Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1954, p. 3

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thursday september 2 1954 the acton free press acton ontario page thrbk we have moved the location of our coal office to 26 main street n l w agar coal and coke announcement weve opened a new store at 46 mill st and are anxious to serve your needs for your tobacco candy ice cream soft drinks and stationery we invite you to drop in earls tobacco shop tarzwell proprietor fashion hint holfons pages of fh past the chilly davs wo ve had august reminds us fill isn t far suit that will be perfect about fall fair time is pictured above the box jacket is still attractive and it s c en smarter with fur trim the cloche typehat thit was i best seller about 10 years ago is shown in a trim vival opportunity for young man we have an opening on our staff for a young rflan over 16 years of age who is desirous of learning the printing trade in its several branches the applicant should have two years of high school but this is not as imperative as the willingness and ability to master a good trade and a keen desire to learn wages and other benefits are in keeping with the posi tion and those tn other lines of work if you want to earn while you learn a a good trade in a modernly equipped news paper and commercial printing plant this is your opportunity apply by letter for appointment to dills printing publishing co ltd acton and milton ont csnroan strain rr 1 miiton monuments markers cemetery lettering quotations by appointment phona milton 158r32 want ad page where old friends meet llbuchner optometrist in acton every wednesday afternoon office at h mainprize barber shop hours 1 300 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 early simplicity dignityof ebenezer church emphasize 133year history of congregation were open for business and ready to prove to you that you cant go wrong on service and or repairs when you come to us i were located at 252 queen st mkswain motors garage and open 8 am to 6 p m evening work by appoint ment we hold class a licensed mech anic s papers and are prepared for work on all makes of cars trucks and trac tors complete lubrication service wheel balancing p d o outside motor cleaning car washing and polishing tire repairs and a complete line of tires tubes and batteries i drop in and see us today motor overhaul jack mccallums service phone 690 at macswain motors acton by gwen clabke fbenezer church is on the guelph road between camp- btllvilk and eden mills the present church is comparatively modern in design but the history of the congregation goes back to 1821 when william trudgeon a cornish man settled on lot 22 concession 3 nassagaweva the church stands on a part of that same lot the architecture of almost any church has its own special appeal for its antiquit its stonework spire ornamtntal woodwork or its fin stained glass windows ebe- miir church built of rittjjrick on a stone foundation is pirticiilarty attractm becnim of lis simplicity md dignit thin is a quiet rest fuliks within its walls tint cnn be felt lxltr thin it can be described one fnh lint hirt is n church that is the culmimlion of ars of faith ful sorice b i crent number of piopli from pi mi r tinn i to the prtsmt dav a pirusnl of the his lirv of th chui in coirouonws that unpii ssion lreds iands in 1846 from 1h23 to 1132 sen ices were in id in mr tnidl1 on h mi terv two uctks in usilink ministers in 11132 i cedu i k ihipil w is built on i coimr of on cimiter it had onh windows thi sells were of split lofis to ncr iitimodatt iboul 80 peopk thin w is riril a lennt s john mi h sr and john shirwood hm bttn giin thi credit for liituif founded method ism in nissilaw t i the first estiblishid minister of thi circuit wis thi ri flias williams it be ing his second mir in tile ministry in 1b46 mr trudgeon for the nominal price of urn pound sterline deeded a piece of land for the site of n church upon this wis built a frame buildinj 31 in 4i ftet the wilkinson wis ok first pastor to officnli in the mw church during thi nrs imong tht minv pastors who micu tried mr wilkin n wns ok re t l fhig who 1902 becami inter slid in hither r in form it ion ngirdinf ebenezer church in paitiutlir ind on district in tins work hi was greatly assisted bv three older mem ixrs of the congniition mrs jona than adamson mr george easter brook and mr wm husband valuable