Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1954, p. 2

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1hi acion f rl i irivi a kin ontario tlhmbtay may whh ism radlng bf wn trw umi acton voted in levy faces town from authority council opposes fiutt summer holiday the popular holiday which wemi to mark the opening of the summer season victoria day is next monday since the reign of queen victoria wes the longest in the british commonwealth the day has become so much a part of our lives that any effort to dislodge it from the list of holidays proves very unpopular added to this it the fact here in canada that the weather is usually so en ticlng that everyone seems to feel the need of an outing from now on its firm roots as a holiday will even be better established since it has been put in the list of canadian holidays which will occur on a monday the only other canadian holiday which fluctuates around and comes this year right almost in mid week is dominion day which is set for july 1st perhaps the time will come soon when this holiday will be accorded the same treat ment as victoria day end each year fall on a mon day t couw be popular move and assyre bet ter observance letting off fire in canada the day for firecrackers seems to have been established as victoria day in the united states the day for noise and trial by fire seems to be the fourth of july the chinese have another time for celebrating with noise and dis play by fireworks end we suppose that most every country has a special noise day two world wars of noise and discharge of ex plosives have failed to dim the desire of man kind for these displays every year at our can advert national exhibition and at numerous smal ler events through the countryside the displays of fireworks and the thundering noise accompanying them is one of the thrilling events we suppose that in this present day and generation the newest attempts of the pyrofech nicians will be to portray the atomic or hydrogen bombs as long as we have wars and rumors of wars the fields for those who make displays of fireworks will not lack innovation most folks hope they will only be a means of entertainment and not a source of destruction so we come to victoria day in canada and in spite of the fact that youngsters and old boys know that in many communities the sale and dis charge of fireworks is illegal well hear and see them throughout the cbuntryside keeping pace a rather small item in the newspapers the other day gave the information that canada s railways were making application to serve in toxicating beverages on the trains of course tt is only another trend showing that the brewers and distillers are gaming more outlets and aiming at higher profits the railway management may also be looking with envy at the many institutions which are making handsome profits out of selling liquor we recall a few years ago riding on a train in the united states there was a socalled dining car on the train and of course we anticipated it would be up to the same standard that we find on our canadian railways it was a typical barroom en wheels the menu was limited and badly prepared with the chief item wieners and canned beans we were theonly ones in the dining car being served food everyone else was drinking beer we wonder if the move in canada will have the same effect on our canadian dining car service which now enioys a reputation for excellence we wonder too if serving of liquor on can adian trains will make travelling on them any more pleasant for those who do not like rowdy tsm and lurching in the aisles of drunken men or women we wonder if women and children will find train travel more pleasant when drunkenness is encouraged on our railways and if the move will make train travel more accident free the brewers and d stillers are doing well n their spread of the sale of mtoxicatinq beveraqes mental institutions alcoholics tfhonymous and welfare organzatons are havnq a task to keep pace with the wrecks they leave behnd them growth trnd quite often the qtietlion li poind whlrh way will acton expand apparently when the town was planned ii was surmised that main strmt would he the main btmlnnsi street tut iomo thing changed that natural trend and we have mill street ai the hunintt teitlon juki at present housing development li inward the onal where building land is moil nultahle many of u ran recall when living east of ihe tracks was a seem ing long way from town development wosl of lown is going on in a iminr degree north and south of ac ion is not witnessing an much expansion but who can say thai such will continue to be the case somewhere between acton and millon the now through highway from windsor will intersect no 5 highway will it bring an industrial development south of acton in those days of rapid development it h difficult to predict future expansion one can be assured however that in this age which belongs to cana da every town village and hamlet will share in