Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1954, p. 7

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thursday september 10 19m the acton free press acton ontario page sivm r p fleming aucflom sale havino deceived instructions from mr r d fleming who has sold his farm which has been in the rem ing family for more than 100 years i will sell with out reserve by public auction the undermentioned at the farm situated on no 5 highway y mile west of trafalgar at munns corners on thursday sept 23 11 am livestock farm machinery furniture etc hokse8 1 good work team percherons 2 sets team harness and odd collars shorthorn cattle 1 dark roan cow 4 years miiktok 1 light roan cow a years milkink 1 white cow 4 years milkink 1 red cow milkink 2 red heifers 2 years bred i brindle heifer 2 years bred 6 shorthorn steers rising 2 years 6 shorthorn heifers rising 2 years 8 shorthorn spring calves sheep 55 southdown brfeding ewfs ibred to reristtred chtvoit ram i rfgistered southdown ram 3 years 1 cheviot ram 3 years 45 spring lambs tractor 1mp1 fments 1 ihc tractor w4 ilk new 1 ihc bd rakf new 1 ihc pt mqwfr 7 m 1 ace 2 furrow plow 1 fleury bissfl tandtm disc 1 judson limf ffrtili7fr sprfadfr 10 on i ubbt ihc manure spreadfr ion rubber horst or win fqiiipmfnt coikshutl binckr t ft coekshult movtr ft mh hii loadir mh dump rnki 10 ft kingwke bali and giuin h inlm 211 ft spn motor bbl sii iv r john dun futilii drill hi cockshutt 2 furrow plow ni 77 hemv single pit 2 sits hinied dnil cultu itins 1 i i se 1 set 4 action ll hmiow imvli 1 suikk hois seuffli i rubber tin i r irm whluii i likm dimnti it shafts and poll i root pulper 1 don house 3 lnre gi un bi xs 100 g illon stui wjitu tuik set platform sciles ul lbs urges importance of women doctors vancouver cp surpriie that so few canadian women go in for medicine was expressed in an in terview by dr hilgmrd strath in graduate of er linger uni versity in bavaria here for the summer the young german mx said she hoped to re turn o the university of british coiunbia next spring to complete four years postgraduate study n irrterqal medicine and pediatrics more german women i believe 3 in for tncdicine than canadian omen she said women doc irs are more readily accepted in germany than here especially children s doctors she said the memory of hitler s regime and fear of russia hangs over the german people thai hy i think so many germans like i come to canada m ii r ipn 6 ft mm power sprayer 200 gal for cull 1 5 stctioti h u lows 1 diuhir tind finn wigons i i- 1 ii may ricks 1 st t sloop sle iihs i hi nvil box i sti e i furiink box i dtums mri hindi i mdstnnt wheelhu post holt augu md spoons mtiotti cruim stpunloi pan guttii perena snow tins blmml elcet clip mndtr with slit p shi m ink 1 gifiil am st uwn mon 17 extension ladder 24 ft 30 rd 10 win rince 2 qu quantiti snow fence 30 ft stil bi trni k and h him rs quuntitv galviiuid fjivftti onghini n qtuintiti window frimis and doois 5 ft cut saw scythe snaths and fxtra bladts gram bas nul sinks i- tie sti tehi velone seeder r it fi x4 plv itluhment 1 bob a lawn pimn mowei 1ft straight lidder 12 ft ililv st 1 md cdi r lince post qu mtili silo rods quin gilv c on if did rn fmt i qmn new 1 used i umber sihiu 1 irnbi is sau 1 ltkint thmis tfiipiulm 8x16 bit tiuek mri holdtr hox st hoi i h rnltiirt solid w limit dinini sum i whiti iron bid mattresses and spring odd chairs and tnbks 1 g e eleetric kungt stewart warner refniir itor it shovels forks c row bus hinrilis doubl hooks grub hm clvirs bolts tic miscellaneous touls and othtr articles loo r solid oik bidroom suite i woodm bed iron hospital bed with mattress 1 findlai meti or range inew apex ekctric washing mnchin nukjikc the north magnetic pole cm stantly chingcs position now in about half way between winnipeg ind the geographic north pole elbuchner optometrist in acton ever wednesday afternoon office at h mainprize barber shop hours 1 306 00 evenings by appointmenl for appointment telephone 115 to rmntion sale to commence at 1 1 oclock a m lunch available terms cash bonafide settlement to be made day of sale no reserve harry hays auctioneer free daily