Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1954, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday september 2 1954 a big family party last week your editor spent most of the week at a gathering of weekly newspaper editors from coast to coast of canada ll was a busy four days it was the 35th annual convention of the canadian weekly newspapers association we ve attended 15 of them and can qualify as a charter member since we attended the first meeting of the as sociation which was also held in toronto it is the worlds largest press association with a member ship of 535 the family grows bigger each year and the improvement and growth can in large measure be attributed to the association working constantly for improvement of this important branch of the publishing industry last week s financial post earned a very in formative article on the role which editors of weekly newspapers play across the dominion it s too lengthy to quote but some of the facts pre sented in that article were not new to us when piesented the weekly editors are not wealthy folk in terms of money a survey showed that 91 per cent reported an average work week of over 55 hours for themselves but an average of 44 hours per week for their back shop employees only 23 per cent reported personal earnings of over 5 000 per annum although many were uni versity graduates the average c w n a member paper al though covering 82 per cent of the homes in its trading area has a net paid circulation of under 1500 copies per week and an average staff of 10 including the owner who is sometimes publisher editor printing foreman advertising salesman and general caretaker combined messages of importance every morning of the four day convention members were called to get up at 7 45 and often earlier from then until 10 at night there were activities and for hours after the visiting went on with plenty of shop talk and swapping of ideas cur readers would not be interested in the busi ness session covering conduct of newspapers but might find interest in some of the fine addresses and prominent speakers who addressed the qroup speaker on one occasion was wilfred sanders president of canadian institute of public opinion or perhaps better known as gallup poll like you we have often wondered at predictions on elec tions etc its surprising what is known about the thinking of people in general and the trends and the use this informations is put to n r crump senior vice president of the c p r was another interesting speaker the great con cern of operating railways these days we gather ed is the meeting of present day competition with the fetters of restrictions which are effective although designed for another age when there was less competition it is a problem that calls for the greatest effort of management and labor to be met successfully one of the finest addresses was by mr j s duncan president of massey harris ferguson we are hopeful of securing that address in detail and presenting it to our readers it gave a message that canadians in every walk of life may well pon der mr duncan told of what is occurring in other countries of the market in which canadians are now competing and pointed out that we are pric ing ourselves out of the export markets of the world one solution would seem to be crea on of a bigger home market and greater mrmgraion if canada is to continue to expand and maintain its place in the world it will not be w th a soft people but those with the sp nt of the p oneers of earlier days at another luncheon rhys m sale pres dent of the ford motor co was the speaker his was no message of pess smism true sales have been decreasing in some months of th s year he be lieved however it was just a natural adustment from the peak production that has been forced following the war entertainment of course there was the i ghter s de c gathering too one evening the cbc half ho let s make music was presented in the banquet hall and president ken walls of barrio gave a brief message perhaps your radio was tuned to that program last tuesday if you attend the c n e this year we advise you to visit the imperial oil exhibit where the es so steel band will be a feature the musicians are mostly underprivileged youths of trinidad s back yard slums their instruments are oil drums and wood blocks it is truly remarkable the melodies and music that is beaten from these oil drum heads which have been cleaned tempered and made into segments to give the tone effect desir ed final item on the entertainment side was t buffet luncheon at the exhibition and hearing from robert saunders chairman and hiram mc callum manager ust before they rushed down to meet the duchess of kent a trip through the new food building and a preview of the grandstand performance with roy rogers and trigger and al the other items on the big show reading bfw n tho um the night before the curtain rises on the worlds biggest exhibition by jhn buek wln l rk of the ibm canadian weekly newpapcr klntim ntlo i tn tin into tht firm nntinniil gathering of eiekh pre ihi r in it yiart