Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1954, p. 1

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dht jutxri sttt ft seventy ninth year no 48 acton ontario thursday june 3rd 1954 eight home print pogessix cents escapee captured in rockwbod area more than 30 guards from the ontario reformatory guelph starched the eden m illsroc kwood area thi week for an escaped in mate ross danuk 23 toronto who broke from the roformator tues day afternoon he wns spotted on no 7 high way outside rock wood wednesday morning and picked up by reform atory officials severni residents from the eden mills area aided in the search which was carried on through the night in the swamp area there after a man acting suspiciously was reported to police danuk would novo been released august 13 girls auxiliary st albans plan an organization meeting to m n branch of th girls auxiliary al st albans church was hi lei on mondnv evening in tin pin li hall miss virginia craeknill diocesan girls worker ratrn from ham it n for tht occasion shi nut with mrs j h prui who is to be thi under of t auxiharv and mrs t june hi prtmdtnt f tu women u i airy to discuss plan- and offtr ut guittoii in the evening shi poki u tin fcirls outlining thi place of g in the lift and work of thi church it is hoped that in septtmber the auxiliary w ill bt finall organiz ed in tn meantime an outing has been planned for all girls inter esled in joining the g a for july to the old mill in guelph rough play mars game as sette bello doused by acton soccer team 5 to 1 acton regained lost honor saturday when the soccer team met sittt bello from guelph in acton park and beat the visitors by five goals to one there was a brisk breeze blowing across the park which proved to be a hind ranee to both teams as it made the ball very hard to handk howev or about half way through the first half acton seemed to get us ed to its tricks and settled down to play good football bottomlev opened the scoring for acton and after that guelph s goal ii nevir got a rest larry nolan hit the posts twice tn five minutes und then succeeded in netting h a third attempt it was allen s turn next with a shot which gave zito no chance at all pozzobon scored til visitors onlj fcoal just btfiie half tim after qu te a scramble in fruit of the goal peaceful around goal after tht change v or cl n procttded n run rings round tin r jjiontnts the forward kept p tsmon of th ball so will uiil jock cnldir is auk t it in an n t tht pjlst duiinj most of thi plav on moving fir thi iica n 1 brtuk nwav in spite of ttu tin tcosiu barrau on joal inn was ik mir sc ring until ftnlv late in garni when sutton mrs w ballentine hostess to wa the woman s association of the united church met at the home of mrs william ballentine on tues day with ihc president mrs h burns presiding after devotional period roll call was answind with the word father a report was given of the bak ing sale on snlurdaj the group expressed ngret to hear of the ill ness of mrs c poole and hope to have hir with them again in the vr near fulurt knivtiition to a picnic it the ce darvale g rh school in george town lair in june wa rccevid each swetv is to pr ide fkwrr f r on church ifttr tach month meeting the juh n feting vv 11 b hi id it the home mrs g li k nl pin d mrs c p th s ho ard religion education coupled in debate an enthusiastic discussion on tht necessitv of rtligiuus t mphu i education follow id a talk b ri e a currev at hi d m uss 1 1 fsroup in tht mca fnduv iv ining tht compitibil tv f emu and rihgion a om tf tht qui t ions tackled bv tin sm il nimbi r who it ti dtd it son u up wa unon mou h igrtid t us edui lit im mu t tit in ii i in b h tht h nu ind 1 oh idren should bi br ugh i th i b fr i uu i g thti with just minute to go allen g t his second after a plaj that must hive mv hed all of the forwards actons teum was the strongest fielded so far this season terry slavtn making his first appear ance plav id a grand game and al thougr r didjrat actualt scon him tlf hi madt scoring opportun tits tor the other forwards fred mien a complete newcomer to the acton warn was outstanding in th cmtrt spot his combination plavs with bottomky on tht right vvinj wtrt a trial to watch play net gentle efirlj in thi second half frass n f stttt bello for no apparent ria m 1 wired hls hind ind butt i g re jiall v h n hill tried tt r tiluitt tin nftt kdind s it t f h m it n i ttrvuud mrs ballentine iss st d i v h lunch commit ttt f r jutu m v m st w irt mr d i md iv v j m ir u d mr g d n erv i refrt hmi i t and a s ic al m w is s nt togtthir at the clos of the muting volt of thai k w i gvcn t mrs bailout ne and tht iid rdtrtd b h ph ft id ti wtrt i or rt t j s ih r im b t td h itmiplur f ill effect ilipl gu pages of