the acton free press acton ontario thursday mav nth in th old mill strum iqcainrvs the dtaplay of tulips at juxter thn laboratories plant ia altrnctiufi day afternoon many appreciative comments lican church the young people s groups of the churches are hoping to arrange a aeries of intcrfiroup baseball games the bulbs planted by public school children laat fall are now creating lovely sploshes of color around the school the possibility of a frort has delayed the planting of gardens to tome extent crop loss in the dis trict due to frost has been reported the decoration day committee has learned that the oakville leg ion pipe band will attend the parade hew on june 20 there will be three bands altogether mr and mrs jonas massey sr celebrated their 5sth wedding nn niverar on maj 21 friend and neighbor surprised them with social gathering on fridnj evening at their home our hnptismn snn- st albans ang jack greer has replaced gor don oder as finance chairman of the vmca board slnci mr oder has moved from acton an error wi unfortunatelv made in report ing urn last week j e- mcmullen suffered his first accidint in 20 years of con tracting work this week when he fell from thf roof of a building he is prevntly working on and fract ured an arm in three places his friends wish him a speedy recov robert rogers li me ho use was driver of a cur which was caused damage of about 50 laft frida when lie was forced off the road by the unknown driver of a car rtporud to be travelling on wrong sidt or the road rogers i driving about a mile east lunchouf w hen the accident curred hia car struck a hjdro graduates parents fir from winnipeg mrs g kovacs main st acton attended the commencement exer ctses at the university of toronto last tuisdus mn 25 when h r nieci ruth and rim graduated with honors in phjicnl and ot cuphttonnl theropj mr and mrs howard anderson of orktrm saskatchewan miss anderson parents flew from winnipeg whi n jier sister clnire won ttir gold me dal and the manitoba duutic as mociatlon nwnrci when sh gradunt ed with bachelor of science djr in home economic at the utmir its pf manittbi on mm 19 the andersons are visit nt points in ontario befor returning bv eir june 1 thc are stnv ing at thi home of the kovacs at acton cithtrme anderson their other bister graduated last m ir in bus iness administration from rs ersoi institute of technology toronto lived in district for most of life th communitj wiu- shock d n learn of the sudd n dttlh of mi- theresa iminnie gibhms i fr dav mo 21 n si jwphs u t id gulph m ss gihbm is born n ir ac ton and in id n thi ditr ct mo 1 of htr life sht i- thi d mu of thi latt w llum mil f 1 gibbons she lie a mi nrtu st j tph uih c i h cith w m i s 1 i i rv fah mrth tut i bt tht funt r i thi h mot d iv viv i u e mark- g b tot f m h godon l-iu- it i 1 wo su exhibit articles at crafts meeting on thursdnv mu 20 miss 1 treble silvtrcreek wis hostess 1 member of the geo rg town arts slid crifs mrs h newman pre idtnt wii in ih chair and wl corned mrs w carnt v s guest mrs vaughn the muting wis in ihr form of in open me ting with tht iiiiunl txhibili n and sal m tin full hit mini topic of d sruss at hi met ting in itlrirtivt bowl of inatinths piloted bv mrs h adims wis shown mrs w ctirnis d pln trd i hind win n hut mode of pn til clorid wool n a hi iiitiful dt ifn mrs c brint ford ixhibitid a lnrjc twotnt it ith r pursf ixper h made in nn intricate carved pattern all ex hih i w t rt great v idmind mrs newman read n pamphlt i conci rning ihe work civil dif din two films w 11 hi shown nt tht librarj in june it i hoped lint groups for the ground obstrv met orjvs will bt formed assistuik m ss f treblt wert c h is t ss s mr r w wright mr c bnntf cd mrs per smlh mr w cirm v mrs h adams m ss mnj n mtckt nzu pound hi and mr diws n thirk rf panthers defeat coming events tiger cats 1612 panther defeated the tiger cau 1613 in tuesdays softball game in the prk the fame which bafan at 6j0 was highlighted by exciting paty in all the frame runs hlfh- llghted the action eapecially in the fifth and sixth innings when the tiger cats scored four and the pant hen seven sts red out for the winners was fryer who crossed home plate four times to count uneupa tiger cats- a woods w marsh all w mason p mar lactate t mass lea d