Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1954, p. 1

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ht jvttim sftt ft seventy ninth year no 49 acton ontario thursday june 10th 1954 ten home print pagessix cents achievement day winners whose awards were presented at the annual achievement day dance of the halton junior farmers are shown here following the trophy presentations in milton town hall on friday evening of last week in the back row from the left are norman bird high judge on dairy cattle barry archer high judge on sheep john willmott high judge on swine don johnson high coach and sandy buchanan champion judge in the front row are dave pelletteno high idge on horses bernice wilton high girl in the 4h homemaking club winning a trip jean patterson and barbara cunningham of the debating team and don matthews high judge on beef cattle county wl museum started near 1935 thli newspaper is indebted to mrs george agncw martin st milton who sheds new light on the date the showcase first efforts toward a halton county muaeum was set up in the county buildings recently a feature article was published recalling some of the history of the case the articles in aide and told of the original in tent i on of county women s insllt utes to create a museum at that time from information the writer of the article was able to find it was believed the case was installed in the count hou foyer about 1837 mrs agnow refer ua to the minutes of county coun ell on maj 2 1935 and this section a resolution was passed pro viding for the placing of cablnc s in the lower hall entrance to lh court house to permit the showing of antiques and other interesting historical atlcles this action w the result of it requisl from tin count women s institute last eu asking for the starting of a museum g griffin marks his 92nd birthday in good health and able to be about daily george griffin of rr 2 acton celebruted his 92nd birth day on friday june 4 a family party was held to mark the occas ion when special guests were mr griffins son and his wife mr and mrs carmen griffin or indiana mr griffin lives with another son arthur griffin still acuve the nonogenarian especially enjoys car rides he received many cards nnd con gratulatlons last week highlight of the family party was the usual blrthdav cake served w ith ice cream 15000 fire loss at drayton garage soccer club rides over lynden 31 wednesday night most prize money ever fair prospect the largest amount of prize money ever to be offered by acton fall fair board will be a drawing card for the 1964 fair the prize lists wer carefully revised by hc fair board at a meeting on thurs da evening june 3 in the town hall the pnxc money has been raised in some sections and two 50 stake classes for light and heavy horses have been added with recollections of last vear last minute difficulties in securing a midwaj for tht fair this year board has had a contract w ith mo tor city shows since januarv m tor cit shows will bring a ccr tun number of concessions includ ine rides the children wtrk tct on h bt m complete lv rev ised and brought up to datt for the fa r next juveniles defeat georgetown 64 acton r juvenile baseball team started thi o b a mtison on the right foot with a 6 4 victory over georgetown hen in a twilight fix tare tuesday night an early 4 0 georgetown lend was overcome in the fifth inning when the local lads chnlktd up four runs to take the lead and hold it ross morton capped the- rally when he poked a single out that scored three runners cunningham hurled the distance for the acton crew while harring ton pitched for georgetown both pitchers gave up seven hits with harrington whiffing eight batters to cunningham s seven bill skilling the acton short stop was top batsman for actoi with two hits in three trips to the plate while john creasey walloped a triple for the locals longest blow ol the game for georgetown web mor banned out two hits in three trips one of thtm a triple that drove in three georgetown run in thi tap half of the third both acton and georgetown are juvenile b teams with the other two teams in the group being oak mile and port credit r h e georgetown 103 000 04 7 1 acton 000 141 x 6 7 2 umpires schultls morton georgetown harrington p rlt chic 3b timleck 2b webster c freestone ss breen lb king rf norton rf turner cf gibbs cf beck et if priest if acton heatlcy 2b arbtc if hurst if lnwson lb cunningham p skill ing ss fleming rf morton rf coon cf crcasev 3b mason c there m i vi represmtnti iroup of d reel rs numbcri ibout 25 a last week s me tin prsidti t riv ev deli wis m t our a it builds characte develops especially among its bovs and girls physical and t ducat ot ittnbutcs is certainl a force for good in our rapidl growing com munitj g w mckenzie presid ade directed their attention from ent of the acton ymca boad the doomed building to neighbor declared in hi annual report as