Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1954, p. 4

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the actqn free press acton ontario thursday uay th 19m stiff photo president of haiton county womens institute for the past two years aars r l ellerby r r 4 acton is pictured above left as she receives t ewel for outstanding services aars max feather- stone rr 1 burlington who succeeds aars ellerby as president is seen making the presentation after six years as secretarytreasurer mrs chester service above right retired this year at the dls tnct annual meeting held may 21 in nassagaweya presbyterian church mrs milton brown is shown making the presentation of a gift to mrs service honor mrs ellerby 53rd wi annual continued from paac one mn r p hendrv gall brought greetings from the federated wo- mehs institutes of ontario 45 487 are members in ontario a 950 00 scholarship will be rlvtn to a jam aica girl passing oac exam ma uons this jear ah favored anottur presidmts conference nxt vtar shi suggtst ed each branch have a discussion on how do radio and tv programs affect famih life she ad lsed that branches should not u maga zines nor give names to salesmen civil difense should be supported rural peoplt should hiv e food centres supph ind tvilintmn posts rockwood in c mar a f w io tnt will b it th in u rnatmnal ploughing nntch at breslau in octi u r mrs milton rnwn k tht nomi mtin commilli t rt port and the itmilt f tlu illation offurs i new officer honorarv pnsjdmt mr- i i fl itrbv presid mr mix ftather stonv rr 1 burlington firt v id prtsidmt mrs g smurvilu rr 2 acton sec ndvict primduit mrs ilma vrris rr 2 milton cn tarv ufisurr mr j t elltrbv r r 4 acton fidtntd kirsntati mis j l elli rbv ilt mat mrs frank rhnhart rr 1 camplxlk u auditors mrs g chesttr r r i ivorval mrs t sinclair george town musical fistival director mrs clarence ford rr 4 milton fede ration of agriculture mrs wat kins rr 3 acton resolutions mrs d vaendover paurmo district delegate mrs may featherstone rjt 1 burlingtor alternate ms g stunerville rit 2 ac or j standing committees agriculture and canadian industrv mrs f an drson box s92 acton citizenship and education mrs chester service rr 3 milton honu fconomics and health mrs r davidson r r 2 ac ton commumtv activ uhs and pub ik riutions mrs frank chisholm hi rnbi hisuncal rvarch and curnnt fvnts mrs a j ruddill r r 2 georgetown bonntlfsl dinner tf r bust be s inst t hi nti nam od th crojp as th ir gin ts but thi ladn aid f nassajawi va pnbv tinii ihuich siived th b mif il concert highlights choir from guelph sundav evening a sacred eoncirl was held in the united church in which members of the united church prtsbjterian and st john thiirch took part showing a fine cimmumtv spirit throughout tht program a ftutur of the program wis th attmdinci of tht knox church gutlph junior choir undir the direction of mr martin baiui jr r john dill had chire of tin program and conducted a brief de votional i xercise thi opt nmfi hvmn was dav ls d mj in tht wtt with mkss miru land it thi i is ili foil wing win i tkuioii bv gutlph ch ir with martin bui r dincting diut b nul ind iimin iimbirl dm i bv mr thomas ru kt and mr howiri brict il i campbellviue millbv w th mr dav rmtrni at th pnno acrot i in hit w id m thir ind fi i r bv i roup f t v md s rls hvmu 1 ind of o i hi- h i loci i b knox thiuili ih fillnvd bv i orpin tlic n bv m am t dm i bv mill ba i sr ird ind god savi tiu qu m tht churn w i w 11 f 1 id f i thi occasion hog lion tide service li connection with crv it at st j hn s church sundaj nflirnoon r gationt de service wa observed sii ru r e pre officiated and john llod carr ed to the china 1 ltps a trav cont iinmf m and seed dialing with gods i cssirg bi ng akcd upon crops being own all things come from div ne providence for dailj bread and lift for which we owe our thank to god transferred mr leon avles of the rojal bank staff has been trinsferred to clinton hs manv friends wish h m succtss in his new appoint mint escapes injury sundav afternoon ai lesl t a t was motiring along main st adjac t rvtrsdi park he hid tit m