Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1954, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario tiiuhsimy siftemker is 19w getting more outvof it many folks have learned long after school days are completed that there are subects which life experience has shown would be beneficial end a source of pleasure in their evary day life if the privilege was available for continuance of study ii is with this thought in mind that night classes in various subjects have been made avail able in the towns of milton acton and george town for the past few years that these classes were appreciated is evi denced by the popular demand for their contin uance in all three towns there ore available fine school buildings to give their greatest return on the investment they need to be in use for more hours that school age pupils require ar rangements are now in progress for those beyond school age to make use of the facilities and take the courses again this year from here on the sue cess or failure depends entirely on those who want these courses past experience has proven that the group does profit from these classes with more facilities it is to be hoped there will be even more participate in each of the towns and rhar leisure hours will find joy m continued educa tion and acquiring of new skills prevention can help we are very thankful that we are not one ot those who suffer from that chronic malady known as hay fever which is particularly distracting at this season when the hay is all in and the weeds are in full bloom when we look at the luxuriant growth of yellow golden rod to be found on vacant properties we are not struck by its prolific bloom but by a feeling all is not being done that might be accomplished for the relief of sufferers from hay fever we hear a great deal about preventative medicine the urge is made to have periodic check ups on one s health perhaps this could be carried a little further o have a more thorough clean up of the weeds that cause so much discom fort to many people at this time of year we do not say there has been any neglect of duty but we do see a needless growth of weeds their destruction is not only one for municipal attention but one in which every property owner can co operate elimination of these weeds will earn the grati tude of all sufferers from hay fever it will also make a better appearance of any property youth and challenges it has been many a year since any sports event has stirred canadians as deeply as the effort of marilyn bell who completed the swim across cold lake ontario last week there was a time when a swimming event was quite an attraction it was developed when another unknown can adian of that time george young fought through a night to accomplish a swim that had heretofore been a challenge we have been wondering just what was the motivation of public feeling that suddenly proected an almost unknown girl of 16 years into such prominence most everyone has an opinion on mis and no doubt all of them were steps of marilyn bells climb to fame judging from reports it would seem that marilyn was hav ing some difficulty getting understanding of pub lie acclaim too it was not as familiar to her as lake ontario there are some thoughts that have had pro m nence m our analysis of our own view of the event one of course is our adm ration for the fearless oulh of today m lack i ng the urxonquer d there s h i0 too n reali ng that the olih of today are just as aood as the youth of an day n meet ng challenaes and the maof ty of them are f ne young people in these days of quarantee tq evervth ig be fore underiak ng anyth nq t s pleasant to th nk a slip of a girl hacked by the fa th of a coach under took the long qruel ng sw m w thout definite prom se of any award there s joy too n the thought that havng reached the end of the rain bow the pot of gold was no myth but a reality there s a lesson m this for the mature th nk ng as well as the youthful th nk rq we need more people who w ii fae the world s challenges alone and unafraid willingness to prove their worth before asking the reward the inspiration which marilyn boll and gua ryder have givan to the thinking of canadians is appreciated may they both hove