Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1954, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday aucuat sth 19541 we travelled north beck at the desk again and the week s holiday this year took the editor on a trip as far north as klrkland lake ii s some 15 years since we visited the mining town or city of kirktand lake which is actually still considered a township with a popula tion shown as 19000 at that time we recall that mining productivity was calculated in terms of 25 years we heard no estimates on prospects of this city now but it seems pretty much more settled and modemiied in those 15 years which have elapsed and little evidence of running out we travelled by tram 15 years ego today fine highways make the four hundred mile jaunt into the north a lovely drive the development of the north has profited from the experience of the south of the province mom highways by pass the large centres and miles have been cul off by straight roads and the tedious trips to go down the main thoroughfares of the large centres such as barrte onllia and north bey klrkland lake stilt has five producing mines within its limits new methods of mining have kept the properties active one mine we learned was processing again in its mill refuse which had been discarded in earlier years and getting a profitable recovery from what was considered re fuse in earlier days of mining when home pro perties are sold in this mining town the mineral rights of theland do not go with the purchase much of the city is already mined beneath the residential and business properties mining towns give no inkling of having been planned the streets seem to have no regular sense of direction and the surfaces follow the direction of the rock outcroppmgs or the path of least resistance perhaps cobalt is the outstanding example of a typical mining community ever changing we recall that about eight years ago we travel led through cobalt mining at that time in that community was at a low ebb since that time silver and cobalt particularly have again been found profitable the result is that cobalt is quite an active centre once more and has moved out of the deserted village category on that same trip we visited a factory in which wooden matches were being produced it was eight years ago a going concern today the plant is boarded up we suppose lighters and book matches are re sponsible for this change who knows however but what it may flourish again if pipe smoking again becomes popular every mining town has its failures as well as its successes and the abandoned shafts mingle with those which have mined for several years and are still profitable the development of roads is playing a big part in stabilizing the whole mm ing section for instance larder lake which hesn t as many producers as it had a few years ago is only a few miles from virgmiatown where the largest pro ducer in canada dominates the mining activity folks from larder lake haven t changed their place of residence but commute the few miles each day to and from work just as we in the southern part commute to industry school districts are big and buses travel in many directions to take pupils to school m larger centres kirkland lake high school has an enrol ment of over 1 100 pupils and a staff of over 40 teachers school expansion problems are in the far north too but consolidations seem to fill the reed best where such a wtde area must be serv ed and the mining activities follow the land that is most productive vacation and beauty going north we chose the most d red route returning we came down through the haliburton d strict matter of fact there isn t much choice of routes after one goes beyond north bav bu all of them are a vastness of natural beauty to make this vacat onland attract ve tc the fam k man roadside tables and picnic spots maintained by the highways department an plentiful and judgma bv he use ver much appreciated we ve never been b ireland s lakes and dells or seen the highlands and lowlands of scotland of which scottish people are so proud we ve seen only a small sample of the thousands of lakes and dells which dot northern ontario some day more poets and song writers will let loose on the in spiration that can be secured in this vast expanse of land where the deer ihe bears and beaver and moose roam and if it has the right rhythm and ust half tells the word story canadians will have native songs that will be heard the world round but canada is a young country and it takes time for even canadians to get about it and then there are so few of us we suppose ki harneys lakes end dells and scotlands loch lomond will hold supremacy for some years in songs morning inspiration going north it was afternoon before we head ed into the heart of the north coming home we started m the early morning right in the midst of the north the time of day makes a difference in your ability to appreciate beauty mid afternoon is warm and one is liable to be travel weary in the morning travel is light one can slow up and take in the beauty of acres of white water lilies the lazy smoke of breakfast fires comes from the camping areas well concede humans aren t quite so attractively attired but the lakes and the woods have a