fleming r pasma o dodels d churchill u jonea panthers fryer ha 11 way daw- kins ruddick ramney price ot- terbeln churchill newton axnew tells rotary club of trip to ottawa mtai janice baker acton high school ktudent who returned last wotk md from a rotary sponsored trip to ottawa told th acton ftotuiy thib of her cxiwrn nt ci at ihur miipinr met ting tuesday stu d nls from all parts of canada gathered in the capital for specialty condut tid ttiuis and tvtnts td ltfliucn in introducing miss rakr t xplalned that she was an otilhuntting student of acton high who i she hud high siholasllc handing hud won aards m o tal mid inter school field meets and w is president it lh studtnts council she was thank d for in r turn marv of her trip hj frtd wright it w as decided to purchase new badges for the club amos mason was wilcomid back after wintirlni in fl trida and wt icome was also extended to miss mary ann max well who accompaniid miss bakt i as guest of the club the girl guides held their ng utor meeting on tuesday may 25 a discission was held concerning cooku day we plan to hold it on junt 19 thi guides will be out canvassing for orders befor that dat our court of honor was formed and salvia jones was nimod com pam u adt r tin me ting closed with taps sjlvia jom bible society fireside sunday may 30 830 pm bapllit church sound film refreshments a acton public school klnderfar ten class is now being enrolled for the september term see ad on page three the w a of acton united church will hold a baking sale and after noon tea in the ss room may 29 3 a pm quills for sale a the importance of religious emphasis in the education of young people topic of next y m c a discussion group friday may 28 8 pm in the y rev fr curry guist speaker a uranium prospects boom in athabaska sine thi day in 1952 when young albert zecmel made a record uran ium strik at lak athabaska in northern saskotch wan what had been a nure trickle of prospectors has swilled to an avalanche 7iimel was prospecting for gunnar gold minis ltd nw of hisslnki boost ed guunar slock from 40 tints to s12 a share and started a hi atllong rush for thi north to ktip tht si penplt alivi the saskatcht wan govuninml establish ed uranium c ily n raw dipb look ln pioneir sdllimmt that stands likt an ox n gash in tin hush th re is nn plumbing drinkim wnl r hauled up from thf lak miih at st n btiritl ih so ial and busintss ctnl r is tin towns on bit r par lor hire more loc il nyiulii ils and tompamis an loimtd moie halms tmiught and mid than on wall mi it t i fur unmiiim hunting all you med is a iso i count r a minus licenst costing sa and n map show lng iinrliimied ti rrllnry rut the only way to rtach tht unclalm d ana is to chart r a float plane though most of the prospectors ha vt found nothing and gon broke a fiw lucky ones havt made slrikis without t vi n a g lg r they simply tied on thtir claims alongside othnt that w n propirly prospect ed an airplam pilot and three brick layers made fortunes in tie mint employees make big pay 2 so an hour for laliorers si veral times that for skilled workers athabaska s prosperity stima as sured until 1963 for the us atomic en rgy commission has a contract with thi dominion government to piirchas nil the uranium oxide pro duced in anada until that date tht stindird tlm swtim inveit id in cinadian engineer sir sand ford fit mini wis idopted through out thi world in 1884 joe and al win ctlebraling night and the next day joe visit ed his buddy in the hospital al what happemd to me lasl nighi jot will we were having i good time and suddenly ou climb led out on uu window sill and snd you thought you d fly around for awhile al why didn t ou stop me 1 joe well to tell the iruth hist about thai time i thought you nally could fly births marriages deaths etc born elliott mr add mrs vic el liott of acton are happy to an nounce the birth of their aon kenneth carl on friday may 21 1wm at giielph general hasp it watkins ruth and bill wat kins inee ruth smith arc happy to unnouiiic ih bluh th daughter heath r rulh 2fi at st rat hi onto nlhtr rulh on ma uon i hospit il tor died gibbons suddenly at st jos ephs hospital gutlph on frl day may 21 lary tin rcsu imlniuel gibbons of church st acton sbtt r of mrs peter say ers and thomas gibbon of ac ton