past the names of brant john grate slmcoe major mathew ha hon and other greats of hal ton will be parading across the pages of this paper beginning this week for the first time an attempt to compile and publish the historv of hal ton count is being made as a new feature is in trod need mrs guen clarke is authoring the pag es from the past and the factual and interesting column is to be a regular feature subscribe now and don t miss a sintle week lxtra copies may not alwavs be aailable it appears this week in an intro durtory article on page three mm k r simmons toronto was last week hired by a nine man committee from acton milton and georgetown to serve as engineer for the three munici pi i lies open night held at tennis courts building season opens up with value total under par for 1954 construction in acton after a slow start in the earlier months of he mar has swung into its summtr climb but not without a lowir alue total than was registered at this turn inst vear according to figuies evcaled this week by building inspector george mussellt this ear the spring building acton high school principal resigns principal o e robblns of acton high school resigned during the weik to accept the principalship- f st uffville high school mr rob bins has been principal of acton ch ol for fi e ears coming to ai fr mr he r chmond hill ht and r bbins hive taken a ki i t in act n as a cimmun v 11 a n h duties n ill i ear boom bloomed in ma up to that month only 7 800 worth of con struction all to residences and in eluding one complete dwelling was indicated through permits is sued as will in ftbruary permit was issued tor demolition of the old grist mill structure at an ap proximate cost ol 200 miv siivv application for five per mits for eomplet dwellings om for a commercnl structure and several iterations or iddtions it bet i tf sti cci tii of f rt ci club f r 11 n ght held nt f ihc ttn v fndav bt ut 41 fnm m llin i omd th tvenmg at the courts some plived euchre whik wa t tr for tennis courts to b fret tht tntip gathered in the club hou e f r refrc hment5 and w n w 1 cimed bruce shocmiker mr shoemiker pnsidint of tn tcnn club ihis vear oih r t fficeri ar ct prcs dent bob rumle sccrctar cir 1 ft ttrh trn urtr mlss jackie cvw m mbor h p convcier m s w dumarch refrehmmt emu ir mrs vi graham gr und convener w dumirch for a t urnmt 1 1 f the ui t d chi uh i m mlnr if tht mt i i b intj iclivi v inttrest d in ii c mrminitv mrs ribbins s rc t l f dukt t d i h ro that tr thi 1 o de ind hi ixen icl vi i church and comnitn ffi r w s f r thim ccntinmd uc ts tht r n v commumt miss mirv f snvdir wh in also bctn a membtr of the cl i slatf for the past tw jcars in lis resigned and will be on the taff of the tilsonburg high sen io totil istimaled vv is 6 44 add to this figure m irch ind pnl int in its ui it ipplud f i t i i nr i ind tht for thi month the 8 600 for building p r in janu irv or options admitted on 800 acre tract i is 9 un i viilv 04 i s7 000 nine tiuttii foi tht i h mi other tournami ts n t ill the mimbt ship f i nine teachers plan courses board told l the last meeting of the public school board before tht summer re i s pr ncipal g w mckuizie re ported that mm tnchers will be tikinj summir cotirsts during the vacilion the school board met on tutsdiv itning with the chairman tom watson presiding the short mt tint wis it tended b ill tnistees with iht tctption of w wolfe ifts at tht i ublic ch r m s mikw ill bi tiku mi tllgi from an tarh aji tht pr bli tukinj voungsttrs t iur i wa brought up familv pravcrs biblt s t n i religious habits in tht h m wi c commindtd in tht sch d i 1 u education mav bt utidinnkti v local pa tors u n is n ct i tv tht ttachtrs thtsntilvt rev cutcv go t si era di itions of nligion and v ut- c m mentmg on oung pet pit tidav ht declared the an lo i a ilami ing of voices tht r utt tudt s s what he pointed out thert l it obv ous sense of fatal sm and ries pair and lack if imbitiuc filing people d not havt a en t f nted of worship he mttd and tm ju t think abeut tht present rather than th r future see r m tit r lack of inte rt st j ih trutl ht sad thtv nthd ti km w god and cemm themseues t his f s tv h it the 1 si eupli plan choir room catering events mrs albert ourg wa hestts l ht numbers t kikx latin iei t r thesr mav mett g mr f j mctu c niv p dd t t fh ure ess u rud tv mr f t i di a id mr m m g al f rw i d b th tern d t huve dt v tl j d hire i mp iti s mt mmt will bi pliv ci n lvndai against lvndm rocktt and on june 12 thtv rtturr to t lak o p av a lam from gil l tit up ci in caldt r sch ptr hall nolat dav t v ils n bottomk v l nolsn allt n slav ti sutt i s dabk ai dam st tie bello z to galassi fav arett frasson scott mauicn j scopazz e sc pazzi ventura metpak pozzobir ubs m