the growth atn tii illusions every weekend we enpy a perusal of many weekly newspapers and find out how towns in ontario such as ours are meeting their various problems since the first of the year tax rates have been set in towns and villages in ontario and the new assessments that are not so new in halton have been coming into effect in every case where the new assessment has come into effect the mill rate is down the news papers are giving this information and also point ing out that actually more taxes are being paid the new assessment has only had the effect of making the rate of the levy seem more palatable all forms of government have this illusion to perform all the time newspapers are doing a public service when they take the magic away fiom tax levies the more public service which we load onto governments the more taxes will be required there is no magic for supplying gov ernment funds but there is a lot of illusion in the way they are collated and it is being used with some effect in provincial and federal fields more adeptly than in the municipal field in tlir 4ntlll mivnllon aiiuhhuv llil riiindi if tin mlnla1ir r planning and 1rvhiiimpiil gives tha uncmhiy iipprpvnl ii took four meetings before the authority wm established and arlnn wu it 111 opposed to mm 1xrirhli in the group brxauie ii might mean alton imiimiyera rfill 1if rnittrlhullng inward the unl of dredging ann draining ihe rind in toronto nwnamp whets hiere l a riofxt condition port credit toronto lnwnilil and htrnnti vlll entered the petition lo form the authority the authority li formed f tnuulflpnlltlra in a particular wm temhed alton luttfk nrk i ihr rontr ihnllng w tier four i hot torn ihr town to tin a m m hei othtin in the area arc oam fraiut oral amaranth mom caledon kiln inwnmilp nud ki in village cmfigiinmiuiy n ing trafalgar toronto township orungrvlllt flmrgrlnwn acton nrampton strcuvlll and port credit one tin onrvalinn mithor ity hiin hi i ii muhllthd tli n i no 1 fulfil ion tri dlahrnd th org itnlzftlmn and the piwh or th krnup ns oulliiud in ihr an nn mthr broad thi act nullm the objct of in authority im1 tw to undcrtak and effct mirh whemr or nchimis in respect to th fi r1 i 1 f f a find atr f total tied to th ontario mun- ifljial hoard whine d hluhed an thoruy may datarmtn ac fm th aft when ui authority hi mined ihe proportion benefit afforded lo all pamirlpal in miinklpalltle which la af forded lo earn of them ii anal rauae a not ire containing nvnl of uch pporlloimrt t ha wot to council th apfkitllonmer 1 appeal ml dft final the carta of msinunane including ihe office expanses and salarlas may bo annually levied agalrmt uic participating munli r alltlea membert of th authority an be paid no salary of ax pen set without tha municipal hoard approval k all holit dowr to thl artn and other municipalities j in eluded in an authority they op potted council will be saddled with an anrual levy over which they have n control and which mn ft ik- puld acton must flrd n rcfir nirtitive to ka mf f r icnl 1 1 mi u eiudy the it tatior nrkl rufflcleit t me i altr d rmitiiiki urtd vllt poirta fr m onir ville 1- p rt credit wilt oul remuneration at let f r the pr wnt artr my be calud n mjnic deberturea tor ciptal the good old days may have seemed better back in 1904 tahatt frm uia 1mm f vkm rr trim f thmwky mar i lm at th rreetir k f if ml i lelded ltl a ft lh1 ax ard afaiulll tie ere id l r fcrh a a om f lrtn tli drill atied a reported v k a very delapluid rnrumxai n tt 1 rrtalrly tmurf ta atlartfr f i ir militia dcpartmatii the uiwn hall crfnmiuea of th i prert yr i flvlrf utu pfparty iitertion m drvea and rhuh piihllf u ii apprlal naw hlinda hv been put i th th u a linf paperrvl m1 rmr r pt back in 1934 tahan trmm um inm um kl fraaa f tkawaavir mar u h tlllm iw a jrwlructj from is bo inrtar li no v ay out e ast w s outh ht a healthy sign the action of the federal government in call ing two victory loan issues some years m ad vance of their due date would seem to indicate that canada s finances are in a very healthy condi i tion it is even more surprising when it is remem bered that these issues are at 3 a figure which could hardly be improved or duplicated m any current borrowing it is quite evident that canada does not intend to borrow more money at the present time one would surmise that if any large amounts are to be expended on public works the government has the funds in sight for such an undertaking such expenditures as over three million on the harbor facilities at port credit in dicate that canada is preparing for continued ex pansion and the development of such projects as the seaway and knows where the finances will come from it s a healthy sign for the future of canada mat our taxes are meeting obligations before they become due other papers say fredencton n 8 free press growing popu larity of urban i fe plus growing emphas s on home ownership makes it difficult to sign up men for work in remote areas