Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1954, p. 6

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday august 5th 19m farm news f from haltons farm lands fd nnrt hwt to 4 h grain and forage lnb member on tuesday evening july 27 the halton 4ti groin and h forage club member met at the farm of their club leader fred nurse for a well attended meeting rod row test plots of eight varie ties of barley were inspected all varlel qs have done ery well and at prcent jield tests are being obtained to proe which variety is most suited to halton similar tesh are located in most countries in ontano it was interesting that most of the 4 h members when asked to name the best varietj n the pi ts almost without exception bcaer was first choice with sim coe md rodney receding favor for eecond choice montcalm appeared to he one of the bet m the barley pli t mr nurse likes husk but the ield results will tell the tale thi group next visited on ex celknt farm pond which was eon slriicted by dimming up a gully with t new road it i repirtid that this pond is tht rivounte swim ming hole tor the ashgrove com muniitj afu r ew ing a g iod field of rer lin n oits and one f the best corn f eld we hue seen this yen the group listened with interest to mr nurses comments i undirdnmnge which was hid on his farm this spring ntxt a visit to the trench silo which is filled fir the econd t me with grass silage one of the things we could not help but notice w ls thi excellent after math on the fields from which this grass silage was harvtsted milk flow is about normal whereas on many farms production has taken a sharp drop committees weie formed to plan educational display s 1 1 be exhib u d at m hon fair dairy calf clubs meets gordon sincld r president of the halton holstein bneders was host wednesday evening july 28 to 80 members and leaders and friends of tru halton 4 h holstein and 4 h guernsey jersey calf clubs two txcellent clases of holsteins were judged and members gave rtasons fo uuir placings to locil leadeis who were out in almost full force at this meeting the service promded by these local men is much appreciated and contributes much to tht succlss of the regulai monthly meeting art bennett as sociate agricultural representa tive gave the official placings for the two classes the next part of the program was i foot trimming demonstra tion supervised by gordon sinclair with daughter doreen allowing her club calf to be demonstrated on this was followed with a show manship demonstration by doreen sinclair members were impressed with the sinclair herd and grand barn equipped with a mechinical gutter cleaner pri sidenls ralph cunningham and mar lou alexander assisted b c ub leaders add woodley and mac alexander conducted separate busini meetings and committees wen appointed tt look ift iduca tional rfrsplas k n scotland capablt expressed thii ks in mr and mrs sinchir and fum l for heir ii p tahu t the group ann norma aim worm utbrnks haw bt t n iiwi cttd this wttk in the 6lh and bis 1 m f trafalgar ind on th h thwi tist it george towi si ghl infestation have bet i nolkid r rmm ither fit id visited but dating snot too seert ixcint in threi i ist damgi i pretu wtp wmfin d t grir lot flds corn ft ids whth ire i ear oil field hmld b reported dmh and if nn damage is noted poison ba i laid d wt b twit n the two ftld- wt it biline a rim worms hatch in great quantities in corn fields n starch if a greener feeding plart ptuwing a furrow and spread itil i n bait is a god pnwnta tin measure at time if writing t appcirs thit haiti n cnnm his fared much better than our neigh bout m eoutiht of fe1 and y rk at ken ella s big little herd here a beautiful display of show winnings production records trophies etc caught the visitors tye even before ken and mrs ella told of the rapid development of their herd over the past 6 years one gentleman from jersey island we heard to remark a wonderful success story and what matvel lous records of production next stop was hawthorne lodge where afternoon tea was served to the group just like ome ac cording to our english friends now back to the 7th line and down into trafalgar ttwnship for a v sit to featherstone brothers hen in excellent herd which wis established 20 years ago was pas tur n g on exceptionally good after math considering the lack of rain which tns predominated in halton for over a month highlights for the visitors w ere their famous ex cedent cow 10 cikes sired by i son of this cow which is in service it the maple unit sme of tht mothir and daughter combinations in the jtrd and the fact that go htad of cattle ire being carried on a 100 acre farm fiml stop before thus gr nip re turned to guelph to conclude their conference was at one of halton s largest jersey herds that of mflur ce beaty on learning of how uncle jim and maurice started w ith ten 150 00 jersey cow s 18 years ago and of some of their achievements in the show ring sile cing and production records since that time one visitor remarked it w-u- fortunate for the jersey breed when this man established a jersey herd the lovely buildings ind spacious grounds certainly im pus ed the group too tn c include a pleasant ifternoon halton hospitality was extended gcmrusly and graciously on the beaty lawn by the halton jersey club w hen the entire visiting group sampled the ladies cooking the 1 idles where out in full force and with the able assist ince of the men folk catered ti every visitors appetite everyone connected with halton jersey fraternity deserves special credit is we feel certain the visit to halton will long be remembered b members of the world jersev bureau price of wheat disappoint inn many wheat growers are dis couraged over the low price offered for wheat at the rrrtlls wheat in dentally which is of good weight per bushel and has low moisture content direct from