ed and 23 special activities that had ing structures in danger of catching chairman of the j ear end meeting j been high spots of the past ear tire brig ides d t prevint high winds from preidint the blaze when the ga age of a former actonian r iv lumber w i completelv riestrov d at draton last week mr lambert i son of mr ind mrs j lamb t of frederick st had open ted the garjgi fir the p isl five years us was estimited it 15 000 partlj co ered bv insurance l the blme broke out wednesda 1 j um 2 about 6 pm ind is believi d tt have been caused b an acetjl ene torch as sparks flew fr im tin i frame and brick building both thi j acton soccer club gained two dm ton tnd palmerston fire brie more points wedncsdav night in their battle for first place b beat ing lynden rockets three goals to one in lynden the game was even in the first half acton plavers had the disad vantage of a low sun shining in their eyes and ver little good soccer was seen lynden opened the scoring after 30 minutes of plav when c rosen berg pushed one past calder after a long scramble in the goal mouth a few minutes later slav en scored for acton from a penalty shot after a handling offence after the changeover acton took charge of the game the ball seldom moved out of lynden s half and when it did was immediatelv returned the press paid off about midwav in the second half when cliff sutton pushed the ball through a jumble of legs and passed the goal keeper to make the score 2 1 the last goal came just before the final whistle davies took a free i kick from just outside the penaltv area the ball hit the crossbar re bounded to bottomlev who sent m a shot which rave svmen shocman no chance at all 11 and 12 vear of age will be held new member are ker knox bill talor placing in his first mondav after supper and wedne- wilson and jack heror two let contract for township garage at a spec in i meeting of nasag awca council monday members awarded a contract to construct n new township garage at brook vi lie to len anss guelph at a subm t ted tender pnc of 10911 a total of 12 tenders wen rt mewed bv council w th minim sions ranging as h gh as 18 928 the girage will be used to store equipment and much nirj iwntd b the townsh p it s expic id work w 11 start next week on the 66x43 foot structure and bt ci mp letcd u september o this vear sewer extension bid proves 9500 below cost estimate a gnlt construction firm submitting a tender which was nearly 9 w0 below the engineers constiuctlon cost t stlmntc on the warren ji sewer extension was this week ownided the contract for the work bid of 14 827 of the four tenders opened by council monday night figure was thi lowest the highest bid was 71 10840 the contractor is george shultx it otht i bids opened b eouncil low tax arrears outstanding- in monday nights routine presentation ta co anvil of the towns financial statement to the end of may were two figure among the hng columns of debll and credit arrears in municipal taxes col lected to that date total 2774 64 only 1 78933 remain unpaid in takes assessed prior to this year clerk j mcgeachie remarked that few towns this niie enjoy so low an arrears figure two films music meeting features films on jamaica ond bermudn and musical selections by local mu sic festival winners were hign lights of the june meeting of the duko of devonshire chapter imper ial order daughters of the empire mrs g rognvaldson was hostess 35 was voted for decoration day and members were asked o take part mrs bert mowat gave an inter est ing talk on indochina in con elusion mrs mowat gave splendid suggestions for a new canadian flag toys purchased for the es kimos in rjcmp constable fryers territory were on display the win ners were announced in the iod e sponsored empire day contest and the prize winning books and e sivs hown members accepted with regret the resignation of the regent mrs robbins but wished her happiness in her new home col barber of barber s trav 1 agencj georgetown w h th as stanct of g w mckenz showtd two f lim of the bo ac crawford dhjlijs district music supervi or introduced om of the pr e wirner of thi halt in muse f tiva th rh idrm del jhtid iht membtrs wit their inging of the pmi winning selections ymca board reviews activities claims train light cause of accident two accidents nei here both it n 7 lighwaj cd lottl dam igt to ihni v ehicl s of 900 bu w re- i ol roixnsiblt fir any in jur s per on s in lived 1asi fridav afternoon jamt m r t r i to wa tht lr ver a car which wiii in colli ion kill i not he vihicli dm tn bv willian- she ppl rd act n on the h ghwiv l tsl 1 town ear the s xth 1 n of f ejuesing sheuphtrd was mi k ing a left hand turn when tht ic cdint occurred total damage js intimated at 100 at approximately 3 am wednes day morning a large transport turned over on one side just west of here and was caused dumage of about 800 charles thibodeau driver of the truck tor c and h