sidering the car f r lax purpose a luxury i have endeavored to point out the good old days may have seemed better i mid litoim a i re allinrt in la t i mm from en the a ahan ulnt pluii i he ib l r amount to iiimjiil 10 pi r cent cent excise 400 it is important that during this yiar when predictions on uii sale of automobiles indicate a tougher market that this industry should be encouraged with a reduction in tlii taxation on what is no longer a luxury item kr abbott will be bringing down hi federal budget nel week and no doubt he has given his matter consideration in the interests of encouraging the ef forte of the industrialists in this regard i hopt he has considered il wisely viewing both side of the situation automobiles that might be sold al least 200 cheaper would much improve the market and assist in retaining employment at a high level in 19m tn the major industry as well as in all the feeder tn dust lies a lol of can came to town today i hope they continue 8t on e ait wlt s outh xgp retain 8cat in feel the conservative party retained peel counly in the by election last week when its candidate john pal lett of dixie garnered some 4800 more votes than his liberal oppon ent a j omaira ccf candi date lloyd gain trailed far behind sanaa and grab theft a smashand grab thief made off with some 700 worth of watches early oni morning last week fn georgetown the thief grabbed 12 watches from a gift store window after mashing the window des pile thire being a witness to the crime and an intensive search by police no arreit was made following the incident review bronte plan in bronte the five man planning board is slated to start reviewing a zoning plan drawn up last year holding up the start on village plan ning however is the lack of one more member on the board surveys near barttngtan draft plans of six new surveys four of them in nelson township received approval in principle or the burlington and suburban planning board al its meeting last week a nth proposed development by four residents of the 1akeahorc highway district east of short acres rd was given favorable sludy and is to be pnsenled to nelson council canadians as advertisers canadians are continually admonishing them selves for not being better advertisers of their own country comparisons for the admonition are naturally based on our neighbor to the south be cause of the proximity of the two countries prob ably in comparison wish european countries canadians are not as bad advertisers of the coun try s value as may be supposed but one of e better features of advertising earned on in the un led states is the practice of marking h stor col sites numerous signs along the well bu it roads dentify the s te h stoncally with an event n the development of the country otjtar o has had an interesting h sto cal de velopment and yel few amer can tour ss are iware of t because the nformat on oba nable rnly from the text books hallo altholo t cne of the pov nee s smallest count es could prov de a aood qua it t of herest ng h stor cal s gns thai rr cjht surpr se ma i ot ti t ese i ei cients as we as e i ghe i v s to the du ictas r ahwa tl t soul e t as an earj ntte c y k the p ese t trafal gar v mage av f posv esndel dsi cemeter es k iow ty a few should al least be marked the tac a ere natives of the area nclud nq rt e far from well know iuga ind g results of the home educationalists will readily agree that most discipline problems are a result of the home life today as in years past older people are looking with alarm at the actions of the younger genera tion the maor change in the outlook appears to be that the blame for the activities of this group i being more reasonably placed on the parents and the home life we are a people who believe tn freedom but perhaps we ve been led too much to believe that freedom is the only virtue and that authority is an treasonable measure to inflict since it opposes our belief in freedom probably the thing we ve forgotten is that in oil things there must be a happy medium child ren must be encouraged to express themselves but when the expression reaches the point of rudeness or saucmess an authority must be re cognized it becomes difficult when in one avenue of activity a child is greeted by a passive expression of authority while from another quarter a more distinct authority is encountered the real danger is when the passive authority criticizes the distinct authority in an attempt to rat onalize actions then the ch id w ii naturally follow the easier path the economy and the greater earn ng power whch makes funds ava lable to ch idren more eas ly s a tendency tt al i ay make a d fficutt man i for teei agers when the supply s cut down or e m nated the needs based or exper ence re na and tie eas er method for sat sfy ng the j re wile followed thus we have petty t t eve wt c ea h tc grea er th ngs