the combine this year we seem to recall writing last year at harvest time of the value of winter wheat as a livestock feed if it is mixed in the proper pro portions v ith otheo grains and balanced with a higher protein feed now with an even lower price being offered for wheat ind with commercial feed prices still relatively high we wonder if any termer who will hue to buv feed f any kind can afford to sell wheat at present prices it is reported that one halton tarmer took a ton of last years wheat to the mill recenth and purchnstd j ton of bnn to lake home w th hm when milemci t made the firmer owed the mil i figure it ul in paper wheat is sell n g at si 25 p bushel oi n other terms j2 08 per 100 lbs bran is now selling at 2 50 per 100 lbs can you afford to sell wheat if you need livestock feed roll it tor the cattle poultry and grind it moderately fine for the pigs we agree with the federation of agn culture it is poor business to sell it army worms serwus in many oonntlea while no serious outbreak of army worms has been reported to date july 24 in halton county simcoe grey bruce huron lamb ton oxford perth waterloo lincoln york and peel counties have all repjrted considerable damage from this pest any halton farmer noting these grteinsh brown caterpillars w hich hpve longitu dinal stripes on their backs should phone the agricultural repre senntives office oat and barley fields seem hirdest hit ind eirlier this week we viewed a 12 acre field of oats in peel county where all leives md several kernels were stripped from the stalks in one area ilone in peel county poison bait at the rate of 25 lbs of bran 1 lb of paris green 1 2 qts of molasses and 2i gals of water per icre spreid b hind over 300 acre oat crop n julv 21 22 and 23 we do not guoti this to jlirm ou but merely in the hope tint all farmers w l be n tin lookout for this pest army worms can be serious but iho can be controlled if poisoned before they begin 1 1 rmrch farm radio forums start organization the county executives of farm radio forum m zone three met at brampton for their organition meeting and ito to meet tht newly elected secretary minager w j mcpherson or jick mcpherson as he is known b radio fans it wis gratifying to note thit nil of seven counties onh one was not represented which depicted the interest and responsibility to duty of these county officers problems of forum orjani7otion were freely discussed as each chairmin nave the report of the forum work in his county at noon the peel federation of agriculture icted is hosts and entertained the group at dinner in the queens hotel the cool quiet of the dinning hall as well as the delicious dinner was appreciated by those present at the afternoon session mr mopherson presented a report of the national farm forum topics which forum members will be dis cussing this fall nd winter two objections were set for the provincial organizations to carry out in separate counties ll to retain alt present forums now organized and keep them active 2 bach county to endeavor to organize at least two new forums this was an informal meeting w here all felt free to voice opin ions the semi annuil board meet ing will be held in london in octo ber when members of zone three will meet for a short session to plin the fall rallies with regards to speakers during 1951 canada fish pr cossing industry produced 272 745 sealskins or seven times as many a in 1950 helburne revives idtime fiddling on a grand scale old time fiddling was just about dead a few yean ago the average canadian hadn t heard any of it for ages and the number of top fiddlers was diminishing every year that unique art form w03 losing popularity new generations were springing up who didn t have to rely on the local barn dance and its fid dlers local musicians were con sldered corny and tht old time fid dler was on the way out how ii happened in tht summer of 1951 however a casual conversation took place on a saturday afternoon in a small on tano town as a result of which old time fiddling was rescued from the clutches of obscurity a group of citizens of shelburne were chatting iboul the good old days and good old old time fiddling thtrt just aren t any of these youngsttrs todav who etn play the fiddle like the old boys said one a stcond disagreed among those who heard the argu ment vv re members of the local rotiry club a peact loving com munitv minded bunch they decided to settle the argument without bloodshed by holding a fiddling tonttsl the result would prove once and for nil who was right nnd the proceeds would be donated to a worthwhile charity be fort long the whole town was tilkinl about the upcoming contest and tht cbc s neighborly news commentator don fairuairn heard about it in short order the cbc came through with an offer to put the finals on the national radio hook up this first contest went over well and the following year the rotarnns pulled it off igain with even great er success miking it a national con test i ither than one confined to onlirio onlesu tw o days tht tonltst this year is the fourth the shelburne competition is affilnted wtth the united states fiddle contest it louisville ken- tuckv nnd more entries are expect ed this vear than ever before the contest wrtl last two days this wtik nnd the towns population will likely swell is it did last year from 1 200 to nearlv 5 000 with tht arrival of competitors accompanists spec utors reporters and radio tv tech mcitns from all across canada the people of shelburne are hap py about all this they have brought old time fiddling back into popular ity put their town in the national limelight and htlped several good causes there s only one flaw they avent settled the argument its still n toss up whtther the old old- timirs are better fiddlers than the new ones cinadi is the best customer the united states has traditionally buys more