Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1954, p. 6

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday april 1st 14 farm news i from haltons farm lands municipal officers and finn lemkfn sjtad weed mamce why didn t 21 d kill wild car rot on our township roads in 1963 was the keynote of the special meeting sponsored by halton soil and crop improvement association on friday afternoon last in the court house milton the meeting wb3 opened by president fred nurse of the soil and crop im provement ass n that the members of halton s municipal councils as well os nano farm leaders provement ass n that the members was indicated by the presence of the following township and coum officials esquesing township recvt wil fred bird councillors geo currie and j s wilson and road super intendent wm townsend trafalgar township reevt e r ford deputy retve robl mai shall and councillor ernust hiri defwn nelson township ret brenholu and councillor iseontft coulson nassagawcya to nship reeve a r service county of hilton warden j j stewart and count engineer ro smith fouovuhh i i port from i reprt sentative of each municipality i panel chaired by agricultural re preservative j e whirelock and composed of prof c waywcll f the botapy department sonfano agricultural college a h martin director of tht crops seeds and weeds branch toronto wilfred nickels county wetd inspector for kent county kenneth mcnaught formerly district weed inspector for the ontario department of agriculture and now with green cros chemicin j as ncali of niagara brand spraj co took or the job of tryinj to find the answu to hilton s probkm while a fund of u it foi i presmtid b the pan 1 v e were nevertheless disappointed for thi if tlu afttrnoon n matton wi members somewhat greater part not getting a specific anwei to halton s failure to gel i kill u wild carrol however ns prom in ent farmers n thi audience begat to take part in the discussion and revealed they personally had had no troubh in killing wild carrot with 4d tin ih ir nt doing verj much about attempting nickels pointed out however that to control weeds on their own farms county weed inspector if a job is to be done on the farms the road authorities must set on example with this contention the majontj of those present were in agreement are we penny wise in halton those in attendance were sur prised to learn that in the count of kent the county weed inspecor has an eleven months job true mr nickels operates a soacrefarm but we gathered from him that normal he spends about twenty dajs a month on his job as county weed inspector doesnt walt for compuinu i know where the dirtj fields are and at this time of jear i get around lo see the operators and advise them to put in a crop hk corn whfidh lan be fprajed in fields which are verj dirt the en know when i come back ind field or fields arc dirt thai he cin look for trouble m fanners in kent are asking f r help and appreciate in gu danee i ean give them cone quentl we have little trouble in tnfnrc ng the weed control act township inspectors too kenl county has ten townships jnd with the exception of one township the other nine have anv where from one to three township i weed inspectors mr nickels as i ured us there was no overlap ping or duplication of effort the district weed inspector the count weed inspector and the township inspectors work as a leam thit kent ciunty is getting results s bornt out b the 1952 seed dull sure in that car of the 14 western ontario counties partici pating in the seed dr 11 surve kent stood it the top wth 62 n 1 sped ind us rejected samples in the am eii hiltons so d i hi vct thi drill surve seed and 25 incidenlnik ter showing 1mi revealed 54 no f rejected seed th i v considerabl b i foi hilton than i where the sprayed through thi r i fence onto the road allowance n httleitght after listening to the disciissi in we got the idea that in some cases at least sprayinc was not commenced earl enough the exports wtr agreed that to be efreetive 2 4d should be applied when tlu wild carrot is growing rapidl while growth conditions varj in differ ent years that w ould appear to indicate late ma or earl june the second possible solution may be that du to the hpi of no7 zli or pressure the spra w is broken down irto too fine a mist and in a aeason such as we had in june 1953 the green foliage did not ireceive sufficient material to do a killing job wild carrot nat a problem in kent count weed inspector wilfred nickels of kent revealed thit whiu wild carrot is prevalent in th it rotintj the do not experience an difficulty in killing the weed either with 2 4d or t mixtun of 24d and 24 5t mr nickels who has rtnii vears experience both i- custom weed sprayer as well as countv weed inspector reported t u that you must wet the plant i thi point where