freshness that disappears later in the day even in the light ram in which we travelled down through hah burton the morning journey is the fmest for appreciation by noon the highways were getting cluttered as streams of cars loaded with families camping material or boats all seem ed pushing each other along into the north on tario s shortage of highways is on weekends and holidays perhaps the answer is in mid week travel when it can be arranged but present hours of work are nofjeadmg m that direction there are of course those early morning hours e spoke of which seem to be fairly open for highway travel and without a doubt are the finest time of day to enjoy nature it is quite apparent that the season in canada s north can not be lengthened and summer travel of july and august are bound to be peaks reading bmtw n ttw tiwi everything from love to tragedy contained in todays comics then tlm by hartley colea when ihp nsirii rl fun m iniinli nad them in kit n imitlli unci iscorx lur n fiw m mrntn from thi m rtous sidi at i if i thnt day has passed today comic strips are a com tilnnllon of many inndli nts m x lint advtnttm rowdy and per petual propounds vt ry fi w of them an comic and some of them trespass into fields that are no longer wholooorm kacapr from th sordid side of life is impossible they carry you along wllh it to situations on the moon into outer apace toae you in asia plague you with criminals of the worn type and cater some times to the tower passions radios soap operas have their equivalent in the newspapers funnies often similar tearjerking plots and they attract ttu same widi audience the daily news paper can carry its funnies in any position and never havt to rrv about he readership peupli look for them fortunately the newnparxr in this country have n high standard in hi ir funnies th y don t com pnn wllh whnt tin chlldnn are i xpecti d lo read on thi news ilnnd thi ir cornit miiti ruil com v in books f munv rt loi somi of thi content- would raisi lilr oi i billiard bull hnppt nid to pltk op r hiviid thi flix i nil 1 mixing out f hti iunk on tin uibli in on ndjact nt room wns th head it viir lurrying on n convt nuitlon with inmt thing hat wns supposed to represent a woman that was just thi covtr insidi wire seines much mort tawdry the kids rind thi se comic books from their lurid covers through the suggestive advertls ing until thty rtach the back covt r and then they rench for anotht r an american psychiatrist well known for his work among ado lesctnts has written a book which he calls seduction of the inno cent concerned with the effect them comic books have on child ren s minds thi title speaks for itself he wants parents to know what is inside these books and how it can corrupt and sometimes canst a child s social sense to go haywire homt and school groups through out th country hnvi liccn alert to this ptril for quite some lime but thin is liult they can do until parent keep n hetti r t ye on un lors readinn habits tht prnbli m dot s noi stop ihi re howi vt r tht parents can of tt n makt n survey of thilr own rinding and sie if ihiv nnnl tine hint by example the good old days may have seemed better back in 1934 taken from lowe of the rree preoa of thursday angnsl i 1931 m eru hinl turner and georgt musn hi have in t n ihoien act hoi al the tin t vim u view 1 th ml ti rd 1 allenby xt saturday in ctiun with ihi north e ait wst s outh modern and luxurious in burlington construction 11 ex peeled to start n xl september on oni of tht most modern and luxur ions apartmtnt buildings in this pnrt or ontario a 34 suite building with possibly several penthousts com pit ti with root gardt ns will b located on tht wist side of brant st thi gazette reports girl saves drowning man in georgiiown a young schoolgirl was acclaimed for bravt ry wht n sht riscued a man from drowning holi dnwng at stanliy park erin char urn dav swam aftir n man much hi h we r than htrsclf when shi notictd him in difficulty blui in thi fact and swallowing water tht man whose nam she nttr learn ed was nont tht worst for his tx mm net after the nscue teetotaller heads wets in brontt a public meeting i i lef now and then before going on vacation we had several items on our scratch pad for editorial discussion looks as if they will have to be held over until next week looking back to the 30 years or so since we first went north to fish we ust cannot resist a bit of recollecting on the changes which ifreshment oututs have come about in these few years many of our friends with whom we shared brush beds and mosquito infested cabins now have cottages with every modern convenience motor boats have taken the place of the leaky rowboats and canoes from which one emerged with every muscle aching our first trip to sun dndge saw the highway only as far as huntsville and from there on dirt roads around the protrud ing rocks they ve still left some rocks but they don t protrude as far electric power has come to most every resort but some things are still in the same wild state es 30 years ago the mosquitoes are ust as plentiful the black flies take just as healthy a bite as ever and the blueberries grow ust as prolific in every burnt over section we haven t tried the fishing in