for unt to comi in conlac i th irolhi vehicli w th the rt il flit h car vas badlv dimigid th fit hi trill bint ti nd d pi 1 d i mr e up ri ju v swamp milton 104 fireworks follow the gucldh juvenile jinrdbnll team won honors from the camp bellville juveniles on saturday ev ening the game wis followed by a unndiifii djspa of fin works and strcit danci a ood irowd ntu tided cimpbellv illi opened the 1954 hardball scuson n monday afli noon ma 24 b wh pping millm 10 4 althiugh the winners were u little hnkv difensixrh ihoy dis plavcd n lowuful offense and thev banged nut 1ft hils off dou- cltt ind guvii whkh were j tid fr n total if 26 bases pitch mg fir cnmpbelhllh hirry ham ilton put on a mistirful t irlv se 1 on dtspliv is h lit uk vetenn milton sqind down w ih two his i h wilted fu hit iw bitters ind struck out tight team bolts driver thrown breaks leg ait hit mi fm ry had n narrow escape hut saturday when the lonuuc of thi wotffin llinicd through the netkyoke rnuning the team ti iuii awuy hi wu thrown off bnuklng hin h u in two ploei and luy for an hour unit u linlf tit fore being found by lulghbor ho li in guelph general hoapllal friend hope he may have a woody recovery knjoy blm trip a builond of bulllnafid ludln from the w i and wa enjoytd o trip to nioguna and buffalo ulip ping at the botanical garden at humlllon to lnjoy the ibi autlful 1 1 licit which worn in full bloom along with other flowem mlulon circle meeu mlaslon circle met on sunday night ut th home of vera warn the president mary jinnlng pri sided joyce farmer had charge of the devotional dorothy warnc gave the tooli mr mcenery read a pleie n htewurdshlp the meeting cltm l writh a hymn und the iord pray er in unison a lovtly lunch w m nerved by the hoittew item of new plana were made lo hold u con kregallonal picnic it norvul m june mr and mi s russ ipenl tin wwkond at tha honw of ihelrson mr ind mrs nornum russ mr jim kirkwood left on tuts day for his- work on a mksion field ntar pttt rborough mi e mcentry of guelph spuit tin wet k end at tht hiwru of ik i son mr and mrs jess mc entry ind htr daughter mr iiu mrs norman sinclair coniiitulations to mr don wil lilts wh succtssfiilly passd nl ixims it thi v tirimry colli e il gutlph mid his gout t uxbrldgi to pr iitue is i jiailmi with dr campbellvlle m 1 opined tin i th thi pilchu ind h i hu ill n w i pre m i mr i i fu the aftt i ndi mu l mill lci md i rt rt un ti mtinj bv mrs 1 rawf ird mrs s r llt pr moufi tu i j vi i n faiihful s r r whicf is pinmd on mrs j l flltrbv bv mrs mjx jiath r time mr flltrby suiublv rtplied w uh thanks mrs milton brown pnm nted mrs c lit stir serviet with a cift for six years of hard work as secntar shi m plied with thanks th roll call was answered bv each branch naming th prtsidnt nd merttarv mrs w ball nun loculionist gave two numtxrs which wire ap prrciated b all the question box was npined and qinstions answer ed mrs f sanford 1 imehouse gave the music festival rtport mrs r i davidson acton gavt the fede ration of agncultun repurt ashgrov womini institute will be hosttse to the m vs district an nual the halton institute picnic will be held in julv in acton the committee in charge u the president and secrelarv from acton dublin and bannockburn branches t saftfvaw m4i it was decided to purchase steel boxes torw i records for sate keep ing a resolution was endorsed to have adult education class next winter in hal ton clothing will be lent to korea 10000 wm donated to the police asbociauon for trees for the halton manor d blstof7 ta prwes tor tveedsmuir history ttpiki ere awarded first to drum utn wl second to stlverwood wi third to dublin w i child s six tear old outfit w as w on by dublin w i latso salada te prtimi with the busy bees w 1 sec ond and palermo w 1 third for landscape oil paintings moun tain union w i came first dublin wj second and palermo w t third mimeographed reports were hand ed to each branch mrs ajex near was courtesy convener and reoietn bend everyone who helped to make this district annual huge success the meeting closed with the queen linn i m ird mrs fn i do i d f mi v him itt t m