from the united states than the united states buys from canada mike gone plumbing heating eavestroughing pressure systeaas water softeners phone 25 81 mill st acton leader sea scouts drown at oakville two sea scouts and an assistant leader of the oakville tro ip wen drowned it the week end nfber thur 10 fo t culler appircntly cap sueeti about 15 milts out in ijike ontario when struck by a sudden squall tht three arthur thursby 33 donald mccausland 12 and don utd balderston 15 wire among ib in a six boat flotilla cruising to niagara on the latte the other five cutters each w ith a leader and two cadets were scattered during the storm but reached safe ty arrival of the five boats wos first indication that tht 1 three scouts were missing and nine motor launches startod the setrch other boats and aircraft later join ed the search for bodies without success the tragedy recalled a similar inppening june 2 when four young i sea cadets and their instructor were drowned after their navy whaler upset during a squill off the east toronto waterfront mr thursby is surv ved by his wife ind three young children he ittended meetings of the hilton scouters association in vanou pirts of the county and at blue springs scout reserve near acton the tngic denth of the locilly known assistant scoutmaster and three sea scouts has led to tru strong public demand for a bureau to co ordimte official and volun leer efforts in future lake acci dents oakville his no method for post ing storm warnings at the entrance to the port competition won by george wallace wnmrs of the field crop com pit it ion smsond by the acton agricultural soc ety have been an i iiinci d tin entries were judged by flgin laughlin of caledon tht pisl week results are george wallace 95 points jim ixitch 94 albert gray 93 s e grittin k son 92 charles mcnabb 89 harold mclntyre 84 i h yd mcenery 83 r kerr and sin 82 mi clayton davis 82 elwood johnston 81 roii r jkwuuom optometb1st 58 si georges square guelph formerly occupied by mp e p head complete eyesight service gnrhim strain rr i milton monuments markers cemetery lettering quotations by appointment pholm mlhon 15sr32 work service the year round phone 392j spring cltan up cellars etc fall gtntrat touch up yards winter furnaces snow any inside work no job inside or out too large or too small we do what you want anytime prices right service with a smile w coleman jr 7 main st acton ovtr sam the barber lou need us we need you clearing ankle sale of socks here are some outstanding values in ankle socks for infants boys and girls and ladies these are better quality herd wearing lines at below cost prices infants sox sizes 5 5 i 6 pink blue only reg 49c sale price 29c childrens ankle sox sizes 6 lo 8 assl styles reg to 49c sale price 29c ladies ankle sox sizes 9 to 10 asst styles reg to 49c sale price 29c cookies fresh lsi hl q biscuits cream sandwiches and plain exceptional value at 29c lb hintons dept store seeking a home see our listings now before the fall rush and controls are removed in the cities we have a number of homes not too high in price to suit every taste and purse see this week s specials rough cast with three extra lots good garden soil lots of room and fresh air for the children to run around near to school on good county road close to highway still in the low price field solid brick right in the heart of residential district seven rooms including four bedrooms large hall could be used for an office all rooms are spacious upstairs outside sleep ing balcony we had something to do with the building of this late georgian residence and we know the best materials and craftmanship went into it built for a former real estate and community planner has all conveniences six car gar age for appointment to view the and others contact f l wright real estate broker phone 95 20 wilbur st acton v nted nlmber of fifty acre farms inn j 11 on thin j tv b jji 22 hi ton i 60 f the di oka t- fr l enk inland untd counlls in ontar o istrd hilt r wtu n d b prudt i ms m ande it h farm f gerald gra ham l ir kr up first nspecw this long e ablnhed hi rd i fact oie of th dt i j- t h ri n hall count delcat nr ar atu mpnf1 urth thr uniformiti within u graham hrd and alo w th the ttondcrfu stable ace m dal ir w ill not attvmpt to du tndi dual animals a gerald and the other ottntrs d d m capab throughout the tour but 11 el ck to generalities mentioning perhaps one or two main comments which were overheard at each farm after guiding thu group do n esquesinfs prosperous 7th line from the graham farm e arr ed no q in a series your hydro at work and yours the gifts of nature for two great countries the dream of power from the st lawrence wai bom somewhere in the last century halfway through this one it u about to become a reality the turning of the first sod for this important power development is a high point in your hydro a 48 years of progress progtesa that haa been the bedrock of ontario b economic development and prosperity ontano hydro thanka the statesmen public minded citizens and all others who helped bring to a successful concluston years of protracted negotiations the result is proof once again of the beneficial outcome of cooperation between province anotdominion and between the govemmenta of canada and the united states the objective of ontano hydro and the new york state power authonty b to complete this great 2 200 xx horsepower project in 5 yean with the generation and sale of power in 4 yean the straining tractors and bulldozers chugging drub labouring trucks and corps of hard hatted construction crews will be visible evidence to all in the area of ontario hydro at wokk for you and youks usten to the skoal ceremonies tuesday august 10 1130 inoon to 1 cm eost 90q pm to 9 30 pm edjt dial your locations canada station

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