data was also obtained from joshua nornsh s early history of nassagiwiya in iwh mr flagg nceivtd another call ind the notes ith him for quite a number of ors thi nolis were lost to thi people of nissaiiwii then bv i fortunate coincidinci tht vitro located in hamilton family damped in greek in these notes it was recorded that in the early log chipel days a family neir campbellvillc by the name of gordon happened of an accident one sunday while on their wav to church their transposition was an ox cart in which they had to cross the creek on this particular sunday the lock pin cartii out of the cart and tht whole familv was dumped into the creek an even more unfortun ale accident occurred when a mr iftyland from acton while on his w ay to conduct a service got lost in the dense bush being exhausted he slept for awhile in i sheltered spot unfortunattk he caught a chill urn which hi died in 191 ok corn r stoni s for the i t nt fmt church win 1 nd each mini i siljiificint ihlt which is as follow 11123 first iteichinj si rv lei in oie township ifuj i ol chip 1 built 1ji47 trim church built itl n irm ii i 1v of thi t church miv 24 those of only by good organizing ability loyalty to their cause and by each person accepting whatever work was allotted to him or her for the men were called in too to peel potatoes and occasionally to wait on table they also had the tremen dous job of transportation of food stoves and cooking utensils the menu was good and varied but car rot pudding with sauce was a spec iatty and was very popular when days were chilly immense quantl ties of salad were made and an eight gallon milk can was used as a container for the salad dressing the last two cnrs this catering project has bet n discontinued through lack of help in tht homes of btrs ottv since been adopted as i mians of raiding money iut w hitc icr i heir nctn ili id tinn s or bid fbem t r church betn tht centri of icliv i th r ihpsontouring itlun this iorll all lit- of hilton asphalt paving driveways parking lots and grading phone brampton 2051 j for free estimates almas hard drives oakville m jiffins judm fill t mrs 1 c tin r dum in implxll thorn f isli rbremk ind frnnk s ivi rs in tht will kipl cinulirv adjoin il tin church ire hit triis of loii who tint ueii thi trs con tribittid so much tow mis thi lr be d church mimlh and material hi n we find i tombstone erect o the memory or joshua nornsh memth rs of his finmh it was nornsh who li id tin pitunce and sight to record oic history of nissaeawivj from its drlv settle mint up to 1b99 many active laymen also in tin cemi l ry is a unique tombslont with the simple inscr tun john ramsiv dud oct 1 ihi agt 90 this tombstone is in umimiil collection of rocks ston i s inri indnn skinning knives which mr it imsi is sjid to hive collect id on his own firm during his life lunt mr rimstv i vidcntlv km w his rocks is many of the stonis are similar to those which are usually found onlv in on ottiw i valley ind pirts of qui bee one theory for thi ir presince on his farm is this during the list ici ig these stones mi hivi bun might and hi id in a rock en vice on the farm later bv a natunl breiking down proctss they wen i x posed to view for instance there is i large piece of rock known is re ciminted conglomi r iti thin is also dolomite tourrmline and mici fbiniier church his alwiys had miny ictive lavmen sundiy schi teachers choir members ladies aid ind other working groups the chon has an enviable reputation and has bun much in demand through the eirs for special occisions in other localities few runl choirs have been able to surpass fbtntzer in the rendition of sat red music their songs of praise setm to come from the hearts as well is fr m the lips of tht choir and congregitton i a unique record fbineier ilso his a unique record born aboard liner boy enjoys party as ship hits port montreai ntsndi i i bit ml bl ti whi ii bi th septt mbi r h d i pre birl pnsint ihil imdt h m thi of ill ihe kids 0 the block 1 urid i r 1 i ass nji r liritr jihiu ii r vi i nj i i il n llu greek lir r c lun jthnny d oung score 100 on this hot weather quiz and you rate as the cool est of cool drivers do vou start driving early enough so your trip is one- third over before ten in the morning nt lilhtlv at breakfast ith the main meal for our dn ing clothes com- mi 1 hindered and quick i 1 irge thermos r drinking and i reasonable ik pleasure i t iki r