the spra solutnn i ibout rcad to run off in the r ixpirnnei t 100 gil tank will n rmilh cvr m side f tin r ud fr fn miles mr nicktls 1 f thi npiniin that soft wilit fr m i stream should be used w th ih 2 4d nthir than hard water rami weeds or roadsldt- nerd which ciinl fngineer ro smith wi nclined to qnestioi th wisdom if athmptmi lo contnl r nd idt wtnds whii just insidi li roid unct mint orator w r nm halton farmers breaking law as wc look oer the for sale ads in our counh weeklies ui note some of oui farm opent r adertlmnp st ed gr a s thout government grade and control certificate number -what- the j arc uffenng ma be excellent clean seed on the olhf i hand it ma b one of the reasor s ind f irm operators so doing are 1 ible for prosecution li i quite hkil that those guilt of this practice are not aware of the leffis lation in question hence the reason for this tip with all the good grain shown at i he 1954 seed fair at muton all backed b government grade there isn t much excuse for nol knowing whit ou are sowing this spring the margin between no i seed oats with bags and treated at 1 40 per bushel ag nnst unknown seed even at 1 00 per bus w ithout bags and not treated represents around 65 or 70 cents an acre that surel is a small investment when one con siders the cost of plowing tillage fertilizer harvesting and taxes it may well mean the difference betwten a good crop and a poor one and laslh hoa can w hope lo clean up our fields and firms if we sw wecd seeds halton farm organization are demanding a more rigid enforcement of on lino weed control acl thi memo rsofthe 1954 count comic 1 committee on agnculturi ire ou t see that a belir j b dont mmi r jr t watson reveals 20 ontario cow bred artificially tt i w icon i ivestock c mm s si nor fir ontario when speak i f mi tmsdn of last week a th annuil mttt ng of th maple cit ti brtrdtr avocation reeil i th ii 1913 the i gh 1 retw l ui t i onnno had bred 234 611 i baptist young peoples drama festival friday april 2nd 8 00 p m acton baptist church vs presented b acton cheltenham and h hsburg un c offering received e l buchner optometrist in acton every wednesday afternoon office at h mainprize barber shop hours 1 306 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 cows in addition non lie units and syndicates had another 60000 cows at least which means that just under 300 000 cows were bred artificial in ontario last eyar this stated mr watson represents slightly less than 20 of the total cow population mr watson further revealed thai this compares very favorably with any state in the union or any othr country in the world other than denmark where approximately 40 of their cow population i bred artificially at the annua meeting of the holstein friesiar association of canada secretary manager demons stated that close to 50 of the 1953 registrations in holstein breed come the hereford or arbflcial breeding tjoxt to the the holstein breed were the result from the standpoint of the number of cows bred to hereford bulls in third position is he shorthorn fol lowed by the jersey and ayrshire research programme with sires mr walson also dealt bnefh wfcth the research progrdmme under wa it the ontario agri cultural college here with the a d of international business machine the sires abtlit to transmit type and production is being revealed while the project has not ben under wa long enough ti enabk prof geo e raithby and dr clare rennie ho arc in charge of the iprogriimme to issue ver much conclusive data mr watson stated ufficient hod been done to prove that it isn t necessiril the mosl publicized herd sires which ar doinr the best job cattle marketing up to date stated mr watson ciltle marketings are up wi over the same period i year igo and w can expect higher marketings throughout 1954 in view of the rclationsh p between market callle and grade d nry cows we should not look or anticipate high r prices for daii callle in 1954 this year to date we are consuming and tonnj over 30 000 ottle per week in brief we are coi beef toda than at an time history crease in telephones here reflects verall progress of bell co in 1954 with more customers more shireholdt rs jnd more employee than ever befor in its histpry the beh telephone compan af canada enjoed a state of vigorous good health during 1953 iccording to the company s 74th innual rcpoil issued february 25 a total of 03 936 298 in wages and salaries was paid lo beh em ployees in ontario and quebec last year at the end of 1933 the company employed 31 502 people 19 917 women and 11585 men the number of shareholders in creased during 1953 to 115 769 a record for any canadian compan most shareholders 96 per cent reside in canada and 91 per cent live m ontario and quebec the majority of individual shareholders the construction of new tictlrt ies