even at premium wages in many cases they would rather be unemployed in the at e than employed n the bush only olution seems 10 i e n a large scale immigration of europeans who w ii do the obs thai nat ve born workers are unw ming to do one f fth of the n agara r t land has been lost to mdustr alization says the farmer s advo cate london th s problem s plagu ng many areas and communities too much good rop and is gomg out of production because of rapid e childrens safety in georgetown rathr than t stall stop ot blinker lights as wft guards for a school children ctoks ink council last week decided to have police make a regular high way patrol at crossings nwr school time the board will consider using a crossing guard for longer periods and possibly hirt a man for tht job embarrassing question in burlington mayor e w smilh replied to a query on progrtss f the towns annexation bid as th 94 question some 20 other apph cations hive been approved sinc burlington 5 bid it was noted aid it wu indicitcd that the hold up was becoming a little embarrassing no spikes for softball in erin it is reported thai through the combined efforts of people jround the area a softball league cp of five clubs has been formed ln tv ffifru j rr lie 1 t triit haj ard frtte onttrruld nlderirg it- r n- th adv ty f n utt r f in a rea e t leaal a fire ave aide o f ttie hall lle ktar idge ioor a f am i reh a lr r t xatkvn t ihe t r rai 11 rf r 1 r r r vr i i rf enr lmr1 tr t he a xui far wira in ifallsf riry i pti r mrphiu pu ta y i sro t iu ari yy ruitr i i 1 f v t 14 as olid cganln i n tj it th luk etri7 rt r 1 t b nm hrrie av tle f imr ral p- p1r drt1 if tk f uu rt t 4 a a v 1 m jk tra u b ire rtx f4r uf1 nwfli fwit aa 1 lmjr f i y oarty ai 1 tri a r u 1 f ii teuy ire 1m jf it rrifl is rr ai ir 4 nv4 n r t pv l m r tjrr r t1d m r f r r tn 1 rt e re r if ur th t na clmrcul dcctoun in milton no clear cut dec a emerged from the public school board last veek when it met to consider paring down th size of the proposed 120000 public schoil to meet council objections that it wis 7 000 too much grants on the school will only be made on a total of 113 000 no judicial inquiry in oakville there will be no judicial inquiry into the towns finances council decided recent only if the finger was pointid l one individual and specific charges am going to saj of dishoncst were made would lie ak for one the mayor xplaincd i question of sanitation in bronte owners of a property in the tnlhr and trafalmr street area hjvc been kn unlll may 22 to stop using a well as i 5pool sanitary inspectors maj i n- laet fnday evrrg wllf tr ff n vlt fr m iirtrrt maater t i fan- it- r ty if r trnrt iprniaud very rr 1 h tt e frsri- mate flrl v e tn yr fu m ard c trt i m ll the ff iri j r their work he exr recd j in 1 ul the mr fm prirhy a xsmlgi th hreurer it sn44 v curka hotel hre a creu ij pri pared banquet wa erved a has to the grand master a is ur cl drunk w lb grand eclit monn henry wallace iril charlie sm th f speydde hav good reason to boiat ot 1 h g day t ood cutt ng on the property f h p law win on monday 25 th april they cut ten cords of hard wood into inch wood in nlr and a half hourc they would like to know if this does not beat th record the pay of the private volunteer at the coming camp next month will be 70 cents a day instead of 50 centa as formerly the cow will soon tjnd kne deep in wn kissed pastures vj anxious the chairman s introduction wa such a eulogy that the speaker looked bewildered as ht stood up iadies ard gentlemen he began hjrdl wait thar whil i tart r h- ti j r tt- -te- ry xniifr r vtt ft m 1 tjer ej jl -hf- tj rlf if j r j re ortef ira rjt e rjfc j n agar iji rerjr ated pciir a cred t j tr rrr rip ffera t as n wrk aj r rji r ijr t rj- ira i rdwri r tr llazm the bij tlnhoc cam pary reporu the rrta latwn wf several phofa by the farmers some rf tr phrre were djcon tinued sjt a measure of economy dur ng the recert yn of de sion by lubocribers ho now feel mr j hunt of actor igam hd charge of the church ervlc at st daxid church campbellville idst sunday and del vered an elo quent address in the wctu competition for pubhc school children the lime hous gnjup took a prominent place takirg almost 16 pnoea from now until june i9th the politicians w 11 have the platform quebec has 359 primary textile mills making everything in the trade from carpels to mlk which will include as well as er n orton hilhburgh beech grow and inglewood one moe the ex iculiw made at its firt sitting w to abolish spikes in the league annexation prvjasrallons in oakville 11 was reveakd ihit the town and the township rf trafalgar will have four months to prepare their cae for and aganst b oakville of 5 946 iouthern trafalgar the area proposed to be annexed in cludis the ford oakville plant within tbe law in bronte where police ch ef irtd outr uggested that the bus b club wasnt quite with n the law in selling draw ticket m a fincracktr cake tht mfm bers- jll under 12 