was a xneak preview t th s urn canadian national fxhibl ion il put thi iitioliitliun if mid ihn to mid wives mnd ntln r whom the n that bi hid invil in tht pass mli f i up i although mounds building rx lerior midwav nnd rneisl di pliy art is vu ri spic n an for opening day n d booths our parly paved looked tiki baek itage attrr the kindcrgnrti n christmas concert however d ubtless within a n houts thee too would ret dnssul in i ihimi gtrb of pilnt pixie md phwexiel on tin h le tli n r nijitit before improved tht hurried ex ph rer with i se iim of jr nr i t thn iili di iicd omit printers ink newspaper folk do get a thrill out of seeing how other folks in the same business work groups visited the daily star and telegram news paper plants they rode the new subway and buses and toured the big publishing plant of mac lean hunter where a luncheon was given in the fine cafeteria used by plant employees they also visited the showrooms of one of the companies selling printing equipment not many weekly newspaper publishers can hope to have such operations in their plant such as the dailies and periodicals employ but they do seek in every way to learn of the latest develop ments in their trade another industrial tour of real interest was in the big ford plant at oakville the automobile has today became ust as essential a part of news paper work as the machinery which produces the printed word we had visited the plant when the first car was driven off the assembly line just 15 months previously what a hive of industry has been developed and put into making automobiles in those few months is hardly conceivable yes it was a packed four days for weekly newspapermen and their wives that was held in toronto last week thanks to all tion hut then this i- to in peeled f ir 11k world luge t inmnl exhibition afhr buffi ling jold him md lurkej in lh womins building dining ditk the pn is pir was h tinted out in ire t tons for i puck run through i in gleim ng niw ttod building piloted b t membi r of the cuindnn f od i nduit ioc ilion who wis eb lenislv iniotis to impress his entourage of newspnpoi people ntir quick trip w us college ind complttc certiinh the new food build most mud i lot funclio imiginalio well l doeiil id o n to preint the observer with plexsint impressions nnd facilitite for tin exhibitors uuir best expressions it has to be cen the appreciated saw govs briskly whisked as we wci through the food show place thn win enough time on our part an public r latloni i xpense on tl part of many exhibitors lo wclji down tht nrnn with wimples evirything from calorie icy so drink to a powdi rv addative claimed to miki ordiinry slenk ruts taste like flht miguon next we heidfd for thi grand gui ml built to nt over 20000 w eslimnted then wtrf it lent 4 0od centered in the huge con crete bleachers for the dn s re hi irsil as an mdt x of response for the show tht non paying crowd provided uk producers with a tairly accurate nudienee rating without panning or praising ttu how it wis different c r tiinlj th children ind there were many there went home in high till of excitement aftf r si e ing iht ir movie tv ind c imic bo k idol in pcrs n rov ri gers ind trigger producls of i socn tv w hit h must hivi i i rogre ion of hens fulfil this rob energetinl h i understind the preview per f rmwe differed imithit from thi opining night presentation this is not unusual since the purpose of any dn the good old days may have seemed better ilci for de iblc nee sin iddituns ind ubtrirl ions in production components aj person 1 lutes vir so will thi reiction of individual idulus dulj newspaper reidtrs ire nwire of tht uni in juggling for recognition which very nearly upet the whole grandstand per form nice this jcar and beset the cnir mamgemt nl w ith man si7 headtchts despite these trl bulatu ns this ir s show is go d entertainment and lhats all it or anj other show ls meant to be n w mouthful explorer in traf iljir township ol it h id i busv time of il when thru m ir old glen fisher decided to mike i trip of e xploi ntion nnd conse ciiimlh corned the rinds to invil otr open field afli r i iddling some distance his roving eyes back in 1904 from the taooe of the free press f thimcuj september 1 19m t j b mckenzle the contnetor li putting the- finishing touches on the now iton hi ins erected or mill st rr mr ceo sirper it i i substantial buitdilng 22x50 two stories ind basimmt the ground flihr will di volinl to mr soper s gnnery and in en am business the icond moor his bun based by acton loof and when furnished the oddfellows intend will be uch the hindsomest lodge r town an incipient fire started in gtr depot a few das igo chief gambli and agent holmes itre too soon on the scene to it tht palntial structure to go up n smoke a few buckets of mater xtinguished the flime a gtr rficnl askid ni xt day why didnt jiiu let he old thing go a windenng bovine was list of a r ither serious happening irl mount campbell on tin night the cow strijed from home nd found its w iy into a girden i hi re it enjoyed a m igruficent ist of girden stuff