Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1954, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday arjui 29th ibm it might be worse a income tax time has arrived perhaps we who live in ontario may have some bit of solace that our provincial government has not added on another load such as quebec business men are now experiencing an added tax levy is of course of some importance but added to money collected is the tax collecting clerical staff that must be maintained by individual firms and the confusion which invariably comes with any new legislation we call attention to this to alleviate our own and kindred feelings that come in the days just prior to april 30th governments are not particularly efficient in the handling of money and without a doubt the new levy in quebec will require the engagement of a new staff of clerical people and another group of inspectors much of the money collected will be required to make the collection and once on the payroll of any government the staff never decreases the sooner canadians gel wise to the facts that regulations of their income by governments is unsound the better the country as a whole wilt develop as long as we demand more services end security bonuses and subsidies from govern ments the more it becomes necessary to add tax levies governments have no money to dole out except the funds which are secured from the citi zens of the country compares well our interest in high school districts goes back to their beginnings reading some of the ex changes the past week we found new interest in the rates being paid in other municipalities walkerton district rate is 1 i 3 mills and hanover is 12 75 mills for the wingham district the rate is 5 mills and at chesley 8 6 mills is required there is apparently quite a variation and we pre nthc s o the-dtatitg-ond- the indebtedness on the buildings and equipment in north halton district the rate vanes in the five municipalities according to their a but we find that no municipality requires five mills to meet the levy for this year in acton the tax bills give the amount about 4 mills and in mil ton the same source gives the levy as under 3 mills we have not seen the tax levies of the other three municipalities but it would seem that 4 mills would be the average rate for the district when it is taken into consideration that three schools are maintained to serve north halton and that a building program in all of them calls for 350 000 expenditure it would seem that the high school costs are very favorable with other districts of course none of the schools in the north halton district are equipped with auditorium gymnasiums and lack many of the frills which most high schools have perhaps we can hope for such things at a time when costs of building and equipment are lower but in the meantime north halton has a rate in costs to the taxpayer that compares very favorably with other high school districts not the load it was the burden of the national debt that used to be a theme on which hundreds of canadian politicians were prepared to make a rip roaring speech at the drop of a hat but national debt isn t talked about so much now comments the financial post which gives some reasons why in the last nine years 2 billions has been whittled off our national debt today it amounts to about 11 billions that is 1 7 less than in 1946 which was the all time peak this substan tial reduction means a saving of 75 millions an nually in interest payments today interest payments on it amount to less than o of gross national production it used to be that a lot of it was held abroad by foreigners now it is held very largely by canadians themselves paying interest on it means collecting from canadians to pay to can adians whats in a name recently we heard an address which the speaker termed let us remember ho pointed cut that the thing a man or woman likes to hear best is his own name he went on and told ui how it was possible to remember the names of hundreds and thousands of people one may meet and gave a formula for remembering there isn t a doubt about it that this remembering names of folks is a great advantage we often wish we had cultivated the art of remembering people and names better it s not much solace to find that the vast maonty of people are in our class and only the few have mastered the task of remembering and association to be perfectly frank we cannot now remem ber the simple formula for association of names and people that was given us only a few weokt ago one would think that public relations de partments would be careful of names and keep mailing lists reasonably up to date for years we have been receiving material from one of cana das largest enterprises addressed to angus mc lean as editor we ve gone back to 1875 and cannot find that such a name was ever associated with the free press another big institution is still sending their material to william panton who hasnt been assoc iated with the champion for 30 years a paper mil sends letters to the action press