guidance and steadfastness in this world of acclaim to hold fast to the principles that have placed them on their present high pedestal of fame reading bhwn tfo urmt swelling education costs here everywhere prompt bad solution by jahn hlmh some things unchanged there have been many changes in the 42 years since acton fair held its first annual exhibi tion having followed most of them in these two score years we are tempted to reminisce a bit as the event of 1954 comes up forty two years ago patrons and exhibitors were limited to the immediate locality livestock had to be driven to the fair on the hoof there were no tiucks to bring in stock for miles around every property in town was surrounded by a fence and the gates were kept shut against stray animals the first day of the fair was really a pre paration day and it sure was needed when ac ton fair started the age of mechanization had not got underway the midway was composed no made up would be a belttr word of shows and games the mechanization did not include even a portable merry go round those were the days when the first motion pictures flickered on the screen and the big toronto fire was a thriller the drill shed was the place for hall exhibits and the first night was a preview of the prize winners and a pro gram by acton citizens band under the leader ship of john hll there have been many changes since george havill and george hynds headed that first event 42 years ago but there are some things which never change about acton fair one of them is the opportunity for meeting friends remember how that first year the 48th highlanders band came by tram and the old boys and girls paraded down the street from the station difference is now they come by ones and twos and cars but they come and the welcome is ust as warm the exhibits of the farm are there and they are better there s the sale of fruit the same as in early years and balloons are still an attraction like apples on a stick and popcorn people eat more since the buns and compact meat forms are avail able just as it was in 1912 the weather for fair days is a mighty important factor in the success and enoyment of the event the fair on friday and saturday of this week is a vast improvement since 1912 but all the good features still remain and are unchanged ii wui lucotiruklni to number l hit north llultun llticti school dmlrlil lltmrd uml diaconct rtink to mhoij i utiiwy t r lual wrtk to imni ihut acltin a gliaminit mw hlttli mhoot wun out room utut out uuchtr iliort of aufhcltnl hill hindi inil ucitiimitihlnllon untl aliiff coinlluon lutinot im lilmiutl biuk to the flthool truauia or nnyont 1st to iht im at of iu lupubluty this board like ottur ixmnla reckuiitti tht ulliwntii a lor nonet unri itmlilnt ikiwmnl on unlit iputthl t tiriilnu nl ih fun hiitldlnu dint fulhllini nl proved gn nti r hum i xpti tiititu was tlui lo 0 mirlttv o iht truuuleounit vur i nil is wlikli mini school lrust4 in txoaiidlhi tiiwiih wul climrltth lo loii lit art in ll ir vuhuilih iminii intil m rv in inipiilnliuii mints mhmi an uilnci sluinbliil in r it nl y iii 1 uihoilfoiiiiidk till 111 mltlx thoiiklil annwt of kov anil otht r iniconti ilhihlt mininion of n s urn iintlt inuiii lli st lion tolt t ikuik pi ins lo iw willi ih in uooltl l i in itlolltll lliolllt his m liiiion mtli luttorttl lowiiv unit v ilium rt jmotnl to jirovldt m on wlnnil t nit iidt i mrvkia iiml rt uti r tionniiik for iht rumilln of iht loin who romtiiiilt to work ivuy ilny mil of own uml into tin lownalilp likiiltd fui lory mimlilimit orritluln uii will hhnki u ir h uln in ilmiulr or inilluiiulloii whuli wr moml niiltn tin raiirt whuttunht dour llli link to til burnt iiittlftn of n kiilnritv to pldim town muat follow lo in t ilu nlhcullin rit i tin anil at tilt minn time a pure tin iminii inula i in dugmli r of the good old days may have seemed better back in 1934 ifroan uio bane at ike pre preai of thunday heplembcr is 1m4 at u iptiul iihitirik of loiioill ll wut lilt lilt l thul hit- haw mi nl flit iht tnlin mw vm a hullilliiu would in ixiuvutid uml tin nillon illicit r thf tfyimi iitiirn miiilijud with bltcl klrdim au that in fnliir- if iltalrd uid fund win uvu 1 ubli a jiwlinn iiii i il u on id