anmitson al si j mph s if pilnl 4 h ilham on monday ma 24 ittts georitt t audi rson of wallatebuig btlovtd husband of lnothy liniy and d ar father of n i in imitlkr of maymt i mrs shtrnngloni llamilluu ina imis malont i toronto hilh mis powtlh rnnniitoii s u of tin 11 jnus and miv an dei- n foriiu i ly of aelou 11 med al the douglas nud hay tok h in nil iioiiii wallitibuig win i run rul stvut was lit id lit 2 1 itk on widmsiliy int in r him v timiili i at ton in mimor1am 1 oway in loving m i dt ar husb mil iinei f jlh n arthur llolloway w li aw iy m iy 2d 1039 look him in ii ls inn ik aits hi iibird by his cards of t1iankh ftivs phcm plus pnonal srvk intti hi mn- ng m c b ht bviif tifn 1 1 i t s st m- p sav r poef s corner who nn hiv n- thts vtrs tso shor hm- miv poki n thai br ncs ih f ttint ot ttts ul us foi v is halton township subject for paper th i n t h v mt nt hirnvkburi wranint lrt in r w u h i t j i mt f 1 1 n v d t m f s v in ts i a is i c w i 1 1 i d i i j o t x aed t i t 1 k nr u t t r r i 1 e -n- d t i x r i l i v if pi f 0 bi t r i j m m m s 3 ip r fs fc dance stanley park ferent is that the m 1 tiers ra make the same nutajcr twice every friday evening modernaires band upwhud ivp drug stores 1 wt would like neighbor for the puaanl sot la 1 gatht ring n ihe onasitm of tht saih aiinivirsiry of our weildiiig mr iiid mrs j m isit y young st actoi wt wtmld like to i hank fnetidi and neighbors for iheir many kind ntssts at til urn of jatquelm s iteidtut ajid sunt rttuiiung noun this lhoughlfulin s v ii jl y hi r menitioied john uid linlh lii wi wish lo thank ill tht fm nila n ighbors vsp nally iv kmniy ind filhtr morgan for ill uu dttip soriow and hi fin nd of d ur nd mis pitt i siytis nd djughttr wouldmike to think friends ant ikmj rs almi dublin w i foi thi kind iikpjints iarels fliwt ind either glfls giv n me while il hospital and since r lurning horn tins ihotighuulmvs wis ind id ap jted md w 11 jiwjjs ox n mrs id i lit i t spactal valum and ramlndan for thursday riday and saturday specials for this weekend aromatic cascara pleasant tasting tonic laxative 23c 39c 3 and 6 02 sizes reg 30c and 50c seidutz powders i d a brand reg 29c 7 individually wrapped sets in a box favourites for baby specially priced baby ida cream siothes and smooths chafid r titma stin harmless u vouigts 1 an 5 3 02 n rea 50c 39c johnson s baby powder 33c 59c meads pablum 23c 43c nes biy ha treatment reg 1 50 for 1 00 z bt p ad- 3 59c hen bahy foods for 19c t 1 t ps 9c j9c 96c summer needs sun glasses filr thermos bottles s t eses r s cvd c9 bathing caps 69c 79c 98c coopers drug store e s coooer phm b wone7 acton notice to creditors and others ail crcdilors hiinr ilaim againsl thi estate of james nor man meeachetln lilt of ih town of arton in the county of halton garage proprutnr dieis ed who died on the ibi d i of march 19h are requested u wnr same to the undersjifnid solicitor for the administratrix 011 or before the 12lh day of june 1954 aflci which doe uie administrtrix ml ditlnbulc the aweui am nn tht par ties t milled and will not b liable for an cljims of h ch sht has not hid notice at time of dustnbut ion datfd at burlington this i7th di of miy 1m cteaver avd crawford 5 carc st e burlmrtf t ont sohc or fr the admmistn a4fl 3 for sale 112 f dt j i lj mi h r fordor 1 dtkic sidnn 1 litrf w1e stdan u ford coach 11j1 met r sdin hi mittt r c tjirl tor f id c ih you en deal with confident jt early motors ihed trt kl m1 tr4ctob wantads latkht time fok inbertion4 r m wbdnkbdat rate nt rlinrge for nnnouiiet menu of hlrthi morrlagii iealh and en ga u o men la in mtmoriam mk plua lk per line fur versea arllclt fur mile rent tti 2t u wind minimum caah 39c box no in dili office iv additional lomlnij 1 v ula 10c ptr muni lint hlc mlnfmum nrtls of ihnk vtc nilllnn tliarnr of iv udd d to all ccounu if mil paid until aft 1 innrlion and ntldeel for tuth bill rendered for sale polt sale treadle mwiii mu in in hall uible tnliit lamp phon 37ftw a foit saiji 37 htv 111 tl nutiii rdcr 70 or nrarisl ifftr phmi th 72110 11 roh saie quantity or rum minini apply thtmina llunili it it 1 atlon pliun u72 it rxh salib child a mum liidiii 1 steel onh eiiiiili ti is 1ii1 sun nuoi niultiiss pluiiu 5m a roh sai i- 4 loid k l ship st 1 hon pel ili 112 houn avt