i i we fur pare h to cons de the o ie i te he i ave prc ded before cr c z ng tl e au or iy de are encou te ng out of the home other pbpers say naitc alta news the scare ty of teachers a top c of conversat o i over mos of the 3 he past i years but few have note ire v of m n sters until lately bmlth smith and smith george smith me i george smith then they both met george smith one dav list week jnngrorrctown hirdwni store the first two smiths nimed genrm live in georgetown and had occasion tt run across eaeh other in thi store while there they me t george smith h was t trivt 1 line salesman travelling through georgetown to decide who pay oikvilli auditor john rntwislh predicted happiness all round lust week after he informed thl public through a local paper that the pro h itslatiire s private bills committee was prepared lo decide this week uho should pay 467 606 17 for local improvements in oak ille meanwhile citizens of the ren affected passed the hat lo fin ance legal counsel at the hearing may build composite school ctk villi trafalgar area high school board may build a com pos te school on a 19 acre site re centu acquired by the board thi site is between the lakeshore high ua and the radial road east of the third line board officials had e idler intended to sell pari of thi property but have changed tbeir mind in view of circumstances which point to larger school popula tion and use of lamer playground back in 1904 from tbo issue of the fror press ml ttmnsiay marsh ii 1m4 the han i tin y inspector should in stria 1 hi turnip shippers to remove lurnlps that arr scatter d nl hie it it yard tn pavements ore now pretty k ni rally cleared of lie a few earehm e it liens should emulate their nciitibours example a her 19 weak of continuous nmahlnk the wheels are comlnu into servlci analn the new easter bemneu will be looked for sunday good friday service will be held in si albans church tomorrow miss laura grey has been ap pointed or fa nisi of knox churcti lo succeed mrs ii g hunter who very efficiently filled the duuis for several years miss grey is a must clan of ability and cultured attain the ladles or the women s instl tute will meet friday at the home of lira w lackey mrs lackey will give a demonstration of broil ing beef steak a kmeral ctmversa hon on housecleianlnk will fullow owing to the v ry had condition of tht reada rev mr drynduli was unable to get to churchill church on sunday so the pulpit was vacant a son of mr william hobble me t with what might havi been a fatal accident last friday night while driving a cow home at i j me house the animal got beytnd lis depth in the deep snow in front of mr wll dam newton a farm when he was trying to gel the cow out it fell on top of him pinning him down af ter being there in ihe rain for near ly an hour his cry for help brought assistance and men with shovels dug him out jerry from kirry will be given in ihe town hall on saturday even ing the company is well spoken of mr john clarrldge the new pro prletor of gordon hall farm is now rcttmg m ttled there he was fortunate in kilting his household goods farm implements etc moved before the roads broke up his ne ighbors assisted him and the mov ing was quite a contract since hi brought 32 loads of affects n t from a y milton is unable to collect taxes oni thi aria to be annexed until the final draft order of thi ontario municipal board is approved the secretary of the board warned council recently the warning ad ded that any deliy in this matter his not been caused by this board but due to the failure of yuur solici i us tn submit i draft order apply for certification the unild automobile worki m cio ipplied tuesday to the on lario labeiur relations board for certification as bargaining agmt for tht employees of the ontirio steil ioducts plant in milton the loc il organizer r vealid he ex plumed thnt we have a substinlial majority of th employees signed back in 1934 from the lame of tht fro rrooa of thoroaoy haroh 2 1m on tiiesdsy vmlng the mtdget hikky teams failed to live up t their names it was the annual baniiutl feir these boys and tnoir nppe tiles were far from midget ire enpaclty the event was held in the- legion club rexmi and each group of boys occupied a table there were the rescents the league winners in charge of ben bayllss ihe threer btars under the wing of g i king the red wings under the care erf e e barr and ihe majesties runners- up for league honors in charg of harry holmes while w d talbot took charge of the visitors at thefr table the band concert on sunday ev ening in the town hall by aeton cltlwns band was well attended a ceirnet solo by bandsman c w ijindsborenigh accompanied by mis ilulh gibson was much enjoyed the band was under the direction of bandmaste r c w mason the meirning papers the other day gave an account of the winning in new york of the hockey