Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1954, p. 3

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thursday may 10th 1kh the acion free press acton ontario paqb thrxi seeking a home see this weeks special i vive rooms completely remodelled with bath kitchen cup boards rough co j i dwelling with three extra tots with good garden soil lots of room and sunshine for the children to run around on good county main road close to highway and near to school still in the low price class 6 000 00 for appointment to vie telephone 95 7cut rem estate and insurance 30 wiibur st acton barrs mck out sale yours to save now in full swing 10 off everything to go cuop cadi v ennre 9 grade 3nv grocsfy slock lo be sold shop often by ihe end of may no hold backs our loss your oain fresh fruits vegetables baking products k will arrive almott dally until we clot to at to enable you to purchase your weekly order or extra requirement ell at the same low price 10 off no limit first come first choice building for sale apply at store dp vow hues he rrptwt tent passing at the i arly in it rue lion period fnu nd soiru of thi cubs passing most of utelr tndur pndi testa these clasnrx will carry on at 0 30 cuch tliurmiay tvenlng it th st inil hall before the regular cull in ellng blni nt nwn in npin lut iiki meeting thi grand howl wu led by acllntf six i dnvld ptil six cnmptlltiona wtrt started tht rid six finishing mi top with h point tin mil r sixe- n i liwc i hind with tin whit tawny mid yellow finishing with 1j it and d point respective iy tht muting itiseei with cub gordon hufnnkil hading tin pack in i hi- grand howl companions will con i j mi to night points being awarded for uttt ndanif dun ii nd six particlnu hon inttructlnn will be given on hit first star kn u presentation of budges will also bt made again hi in wcik ii ni tin r park rul h outlined any cub who li vent horm from u puck meeting will lose his neckerchief mid will remain ul home for tht following meeting a phont or personal call to lh pun nit hy lb cubmastcr will follow murray scoyne a kola two missionaries topic for auxiliary the bulllnafad evening auxl uury hold their monthly met ting at tht home of the preaidmt mrs f j shortlll with the president in tht chair the meeting opened with u hymn the roll call how to improvt our auxiliary wmmtswtr id with some good idea mlnqli s of th last meeting was rend by the irtretury mn sinclair curds and visits were taken by the recording secretary mrs dick shortlll mr el wood snow read n poem on chrlfltlun citizenship mrs bater gave a reading on the different things alcohol is used for mrs mclaughlin took an ho to pic for the evening the story of two missionaries plan were com pleted for the bazaar which w held on suturday afternoon in krln united church basemen tvmts4 ing closed with a hymn and the benediction lunch wns served by the hostess and mrs josm afoencry acton native wed in kitchener friday st andrew preabytirlan church in klteh in i imi lit with candles and dtcorateel with multi colored gladioli for tin wedding of jian loulse dolmugt and jamea victor spiolvogel late friday afternoon muy m tht brldo u the daughttr of mr and mra charles rl dulmage of kitchener mi mr splelvogel the win of mr rudolph spillvogefof acton and tht uu mrs splelvogel it v r g stt wart officiated with mr edward johnston playing hit organ during tht itnmony tht brldt who was given in murrlugl by hti father chose u utrtnill uwn uf exquisit tmbrold tred swiss organza with the bouf funl nklrt worn over a erinollne tin lightly moulded bodlee with tu brltf cup sleeves ftuturcd an oviil neeklfnt edged wllh a giir land of florid petuls in organza thh tdglng wui reikuted on tht tufts of tht ilhow length mittens lit r tmbroidtred chapel veil was jttachtd to u sialloptd html tin ulur tap of cut work sheer organza she eurrlid a whlti bible wtlh iwi gurde n ins mid sttmhanolin attending mils dolmugc wan mlsiputrlclnmuddiik of kltchtmr who won a