the acton free prcss acton ontario thui1sday alrii 8lh 1 iqcai news thta wek work started ti nooth out hint of tb carolt in humps at the cnr crossing on mill st former ac torn n douglas da vtdson will b one of the teachers on the a aon public achool staft next september examination art the order the day in both the public school and high school public school re port go out next week liking over as akela of the acton cub pack is murray scoyne who has come from sarnia to ac ton as a member of the free pres staff he has had considerable ex perience m sanua with a large pack there coming events this office cannot b raponttbl for conflictimc dates of events lakeside chapter iode ixgul ar meetmg tuesday april 13 815 pjn legkci hall a bazaar st josephs church hall friday evening ocober 1 upic i es catholic women s league a cknx ranch boy eden mill april 10 auspices eden mills w 1 dancing 10 to 1 admission si do a39 2 rummage sale and penm sale sl josephs church hall friday may 7 7 pm auspices catholic women s league a its tennis time again don miss the social evening at tht club house mond april 12 at 6 pjn refreshments a legion members dance at acton letfion hall saturdav april 17th les duby orchestra admisin 50c each door and spot prizes a 39 2 ladies aid of knox church are holding a parcel pas sale ale of baking and tea in the church school saturdav apr 1 10 2305 a churchill womens association will hold a baking sale and ba xaar on saturday april 10 in ac ton united church basemen a 39 2 dublin w i euchre and dance parish hall saturday april 10th euchre sj0 dancng 8 30 to 12 00 good prizes lunch provded ad mission 50c a general meet ng of all m t reted in plaving soccer monday april is 730 pm legion hall first league ga m dunda may 8 firt acton game ma 15 a the annual fw rg party ql jlz wc k urer mrhool will be htld on wedncsda april 14 at 3 pjn at the y all nurser chool ch idrcn and heir mo her- un ted the new cub leader akela mu ra scoyrte asks al former cub and bovs between he arf of s and 12 interested in cubbm o meet a the scou hi 1 at 7 pm thuroda april 15 a 39 2 mr s mpk n board nit houe a oneact comed presented und ihe auspice of l mehouc memor tal hall board n the hill satur da april 10 at 830 sharp adm uon 50c and 25c a 383 the rt gill r meiiifi of th c on junior frmr ind jim r in sti uie will be htld a the h im f ralph iangford on ttednctfav apn 14 i u the f rm firm uth of ihe dubl n s deroad ir h r cnt s de e enone wrlcom- a unfortunately in last week account of the queensmens concet in knox church the accompan si was reported as mrs milton dags rather than mr dags the heating system at the new high school in acton has been tested and put into operation and cement floors will be completed this week the interior partitions are now being erected and good progress made wild geese have passed over the district flying north likely the next sign or spring will be j phoue call or note that someone has mho first crocus of the season blooming in the garden not only did most actonians remember to boost the postage on their tetters this past week but the re foresighted too the posl office has een an unprecedented run on onecent ilamps with min bumn them to add to iheir em ergenc itock of four the ale of fne cent stamps k also urpris inglv high mire fucsnch blue with an attracts i picture or the queen hae been old in the pat week than f iir cor wtre n tht ame period of time letter to thf editor seeks reason for spelling change acton ont april 6 1154 to edm r i acton fret prtss dear sir i would likt to know if when and wh tin nami of lome school was changed to rad lorn recentl 1 havt noticed an news item in vour wideh read paper the last letter of the nam i his been clipped off which i am sure all old pupils who havt fond memories of their happy school das spent at lome resent for otr 60 ears the name has been lome in honor or lord lome not lorn something forsaken i hope whoetr writes these items will in future use the name that was ritti to the school thanking ou for space in jour aluabk papei sincerely n old lornc school pupil i ed tor note we spelled lon school wih us final e regular until we were nformed about jeor ago thlt ihe inscription a h school i elf read lorn notice re dogs at large your attention it drawn to paragraph 5 of ttw bylaw no 908 of rha town of acton providing that batwoan the 1st day of april and the 31st day of october in any year dogs within th muoiclpclity of acton will not bo potmittod to run at largo persons permitting dogs to run at large during the above period are liable to a fine of 10 00 j mcgeachie clork cordaros why you should buy easter eggs at cordaros 1 because they are light pure milk chocolate 2 because you buy at manufacturers prices and save 3 because only cordaros can give you that wide range of variety and new designs to delight the heart of your child buy the best we have it at 45 main st georgetown births marriages deaths etc mcnauu mr and mrs j mc- nabb are happy to announce ihi birth of twiin daughter on april e ikm wfcnslfy to mr and