ntal3 be li zamin dr us- tht landings i ue f t div t f thi smthtrn ol lar soc cer uagui a f mav 31 ie girman canad ans 3 1 l ii 4 6 kitcht ur c tv gait k teh tier ct acton k du tmtt st t t b il lvidet rocket ditidas rjngtr ntv hamburc 3 1 0 2 6 3 1 0 13 10 6 3 10 8 6 6 2 0 11 8 4 3 2 0 8 8 4 2 2 ml 14 4 5 13 0 led tr th p an r ca mg t t v r maat i rt n t t e w ajpi i ted kk i h f j s ir r iv nx n m h l br t i wd he bu f of thi mitt nj w p avc play shows value of mission work mr james lgu art- j s va h es f ht tt eifig ux are of ka cj t es 1 m k mj- w u f dev m mun sm a dt ghtfi hi j ved h e tht h m y mvtd l i two rims program at sunday fireside w t tik r bv mrs u t mm a d m sj emma c t tv tudv ben cat t t t i n a t nm t ch wa e i c v m- f dt f ur meibi avt a bf tpretsrtg a exee e mr- t w h m s j i k a k e qit m s e c e a m p tr si ms j dav i a m fafi ird v u isobe st ms l ubij the red rr u tin hi ni bard wa tsc ied ard a k- p w as j n l c a m f pvt tv s j miss dorol mis gnct rthd ind mi 1 e tie r will tndv primn mis jtim unkinshimi tccnomics mivs dt m bmda ind douglas dividsm phvsicil traminj thi rettiest of thi united church f r tht nsi of ln public school iiiditc nun for a conurt ni t oc tt ber wis approved thi board approved engaging the ontario safav league for the an nuil safetv program at the school tom watson was ippointeel to the librarv beiard to fill the vacancy cawed bv the resignation of frank mcintosh the school board ngu larlv appoints one member of the board finance stitcmmt of 2374 75 was presented and approved the north haltcm high school district board was assessed 287 66 mav plant operation refinishing of the rooms in the stone school is to be arranged bv the propertv committee it was learned that the services of tht new engineer will be avail abli to the school board for the plinninj of new sidewalk from the bridge to tht school bv motion the summer recess was dtclared emergent meetings ma be called bv the chairman m nlhs of 1953 vhi ti miv 31 11v1 uiiikii i t til of s6 440 wtte issued need permit to demolish j inmrv md kbnnrv of list vtir saw industiiil md commercnl buitdiiif ind or altentions to a v iltit of 25 i4o stirted compired to no new ictivitv in the same mtiiths this vear in march and april of 53 per nuts for risidcnlnl and industrial building to a vilue of 12700 were issued compared to 8600 for the same months this vear in mav last vear a value of 38600 in rt side ntal construction w as re gistcred less thin this mav s value total of 60 445 dunn 1953 peimits wen issued here to i vihii totil of 173 370 in residintnl ceimim rci il md indus trial building building pt rmils ire issued on i schedule tf 50 cents for the first 500 vilue itrmits cost 1 for v il ut s of 00 to 5 000 ind 2 for v alue irts andjof 5 000 and up mr mimstlu s k al i pointed out that i permit is ilso n d rilpi quirtd for demolition of i structure warm uum of permit bistd in cost of di lornine 1 it ill same litis is above methods applicition foi i demolition p r u is iucessirv ht uidicited in di to provide the as tssment r ii ith an accuntt record of current ipirtv ind at thi same lime as in tht ratipaver that assessment word reached acton wednesday that 800 acres of land between georgetown and norval have been earmarked for a large planned development weston real estate broker wii fred duffv has confirmed that he has taken a six months option on seven farms in the georgetown district on behalf of an organizat ion whose nami he declined to ro veal the options involve more lhan 800 acris on no 7 highwaj i mt of georgetown mr duffy said that hi could not disclose plins f r the land md tint further opti tis are bi nj sought s llinj pnet for tie ptnued 31 luid t diti wi r rttd t be vitmhmw with tht i i tee for one of of thi fums estinnted it 7b0o0 ivi firmer ciniirnrd could nveil no up j dt tils olhir ih in l si ibtir i ri had betn ven ixtlus 1 t t acton district man injured in accident one mm is dead and two others one from acton district lie injured in hospital this week after a two car collision north east of here mc ndaj ifternoon nelson chuck henr 58 gu iph wi faall injured when the or m which he was riding w l in colli on with another auto di vtu bv archie mckcnzie rr 3 i n tht iccidmt occurred at thi ntcr tction if the seventh i oik i s m of erin itwnship and mile north of bill n dm ifari in th henry cir wa the inui brother herbert mr 1710 wis the only man in the ill be m kuwie vv thir cir th te n il sidin lanving th v brithct rolled after the input uid landtd 86 feet down th i it p i n ng limn under in ith tin other vehicle also rolkd over and threw the driver bent a li i 1 nme t rest 42 feel aw iv th tv iripptd mm were re leased bv four firmtrs working in djir nt fit ids police