lr ithool i nlb llllll iii iii iii ii finuiiilal iiimim illoi ilkht of ill hi itlol till t ids llv hih sluti km m full fmnt ill d us of lui it ion i hi k in nl mould insidiously sot i pupils would sit is int 11 in illv hurt lt ulmnniti schoo tht shit innlruilid n ultll ml nirh hld mi ii monday i v i n tin nioitrun inoiili tin t nd at hi horn on i inn- n illstltllt iii wull i of do ituntlxl back in 1904 prom the imiir at the free pmi af thurmtay heplrmbcr is itm iloi lr ily i nun 11 lo i hlilik liuixl fi lv ih hrlck ho 1 si nd hi lot on liov r ave w ll d y j nil and rem and oc- 1 11 id y mr a 11 1 mil iitnajfrr llf tin mtilhunln flunk h js been lll hi d l mi j li hllfhit ft r xt j 1 fi im it ii ii it 11 v i r rin hw l n the iir ik 1 o in i i u i i i v line und qi i s s i i il in taylor ha n u hui foil j 11 m rkinli- m a m so ml widmiul n w 0 u t h method in lanmu ers oikvilu 1 ist uk in u itu iikttn 1 iim o nuny w its n ml wil iii of nrinil v 11 1 it ih 1 mr und mrs iii old aitk ininki suiidjy mr ii r a 1 ii ins tid isikniti 11 is osi ix 1 mori hun 1 000 ww iiou i tvinj rr in a i j rdi c madi n i j ur till hyisr of thrlr own ruilinktn 1 imtrik i i wi lull to hnusi niun iplu iship i p ip glowing prominence driving up the seventh line in trafalgar town ship towards hornby the other night as we passed through the inkyiblackness of the night we came upon the floodlighted bethel church near drum qum it was the first floodlighted church we had seen in the district and we paused to look closer as we conlmued driving we couldn t help thinking more along lhat line few churches can afford the installation price of the necessary light mg equipment yet it is one of the prerequisites of the construction of a new industrial plant its lust good advertising to light the sign on the plants but how many of our churches have the necessary lights to make them stand out at night perhaps its t me we started spotlighting our churches it s ust possible it might lead to giving them the prominence we give our industr al might and conlmu ng growth perhaps t would help lead more people to a mental spoil ght ng of churches f they were phs cally spoil ghted there s no particular reason why our churches should si n the dark in fact f anything is spot i ghted it should probably be those nstitutions bethel church on the seventh i ne stands out th qlow ng prom nence a prominence other churches would be w se to follow ilhm li if ilkir ludil in which in iri n n itns hokinik hifhh it i rd pi mt ki llsslihkmxhm mini which icnirdnik t he us will hi ihi point of implnsis in tin wholt proci i dinks horn honk hot in bronli on i rici lit snndi mormrik oiri maci uid w is distuib id lo hnr his eir horn stmt li nkink 1 nd jnd lonk m irtitl lookiiir j innind for two ounj suspect sons wis stirtud to find h ind biirmnk such i i ut of cont professional directory and travellers guide mfiw al dr w g c kenney pbilrun and snrfron office in smon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence iis hnrch st e phone im ihui ind fln school nil thi hili sunrii lit mid ih iiniih h tin film of th misfml t wift tdd m ik to s mik i ind i run money from memories rm 36 um xpecu dl irrutil i trnsurns of the cemitery ind thi ancultiir il socut mimlxrs of tht rnn old ind girl association toronto nmodition ho im n tin brunt in i xciti d hoiisi i thit all i ci uid sim thi til ubrntid 1 v h iicidcd to cl s cilhnlic duision which kit t tithir in 1 tn book sa opp sldciteppinn in gihirkitown rhnrcinj thi pro incnl p tici hcidqinrtirs with dttepping members of counc i ijun insiructtd thi clt rk to ipph or th ptrmksion which his bit n rrfiiid onci ilnidx to ill th ikii ditichi mtnl to us i speed trip lnistiittion rnnld thi iicumint r fusal said ihit fi w ici d it ind no fitil tie n town d th inp unnccessa ud nts puplu toul s20 in miltn list ttiik h20 pupils intind ihi towns thru schools to record thi intrust i nrolmi nt in ihi town s histon inti rim iccom modalion is buns used until the public school is built thi ruth iddition ind thi from town ind in i in itti nrtinc n m w si pintc school f ii thi first hm police crowd burlington in burlincti n lone arms of th liw sintchid ill ar thi lwn this wtik is somi 300 memtxrs