inetnsed the girdencr went for his shotgun and hured a good sized chirge into he animal s side the animil is till living but the iffur is jikejy o cause a cenirt ca e everj property owner inxious or progress prospent ind in re ised ttnctiveness ot acton mil vote in fivor of perm inent oads b itw tomorrow iistin ikivs ind girls vou 11 hear he welcime music of- the school bell thls morning eorgetown s newly rebuilt sti- is mnring compli hon it is whispered th it the pi ins of acton s depot are for i much more commodious ind modern structure while drivint in nassagaweyn monday ifttrnemn ouncillor robert holmes met with in accident the horse e is frightened by some young cattle ind shied he was thrown agunst i log il khtcd o bickjird until founi we want to thank all our friends and readers who have had such kind remarks on the success attained in the newspaper competitions this year we are naturally pleased that in competition we are keeping the home town paper in the fore- fiont such success can be credited to loyalty of readers advertisers correspondents staff and many friends who assist in making their paper representative of this community it s no indi vidual effort we would ust like to assure all that it will be our constant endeavor to publish the free press that will hold its place in leadership in competi tions we do appreciate the support and team work that makes winning possible it will not be possible to win every year but we will not rest on any laurels won this year or any other year crosssection just a few items that we didn t glean from the program but n meeting folk from across canada a saskatchewan editor told us the wheat crop gave splendid promise if there was some sun shine and weather lo ripen it before it was frozen but then he added what are we going to do with the crop if it s harvested with last years wheat still in storage c one westerner had brought his little son to the convention monday morning he was waken ed by the boat whistles and there was a light fog over the bay the boy enquired what atl the noise was and was told it was the boats out on the ater the lad who was more accustomed to prairie dust than lake fog replied gee those boats are sure kicking up an awful dust out there i s i of swings in a here he busied himself some three hours later tnion second best in oakvilk this week i mijonty report of the conciliation boird uling in the matter fr the ford oikvilli locals application for a 30 cent wage mere isi plus other fringe benefits recommended ignns in increisi m w ige ntes beciuse of tht business outlook gentralh conceded poor in the iutomoli industrv bemoans towns bell in burlington an old timer wr les to the gazette editor how ibout our town bell what hip peiud in people who have lived lere 50 jcar and over mis it i for one do as it wis music to mv ears to hear thit deir old bill rn t mg fiur times t dav it t ok me i ling time to figure out whit wa wrong with our town is t seemed so dull and quet unlock it and let it ou lo ring once itain ah set to go in erin it is reported tint i bnmpton contractor w a iwardid the c ntncl to build the new em dlne high school on dim street toil sheds hive bun et ip ard othir pnpint n under wav to st irt work on the truclurt and no back talk in georgetown despite iruiments the contrirj members if eouneil jreed there wis lutle altcrmtive but to go along with tht provinci i police suggestion that another m n wis needed m the town but none theless council put off iwj official signature to the new coi trict it wis decided little ci uld be giined in reverting to a local force first 100 the hardest in milton issured that the first 100 yeirs nr the hardest officer ind directors of the fill fur ire completing plans for the 102nd pre stntation of exhibits special events competitions and entcrta nment with finishing touches for september show which will miki the largest and most eventful the cenlurv of fill furs two individualists in burlington it w i reve lied thit court iction against 50 per cent of the nelson township proptrt owners affected b the living of lh nnjara toronto gis pipeline wil not hive to tilee plice since set tlement had been reiched with all but two lind eiwnt rs another subdivision in milton ind cati m of d mint of still inothir ubd wis given council when i pi ubdiv ior on tht nd ubmitnd af e f th plin dnwi propertj wheh borders t terj members rn rhanges paralleling tho e the planning board it meeting itntf nmend d irgid bv back in 1934 from the itsne of ihe free press of thursday august 30 1934 lleided by acton citizen bind hp actor le orange ordoi ind ru blue idge pindid sndiy fternoon from thti lodge hall willow where to r i of dece ry ised a reunion of the old b v girb was held at ligm on august 22 it v is i ign n union and it in uigurat stibstque nt success a as ewing te the interest ml i of mr w s chisholm tti resident x pup 1 e f the c present frame structure v in 1htm prizes were givei oldest hdy and gtntl ittended ligny school mcdowell wis given saucer ind wis prese nti i bouquet tf gl idioli bv 1 