during the year was the most extensive in the company s history and a record of 151 333 telephones were added bringing the total number in service to 2127 456 more than half the orders for tel ephones w ere met promptly and those rema ning unfilled were further reduced to 52 862 from 58 354 commenting on this aspect o the report c s keith bell man ager for this region said 69 tele phones were added in acton during 1953 bringing the total to 1 020 and leiving no unfilled orders at the year end net income amounted to 2 65 a share compared with 2 47 a share in 1952 the usual 2 dividend was paid and an amount equivalent to 99 cents a share was added to sur plus the expenditure of 85 700000 for new construction necessitated b the continuing demand for ser vice was the highest amount for a single ear in the company s histor total taxes amounted to 29 889 000 government and business con tinued to turn to the company for services specially devised to meet their requirements the compan s microwave radio relay system between toronto ot taw a and montreal which also carries telephone conversations was used extensively by the can adian broadcasting corporation to transmit television programs be tween its station in these centres a bem and light attack warn ing network first of its kind in canada was installed in hamilton the companj assumed responsibil it for the widespread genera communications requirements of the hdro electric power com mssion of ontario announcinc the appointment of your cockshutt farm equipment dealer in this district sales and service new machines are on hand repair parts being stocked archie kerr phone 41w3 look around you on a busy street youll lee the kmd of people who borrow they represent afamt every jn l smm earf mmm wejnwt anyone who hot faced a fomfty or busmets emergency if yov were to have a sudden real need for money could you meet that need with savings and income if you couldnt you would have to find a dependable outside source household finance a leader in the consumer finance field provides us such a source we provide prompt coratruchve money help when it h needed for any worthwhile purpose read our free booklet money management your budget its available at your nearest branch office or by wntmg consumer education department 80 richmond street west toronto ontano i0useh01d finance caiums uicest most itcombehdeb corsumr flmahce cohfmt the beautiful 54 pontiam ar designed for people who like their proud poaiteffiions to be just a little more exdnahc they are more dinenminatiiig in their choice of sleek stvlea harmonlonn colors luxunoun appointments and fine ear features and p on liars nnsur- panned range of model p enable them to choose a car which exactly rrflects their tamrs and their personalities whether its used in the eountrt or nt for busmen nr pi r mire el for all this iontiar cnsl no more in own ponliac n priced with the lowest and it nerd little help from thi porkrlltonk to kccpgimng wonderful rnirr tradein offer- art high loo ifmi it lookine for a ear thai i- rxrlunnrlv our ndwiiirfamih b miliaria our pontiae li ah r todat k him about the great range of hi moovk and th rounlh frnturt th n take a demon st ration dmr in lh model w hich pleaen o mol for final proof thai ponliar is ihr rar for sou a oiniial motois valui uachalltnged for fine cor features th mrtw mi rwuct m t t nw w hw lwprtd ftou hot rimi fl tma ttwum hhrin chrtcmm wtmmh itmi m wtai mnd may mr nw imrri htwrn y 4 mni wttr unmatched for distinctive styling oi gtatn mui ym lml pmimw i rrhng 4km ii in ctni by ihttf ii i liiai to h in imwkw f ridt ih and in lh raibw array at nqwiitt cttlor hommlti y1 rnd i hmt w nochy itrh yw laim evan lb apfmlnf unexcelled for tro ablefree driving r hy mm tm f cmmhk vimm y pmmnjc mm car mh hw aw wtaatyhaawa raaalallaii tw aovin dpnilblwl it th pnnil facn in pnhk i unrivalled for economical operation only fantiac u balll i tach axact war- ratnht rmt unsurpassed for choice of models tmrtymt vriluanlly nw imdth in l onat ri ach dhnaly dlffrfl h alw yon a wwdw frjw re pldi andbt in lh breathtaking renttac hn tber t a car to dim th tnatl acfina drivtr and each modal carriei iha preitioa ut baimj mi vary batt l ih type anywhere anhoc nglaat ana la rt av rev haimae oawaya conaaikal crvidne tpaedi and af polling pd laving yw nieaay with every mil yew iravat unbeatable dollar for dollar value pentioc glva yaw lb greateil dollar rwrn fw yowr nw car invaitmvnt the inmal coil li wall dawn in lit lewantad rld and ih running catti or w end r wily lew than at 1radin urn yew ii ee e4aianrty iwrpriied at ih effen yow ii receive yewll find yaw v iravellvd in grearw cemlort the most troublefree car in the industry lorne garner motors limited main at bower acton phone 452

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