Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1954, p. 1

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ht jvirtim sftt ft eightieth year no 12 acion ontario thursday september 16th 1954 len pages six cents road repairs chief topic at county council session thi manntr of n pairing county roads and tht road close to the braver dam rami in far long discussion at thi regular rm cling of halton county council htld al milton tuesday nfttinoon the inciting followed tour of ihc king paving company plant nt mount ntmu carllir in the day a kttcr rcctlvcd from the town of burlington fired the debnte when reeve r m shannon reviewed burlington s objections in the man ner which brant street was repaired thi communication stated the town of burlington mas txtremily disappointed with the patching on brant street reeve shannon explained bur linglon had contributed 42000 to the county road system since 1m6 it is understood the present work on thi street cost about 4 000 he aid that stems to be unfair i feel the people should get more for their money no report tabled he further stated the count completed work on roads in nel son township a jnr ago it a cost of som 6500 ptr mile it is mono down the drain ns this work had to be done ovtr again thi j ear i haw asked for a pro gram of the work to ik doiu on count roads to be tabled but this ha not beui doni as tl he con eluded defending the actions of the road committee reeve a r ser vice nassagawcya emphasized the budget would not permit a ful scale repair job on brant street this cnr he thought the commit tee did welt to repair this road is it is and has put it in fairly good chape it may not be the best but it n a ver good road to drive on now and i don t feel we have to make any apologies to thi town of burlington he said trafalgar representative felt their township hid paid consider able amounts oir tin venrs into tht road fund but thought th it in spite of the gre it amount of work to be done thi commitut nas doing an oxctlttnt job thi year look at thi seventh li dtputv rtove robirt mirhall jected the ri pairs thin are n t standing up it thtv hould but tli riaii i re von ibh good to tnvcl bent on money available with the propeels of 1 w t r gmit thi commit tn hid to d hi b t jib it could with the monev available rnvi willnm andtrs n oikvill ckclirtd the commit tit just cuild not ibfnrd to nd in e limited 25 000 on th roid this year hi addtd reeve shannon ud tht town engineer could not reeommt nd thi patching job as it wis applltd loo thinlv had i hoivur apphcitnn of material been utd it w oti d stind up much better and not be a waste nf the taxpaver monev council agreed to reftr burling ns communication back to the road committn for further consid eration rtcve george bronh hz nelson told council cons idcrablt work hid been done jointlv bv thi t vuntv re fort tilion committee ind the counlv conservation ommitlec v conidtr ho propt solution of tht flooding condition on tht counlv road btlwtcn nwsapwfm and eqiu n townships caused bv i marbv beiwr dim hah postal deliver i slated a letter had bet n rect vd frim the d strict dirtctir of patil service ndiciting po a dtliverv would be d continued in 1111 aria f the road wis not re paired recv t brt nhotlz aid th it follow ng nveetigation it w is found th road was tloodtd each vear but since the btivtr hid loc aterf there the flooding was much grta possiblv tht t wnsh is rnuld hae raised this rnd bif- i and posbh the beav r irt but looking at it f irn the deportment lauds ind promotion here proposal of a public meeting to include local businesses industrial and sirvice club groups was madt tutsday tvtniiir whin immbtrs of acton council s industrial committee confined with two rcprtsi ntativcs from tht upirtiiitnt of planning and devi kipmi nt thi nut ling schi dulfd i irlu r this viar wis ht id to rtvuw ns peels of indiistiiil promtition hire and puticiilir pi inning and zoning probltms in this ttiwn lit pusmting thi loutuil in thi industrial com mitttt art m lyor f tvlir hitvi j sttwarl t ouncillors c lindsay and it hargrivi tht dipnrtrmnt officials urged a public mteling or ripresmtativt gathering to acquaint citizens with work bung done in local industrial promotion sties thi importance of town boosting and gt nt rally develop support aiimnk the various groups to concentrate on promoting local ad vantage and potentialities learning of work which has il nad bet n dont in this area the planning ind dtvilopnunt officials txprtssed sin prist thnt itsponst to pronioliiin has not been grtater but at thi inn turn thev ismired thi lotiil me minis tint tht methods and minus id opted win commindibh it wis pointtd out tlu town can jproptrh asmss tm mill on tht tix rate to undtrvvritt tmilov nu nt of in uutiisii ml commission r pi onio hon or sunilir nit isun s dt signed to nultriilh itvtltp tin comnumitv ai li n w is urged to tikt idv inligt