built rmu kngth gown of fronted wl lie organu ov t wll low green corded tuffttu a lurgi pliilid tiijm collur framed the dttnllerugi if hit basque bodice whlih wn clrclid ut tin waist with a i iimmcrbiiiid shhii of green uf ft in six wqre a butterfly wlngtd unlocked elm hi hat in green uifmii with matching frilltd mltli she curried pink swetthtart rose and white kwi tt pt an with grin htrtamt rs groomhinau wutt roy klrknmn of alton and ihe ushers william spiolvogi of at ton mid gerald dulmugi of kltcht in r following tht ia odd mg a rocop hon wai iud at tot huclt ndn in wu lor loo gut mn wtrt rtcclvld by mm do imago who wore u grey and white drnn with navy act on borlck and a coraago of pink curna tioiu she wua assisted hy mrs al lun klrkritan of acton who chow nuvy with wtiltt aceissoriti and pink lanvitlotui gmats wort prtut nt fromgt rgc town bmcobrldgo toronto mit chill wingham sea for ui cllolon and doop rlvur us wc ii as kllch unur and acton leaving on the weddlog trip lo buffalo and montreal the bride wore a blue linen drem suit with pink and navy ucccuorlcti and a conmgt of pink carnatu na on their return they will live in kltchentr look how weve broadened jburpoint of hew the ou stone school which today forms a part of arton s present publn school building was the town s third school building and is shown here m a free press reproduction from an old glass plate print owned by mr frank mcintosh this school was built in lflai over twenty year prior to that the first school wis built on the corner of river and main sreets where it strll stands occupied by hill lasby the second school a cottage roofed building was erected on the same site in 1848 and was moved twice first to agnes itreet then to queen street where it still stands and is occupied by matt tyler the stone school went up on the present puolic school site in 1861 and it was nol until 1892 that the front portion at right was torn down and a two storey brick structure erected which is the present front in 1913 at a cost of 6 500 a second storey of brick was added to the rear part at left no further changes were made to the public school until ihe new addition was opened two years ago in sop tember of this year the public school will take over the present high school building canadian in th uk grandeur of roman baths stands out in travellers sights of england by mae hprowl twenty six days without ruin in tht county of gloucestershire but rain finally cuiiu and kept up for flvt days almost steady rain the mrim rn wn bt ginning to worry in innijrt thi tlay land through out lh ttfiwold hills btgan to show small cracks and this is ser ioiih tht spi ing win nt wasn t growing thi ltuvts of ihe trees wi n only in bud form and the ground froilh tach evening wort holding tht grass buck but the rain cumt and ivtrybody was happy i rt turned from a five day trip down through tht counties of will shin somerset and dorset 1 had travelled 107 milis to tht farm of malcolm mcintosh at east chaldon 10 miles east of dorthisur dorset mr mcintosh a scotchman bom at invtrntsa scotland but who spent over 30 years of his life working for the cunard line in china is a ten ant farmer who has 1 100 acres of land that runs right to tht english channel he has over one mile of shoreline wllh chalk cliffs rang ing from 75 feel to 321 teet hi has on iy 600 acrts of land arable as the back part of his farm is rough it is herr vi twes and 103 lambs in also 100 hi ad of galloway cat an animal that risemblis the abi rdeen angus only more upsland ing with a vi ry rough coal the galloway bt ant certainly shows philnmsft throughout but docs well this poor hill v land n nr the si a unit inly his in sorni piste two o thru imhis of soil n vering ihr hulk mi mrlntoah kt eps 100 hi nd if erirsiam of which v an milk ows fivi it in an i mi loved the i ar r mind famous roman balhn i slay d tur f r tv d i y nd iliuinl l wstl wiltsmrt tn milis wtst i r wcstbuiy hire in tin ilty of linth an tin