mill street action street action ontario we never saw so much action on one envelope in all our life reminds us that one day we called on several weekly newspaper offices and in one where the editor was not home we got in conversation with the printer s devil and told him we were a printer and asked if he felt there was any chance for a job his comeback was you don t look like a printer we ve been wondering ever since what one has to do to look like a printer or how long one has to be in business before the outside world reading bmtwn trt utnt cycle change recalls days when acton served by municipal plant luinkfnit of electrle power in at tun from 21 to 00 cycles brings bin k tunny recoil it ions of the divdoptnenl of electric power in this community by those of us who cm recall- old oil lamps on tin truts the halls and hurchin nnd in th homes fifty vmrs niio it was the morning task in tviry hnmi to clean nnd fill the oil inmpn nnd trim the wicks th first ileclrlc lighting in ac ion whs n plant installed by the stony glove co on bowi r av i nut it provided light for thi ho mid offices and ut nikht n bik tlecttlt sikn on thi lop of the bufltlliik whs illuminated and pas hi nn rn on thi t v nlnfi trnuis wt re nurikttd by thi slun and thi n million ii tnnl on the waters of hindi rrioiiri pond i b in vi i hi firsl munielpnl llghtink pin nl wna built in acton alum i 10oq tht site now oc copied by bnxttr laboratoms mutter uf fiat thi but chimney on dtlta bollti ih for the it if thi krn ratlnit plant op rut co inly at night and sup plud now i r for ihchtlng in bus m u places a fi w home and slrett lighting power was turned on at dusk and off at midnight hydro iam to acton about 1h2 tht old lighting was steady and without fllckir on the tungsten and iiirbon lamps which wert in usi us m didnt hk the flicker when hydro wus tinned on but in 40 ytiuk w hnvi in conn turd to tht lighting this yur of 1934 will sc on othtr chnngt in i uilrli lighting in alton wi arc told thi hlckt r will go out in tht- new 80 cych powir in thus 40 years many hoiuuhold npplianris nnd muth factory equipmtnt has been added to thi power load koch change is blggtr than thi pn vious oni and bifon year end ll la predicted ihi latest conversion of owir in alton will be nnnpliud the good old days may have seemed better jab knows you are there it pays to remember the speaker told us and the right name and address on letters or material is likely to receive more action than the wrong name north e ast w-i44- 4- oppooe dump hit in burlington last wttk uffeeted resident of ntlstin township mdid with similurly affected urban r hi dents to oppose plant by burling ton council to locate ti town dump on low lying land near brant museum in black and white thi gazette testifies the delegation j leader pusentcd n petition vhieh was 100 per cent slgned new garage for frln mcsscra canity bros tin fcnn advocate advises have woi kmtn busy creeling a mw gciragt on the lot alongside tht ir pre mm garage thi new building will be about twice a- large as the present build inj jnd when completed will pr v id jmpli sp in for show i oom and offici u well as enlarge thi muli irnoil woik room new 1000000 factory long mnnuf during c 1 id f windsor tht record st n ninkurs t iiiliumntivt pi build an bo 000 squirt foe and office with a m mmu 1 ly on the 11 17 icrt r on oakvilie s north its a date it is not a changing of the times but rather a changing of oneself wherv the first of may does not bring the big urge to go fishin the prelim inary of digging in the garden which was so of len ust an excuse to get bait cannot be blamed en the backward spring but one cannot help get ting oy out of seeing the boys wading in the j spring waters and srtanng suckers it s not an uncommon thing to see boys on a bicycle and carrying a fishing pole and wearing a hopeful look and it brings back recollections in the days of isaak walton fishing was known as the contemplative man s recreation in the eng land of walton s time those who demanded the more heady thrills of the chase went in for fox hunting and other blood sports of an even gorier nature and the honest angler was probably re garded as the milquetoast of the sporting fratern ity the spring days have other thrills these times the young man s fancy so often turns to cars and speed but there is still the group that finds en loyment along the banks of big and small waters in ust fishing and taking time to contemplate when the fish aren t biting too well may 1st still has its thrills for a considerable group of the population and this year it comes on saturday other papers say bowmanville ont canadian statesman a oreater population for canada affords solution of sc many national problems that it astounds think ers on the subject that it is not more vigorously attacked and pursued by government on all levels barne oni 1 examiner reports speaker saving canadians enjoy the frtjirs of a high standard of living bui it is quite possible if we keep up de mandmg more thai we will be sitting on the