and buhi umn ned bv the teachers grades for next september with fir act sepltmbti es has chinge signed iext full school staff i public school a tcntat v lit of class been arranficd wh i m ide plans a t are mrs marj j p garten m s lorra n potti m ird primar class mrs k alger gimble mrs grace gki kindt nscuirs wht reported thc did not 1 1 th crash but hiard it about 400 ird iwiv t iken to guelph general hos pital mckcnzie was reported suf ftrng held njur es while herbert hinrj has serious chest injures chuck hinrj a popular guelph itfiute wis pronounced dcid bv rockwood coroner dr kenneth wilier at the scene if lie ace dent according to pr vincial police constable king speichrr guelph whi nvtstigited thi crash no ih tlf v 11 lt la d one mn nd ht mrs l u black grad two june watkin gride me economics turr m s artists join group for sketching trip trip plai lie t xpenenco cir artists from ptrl waterloo i irt was atu lozer ct r ar v bri da grad thr m ss dorothj wan e ardervon grade four m ss da sv folsler grade mr douglas div dir five hrades m a w ik non gradt ix ralph mrke n gradt mr w d e sm dutch game part of summer slate deta led plans for the summer schedule tf the ymca were discu sed and approved when the board met thursday evt n ng v t g mckcnzie chairman of b ard presided plans were o mide tr the innual mctt ng b held 1 night thursdayi tht summ r program beg in nu ht id sees f eld nth aflit m and tue di soft ball pli ii plav off ft r tut t hurt jf er the tiff pr was e vtr bv businessmen retire after long service t h gh school s annua track and nere left o c ght jan ce baker held day champs at acon d ed cck test ast week are sne and do aid dawk ns sen wendv mdsken e and b ii oos or donna mcm llan and wine arbc nteed ate tne school was a v tied nto troe tears fcr compe toeonj total pc ns tas 5 fie ciea tv be ei work at high school nears finish stage vacation bijbte school in knox church planned again this year by ministers j d pa nted j j c of e ght tl t r s as r was v k o re dav eva td g cti ac b- a mave roy 1 ge gt b mr m m i mas- urd m ware o linb m m n talbot and o c m m ma m mi re a d m ss nee ul a m sj ma v reic af ss he r l-a-dsfc- d m ss rjf ger a- past rar c tevs d r ht sj j ca e ickess trodixred tw e- ril is ttiat thj tea- t- bib e socety marks its isxh ar vtsav re r pnc rv he dedka en prayer rrttehnebts were wvd dv- mt tb period of good fe osh p which followed kindergarten roll as yet incomplete ov r 0 1 gistrauon for n kindergarten pupils have ben j e g bap id v ed ct c d ad wn v- g 1 pogr a d ro piib g a3 eag ok j cirrp t ed w j- some f xi jre ta ed bacbvads hav ar- ved d eqjree ft p t der or the scioo grounds eve ig rd gradirsj a dor ard gass eed rg completed over the s xdor ace playground area rev armstrong bee c ase r tlee age rcp a d olirth mat be a aged 1 der ch itire- if recesarr t a degatec deparrne u be or cr drer up l ve veas 0 age mrs rt costerus will be charge helped bt mrs toth m s la rdo rough acd ms go- e v- a e mk book fgrapi e ci r ad ejsoj du v eaches ad e ue o- he pp lave edv a ved 6f mt a assoc 1 a ed wedredav lasi vea aca o- bbe 5ichoo held krvi chuc poved most fucces rc- ved bv the public school to da t altholigh the official deadline f r the regmraatons was the end of mav more are expected last vear 1 kindergarten enrol rrent at th beginning of the year as 88 and in all likelihood there 1 be a larger class next septum principal g mckcnzie in looking ahead to a large enrolment oen term recalled una meek that m new pupils have enrolled m acton pub lic school since last september w d tltvt aid if ardna hm nc r 2 ari jip m talbt ar rd u- b s j recr v a er na th sucf tl jl tt tt t his ber puch e jv j hr ard er ard s r pj- p m ta bo bo ught he hardar bus rs f m t errdv ard sor ther ocated cr main st he lafr mnved j rtorf to m 1 and ma r steets inhere le i g a t re 1 no f cited art then to the pre ert pope y porcha4 from beardmoe ard to two years ago h added a re addit or t tif rear 0 thr slo t and conol dated th bu lding r 0 commodiom quartei 1 f jonr ir al t vnls in the park 11 d k li flv ng c nttst ba c r l rf fuallv a fit id day cha nh ps fi r boj s and schmull xpl ned that kajty is a dutch game played w th he same ju pmert ai sottball car total wreck driver uninjured frrri strwart mckay on lph escajed w thout njunrs tuesday 1 200 the ball games begin y summer program the jtti ogrmm of the y m c monday after school her a group of boyt rallied around y secretary dick schmull for luperviaed f eld game n h ichool ground- about 30 bintam ba played a game of kaaly ball a dutch game mr schmull it teaching hll mldgeta nd jun ora played wftball under the lupervmon of on of the inter mediate bob wahlman

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