bisl pre mi i vi d and m ml imporlanl it lies in gn al britain f ht horn an ra tin roman balhn an situated und r imlldlngh v fill hi low tin html livl an six ftil dttp with water in tin in mi tin ud down into tin m ftom foui sidin mint ml npilngs ait iisefl holh for imlhing and dilnk ing and un b n filial in all cusm of ilnunirillmi and goul us will un nlrr ithyi whu h i lln una ndn conn lo soon 1 iiv for hit ounty of lo drink ihi htallng hamiinhln to nluy then m i mn vt ry then back o it ndon lo ambridg ilphiu uihli univt islly thin y tiny look un olhi r bull strong with whlli at w l lorti dulht houst u mansion built fin ih0oo most ol tht kings and qui inn d wn ttirmikh ihe ages huvi stayed ut this ixuutiful man sion 1 ul ho saw the oldinl saxon church al bradford on avon this church is htlitvid lo in thi oldtst saxon chun h in fnflland during ihi wtekend ihev took mi lo salisbury 26 milt n ial of west bury hin stnnds salisbury cuthidral nliirtid in 1220 and com pitted in 1w the spirt which at 401 feet is th tallest spin ii pig laid was not iddid until inter neolithic hlonm iti turning o wistbury wi punnid stonhtnge ihe world famnui clrtli of vast ntolithir klein h in thi crnlre of ihi sullnbury plains rack of wistbury in a rhlmllid whltt horsi cut about half a fc t down into hit chalk n thi sidi of the r untuin it can 1 hi m f r mvin nil nnd ir nboul mo fit ling thi u un ure in md w fiei 1 mg there arc two illlion on thi island three mil lion fuimers and farm workers will huvi lo fntm mon litleiisely if they hopi to in uir tills they feel they can av it has been done in denmark and i mid in ri m hin one can baldly iniagim how thlek the no pulnllon is in plans then ore 720 piopl to lln hiiai mile this u ipilti adlffir mi ttilwetn canada whin then on 18 i the square mll well difficulty in county noted the problem of the declining water labh in hutton county was i topic of discussion wh n members of the- ontario water welb al- am nil n met last week in oskvllle for their third ar nuul convention all kid there an about 600 i litensid well dnllers in ontario nd al least 00 per cert of them hi long in the association 200 were at the c invention wiltthir uhjll i lln f thi r i with relutiv u v m ml ti mi ii kumar tilths at bath 17 tim mill 4 i amllnjil f r nrv lln k r- 1 ihfmtliem rll hrijn inaptllln1 rrr ijj m iiuln it llir 1 r a mmii1ii i tin fnmt ami tl le lyv t opiirr lhwt blniil iihiip fuc lern taken out frjfr unuil lake e ul t lr nrvi tux k wu mm ullkll it l tlv ill ml cbm r ime it allo llltrrr n ittcm if lir lor- llut pii mnmn f i ii f millummmakilk itnhe hill a new kind uf iar luihnxinr f ll l 1 i k r i iii lll u k- k hhfllmi hi mum d tm ilhl hll frvn- 1 h ir w- n ln m- lhn n i ho ii d raw inuhere f muh morr than s ntn lxl to t r pg rrriliiei litis k- i hrrr i rjnl nr- p rr a lllr t h rr mlltnltir milboi dollar ndr nrv froi1 hi nrt fori rcnm mil liwi ol llrr ji jm-rirnt- u t kn r n tr u wn hr th- n it k- al ir llun k dralrr tr ihrr ii t llurfc patricia ann beauty salon har stylut all limes of beauty culture closed all day monday for appo ntment phone 341 object vi of he association is t rn ti th stun darns of the pro ft m ir i rod means of sc mi llsl g thi include holding c h vi ntl rn ire thi drillers je h wi 11 c latest much in try for rr ig vv r and welter holes li th i grou id r d glvi 1 cully 1 g 1 is n r ge ology wi t ix 1 ii dllinli g water t bit 1 i t lag nd rrmdents i 1 r 1 eel rid halton si 1 1 s i sir etsvlllee j i res d r t blame t a r r r 1 like a nd de f r a a t r i- r h t retained tin ac 1 f r l rtgitr ui since i t r a rt it and although l 1 i f t ti i huvc crack ar lakes 1 i j 4u ml iti r 1 si j i wl a t n 1 r ch f 1 r i i r 1 rtl rr ir n 1 i i i ili 4 mi wl population n ached r i to u l 000 lay travel treats for 1ib check ywh cad check accdents lome garner motors limited main at bower acton ontario phone 452 harold wiles agent hone m7

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