with wims of the chi f constibks as sknlion of canidi slopp d off to binrtiiet with chiefs of police of thi six district miintcipalitn s dnnni thur wnk lone comnlmn in t nto ind of i i e i trntlcl 150 s l school dm recistoed thi n iinn peninsoh disposal demonstration mill n this w k ni nib il m r sch duld 1 w il dr d a garrett physician and sarjeon corner of willow and river st entrance rivar street acton ontario phone z38 on holidajs june 30 to aug 2 call dr john scott 191 woolw ch si guelph phone 421 guelph dr a j buchaan dental hurceon off ci office ldshman blick 1 st houri sam 1 6pm x ray ttlefhone ms dr h leib denial surjeon of offict ice corntr mi 1 nd fridinck sueh hours 9 am locpm telfihonf 19 acton vfterinary legal f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox avtt acton phone 130 c f leatherland barrister 4 solicitor notary mbli i office hours 10 00 am 12 00 ji 1 00 p m 5 00 p jn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hosk1n chartered a ceo on tan la successors to jenkinb and hardy 1305 mttropoluan bldg ictona st toronto em 4 9131 other papers say we note that the nova scot a mun c pal t es n recent meeting suogested a further tax on i quor in ths province with an eye to raising funds for medical care ant gon sh n s casket ry attme gerald a candler c hartered aceoantanl m idj o fria 9 pm sladji i9m travellers guide b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary bnrieona office brookwlle ontsrio phone milton 165r2i 1 miscellaneols i 1 victor ruaaley son funeral home funeral home healed ambnlf 46 wan olive m iavpapd a t c m r m t teacher of piano studio i niled hurrh thunday 4 irk t f i ih p- ne 29f shir arton 3m press the only paper ever published in ctra fc mded in ifts and published epn thursdai al 16 mil t e acton ont member of he audit bureau of circula in ns ihecww and the ontarioquebec division of the c v a advertising ates on requcsl subscriptions pav ab e m advance s250 in canada 350 m the tnited states s x mmths 150 sinde copies 6c authorized as second c as mall post office department ottawa published by the dllb printta and publfcihiiux co limited g a dills editor in chjef dav id r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office telephone 174 presbyterian church in canada knot church acton rev robert h armstrong mjt bj wnacter sld septembetv 19 19m 45 an- the church school warn morning tt orh p no pm masonic c irf pa d st albans church antmean rev ralph price b a b rector gray coach lines rfal fstate and in sir a scr f l wright 20 v bi s ar t o- v phnr- 95 appraiser real falate and inaaranre i coches leave acton eutboand 6mam rsram 133 jb 20bpm iftt pin 633pm tx b9 58 pm ffeitboand am 253pm 357 pjn pm rpm 9 12 pm 1133 pm 111 am sun lo kit fourteenth sunday afttr ch w r bracken imannce actoo busines or houa ite vou to ue our purchase for united church of canada aetna ontarf a friendly church rft e a correy ba- bd mmister parsonase 29 bower avenue phone 60 mtaa o m- lampard a t cm organist and choir leader sfvdw september 191- 191 0 00 a m suidav school tc dc if op ct stiar claace 11 00 icmot rg worsh p 00 pm evenfir wohip thought or the week somet mes he met dif cu f- macular frfnc jj d ng our tongues tttrrn s pcmbr jqk 1000 amcjc h sc i 00 a m beg n le c 11 w am cha com 00 p n ever r p- semor v r 1954 i da da ilv except sundav and bol r- saurdar sundat and hol baptist church acton rav h cotejt pa o- pasoragc 115 bower av phone 206 sijvda september w 1000 am surdav schoo 11 00 arr morning worsh p 00 pm er j fto wedecdav canadian national railways standard time real eatate phone 26 list your farms bit lh u wr invite facilities in securing our propertv e h aibman p- r m o 145 r r i campse r f bean livfted real estate and imvranee r3 mm i st ct0 phone s3 thu prare me 8 pm ouns pi n uday seep sur 903 i m a geo ge it ad sur flesop rr 6s5 p sa jrday or v n pm o- v 903 am rajbop onlv fver al guelph dar fjtcepl sat ard su at cue ph 6 0 pm v ilm s 48 a 49 pm surdiy sunday 05 pm h elliott real eatate vf ue p rcpser g o as b t phre 349 tr ra esa r s irr hatf- c t ou fac 1 j r holmes m church stee phone 308m reprewntirg j e sham tmnte broker

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