transport wa lerloo claimed he wu blinded by the light of the cnr train trav elling west the truck hit a deep ditch and foundered on one sidt it was carrving an eight ton load accident victim known in district fred pr ce construction co oakvllle 10 208 dundas con truction tor oto 24 355 wain right construction ondiin 71 198 40 c instruction cnit estimate on the job made b k v anderstn and assoc ates was il some time ago at approxim ilely 24 275 last month council sold debentures for 30 000 tn ovtr all cists in tin ix teniion decision t i award i hi contract to the gait firm was not made monday night but was put to fur ma i motl n and by law tuesday night when council convened in special session ufltr gathering hi formation on the bidder under consideration work is expected to start before the end of june and it is the design uf council to have the extension completed by september i award sidewalk tender council opened other tender at monday nights meeting calling for the replacement and repair of sidewalks on mil st between john and elgin streets by motion council accepted the lowest lender from j b macken zie and son ltd for 1572 80 oth er two lenders on the work were submitted by j e mcmullen 1 921 10 and by armstrong bros 1 brampton 1 601 08 following reading of the min 1 utes clerk mcgeachie reported agreement reached for purchase of recommended equipment by the two townships in the fire area no on of the two members of the rcaf who were killed in the crash of nn rcaf harvard train omendmtnt for lhc tral camp ing plane near pen hold albrla i by w r h contmurd friday has been identified as fl j prortsi h blltlk mak r ii g off ccr douglas melville couv o inslslence a cmery er 20 ol er n who bes ds his par r uljlbu for hation ma mrs bt couveru or admiltinc1 clerk mcgeachie survivtd bj rtulod and tvldtnce to i mster whom he tow s da m b pte d a 13 tar old al th mxx mvtxmg of manor of ficials namid fly ng ind n the new president of tht y wer 64152 in 1953 they lotal men club ltd 432 34 tht re s bank bjl speaking for thi pr gram com lance of 227 53 as of maj 31 j m ttte kin allen summarized the greer give the report in place of vears acm ties referring to 25 the finance commitlet chairman uctiv ties ncluding 45 pro gordi i oder who has moved from gram hours tht 18 groups orgamz lambert plans ore unce tain run scoring spree in seventh inning with a total of eight runs in the seventh and final inning wednes da evening s softball game in the park was studded with scoring the tiger cats defeated the panthe s 130 wivnc marshall pitched for tht winners and hallldav for the pan there line up tiger cats marshall clarence fatt terrv masales dei nis gibbens rav pasma david fie ming pat church ii marshall ro swackhamer panthers d lmdsav hallidav b daw kins d ruddick b church ill k rannev j hoan b gree gerald the softball games for boss on thursdav evening june 3 mr he especially asked the support of i mckenzie presided during a series adult members fo new events such of reports which indicated a most as the card room education meet i successful year and looked forward ings and badminton club to a fuller slate of activities tnd larger enrolment beginning next game for acton combined bottomlev on the right wing acton will be at home on satur day to meet gait greenwhites who are considered one of the strongest teams in the league acton calder scbipper hall nolan davies soike taylor boi tomlev van dam slaven sutton lynden schoeman s rosenberg j i van dvk scboeman ic i deel stra brink slok schoeman r sehoeman tj rosenberg c schoeman ij loosdrecht hoxen dyk schoeman h ith das after choo u has been decid difficulues were ficed squarclv bv the general secrctarv of the past vear d h schmull as he address ed the group of 40 in the y lounge he noted the obstacles to be over come bv a newcomer in this coun trv and referred to the abundance of organ ization in the town mr schmull full address is published ir this issue of the free pres or page evei the future was of prime impor ance to mr schmuli as well as to the chairmen of committees the report of the nominating comm ttet was read and the mem ber of the board for the- comig vea appo nted remaining or fie board are walter woodburn mar 11 nelhs and jack ridlev v- he named later e also be a board membe renovations and alterations in curred unusual expense this past vear j greer explained as he gave the financial report total expend iturec were 8 054 05 as compared to 4 450 95 in 1953 total rece pts first of seasons open air concerts the first two open air concert of th s pr ng were both held lai sundav b ac on c tizens band the band opened tht season a the breezes rjt 1 acton bv playing to carloadi o picn ckers and those erjovine h mm ng and boat rg fac li es o the sum mer camp the reot uns opened cen 1 bv j jocque in the even ng the band gave a impromptu concert at the- band sand r tne park puv ng a