garet mccilli i gtly tivity dest the t pre mr nted ale ngr r feitures at the canadia fxhib ton thi eir i 2kmi choir c inducted bv d h fncktr the ril mil t ef music bird fre m eri i bus ecti ibly mdicttit ihe iv hich u j end i try i v be ni on if i ucctcd m applicit ns ire r ce ved for th posit i officer n acton to s ms mcdomld who his bee mnuited mr mcdon ild w tir t ippo ntee to the positioi a port wis opened in act has cipably fufilled the du tf ice for the nth nl tion of the rnckiwood h rt cultur seicietj wis held in the own i last sittirdty cons denng t dnn backs at tho seion the no wis very good there was j fn displiy of gladiolus from ih ga di of mr win hirns a nther heavy frost m pe icnced on wednesdiy mor inri professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney pfayilclui and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river su entrance rivor street acton ontario phone z38 on hohdajs june 30 to aug 2 call dr john scott 191 woolwich st guelph phone 421 guelph legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pubtti office hours 10 00 am 12 00 air 1 00 pm 5 00 pjn saturdays by appointment oalj office 22 phone res 151 acton artrni 3m prhb the only paper ever publlabed in eton ff ndtd in its and published everv thursda at 16 mill m f acton ont mimber of the audit bureau of circula r hefww and the ontarioquebec division of the c n a dvertising rates on request subscriptions pav ab n advance cwin canada 350 in the united states rreriths 10 smgle copies 6c vithoraed as second c iss mall post office department ottawa published ht the dtlls printing and putdlshlac c limited g a dills editor in chief david r dills production manager james dills john blacv associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 nr at thi united church of canada acton ontari a friendly church rev e a currey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mlsa o m lampard a t cjm organist and choir leader suvday septembe1r 5th 19m 10 00 am sunda school carries on hrough the summer ever sundav a helpful time 1100 am morning worship 00 pm evening worship presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robfrt h armstrong mj bd mtnwer sunday september 5th 195 9 45 am church school 1100 a m mr william bell 7 00 pm service in the united church they that ait upon the lord shall renew the r strergth a varm welcome aaits 101 st albarts church anglican rev ralph e price ba bd rector thf tweijth slndan fter trlnity sep embt 5th 1954 ixi it choral commur r 00 h m join serv ce r v l- d church tt suidav sep ember 12 1954 i m evering praver and ded ca on of memorials to inr late rev g n lutton and thoe from st albans church who served in the last war also farewell service of the rev r e price all friends 0 st alban s are invited to this ser baptist church acton ra h cotterus pas or pdrsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w suvda september 5th 1954 10 00 am sundav school 11 00 ammrn n worship wedredav 8 pm praver mee lever hoskin chartered accountanta successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 9131 gerald a candler chartered accountant monday to friday 79 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill si office hours 9 am to 6 p m x ray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 p m telephone 19 acton veterinary f g oakes b v sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeona office brookville ontari phone milton 165r21 miscellaneous victor rumley son funeral home funeral home heated initinli phone 699 n ght or daj serving the community for 46 years real estate and in8lranc 27 actor phone 561 b vd f l wright 20 w bur st aeon ortario phone 95 appraiser real estate and travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eaalbound 6 3 am 858am 1133 ajn 2 0ft pm 508 pm s33 pm us p m b956 pm westbound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pjn 527 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm 11 32 p m 112am sun to kit chener onlvi daily except sunday and boll w r bracken real eatate phone 26 acton list your farm business or nous with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for jour property e h aahroan tali dav sunday and boll r f bean limited real eatate and insurance b3 mill st acton phone w5 o le ue worship st johns church rockw od onta o te rev ralph e p ce b b d rec or the twelfth sunday fter trintty september 5th 1954 2 30 pm church school 2 30 pjn evening praver and sermon o come let us worship all welcome canadian national railways dav f vir at gc rge own 9 02 am 6 v m da f ver at george- v- 10 11 pm r westbound daih except sun and mon 12211 am sat and sun onlr 1138 pm dailv excep sundav 848 a m 655 pm riags1op 7 49 pm saturdat ory 127 pm sundlj onlv 9 03 am fflagstopi sunday cmlv fiver at guelph 7 06 pjn dajv except sat and sun fly al guelph s01 pm 1 h elliott real estate estate se alton cojr v fac i t e j r holmes 84 church street phone 30sm win- t villi l mehoue phone georgetown tr 72 representing j e shaba toronto broker

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