pin nacle vihile the other countries around us w ii be aoing all the business told in vi slmi nl v ill hi thi neighborhood of 1000 000 accusations scotched the oakvilie tnf ilgir j uin reviuk recent iccusali ns cm in tiru from what he cilled an uni formed oiirci ttul 60000 w no acetimnd mr in trifili i ibm budget won scotched bv i sitant township ck rk john whi list week mr wh tt clar fied i budget breakdown for count il the reqiks of i councillor the old town truck sale of the old town truck fir 180 wjls preceded bj j brisk d bile it list week counc i meet ng i georgetown herald sajs re rdid otc asked u major arm rong cimed b a nirrow mar n when the mijor ind count i i si run supported the gri mcgilwrj motion to til the truck tht reeve ind dipiitv rorjlv ip p id sell nc the truck reeve al len claimed it follj to us h ttw 6 100 iruck for uch thinrs as hauling rubbish to the dump bronte local improvement he rttordslir eibervis brortt incil will con ider a bv a to net the v llagcs firs project be paid for under thi local improvement act lover w hich oak he tripped clerk r hunt sad a pen lor to have chisholm st eat extended ha now been idt quateh signed another milton industry milton s nruefl industrv he onh one of its kind in on ano bear production ipecition la t w i k canad ar fell n z nc ox d ltd formerlv callid th p cme t chejn c il co w ii poduc i nc oxide knowr i ft iro the pla- i schfdulid o tmnlov 12 t 15 met newe hcrvlc for bronta despite trafalgar council k mi lion last wiek that th sewage dii postal plant near coronation brk eould wrvu1 drunti re vc al frcd jenrnntfh slid lnt r lhi village father planned to auk the impart mont of huillh tor i report on ihe prohised plant iiti approve subdivision plan milton council at its regul u sission last weik ifavi ijprovol lo a pltti of subdivision with c main stijnrl ilions for i it in a in r ii st hetwetn robert and bart in sis the il in fnrmirlv rilled fw 40 back in 1934 taken from on tant t th frea pttm 0 tkurwdar april mut 1n4 on and aft r monday nrat the i ntire plants of beardmore lea lhi m in acton will operate on dnyltkhl siiviok iihiduli thin in net irdnm w lui the idoptlon or lhi inm llmi fi ininmto tin fn r pns mndi iiupiiiy from ith r maim fm lu r m at ihe np ut of niton nte d par hi w ilh tin f ill i uk rvsull the mnn knillirm w ml irt lhi ndvnni tiiiti monday but on n i m r dnl ill i ih defui hew pluit sho to had not rmehid a inion but disind lo kkulrit huiirj t inv any onfuaion n i mploycin homis aeton mne h co no denilon n u h d but u be kuided by tin whipping m diihi indmtiurtlble milk lnl will iiko be ifuidod liy ihnpi thi frci prew office will adpt dnyliifht savinb tlmi m lhi ih i factoriei ri fih a flu inioii mom w duvil nnd a iapil purr nl fijm mr geotrt nmfrvtltr ftvi- land on hi firm just il th instirly h modniy of at lo underrdood that m mim duvil and papillon will inet two houmfi on 1 h i s prom rly and alto modi rn and up lo ditt poultry houneji work on thi itmti ir v ill in rommmiid back in 1904 tmken tnm lb tmw of tha rtv ptmm f thuradby april mol lm coniili rnntlnn nnd sorrow might have toen rend in the fat pi of ihe conrrifatlnn nf the floptut ohiln ti mi sundny nflirnrn when riv mi mealpine the miihl vl miitor nnnoliiiied bin nignatlori from lhi piitornln if a t i nnd many milton r pip- wert- rliirlng t ioi ilia dry git i- ago laudrj unit th- h wl r hug i a oonktd fr diy ff tng fool i ippro which efusid lo o 50 foot round i of phnn a niimlur the pond al imi k now well v f they ring submitted rir itikh the dcpirimu ij and 1i vi lopmi nt new goir club open mimbcn of nxrth hilton coll nd country club are ilready in ewcluli gi orjjeli max mum or 22 pref 500 w ll provide mr lloyd mill of the acton brine h of lhi ilml of mont roil for ui pat two three yiars hai bun prmolid 1 the bnnch il wist tonnt h will be oiicofdid by mr r f bitt of iimblon mills principil herbert nut giou of sehnlirs fnim th high hou wen present to ibs rvo it th muting of iiineil moid i ys there s mmithing mv undir ihe mii a e mlnrnt crokinoli ind whl pirlj ii wi sponorcd by thi iakimdi i hipt 10 df md hi id it the hom i thi ririr i mis vidi rimshiw mo vtmvldl mi ii ti i t the maiiue linthin lln ok1xioh wan on j ilium i vi t f hi d dc m and tin hinpiil wlmh nuiiyi ariim pni i thin on onion n d itm tttlt- rhlrn i tf himlllur jrnvi n spnch it ihe tnik lloiino when in x reptionnlly floe lmiu wai hold mr n m hi ndirsor w m oc upiil th hnlr hr is stink li vitl ind ii ndi rion ing popular ong 1 tin idiflcation of tin com ikiny advirliummt ilnghten upf wliil r lini klm spring n with in aw ly with th mumulationa if lhi long dreary winter months ntid mik thi hum ilnerful and home like a jipie al wripper v iop we win fertunati i noiigh to eure 10 dozen print wrappers they in jum phin v rdi w ripper n but nd wrongly m ide flh ills in rr i like nil i t rg f- i tho who till niw mimrn- r v sm fir mm ou want ihe n ct high x butt n n w y rk v jou w v ii t s on i i w amerir r u t it h in 1 thy in khl r 11 sotf mill si art