of tills piomsioil st albans groups begin fall season tht gnh aiimltin of st albans churth hi id its fust met ting on thursdav st ptombrr 9 mil hit up tht st albuis t hipttr of tht brothtihood of antlicin lav mm held th lr first met tint of tht s ason on tmsdiv stpumtxr h and st a bin- guild hi id tht r fir t meeting if thi fill tison on st ptcmbt r 1 tht bik imdt rtiking of thi fill for st alban s is tht i v rv nu mbt r visitation which will tikt plict on sundu afttrnihn october 24 tht commit tit ins almost computed arronkt mints for this ind it c hop ed th it it will m irked inotht r for wird idvinct in tht lift of the p ir ish guelph presbytery charges separated the presbyter of guelph of the pre terlnn church mel in st davids church campbcllville on tueday flt rnoon and evening september 14 for their regular september meeting and lo condui t ihc service of designation for rv j e sutherland who leaves short ly to take up his duties as a mis slanary in formosa rev c d farris of st andrew s church gait was elected moderat or to succeed rev p g maclnnes of elora two young men leslie barclay and malcolm summers were certified to knox college and a third albert cook was received as a candidate for the christian ministry m m coles reported for the budget committee that s23s5 more had been received for the mission ary budget than at this date lal year rev p g maclnnes report ing for the committee on christim education outlined the activilits in his department this fall there i to be a leadership training confer enct tor teen age workers in knox church guelph next week the young peoples council are also arranging a leadership training conference for their officers tht church school workers rally will be later in september in kltcheiur it wis decided lo separate st pauls church guelph from rock wood and eden mills after oct obcr 1 so st pauls can have both morning and evening services rev f williamson will continue to minister to the st pauls con gregation the same evening i large con gregition assembled for the desig nation service rev j e suther lind was presented for designation by rev e h johnson the ovtr sias secretary of the general board of missions mr johnson himself served in minchuna discussion topic of kindness help a dis th m i round u w tlu st pu mbi r nu aiughtt rs of kn mm aiffilnttd r sipttmbtr it mm vm fl midway preview at fall fair friday for all school children distribute 1800 free tickets to town and district school pupils two nfltrntkinn and two ivcnings of fun on thi midway are pro mised for the 43rd edition of acton fall fair this friday and saturday stpttmbti 17 and itt tin vmiiigst is will llm vt ar t njov thi gaintmind t indv applrs and rides of tilt midwnv on friday ufttrnimn whin thiy ri mvitid to come to thi fair grounds for special ihildnns rat s riht aftir seliool attugi titer lhuu free children s tickets luvi been given nut at at tin ind distrut schools a phofit rill assured tht fur iwird th it th midway contracted for months ago will set up thi ir li i th iiitl ritlis on thuimliv ind be nady for the two di fair fri da inti siiurd i thoiisind in tximitui to f ii ail n park for tht si ssions if i id kin t ontiniioas cult rl ilnmcnt ittrntliv lispbs uid urn ic pr clis attricl mtnl diptivs in nun irt ihi bt t ovtr this t ir tht fur boird undt r its yuungi i prtsidtnt tvr riy everdell onh hipts that a fin sunn div will frinu tht ir months of planning to open fair f a 1 thliv sccrttory of tht ontario fair association ind st r rtlir in miger of the inlernation il plowing match will offichlly ojicn tht fur saturdii iflirnon on hit plitfnrm in front of thi grandstand continual i nt rtiiinment will lit prtvided during the afternoon n front of thi enndstind out i f tli novil altricmons this m r will b mn- j itghtle of rr 2 act m ind hi r ponv which slit triintd lurself the inimil which dots ml us tr rt ihi of thi dij th h i was also th ludv t nti tr f th ivinuil ind div did tht r ii nto thrtt undir tl gmd mci of jt in me pin i dilous j rdin mi hi hin m htlpinj othtr tiv b ing kind ind ismstim whin h lp is nudtd w u tht dtiisim n ich i mrs a huchinui welconutl li nt w m mbt rs to th tn up ind in nounced hit ottobtr muting wil bt hi id it the home of glid pritt th ecrttirv s ri port w l- riad bv kit hinui ind btttv hiitnus in the ibstnct of inrnim k rtgm u rad ih treiurt r s rt port tht president bettv a hl w is m tht chur for tht mtitn u business centred upon the budg fir tht coming vtir bv liw ind wivs of idding ti the exptn e fund church and misionarv project tht mizpah bcmdction broug it th meeting to i cl ist and ifl r rtmiv lunch wis servtd subject of in irticlt ivtck end migirine- aj unst i background of mus c phvtd bv the alton bind tin lijht hor t show slock paride nil road nets will lo t ik pl tli rt will t n bdv ll w tin n nu i tlu firm which him r id tlu tvft his chingid hinds roof repaired th