mrs a weraliy on friday march 26 iftm a daughter shelly ann a mister for jnckli and arlenc holmes allan and deity holm es wlsli lo announce the birth of a dnughur vicki lynn on march 19 at guelph general hos pital burns mr and mrs clan burn inte una lawson wish lo announcx the birth of thwr daughur patricia margaret the guelph general hospital monday april 5 ibm seurlock mr and mrs itobvrt h seurlock r k 2 alton wish to announii hi birlli uf umii son michael robert at the nur sing home ailon monday april 5 a brolhtr for dianni lynn mnthtr and bah doing fun vleetstha mr und mrs bieut vuilstrj k r j aclon jrv hap py to jnnoujico thi birlli of their duifchiir johanna okt at tin nursing homi acton tuimljy april b a birthday primnl for lit r brolhir john mollur bjb just fiix wantads latent time for in8krtion- fm wkdns8dat no charge for am in memo r in m vk- ph rent etc 2e a word 13c additional omlr carda of lhanki rates hi net menu of blrtha marriage death and engagcmcnta i 10c per line for veraea article for aala minimum caah 13c box no to this office fvnta 10c per count line me minimum billing charge of 15c added to all account if not paid until after inwrtion and added for each bill rendrad forsou bedford al the horn of lur daughter mrs norman rud london england an april 1st 19s4 mrs mary mollie bed ford diar mother of mrs nor mm rud london england and mrs pcrcj elliott brampton formirly of acton in memoriam douglas in loving memory of william douglas who passed way april 10 1953 sadly missed wifi douglas in loving memory of a dea father william douglas who passed away april 10 1953 nbertd by son criwford for sall 6 pien k titiu suili apply 1u mam bl s or phoiii 4tti a ror ballmoisbirg 11 nflt and mop in fcood conditioi ihoi t 572 acumi a for sale a fiw setd pias km ivtnss rr4 milton phot c milton 160rl3 b 4j 2 t or ball good runnini llurokt iltutif 288 bttvei b pm or b lo 10 p m for sale boys t avy blue ut si2l m imo swiaura izt 14 good condition 64m a ror sall 75 lb capacity it box abo formal drcis sizi la or 1 12 mill st east aclon a for sale kilchtn labli and 4 chairs also ueclnc washing ma chine apply 74 main st south a 39 2 a for sale powir spraytr f r orchard row crop weed control marly new wnli box 495 oac guilph a wanted for sale 19s3 che coach 105 ford custom fordor 192 dodei sedan 1951 ford sedan 1950 ford coach 195p ustin sedan 1940 austin sedan 1949 meteor coach 1947 t ord coach 1947 mercurv coach 1947 hudson coach 1h6 hudson sedan 1946 ford coach 19t9 ifcdci s din 1138 dihij coach you can deal with confidence at early motors niagara foli trip fouowi ceremony a quiet wedd nc ctr m v k place n tor 1 lo at s np enue im ted church n fr dt april when mar on alr kirik ehtnr daughter 0 i sdt sm th and the laic w m jim f rmerh of ac on and j mph a brocher ti n n 0 wen i red ti gethir in ihi holv knd 1 f matri mony tht r ti 1 dam xr h br d 1 ter mr- k h hi s 0 geoel wn ind hi t hi he i ml jam- tf t n r i r b d d t sed trlcks and tractors 19s0 t rd 3 i n dump 1m9 ford t n pick up i94h ford onu ton fxprcss hfi m rcur lon pick up uvd fird tractor from 1942 il wanted mcdougall roller pum phone 3 acton c wanted to rent 3 or roomed aputment or house write box 10 free ptk help wanted- for pan lime work apply h wilis 18 mill st or po box 617 arton a wanted 3 000 mortttag a 8 pir ini on incorm biarug prop irty ample seiunl phon 1ct 77j hthkumid a wanted torfnt w 100 ere fir posture muit hnvi k od u nee nd water donild i id phone rj t ui tr 7 2438 womfn wantfd ddr7w ind tnt i poink it h mi m ke 50 nk s nd si for- himruct ms j c i ire ta b x 105 n y 19 ny i wantrd s rvin itati m u tendant marred min nitwit n ige 20 40 honesty ind utixarjic eh till applv b i for sale 2 beds 1 dining room tabk 1 buffit 27 main phoni 301m ith springs wash stand acloi for sale 1940 dodge stdan radio hiattr dinction signals ri good tires and bod 16 wilbur st 1 12 fr deadstock removed from mr farm promptly for anitarv disposal telephone co llect georgitovii tr 7 r41 or guelph 3334 gordon young looted tf for rent for rent 3 room apartment elf contained- phone 365j acton b room and board for one n ifortablp private home jjentle n preftrrod phone 175w rock for rent 50 tcr mk 1 1 24 5lh imt phone 90j5 acton for rent lart healed furmstud nwm kitchtn pnvitegti u tible fir cmpl phone l5 rock wood a motors lmbuij l- milton ont look rhrd to caster with r fire special easter week for 1000 13 50 permanent 10 00 permanent shampoo for 850 f ngec wave i scalp treatments hair tinttg patrkia ann beauty phone 341 for appointment salon i j gregory pecksusan haywardava gardner huegmtdc 1ff t 1 vnimn mmm extra tkhnicolc cartoon news of the world wd monuwents markers cemetery lettering quotflt ons by appo ntment phon mihon 1str32 low run 9m f i pan 1 1 f d thompson motors frd mtnarrb ship couect to our rtitrd warhou no histon ovtauo lafiabtt 1 dirct a4tlvfnvh s 1 wrt mu obtain neks nd 1 n w ihi ut charfe from archi karr m me 2 acton c la rtk dnny acton r hi wrttlni direct to asad1an roorakattve wool gkowek8 ldotkd 117 bay street 1