var elv of elect on for over ar hour bandmacte a perrot both ne concert acton thi audit rs wer c rogn valdon and s eisen manstll nellis speak ng for the building committee also referred to th expense of needed renovations shower and locker rooms were re located a new room added and the bu iding redecorated he mentioned the contribution of the ys mens club of 900 toward the innovat the president of the ladies aux iharj mrs j hurst outlined their pas year program ncluding cat enng the nursery school donations and fund raising projects y membership the past year ex clud rg susta ning members total led 417 with the largest numbe the bantam cl er n di lr ct farmers a three has nt v br ithtr the dead pilot was onl instructor at the pinhold bast on ma 5 of this y joined the rcaf on august 7 1952 and the ame ear he graduated from the erin high school born in toronto flying off cer couvtrt received his public school education in thai city prior to mov ing to the erin district when his parents took up farming he is well known in tnt ballinafad ares he trained at rcaf bases n centralis portage la prairie mc donald manitoba and trenton the other victim wa flight cj det svend jark of haderslab den mark guild sees films on eskimo indians the june meeting of st albans guild was held in th parish hall w th the president mrs c cook m charge reports were g ven d the secretary and treasurer ar ths includes rangements were mad to prepare members of the phalanx club v ndwtche for the sunday ichool club ladies aux 1 irj class and adults during the vear rev r pr ce res gned as secretary and j mole resigned from the board other members were g mckenzie pres dent c sutt r treasurer w woodburr m jsellis j r dlev c ode j greer j moles k and l gamer a f 1m northe r autum bv elmer sm th and conducted rrents ere serv ed bv the ladies auxiliary picnic the annual strawberry pa t was planned for later th s month a discussion was held on work for the fall bazaar and a donation s to be sent to all saints hoip ul aklavik the meet ng was closed with tht mizpah benediction a gift was aller presented to a member who leav ng town rev price showed was three ntererting f liru on the life j for one indigent patient and held fresh of the eskimos and indians in the o other applications over for in n interest at dnndaa counc llur j hargrave reported there was little or nothing to in tircst the acton council represent atlves who attended the rural muncipjlites meeting tn dundas recently county weed inspector t brad ley following a request was told the town had already named a man works foreman a klrkneas to co operate with the weed inspector in local control mr bradley thanked council answered a few questions and briefly stressed the importance of wttd control through spraying and other early attack on infest ations doors at the local arena which had hitherto caused council worry over their unlocked condition are now all locked councillor l wleck reported and added that only the switch box remains unfastened nothing definite or official had been heard regarding the annex ation hearing date the clerk said it was thought a hearing on the revised annexation bid by the town might be granted by the depart merit on or around june 15 sta rfcnanetal mateaacstt clerk mogeachie also informed counc 1 that the engineer hired to look after the work of thre town acton m lion and georgetown- is presently established here the eng neer k r simmons li requir ed to live in on of the three mun ic pa lit et counc 1 accepted reiponiibihty rth and as served puc orders new truck chassis oil burners chimneys li selecting the lowest submitted electic a 1 installed v allen following trouble recently with ent j lambert and secretary j ejtern canada lunch vertigation members also noted i pennon adjustment for a patient n post san tonum care which effect saving to the town on pay menta for this public charge after reviewing a schedule of en- neering fees sent by b v a oder flmnb print used as cenrt evidence tende- price which included spare t r and whee public utilities commiss on members tuesdav night awarded to macswain mot or the contrac to supplj a 2538 a three tor chassis and cab fo- the rew hydro truck four i o her tender bv three local ga age were subm tted i the other terde- were lo ne i garner motors s2j55 withou spare toth seice stauor 2j08 w w thou spare thompsor mj or 2725 thompsor motors chis as contracted to build three ch m a 25 kva transformer o- wilbur pvj less footing and thimbles at s reet he continued the depart pr ct of 130 80 ment is no wi hout a spare trans maror e tvler suggested the foine of this size membe agreed ewlv acqu red towr enginee w th m masor to procure a 3 a print o his thumb which fourd on a p ece of glass from a s2m0 woard a hal wnndv tha had beer boker t ga r entrr to the pettv moto- gaag ir rockwood uff cier i conv c robe- a bengad 20 of tvvr t a cage break rd