some years but we are told some nice catches are being made and lakes and streams are stocked regularly other papers say teachers check off proposals get nc sympathy horn the turo da ly news we are of the op n on that a union m which the members are not sufficiently interested to keep themselves in good slandmg is not founded on solid rock it would seem to us that every teacher as well as every employee n industry should be free to om the ui on and keep themselves in good standing or to stav ava from the un on altoaether it doesn 1 seem 1 ke qenu ne freedom that some of the teachers or other employees should be forced into members p possib y against their w ii and good judgment lie hi id in n school room sound out support for a petition to idd a bier st lling hott 1 and a bre ers rttail store to the villages facil hies promoters of the petition headed b a teeotnllt r maintain brontt is losing business to oakville because of its lack of stronger rt cul wire to steal wire in burlington ink one night two thieves slipped nround to tht rear of tht power station snipped through thi wire fence with cutters nilled drums of cablt up to the opening and out into tht back of a waiting truck a f i w das later two mm wir npprthtnded in tht don vnllo rutting up burling ton s powir cable what s lour beef in georgetown i toronto in conn veterans reunion the municipal of fieri rt ported trim week lo c nincll thai then wna no dumping ground available for the depositing of refuse it m emed absolute ly imperative hat aome ityiti m of garbage collodion must be inaugurated in the i iwn mrs minim moon received con gratulalleiru the past week from the wirld tarn ins fdward johnston on ttu splendid w irk she ik doing in music in thi schools of acton ii is said thai july uas thi drkal month in ihe laid twenty years in sill of lh fncl lhat ontario adopt beet and lint i mth tgule bronte water shortage in bronte thought in being given to limiting use of wattr through the summtr months shortages in the reservoir which at one point got so acutt ihi mains had to be shut off a few hours to build up reserve i caused worry that adequate supplits mnv nol be available if needed for fire protection dial phones for milton in milton nsidtnts and tt lephnno subscribers wen officially told that dial tilt phone service is scheduled to go into operation in julv los numbers will bt thi dial standard twokltir fivt figure arrnngimmt which will liter e nabh direct dnl ing of long distinct numhi rs start new planl in oakville construction has start id on n ntw milliondollar auto radiating plant tht plant is schedule d to iii into opt ration around the first of he viar and will tmpluy in estimated 160 persons to start wading pool in milton construction is ready to start on an equipment shed bathing houst and lavatory facilitus and a wading pool in i local park tht work is bung undirtaktn by the rotary club which has set a goal of 5000 to cover the costs of thi pro ject the bannockbiirn women insli tuli h id llilr ngiibir muling it the norm of mis margari t brown with memln rn of l hi dublin insli tule as kiuwl tiklng pirt in thi primim wen mrs luirgi robirl mn am ii ilhck mr g somt r villi and mrs and rs n winnti of ilu onliits nnd lump hjiei ches were mri somiivillc ind mihh emily young impr nimmls rrwidt by mr hill tt 1 imelioate an ntnr lomplili m windows have bet n put m and hydio installed which makt his tht most modern poultry house in this m ibbourliiiod last week the young pe pli of rock wood presbyterian church hi id a social lime with ihi young piopli of hden mills presbyter in church after devotional exercises ltd by miss elva penren gamis ond con lests were tnjojed rural public schools of halton county hav made a remarkable showing in lower school exams proving high school work can bt done in ungraded nchoiili irtspec tor j m dtnyes says summer meeting heldbywms the senior auxm mint mis5iorar e church hi id iu at the home of mi back in 1904 taken from tsauc of the free prco of thunday a of vat 4 1m4 til vi ral canadians win am ing thi mttims of uu high aj nun who robbed he passenger f ihr illln oi s i nlral spit ml rujr lliiiagi n n uli foi tht si 1 mis fair ttu r in me n a oumam nt al mil ton today will attract a large num bt r of citlztns of aeton cheap ex cursion rates ha bun arranged the ejuartirly mieiing of lh halton press association was held in acton last week after dinner the group took a drive through the town and saw the park fairy laka the canada glove worki tha schools tht power house and the lann tries and made a pilgrimage to fairview cemetery to are the monument erected to the late gun ner moore nnd inspector litlle many are enjoying the balmy breezes al musk oka om ing them mr and mis a t brown and miaa lttie laird and re j c wilton and family civic holiday was viry qui i in town bul a number took uu xiur a ion to coll logwood under the apuiinoifhip if thi sons of si illand tht special irain lift acton at 7 30 had a fast run ind rtaehid lotting- wood nhorlly before 11 a c msidcrablc numb r it tor onto pi ople accompanied the bair ball liam from clark s glne work- to acton on civic holidnj fir at mated act n won the ginu 8 li 1 aclon battery ryder and rjder the epwotth