nevertheles enl ahead and raised k lppled ch ldren s fund fi7f artnn nt pnhh 1 take action iga nst the owner- professional directory and travellers guide of the premises which are ued ts a nack bir and multiple dwell ng unit 11 wi indicated police negotiate in oikville th s week represents lives of the police association mil with counc is police comm ttec l r one more attempl to reach n agreement on police demands r contract changes should this meet ing fa 1 to produce 1 satmictorv compromise thi matter w 11 go to arbitration i approval for subdlilon in mil on council gae its p proval to the kingsleigfc court sub dmsion presented bj j j th stir waite for the east ide of martin st sou h of th bac line change uggcled bj the plan presented were milar tho endormd b north trjralgar planning c nsdircd the s dr w g c kenney physician and snrgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone ib residence 115 churn bl b pfaai 15 the board jtct dr d a garrett physician and sargeon comer of willow and river entrance rivar street acton ontario phone us dental hp at the qmtrcmhs dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am loflpra x ray telephone 148 beal estate and insukancb f l wright 20 wilbur st aclon ontario phone 95 appraiser seal estate and insurance w r bracken real estate insurance phone 28 acton list your farm business or house with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for jour property pho e r ashman e m lton msr42 1 campbellville r f baptist church acton rat h coterus pastor pirsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w sttvday may 23rd 1954 10 00 am sunda school 11 00 a m morn ng worvh t 00pm eipriittorh wid e dd 8pm p- t rr united church of canada aeton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 miss o m lampard a t c m organist and choir leader dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours- 9am lot pm telephone 19 acton miscellaneous t da s prr 3 y pi sldat ma 23 d 194 10 x a m 1 bj rda scho- fj- r c li d ch ta k a 1 11 00 a m mc fi wo-s- i h i presbyterian church in canada knox cbraxch acton rev robert h armstrong ma bj mtnasler i surd 7 00 pm em- rg w k t i ma plea j h jfj tnooght for the week whai e ae a ad lo d befo t 0 45 the only paper ever published ha acton f minded in ib7s and published eer thursda at 56 mil si e acton ont member of the audu bureau of circula tuns tht cwn a and the ontarioquebec division of the c- n a rw on r subscttpttoks pav at le in adv anee s2 so in canada b so in tbe i mted states si months si so single copies 6c authorized as second class mail post otfice department ottawa published br the dills printing and publishing co liaaitrd g a dills editor in chief david r dills production managt r james dills john black associate editors churc d r scho g won upor be ore god as a mar heat so j ne aid vgt p come at st albany church angucaa v ralph e price ba bd rector business and editorial office telephone 174 f surdav a e eae st johns church regal or surdav anglican sunda ma 23d 1j54 rick wood oui 9 00- h v coirmu 0- c 5 a t c-a-c- sc 0 f sdav ahe- ea t 11 00 a t beg e cu rtga smear tt am m 4 prave- 5cvda1 mu 23d m sfr s- a r 2s0 prr -c- c sch ev ice 230 t e r g pju ad 00 p t e- pav sem sphc a r gjt t s cf at rogat ort d th dav b u p a tw he a l awe- te qu c- ad tv pm a cajv th 1- h p e j jei c- t brj 1 u hi- ru au ng upor k ed d t fa ciar v e sfasor that we mav a h rrerc f rriv 0 with gaefu hearts g ve thark fo abadalv 0 fe slfj t thee fc he same bc p p ml f ri a se we come ai ae wcoroe victor rumle a son funeral h6af funeral home heated ambalane- phone 30 n rht or day serving the community for olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher af piano stadia inited church thursdays legal c f leatherland barrister a baudsse notary mho office hours 10 00 am 1100 sn 1 00 p m 100 pju saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton bean limited complete lnsarane serrice 83 mill st acton phone 585 veterinary b d young bvsc c l young 0 v m etertnary sargeaaa office brookville ontario phone milton 165r2l lever hoskin charirrea ateasauali successors to f g oakes bv sc veterlnarun office and residence 24 knox ave aclon phone 130 travellers guide gray coach unes oac hes leave actoi eastbamnd fimam bmam 1133 am 208pm 5 08 pm 633 pm ijv p m mm pm westbound 10 r am 12 52 pm 2 57 pjn 527 pm 72 pm s12 pav 1132 pm 1 12 sm sun to kit chener only a daily except sunday and holi day b saturday sunday and hott- dayi canadian natronai btaarfaral ttaaa 1305 metropolitan bidg 44 victoria st toronto em 4 9131 gerald a candler chartered aecwantam mondav to fndar 79 pjn saturday from sam r aco- b td phc- 5i acton dally except sun and uml 12j8 atn- sal and sun only 11 j pm daily except sunday 4i a rr las pm flarup 7 49 pm sa urday only 1jt pjn sunday orly 103 asn tflatop sunday only flyer at goetpn t ob bjav dauy except sat and san rtyr at ouelpfa 101 pan

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