professional directory and travellers guide cnib canvass is started in halton volunteer tnvillir up rfow hilto- 3lp artnn srpr tynas the only fkper ever pttbllmhed in aetw founded in 1875 and published everv thursday at 50 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula uons tho c w n a and th onuno- division o the tkj advertising rates on request subscriptions pav able in advance 250 tn canada j350 in the united states sis months 1 50 single copies 6c authorized as second clasi mail post office department ottawa published by the dills printing and publishing c limited g a dills editor tn chief david r dili production manager james dill john black associate editors business and editorial office telephone 17a count collecting rifti to the 3 150000 building fund of the cif idian nt lonal irmiluli for the blind the canvass covers the count s of halton peel simcoo york ont ir o ind the district of muskokj and m tropohlan toron o thou andc of volunteers ire c nductmc the appeal which will culminate real estate and inhuranck f l wright 20 w ibur st acton ontario phone 95 appraimt real estate and introrance the ribhtu of for the on the ide rclei w 1 pro i f ac v t that ca of more than 2000 ho vc n the f ve change the ii blind cc r ns greater emplovmcnt opportun ip w ii be high on he list nf ad vantages h new cerlre w 11 c r motior l g wtl amsnn i bhrd person himself and cm8 d r cctor of emplovmcnt expla ntd not onlv how these improvement would benefit c unj dwellers wo move lo the 100 room reiderct but also how t w 11 provide a source of ncome fir the sihlest who remain m iheir own homej w r bracken real frtate insurance i phone 28 acton liil your farms business or house i with us we invite you to um our facilities in securing a purchase for jour property e h ashman phone m 1 on 146r r r 1 campbelmlle balestnan dr w g c kenney pbyilcln and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone ik residence 115 church bl e phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and snrgem corner of willow and river entrance rlvnr street acton ontario phone ui dental r f bean limited complete insurance service 83 mill st acton phone 585 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office icishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 p m tflephone 148 miscellaneous victor rumley son funeral home funeral home heated anbnlaa phone 30 night or day serving the community for 46 years ht at the olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher of piano stndlo united church thursdays lfoal baptist church acton lav h coleru pas 0 rage 115 bower xt phoi 206w sldai ww 2d 1954 10 00 ajri sundii school 11 00 a m morn ng worsh p com 00 pjn evering worsh p 8 15 pm bypu wedneadaj 8 pra- pravcr mee ing followed bv choir rehear il unith church of canada acton ontario a rftpfiriv rwtthrb rev e a correy 6va bj minister parsonage bower avenue phone 60 mloa o m lanpard a t cm organist and choir leader sudy may 2nd 1954 10 do am sundav school 11 00 am mot nc worship 7 00 p m even ng w o r presbyterian church in canada knox church acton sunday wa 2d 1944 0 45 a m chure school 1 1 00 a m mi ng wos p 2 15 pm chu-c- schoo ral v 00 pm ever g w or si- p st albany church ascuean v ralph e price ba b rector secontt slnoay i easter 1 mar 2nd 1954 10 15 am church scho l 00 a beg nrr class 11 00 ajn chora cotmii o 7 00 pm ev er r prav e- srmor to do gexxi ard c dst f rgel r t fo- w such i god peaked hebe k i v s ors w elcome c f leatherland barrister 4 solicitor notary pobtt office hours 1000 m 1200 ir 1 00 pm 500 p m saturdays bv appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin i chartered accountants successors to jenkins and bauxt gerald a candler chartered aceowmtaitt monday to tnttay 7r pm saturday from b ajn 27 ac or b vd phone 561 acton dr h leib i dental burgeon officecorner mill and frederick streets office hours b am to 6 p m telephone ib acton veterinary b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary sorgeon office brookville ontario phonemilton 165rtl f g oakes bv sc veterinarian offiti and rtfidince 21 knoi ave acton phone i30 1 travellers guide gray coach lines oa iifs i fave acton eaalbound fllflam fiytnm 1133 aja 208 pm ln pm 633 pm pm b958 pm westbound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pjn 527 pm 727 pm b 12 pjn us pm 112am sun to kit chener only j a daily except sunday and bou- b saturday sunday and bob- days canadian national railways standard tlaao da1 j 5 40 a r da id 00 im alfred j bishop certified pablle aoooomtaat a r s georgeown tr igle 1 3331 jfice oper mordav and fr day ever rgs daily except sun- 7 13 pjn sunday day flyer at georgetown 637 pm daly flyr at george- t r 1011 pm dail except sun snd mon 1228 am sat and sun only u5s pm da ly except sunday 148 s m 655 pm flagariopi 7 4s pjn i saturday only 127 pjn sunday only 9 03 jn flags top sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 pja daily except sat and sun flyer at guelph 601 pjn

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