win it i md colorful i hibns n hi hill will lit safer thi manual training room scheduled the public sihool board mittiiiu tin diy tvining dtiitltd to con vi rt i unit i hit old high scho il fo a manuil training nnm clnir a tom w ilm uni whin i sldul it tin pre mi nt imoi riirnard diys kigd to li ach ci k in acton priiuipil g w mtkenm hirlid i total tiirolmint of 570 hit opening of chotil with 87 the kindergarten primary hi cnlhd thai last ytar 59 pupils rolltd aftir tht opining of scht ciu ovt rcniwduig since ct dilions an belter ihls yt ir an i dition il rim in t nrtihnint could he sitlsrtetonly absorb d he riporttd tight ik w suff sull photo mobile schoolroom on its way to an arthur street location where it will assume a residential role is caught by the free press camera t ihe corner of young and queen slreets where riders on top lift wires to allow the former classroom to pass underneath be fore being sold it was used for several years as an extra public school classroom nu mbt i good thi rtiiivitin ippr vtd j suppl is m i hi scho 1 i jdu try miss ijin ig hir hi idtiiinrti i ask townships favor extended area phone service proposals f mi md jim i sfi 111 ifi n n it inn hid s14 t u r seventh teacher for high school w th tw paper thrt i b nu vi th nli r n th fit isp cttd til r wd s li t etion of the park thtr displi of firm mitl n with tin ng doni during thi holidiy ci mini nikd lu c ircukers work md tht spltnd d ci n i of tht school kitchener downs acton soccer club 41 in rough game here i for tw i tflm had leidilv bet of t hi cton fell he iv h for tht sec nd time to tho kw dulchmm wvn th locils mk i 4 1 defeit in cton park li t bilurdav tht gamt tirted at a fart pice ii d ht spectator ettud back ii uij v i good gimi thiv we d s it point d b for the t nd in th frt fivt m nutes during a strong ittick bv c on im f ktthtur full backs knocked the enablihed farmer well the mountain hiv more in them nw than ver befire brenholti explained nc 1 approved hi commit bal do nth hi nd tht rif tee s recommendation countv would pa 25 ne cent or up u j7s0 toward the raising of thij oad with the townships pmv tnj the balince deputv reeve lin ham esquesing sad his counc 1 w as nrpared to call for lender immediatev as t was hquecinc h v tht oad to mairilain mmnar orftcrwdej counc i approved blew for a pemltv but dav shi wa popped bv the lts thin five mirulcs lat r same thing hippened and this davie put the ball low and inside the upright to gut ibrech no chanci at atl of saving it tied at halt time plav cmt nued fast and fairly cvin until about 10 minutes from al kitchtner wa mack the ing rivi ung to stop ca ing ultatn i h in arch tecte n an attempt to f r conrinued on poet four preference given firm not warning following i rcctnt meitmk of tht public ititities comriissi n i w a rep rtrd in ihi mwspirtr thit agent for th hfpi s 1 1 pel c e he d n v a i ius m m c pi tic warned th town to lai n busimss with moden v hiuk ltd kitchtner firm of adjusttrs it has txtn bfought to th at n boti of thi office since that morden a helwig were tht adjusttrs h gents marsh mclelland ltd prxftrred used m this area and did not warn against the employment of morden and helwigs service tht free press regrets anv di consertion which mv have been cuscd morden and helw ig or marsh nd mclelland as a result of this misinterpretation of information them wis fouled bv aihten it ap peared deliberate and v iou tha h twed up wa ting for thi referee ti award a free kick the whit didn t wme and tht paut tmbled cmm to dip through and pick h sp ti the net 1 1 al half time de pi a i ickv rd whe v it nf b tw ihe boll nto tht n so m g1 vwir was sen ir h irt 15 m ru e if he econd mil t- i ahtn cv red irjnn ttxik i frtt kick ind put the ho 1 right to anwtiler who ju t touch id th bill into tht iut tht- r lat on camt hm hi madt a movt h put grudziik ffs dt ht wiiud fo hi white which igun didn i comt and whtn hi looked iround tht ci t was 41 tht kitchtner it am has no i complettd ht r echtdule and iwm poin s ahead of acton who still havi tw i games to plav i f nkh thev pla thi penult mi e next saturdiv aga nl kitcheni ictonas the onlv other second divlston team to beat them th vear in k chener acton calder schipper ha 1 nolan davie vi lon bottomlev dable auer smedema sutton tavlor kitchener albrecht steger herbst kremer schm tthause- raiser oerter grudztnski ach ten vnweiler rehe ertel wcr rtr fisher rtferee wm kerr guelph poultry classes in hive been ami ill this week the u ml v mi ns inst tult diplavs ne tlu iflirno n thursdiv t first of the exhibits ire brink placid in tht hill ind judging bet n tomorrow ev orj inch t iriirtlsing ijnre in the holl i il lotttd md li t minute plans a bi nt mide todiy actoniaim on donkej- highlight of the fnda tvrnrir how in the arena will be the ever w i uhr llth fit id regiment ban f gutlph also listed on the even inc 1 il of entertainment are he