league w mc te roekw mil in snturdij was i most mjoyibl nnl thirtj fut or for ty young people participated complaints are being made again tint itr tiania ilind over mill st crossing for a much longer lime lhan thi law allows it may be only a trifling cold but in gleet it and it will faslin lut fings in your lungs and u will soon be corned to an untimely grovi in this country we must expect to havt coughs and cilds we cannot avoid them but we car effect u cun b using a anti- consumptlon syrup professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and borgcoa office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 cbnrch bt k phone is dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street aclon ontario phone zxt on holidays june 30 to aug 2 call dr john scott 191 woolwich st guelph i 1 irgi r h ipe rs hi ir mr tiber of i rift i m m wh it tigtd it i n cent council meeting when a locnl h il stilt tgen scored councillors for inaction on public rtst rooms shek enforcement of two hour park mi f ii lure to stop dogs running at b lirg ind raids his egetable mr mcknigh girdm inswired no police intti i mrs macphprst ft ion moor ind m- bl nriir r ind ml xplinatorv nt alhs the dump in disgraee mr armnro in oikvillt rsirientf ind firemen m in t mttmp a littlt experatid with the mmm u towns dump whieh in iddition chos n b m v hi usu il ttmini rat population 1 the preid no bn i rm t i- tm r mtmbes rem i ikinc out in diiifcinus fins shu nt ti rt ltih nol unu is thi plirt inevc to- h- wm re but i nt nnr b resident com so wtleomi tun the wo phone 421 guelph kntx miftirg legal hn whir r hmi c f leatherland mbli d to r hilpirv th wtrk unid al s tm mr f barrister solicitor notary pubu office houn 10 00 am 12 00 ajr 1 00 pm 3 00 pjd saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 1 sh i j r id s ti acton lever hoskin cr m r rnr ml chartered accountants successor to t kir bv jfmtlnb and bakdt 1 l l 3it mitropolitan bldg victoria st toronto fm 4 9131 k mc i al nk re gerald a candler harterrd accoontant ng r s f monday to friday 7 9 pm saturday iron sam jnc rt 2 aclor bid dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 imlotpm x ray telephone 146 dr h leib dental surgeon ofricecorncr mill and frederick streets office hours 0 am lo 6 pm telephone 19 acton vetjaunae f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 ir at the uftaftcmes oil arton 3flm f rras the onl paper ett pnbtbherl in aetaai founded in lbi and published everv thursdar at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of cirrula lions the ca and the ontarioquebec di 15100 of the c w n a advertising antes on request subscriptions pa able m advance c50 m canada 350 in the united state si months si 50 single copies be authonxed as second cla mail post office department ottawa pomtsned by the dub prlnttsn and pablhtusu co uanhed g a dills editor in chief dmd r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 unfted church of canada acton ontario a friendly church ker e a carrey ba bj minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone so mb o m- laaapnrri at cm organist and choir leader sunday ip 00 3t sundav or hougr the helpfu auglst 8t schoc 1954 sundai a 1 st albans church anglican y- sundae aucu f traveuers guide 1 b d young bvsc i c l young dvm veterinary snrf eona office brookville onurio i phone milton l5r21 mibcellaneou8 victor rumley son funeral home funeral hame heated ambolanov phrrr 699 r ght or day serving the community for 48 years real ektate avd insubanck f l wright 20 v bir st w r bracken gray coach lines coaches leave acton east bo and s3flam b58am 1133 u flpm obprn 633 pm s n b9 58 pm real esute phone 26 list our farms with us wt- m facilities in tcu inso ranee acton business or house ite vou to ue our ing a purchase for 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pjn p27 p 77 pm 9 12 pjn 1 1 32 p m 1 12 a m sun to kj chener only i a dailj except sunday and hoi e h ashman i re m ior 14rt2 r 1 campbe v f dan sunday and bol la reaeh te baptic r f bean limited atj eatau and insaraare 83 mill st acton phone 585 h pm beening worshp bapt st church pre5rytes1an church in canada knox cbttech acton ke koxt h ajucstrong mjl bj sunday august 8th 1954 9 45 a m church schoc 11 00 am bee alex calder 00 pjn semce ir the bapr ouch baptist church acton la h coterus pajo canadian natronal railways standard tune 1 swda 10 00 am s i 11 00 am m auglst bih 1964 indar schoo orr rg worh p 00 pm eifnt ser ce wedreda 8 p m praye meet da v5 40am da ly excep sun da- 1000 im 13 pm surday jr 8 01 pjn da y rxcep sue da fiver at george or 9 02 am 6 3 pm dilj fm al georre- lour 1011 pm wontwand daily except sur ard uon 128 am sat ard sun orly iim pm daily excep sunday i a rr 6 55 pm nogstop 7 49 p rn saturday orlr 127 pro sunday orr 903 am iflacstop sunday orly flyer at guelph 7 os moil diiit except sat and sun flyer i at gvf ph 6 01 p m r h elliott eeal estate jowfr avenue p- ifl represert ng i w gids ra brnke m tor phone 349 nplete real estate se ornrg haltor cour j ue ou fac lit ti j r holmes 64 church street phone sofen wsn t mbu lunehouse re georreton th 2042 representing f b shain toronto boker

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