hi m 1 r 1 p m 1 rll sai n a pnmss pit rook il ve m v londilion w i ftruiuin kit i it kw 10i ik 1 90wl at ton a foit sai h whilt wetldiiik tltmn m ih mid v u hlf put mrs m dtvnts hit i at ton phot iv4 trm a vxw sai f iit btditimii suit 1 druwir ditsi with mil ror 2 pan limd drjpi s all kood phoi i2h acton for saje 1 ur trliin httive i 10 admirul tv hit v ill atrial 1 bed spring nd matins must ih sold by friday us oumr l moving apply 251 mjs hi hlvd htartfd fiiilkth piiiur jlrnds bold jt nil w havt u hood supiily of nly itirted pulleta from i 211 wnk pulltti r iised iinitt r modern e r ditioiis mid r 05inably pnred w lrs staritd pnlltth iir i i mira phone 2 225 a il i for sai f pullets fioni liyuik uj lo d iy old in m my popular breeds ind eros br t ds d iy id ion ixd lurks mill avildili tvnv wedntsday to jim 0 h ivy hr d non tx d m p hundnd pull ts ia p r hundnd htit bre d pullls s2ji pi r hundnd ca ndinn appr ved phe ird rs ids 1 nee thompsons p niltry f r md ii trhir it it 1 giorkitovti i i phoi th 7 2121 li 4i 1 riddall for ford kprrljj for friday and saturday rinnd new ml yi in used lim ford 4 door blue h nti r in 1 list na and 111 it rt 1 it r 1 dick riddall motors pimm th 7 2371 georjp towr b wanted wanted 2 ur 3 ro ed niuirl mint by june i or july 1 pliont- 08 tt helif wantedkull tinw sal esgirl for local clothing iltire ap plj box m aelon free irm b sa1ksijsijy wantld ex perlenced in work pari lime in attmi apply ii x aeton rn wantld 1 hood rioiid hand 1 mm raeeiuit call at wo 1ihlst ot phone hqv ufter 0 o clink hi iiuk m irimak iikathto k rt moved from your farm promptly for nanlury elu tel plume co i lei i hitiftlowii th 7 2741 or ctielpht 1134 gordon yoi1nc1 i imitrd w wan it d aiiplltal mis will b i uv i until junr 11 iu4 f it tin real estate for sale everton sevc n room stuoro housi at evirtm mllk niwlj dicor td hot and cold v itt r bath r m u h sehool bm jl door trtut pocd in village tjxes 3fl on kk1 rid fu iph b mil ar-t- n 7 mil s imm dut posses i r for qu ck alt s5 900 cill fr d hartyl le m ltoi 47 1 mi gordon stoutt ltd real estate brokers miscellaneous atton iuhlit lil oi i iiorhfh jr lb roi prompt mivlr phoix t title i lii mon nfli 01 llinnon ioui2 if wf ah1- loklng for flock owinr foi 19sa that ire inttnitid in iipplynim iu uu yar round vt ti hiuhliuj mvi yon tun inaki it liitfli n 2he 11 dotn premium- uv 1 miiktt prirt for your eggs wrll fo tiill dimalls immediateyy ali fir nnniidiitt delivery day old 1 link- and turkey poults twt ddlt chirk hnldierii s ltd fe rgus out a47 t itnufrh 1 iitit will ik nttivid by llit- eindi riifcm d to 5 pm junt 8th juh fi lb following 1 3 ton itwuuii iab and uxli kl tu 80 huvy nur ping tlrm b25 111 10 ply find line with siiov grip f 1 n ur w tu is mandird nxlt gis r ink uiiderstdt htiitir pi 1 st il d iiviry date gro wtight t4 5xi to 11 ofm his j medhir st tn 1 1 47 2 atton imjc tin oiptirut 11 of tlu town of acton tenders for sidewalks 7 nd rs a 11 li ret vtd by uu uitl rs gin d until 1 pin elftt monday ji1ni 7 19m f r th ronfruit 1 if iffhox m itilv 2111x1x4 link sidivhlk jnd i proxim itl mhxm etiibng- i 1 h s nth id f mill sir- t im ai r j in md rlglt strut- al 1 ij xiniit ly 112x4 x4 tl rk 1 i 1 i s d if j hn stret 1 11 m ii stn1 plat 1 specific it uu nd ff rrn of nil r miy be obuntd from iht- c r ir d j mtccli 1 an ci rk 1 ac 1 arton or t no t t p rati 11 of on town of acton tenders for sewers suld ndir- cliarly marked a t nrtnl will be rer ivrd by 1 i ur lehlt tojidri clerk ad 1 ortn nt m pm hjst j1 nf 7 i9m for lh upply nd cum ruction of appr xmilely 2500 1 n ft f 8 nd ml d am sisbi moliu e rs r n j i t thnnih ti 1 d imii n r 1 rlf 1 thr propetts i nr pans and spec fnt r m t wured it the f f h r 1 t c ft g t rn h f pom it f 1200 hrh am nt 11 i n d a y r ret im f th pi i tifrt or n t nd f nd r mr vt d f e i pmvting rd d t k r 1 rt ph iflllj it- tri lie- s p v 4 i r t rs rntln satvf for aurt e f urueg ts v i res hun sl r ovljth shoi mon strh ft h lfs kit hf r 11 hoi tr 1 th- oat t r j mrfii r v a d 1 f k fi f ce a 1 11 lost for rnt months or y f r nt h 1 1 f h i f t m rtk f t alfred j bishop certified public accountant ma slret g gi a- tr 7 3351 off cc hour monday o fidy boo am to 5 00 pm roil 1 jiamjm ihtomftrist si o souae guflpw complete eyesight service