h v div torort m and mrs maur ci hurd witoi m ss m irv it d t nt m sa it i gird i i rwicri m s n n h vbin t it m- v 1 i imbirt int m s el iabcth miph dr i oi t vi i mr aid mrs r v i 1 ir dkt guelph mr ii d m s fli r i imlxrt ind daught r hum 1 t mr u d ms jick s mtisoi tal mr and mrs c g m it ai i n hi 1 d v v silo v hi t limbi rt tamil mr and mr hugh gr him s tlutlpr fr h week ird everton fir i irv int lo pick him ff ru k wilkid ind w lit n grenkt sitrfc d milaiisin lorfd from t ind as ikndtr n i si iw w th hus re ij to homi ind rusk went to th rd md scored ius fi grounded out to the shortstop ken moore opened campbell villi s half of tht fir i with a single went to second when bar low was hit b the pitchir but was out trying to score on early single to right barlow and early were then chased icross the pi me bv earl cairn s long tnpk o centre the latter scored when ru k erred on jack lakings srnach and lakmg scored ahead of successive singles by bill elliott and hirrj hirnilton cimpbellville 4 milton 2 milton tightonid the game up n tht third u melinson opined the inn ng b ge ting on a i rtult of bib barlow s- error hi stole slc oid ind th rd md stored when earl curns let greikes grounder go through hm cimpbt llv ik 4 m hon i in tht f flh tht inli rmi d n c i ompi i i in 1 up iiiin kn moore smfjtd md lib hirl w s ngud put ib mn i f r 1 ind sec no r ill jr u id d i rusk h n r lir d liar w il d w th mo ri j ij t hi ri ir t i i l thtr n fjtri i if i m n j d nd i i eirh t s i h i is i il ulil ii i m u lift f eld hi i g farlv n hindtrsin it th i k i m itor 1 ml ni b ih in 1 1 v several visitors holiday weekend sundw vis t rs with mr i d mr t d mccuuheon w re m i d mrs ted ireland peter- con rs ard mr and m edgar f u ill i weeknd vus 1 i w t i mr ai i mi i bar e founti ri were mr and mr james fmntain otta i i miss alice f untair aid mr b b wtmdhouse toront mr ted fountain guelph mr and mm r mxrt m y i eon and dianne kitchener were sundav vwt r with mr ind mrs harvev jejein and bobb m and mr duncn kingsbury ind cather ne and mr and mr will am e r bertson pent sutdn at thomburv w ith mr nd mr mac mcteod and famih miss dorothv weathert n te- onto spent th holidav ixoitnd at the home of her paents mr and mnt adam wcaterst in nan cv apd jack weekend visitor with mrs w lliam smith were mr perl m and ramilv sramptoo mrfs iteen parker gife ph spent the weekend at the trome of her sirert mx and mr omar par ker isordav vis tors w th mr and mr jhn alton and m s je nn c tovell were mr ard mrs bev hepburn and family milton mr and mr ribrt patten diane and kennv mr and mn jame mitb eson and familj guelph lulf f tl f flh t ti thi ii d t rid on bob bizl w s d iibli the home learn mide i m on sir h nderson s s vi nth inn n h tin rui milton scored tht ir f uitl run in the firm hilf if ih eighth a heipil walked ind c nd vhen viugh in clein ingu wv cinrt ti j tr pit when earlv m i hvd il cimpbt llv 11 eimpietid the scoring m iht li half of the t ghlh htr himu doubled and wi dr vm u bv ut proves long ground ru e d ut t ctnlre t e i vaughin w th i tr pi md sen fn with i unlc hid mltni i t i c imptx llv bobb ba hid l t i d ubli s and single stin hi id r i i h m run md a dmblc earl cnirns a triple and ingle allan wingr ve ind har rv ham it in two d lubls ken more lw ngle h le uoyd earb juk ijik k n d b 11 f lion hid single rusk committed m it i r emr wh le ear dr mi ti f r ampbitlv 11 ar i barl v jnd ham inn ne esch mrs van goozen hostess to wi pr dub i women inst tut mtm a he home if mrs van gooi en fr their mav meeting the meeting opened with the institute ode and repeat ng the mar stew t c lect the pre den mrs thimpson was in the chair for the meeting attended bv 27 member the rill call was answered with what t ten when unexpected cimpanv r ves j10 wa voled to the inatitut for the blind a bus t- p was planned mrs c mctyn conducted n contest and the meet ng c icd with the queen lunch wa erved bv the com rnitter mrs w mahon auxiliary hostess mis willi un mihon wis hostess ti tht bliii evening auxiliary on widiiiid ly evening of last wetk th vice president mrs andrew presided