snrhghtor rollt r suiter a jug gltr jiff rouind and an acrobat june ihmi donkt v baseball with local mcr on tht unpredictable mounts w driw h attention and laughs of tht fur crowd or saturdav niehl m the arena the firemen a t mitched igaint the fa r director ritanan will be in charge of the rite and he f of parking cars new sheep pens were completed m time for the entries which saturday inside this issue autumn in thr wind bring in side features bark lo the v ree press and thi week on page nine curiosity take ihe writer lo ontario t second urgent apiary i onlv a few miles from here where he pokes his nose around tiee hlv es and falling to get a tiling gels storv mbi s of thi eoucin yi townships met f ihi north halton rd in milton n widnts- i it this wik con iikki m m pur ft i i r th i rm l kh t pi d tht ipplic itit tvr n m nti iv t vt b m hi n t xchingt ilgarr tin idd tioml cl is k i g f poll btrs r diur- i t i nit bo- f t x id scr- nt ffct an of the sub- xit ndfd it rvic would in hr rates ippr ximitely 20 shortage j ins th stiff mtn ttache nc rding ijack of tht if tht ilird wa the grnni of members i prom jt r g the idta high scho 1 is in toronf rcaf memorials dedication service of farewell at st albans sun r ahrms pill emergency scv of tht erv c toll charge thru crnlr- churc h acton two memor ils were dtdii it d ont of thtm i mirblt tihlt n tin s mh w ill of tht nut is i n imnml to tht 1 it hi v w g lust n rut r of tht pinsh from im to lti2 who dud suddmlv vhih h rttir in jimmv of the lit tor v tir thi memorial mitch t m o n h north will ti thi mimorj if th r v c ikt ils i former rtcto r who ditd whilt mrumbint in ihi i st albins that thi i j hhl li ht tmphi- i mil t ices aoud between was ttntativ- lat er to resolut mcgea ivet gate i 85 per f t til subscribers ix th at the trade fa oti rth hiltoi uld h 10 ft ot b 12 f t at 2 50 tuin f i thi- p pi a n af bm th aould be cor tdcred ad ntt red a brass ch lr bv ho fell uik not albans r that i gd tt wt w of those n th second great war and t lo w1111u l mitchis i similar mt monal to the r gmon h i m tnix r nf a rhrch i dud if the first grtit war ln fn atmut so ptrsons wen prtsent for the dtdicition ctrtmonv eon n charge ductid bv the rc ralph e price rector mrs tt g luxton the widow of ihe late rev v g lux 1 ton and ht r childrtn wire prestnt a mrs luxton the mother of saturdav evening see he stag ihe late rector many friends of sl began with such a vision we of the ing of the annual fair dance ir the lbans and of the luxton familv ipristnt hold it and those of town hall when the rhvthn were also prestnt as the united future will continue it until th rimblers will plaj the tunes for presbvternn and baptist churches when all th rgs are gods eve boh round and square dancing withdrew their evening service so tht i partiruhr con rs of a church in all places for rv erv w ht rt a c hurch ulitant here in tarth ix i paradise and triumphant the church of the sa re f board j dills representing fe dills printing and publish rg co ub- m tted suggest onj ard p ices on the preparation of a pjmot onal brochure embodying a detailed p of the vorth halto- area and l tht s lav lsf- v ui it pm v en p eci k chtre w o hjrf fceet osig qu nab t iuni nm he star n ndeavo- ktep t lcaj reoned n vne d tv undtcovr tac c- the eton earn seeing and fit ng wat the efeee didn gt light v annved and stared usin he same tactic tw gaaaes to way that wa their mistake thev d martvre the apostlts and the other necessary angelists this is our own fam quested by the board a rommit- god s familv thost of the past tee was to meet at the next meet ng to consider he nformalion hat should be included n he fom r courc ilor sargent geo ge own ruggested members hiu d consider in interchange of nformauon on ndusir a mtes availarb e io that f father s one own wa unable invest gating ndust a lit e of one of t halton town cojld b p an a edorsed j fac- pnir he actons pee wees enter tournament karlv saturdav mwrnrt i rrrtc of enthusiastic local lad arrrfd with lacrosse stick ho bur i lington to do battle wur- n her s to 1 12 vear olds in the on a pee we i lacrosse tournament sponsored by i the o l a i the acton boss coach d a 1 sum- rner bv marc lafenerr n weekly sufi photo karnes among themselves are the efkuiemseues wide open and acton w i memkbts enioyed a bus trip to the canadian national plant on the queen elizabeth highway and lunch at a popular res p of eams sponsored bv to local wice the dutchmen took advant u l jh e xwiii- businessmeo harold dedels and sid age of this and sctned the fir exhibition last week stopping along the way for short tours taurant outside brampton some 36 members of the local institute eisrn s a off it one was from schmitthauser who through the dale estate m brampton a new biscuit manuf aclunnq shown here took the trip 1 8 so a m against long branch

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