game be twee n the detroit white stars and the metropolitan all stars for the right to meet canada s allan cup- winners for the north american title in the line up of th wfshver is an acton boy laird mcdonald son of mr and mrs r m mcdem aid who learned his first hockey in aden mr and mrs frank day of rock wood celebrated the 25th annivers ary of their weddlng last saturday members of the family were all present for the occasion with friends lo ihe number of 9 mr george jlgglns aurora spent the week end at his home here the easter school holidays com mence tonight mr and mrs j f f terry and joan merlyn and donna elaine of branlford visited over the week end wtth mrs robert bennett and mlsn m 7 bennett mr earl cooper was home from tottenham for the week end mr and mrs gordon mac kay and mr and mrs gordon wansbrough spent the week end with their molhe r mm r h wansbrough professional directory and travellers guide real estate and insurance medical up f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontari i phone 95 or w g c kenney physician and hnrgeon office in symon block a mill st e acton office phone 71 residence iis church 81 e phone 1m w r bracken needs luck in gundale californ a lid entered john valentines book store and purchased two leather bound bible- one of them m explained is for myself the other la for the guy at ourhop that im trying to convert gambling is ram pant there and this fellow is tht ring leidcr as the clerk wrapped up ihe volumes she remarked i hope you sucwed in convert i ng him rephed trre purchaser i do too they ve bet me 5 to 3 i can l real estate phone 26 acton list your farms business or house i wfth us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for husky i vour property i r united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church re e a carrey ba bd minister pars njge 29 bocr avenue phone 60 miss o m lampard atom ore mist and ho r leader presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rfv robfrt ii armstrong ma b d minister phone miltoo i46r r r- 1 campbellville salesman r f bean limited complete insurance servtc 13 mill st acton phone 5s5 misccuanrou8 victor rumley son funeral home fuieraj homo heated ambalan phone 30 night or day serving the community for 4fi years dr d a garrett physician anet bargeon corner of willow and river sis entrance river street acton ontario phone us dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office- lelshman block mill st office hours 0 am to 8 p m x ray telephone 141 dr h leib dental bargeoa office corner mill and frederick street office hours 8 im lol pjn telephone 19 acton vetesunajkt ef i i r 1 2 19s4 r sorv c members nd i si d aphii lit slnday apr1i a r- ii 1 4s am th church sch x 1 1 1 00 i m thi- iord s s ippi 00 m een rg w rhp p- d r r membrar f n w v ami ras bee coury ed the si t glij artmt tw jjrpbb t p p fv w artm funded in ft and published every thurda at vi mill st e acton onl member of the audi bureau of circula lions the c vi a and the onlano quebec division of the vi a advertising rates on request subscriptions pav jt le in adv ance 2 so in canada so in the i nited states x mi nth si so singlp copies 6c authorized as second cass mail post office department ottawa g a duli editor and pumuher business and editorial office telephone 174 baptist church acton uv h cjlae jpas cr aer 115 bowev ave p- re 06 a ti v st albany church anglican fifth sltndat in lent passion sunday april 4th 1954 olive m lampard atcm rmt tencher of piano stodlo inlted church thursdays 1 4 park ave gueiph phone 296 lfgal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pbh office hours 10 00 1 00 salurrtai b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeon office broeikv ille ontario i hone- milton lbr21 g oakes b v sc veterinarian md residence 24 kn acton i hone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines offir 500 b appointment phone acton is 11 00 1100 church school a m beg nnen class a m ch ral comm rptratr commur n f lever hoskin chartered acconntants succrorm to jenkins and hardt 1305 metropoliun bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 4d13 srw i m fi 13 pm v westbound i 12 s2 m 2s7 pjb r pm 9 12 pjn 1 p a n sun lo kit except s inday and bolt- da sunday and bols- gerald a candler chartered aieoniitaot si mlas prii vfnday to fridi f sit lrday from 9 a n t k b vd alfred j bishop i ertified publk accountant t agl 3351 rr m ndav and fr day nadian nattonat railways standard tism daily ecrp sua dim 9u im 7 10 pm sundajr r i bib pm di excep- sun rlav f rrr at georgeton 0 os m dt tyer a george n 1011 pm westbound dai y 1 28 s m da ly except sun ds 8 48 am ss0 p m flagnop lie pm da y except saturday d ard sunday 6 10pm saturday on ly 136 pjn sunday only 9 49 ajn flagftop sunday only ttyw at guelph 7 09 pm

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