and opened tlit meeting with a picm and praytr mr aust n rend psalm 130 mrs hambly gavi tht secret irys report mrs d inglis the cheer mrs ev ans reported on the six print dress mide and sent to birtl indian school and also md i letter of ap prec ition from mrs shiw pres bytcnal supply secretary the members were reminded lo bring in aprons biby and child rtns things ind gifts for the fish pond to the next meeting for the bazaar mrs w ilium coulter jr hid chirge of the topic is it worthwhile mrs s cramp and mrs h ramshaw assisted there wis a very interesting dis cussion on the work of the indian residential school at birtle judg mg from the discussion and the in formation given in the study book it is very worthwhile the word used in the roll cill was service mrs kohzi v closed the meeting with prajcr a socnl period followed when ill enjoved i hippv hilf hour silver wood little donna corrman a little orphan wmf who hrinrji n heart full of emotion lo the vreon as she senhi up a child s prayer for toleranro and lovt in a tender tear tugging itene from heart of my heart a great terhrucolor drama starring greer garjon and waller pidcjeon to bo ietixal ihe roxy theatre acton itnrting monday limehouse freei free here it is the news that you have waited for sanex mothproofing at no extra cost to you 1 tni m ii trr rjarn tt tl at iy r u r cleaning drumi ltnrlirifj tl i wnoli ard it t1 f jrtt ft fur v ii xj 100 mothproof ard tuaroriijol for tr f wdvi of tre net dry tloarnry whir b tjvnr rrrtti firt iliii ne rlmmifal divonr tr i- rrj addd to our dry clnanirifj f i d want of t rjrr frrmirj anl to giv yo the f1 rnott tttftfiirf rv e master cleaners cflprowinterj onl in tr it dittr t i roys 128 delivery ch n carry t our nw locfiot office and residence at 5 mill st w phone 128 acton book of history wins second prize two families move from neighborhood wi shull miss the james kirk pat ricks and the km hwu in our 1 1 inhborlux 1 as both families movid to tht ir jwrlly finuhcd ni a h mii nnr s ivircreik j m sdams j nobu s kirkpjt rick i ilrown rlkrbj indsanfurl jttliidid iht wl di tret annual ut n issn uyi oi tr du thi kirns vlmtid i 1 ndon or i sundiy w w iciimi mi and mr b u r kir t i nn i ii e ti v no own tht f rmir g ibj cottage visitors sir join hutchon f rmerh churjt d iffuris it pekn t chin i d uidj hut h s i ro v f hvtht sussex england w th cous ns lt col ind mr bnirr i mrs henry ri amsbottom o maikd 1c w th thi c a ftir ind miss rcamsbottom mr and mrs ted m rrow a d flame f toroito w th mrs r lane mr john wood of tor into wi h the barl scott s ki th mi dot id of guelph with the gisbj s mr md mr find av sr if t i ronio with the e fudlav mists helen mills ard be tv yikt of toronto with mr md mr mill mus mirgaret j bv of wist h with the clifford mcdonilo canadas finest 30inch range snrbun strain or 1 milton j monuments j markers cemetery lettering i quotations by appointment phone milton 158r32 fri6idmrelhri1y3ir electric range mg rang prfrmak lifetime poralain hw in himn ipaca intid and 0t appliance owhw y med itjoc s5t 26995 top i lif built and backed by general motor manning electric 1 chunh on mu i wh li hi v ubmiltr 1 t rv i vmi l ti n f r hilt t in ond prize i w 11 i jja up f r judg tir it nst it c uritv w n iur it th pr v i ir i cot vinlim the c m i j r thi hutonnl data of th mi 1 district culled s ivorwood hn n r t d manv people nnd ipprn itivi thinks wa extended li nil th ho hive helped with th c ii rt n of information odd job service lawns mowed cellar cleaned walls ceilings floors washed whiu washed windows washed waxid polhhed repairs done furmcc oil burners clianed anvthing hnvwhere an time prompt service prices right w s coleman and son 35 main st north acton ont jlnlprinr brrnratttui for export color achotno tugpothn suporfor wordmanship and tho latt sunwortrvy watorfatt wallpapaw call bgrtl e olitt decorator the oakvilletrafalgar junior chamber of commerce presents the 1954 home industry show at oakvilletrafalgar memorial arena may 27th evening may 28th evening may 29th afternoon and evening

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