e- th nter t cvmm ar irlict ble offeree he to rten ed v 1 ervr ire t itl could superv ise the footingi bv wateworks de patmen mer members ea- ic dec ded ro t puchae he mach ne v ice der insuarci po cv ou lined a iie previous meeting bi r f bear hydro super ntendert d masor reported trouble t- a new wate heate tank soid a tocal resider bv tie pic tne tank equ ec epai amou- irj j 490 anc rrce w e ur the corr o the m s or ageed t be reapers b e ludiri fo the epa ate m masor rrer orec ac dv eg ttdap for th he tt ii award the co-t- vc jrt sud nat0 ic par tsr mavbaaj- moo- or thi pu doig his o- vear mayor tv o a tn-er- r ttjek fo ne- suggeted he secev i nt lie p ce o st539 spec cat ham lo or ce w n a v ew as tedered as ar ex we chargiig fo- tha es c o tn wo peed elect c wipes membe- eadr v ageed w t- acuoc the hvdo tjpe itecden las month the commiss or ag eec tt puclas mm sm th boc w in too o a body tr jc c s bodv equ fnen was 4330 tuedaj l f mu kva tansformer to replace other one other smal er trans former ble out bu was efect vely replaced a ajax erg nee ng he added after reporting ligh standard ducks or hand or ritallatior in the poposed new s dew k on m 11 street super ntecaer mason b oached the ma te o salary crease fo he mer o ftj depa men and h nself late wa ewoks supe- nerd ecu- v j3 j week tere ee te p xird ir h- garage sid rothjj had beer stoler when ertrr had beer ga ned puchas to th garage early r he nrniinjt fo- the truck a 10 and two fron of apn x in his cr eviderce hooks al a p- ce o 1250 ruck to the hvdo jpe the accused admitted breaking the be delivered u sm t- body woki tus depatmec had beer reques ed window and seek rif shelte- him r tororto bs- bel teleph n offic al to ad the cold weather ics de the build the coram ssior also awarded a here to the igh of way ent ie tng he denied there had beer any contract fo- four oil space heates mer held bv- the company cea mterj to stea f plc buud nsfs to mantung lindsay s mj a a pec a meet r o he c mmss or weaeadav r gh cui wage ncease reqjes ed bv al members of he pub e l tie departments tnee ic a al hours after th mee g co ve ed he cote ms or adjoured w r nc mot a br cex nee cf the comrrssior june 2i s p-o- poed o aga c ck the mare of saiar increase for water woks hvd- ard otce emp iovee wauon dairy bar lunch mcgeacb e also asked fur wage ir ajax eng ltd clear fir creases for themselves and mem rough bers of their staffs to all requests h g barlow aod co members of the commission decided toth garage gu to study the fubmuaioru at s sep- northerr elec arate meeang red line cheinicsas superintended lambert ment pi rey bowes of can ltd or rg- there was cons derable new quarterly mir or renews installations n sewr l e and cable access and water lateral conduits to be f done asked if be might hire a po wh thami garage as er d gger the cobomtsslon anxious grand valley metermen t to comp ete thj work f poss b e assoc fees before road o ling scheduled fo macdonald eec correc rex week urged mr lam be r acquire the digger and necessarv addtonal help as soon as pos b anotner bed of sludge u readv ic be taken of and raus be dor be j e sewe ush rg a comp e ed he cont rued and noted the r wer o o hee days of flush 2jq son aasoriatea council studied tha manic pal financial statement to 13i0 may 31 of this year comparing dia- 17 47 bursemdts and receipts to data 5 0o with budgeted allowances 247 j one item was questioned briefly 18 50 bu cou generally expressed sat isfaction with the statement part is 00 icuur pleasure was expressed to members when clerk mcgeachie lst23 callcd attention to the low arrears on and lamps powerl te devce h palmer office ceanrg hepc of oct coruropt mdi frexgh chgj w d hiki tr f c b g ssior agreed ic oesr ie co of m feet o ura sewer p pe r ed iae r a ldsayt supe eoden lamoe aw e pct ji gas engioei rv ct a re ew we a stee- base be 1 c- h auk x mo or a p- r ard fountains put or wate- tnigh a m a xl st wis thorrpor mdjji t 10 crane ltd oe gutta percna art rubber l expand 4146 acer plc hydr oper a oris or ap- 884 jd he be hhwav garage vedng i- b 1 or and perry ltd cult ng p cash exp trans us 3 00 kot ficstior was given council hat september 1 had beer set for 23db tlec public relations officers to j m w rnemben the puc and 2qqq t wr deparment men to vew a f 1m on conversion fhjsei courcil held a brief djcui on on ubd v jor policy regard rg the 73jo towrs share n service experie ith potent al ubd vjn parte ubjll 44 ui eftiptam vu laid on outlay recoverable jirough taxatior on iocs mprovement exteu ons after toe police report wa reed mayor tyler said cpl r mason re quested authority to buy a speeal trap device at a cost of about fm speed rg a town could be reduced the mayor suggested through us of one of these devices council agreed and endorsed the raqueat the county s equalised aaaeae- b44 rcowttaavad ox pa tt 130

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