it pi i iods kli d w u drive safih samh t il coastal island haven for birds victoria cp solandtr u i ind n ing 1 000 fiel above the sea 200 mil n rth i f here js ihe home if c unlli ss b rds md sei llonv but it h l- mr chn mi dil guif p tte nice c d it to lint summir dtcli bil c old b x 1951 rcl iti n austri told her th f 1 i octol e ff she nt wh 1 fu pi he ted for ir h wars thi msud b thur m numbers of the co id for mills it ploufhink match though it mitht b it v jeet tach i id hot mial ls and teas undertaking and k actmtiis for ladies aid is nfolk and other irrigation cater thi provincial i ich mir ei n h id a hundr d tlie ir major pro ir own tent and homi cooked ls f ir the entire cold mtals sand immense p ssible urod hir tin bih w uld irr vi in s ptcmbir sure i nough sin says two fij ml of chirbmj i f und tin rur pi in docto wis ngh fortunittly im i i d sailor jiki t w i j m th dt livery tht nkulir h p d ct r wi ir hi mi nl li ivi i th timi iri thin win miri thin 800 l ngtr iboird tht doctor s nphcemtit who ha i liken iho i iki for a h i d i irij went u hi mmri hi w i busj so mrs mandel tin follow me diy got up t can ft r her elf the tlibv inri i tilt aim then i morm broke that ixlid two d iy but it didi t both r me si d the pluck mother the biby nmi ned un named until the ship reached montreal whin immigration men said they w uld nitd i mmi for ihe oung stcr johnnv was dec ded upon b cause i ig like columbus would b jut ti much for any kid in h s day and age she said the off cers and men of the ship trilled them roah the i id us that f johnm ivir decided miki r of a prii v nc il mu mm xu dition making i 7 login sur j sud a huge colony if watirfowl inhabits the e t h iped 1 t li il md wh le shirp tilonid filcons si ped ib ve their hi ads the pirly found i c iony of tuflid ik eibird w th a rinl seen off th ivpr island ho iiughl new spe d he la d 200 trap nnguli bill ul of vdtci mr guijet mght ni i i ii exut ikb b i xpidit on c den s and he be on tht slind nu eum jrtlst with sud thcr are in lind which il p nit f view i irby nd travd iboard the col i free indian crafts slowly vanish in modern era piece of plumbing star attraction a complcitid piece if plumb til involving several thousand f t of steel pipe 19 electric mot ors 4 000 water jets 50 000 watts of power and 38 tons of water w 11 be one of tht star attractions n the midwi it this years can adian national exhibition constructed by hind in germany thi eq npmi nt was first put on public d pl iy at the 1952 industrial fxhibit on in west berlin last year it wis brought to north am- fnc ind made its debut at the ridi cit music hall since then t ha t lured this cont nent and won iccla m throughout th orld ott prrstavik s cntlun 20 to 30 nto th nd button dances i whle multi nl weiddressed man latest bestarch bod ncwtsl techniques in aluminum welding ire passed on to canadian industry in clinics conducted by aluminium laboratories limit ed in kingston plant engineers enanagcn foremen and wekien attend lectures and demonstrm- tkms by akan itaearch spe- producud by impenal tobacco company of canada landed at a public mtvk t- lake and xllind ird kid ai h f ora des gn l bead and qui i o k s ind dns ou bo h ca and f oril di tff used hobart tasmania f im u f thi big ho t i a i and state mtja b tween tri laurcestor fine collection ti sand tnn h krth i n c if calendar house has 365 windows ve mention it here to show bow dcaety the coraiknw that lot slumuium mod the company that rupphei it rk together more than a thousand manu- factureri turn canadian abi- fflum mto everthing from airframes to bairpins and tbey know that m eplonnb new uses or improving old ones they can ahvayi call on kan lo hdc them find the answers alu minum company of canada udakan free daily pickup and delivery or cash n carry at our new location 5 mill w formerly blue doll beauty salon roys 128 delivery dry cleaning and laundry service phone i acton 210 000 i f ed ibu ith o ibcta ld an it btanger pais j j pumai1 if on cp a d bmirv e i uth i m ore tc itu i t mp o d t zrgi a s w fine i n t s ppid it i i dgi 1 tree a a pad b ne -trange- c ien 1 u h didn ha- te sjc1 n r ird as o nacline f-ed- j k dd many moose bear aia i oi and bear e qu te pen j ctuf ranger dunne fpor it orla to depa-tti- t o d and f b a s a e matt 1 nd m i j n a a d ti 1 pe- t ii n t 1 j cj ur i mea b ad b

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