pickup and delivery or cash n carry at our new location 5 mill w formerly blue doll beauty salon roys 128 delivery try cleaning laundry servi 128 dry cleaning and laundry service historic coin toroi lo cp an igeblatkni oin minted in 1840 wis found i ubuilni llibii ke dr erne mi iromaltco found it wh k nk i mr bie k j ird sf imm bond n nd i ont ct pohc in hi it die id d thil rl univil operators mir 1 fhxl 1 nd ijiin5t dim j nl iwned properlj mike gxe plumbing heatino eavestroughing pressure systems water softeners phone 25 251 mason blvd acton busy young mother is good carpenter amhcr l ns cpi a y umi m hr i l mill rh idi n t n nll h lui innds tull but mr tl n ii ikv ii m 1 m fit 1 t mi 1 tt h i h ind it t ini li races contests election held at recent soper clan reunion the soper clan annual reunli was held on labor daj september 6 at brnokvillf hall nnssagawcyi w ith 127 attending the meeting opined with the president mrs neil martin milton r r 6 in iht chair a moments lilrncc was held in memory of n number who have been called to gods elan during the year thi was follow id by thi the new offlcem it uas decided to hold the reun ion next ear in the ami place on lrebor da with the folfowing n fictr prcidtnt charles marlln dtitroll mich licepreside nt ed kir how dm milton secretary treasurer neil c martin milton lunch conunir mrs wilfrid coul on hamilton program convener pearl kcnnid milton ports con venor richard martin ditroit a mint conmi r mike cniilion himilton pillowing wen th umirs pnri hore h i pitihmg fir i ri sop i udirii ill mi on i willnm mtreilh milt n ti itl ling ih firthil jiwph h trenton mieli usa oldl mini liir mrs 1 ihn m wil m rr i iftkw od ind mr nd fnn to attend the buslneu nf the day and plnn for another year the caller horn announced the dance while couple filled the floor with grey quadrille and stately wnltz polka and mnnj more a pirting then m pissed around or coffie tea and rake and n- w held each loving hand and lelly turned awn our happy thoughts we held in i ii ill nn kilbudi i ml mi w ii und in h ihl buy your imported dutch bulbs here and now planting time is here for the flowers that grow in the spring colorful tulips daffodils hyacinths etc but see us right away while dutch bulb supplies are ample we just received a large shipment so you can still pick your favorite varieties just arrived 1 direct from holland one of our finest selectem of holund grown bulbs these are exceptional quality guaranteed to be the finest obtain able the price is low because we import direct but ea p 1 the real bargain is in the quality of these bulbs apw uci lmia tuups a splendid assortment of darwins parrot peony type etc these are top or exhibition size bulbs 12 centimetres and up daffodils and narcissus double nosed yieldinq two or more flowers a bulb assorted var e es hyacinths assorted colors reds wh res p nks blues yellows these are 15 16 cent metre pulhs an excellent we to idoor and outdoor culture also crocus grape hyacinth snowdrops sc1lla slberlca b uebells jotting soil flower pots crass seeds peat moss vigoro black rag weed killer and insecticides garden tools and rakes hintons dipt store fyieetihq to acton fair at this time i would like to extend greetings to president ray everdell the directors and associate directors of the acton agricultural society for a most successful fair on sept 17 18 may all classes in the many different divisions be well filled and lastly may the weatherman be kind and ac ton fair of 1954 go down as the show of brilliant sunshine yours sincerely mac sprowl westfieid farm notgrove cheltenham gloucestershire england l il ii ki ii i l i i rh in i inn b t mj wh n tie vul i 1h i i oiiin f mini ill n iff 1 d ii f 1 nk lir ll 111 ilk ii ill 1 d mr h rlcw 11 twl h d m i i i bi m r i hi i d i i 1 1 1nbor dai james martin mr martin wrote tht next poem in memur nf thii patted on mi n dddir thoughts come lo tu now of kindred pivd nwnv now inid tnay in their pint leep to wnit the judkemtnt di but in t rttrtel nf nr ind strife whir fdl men hold a in future i n il of our t mw tike plnn fnr nil tn enn i fnith in d nnd eountr dnr hi i t th seinr rlnn guelph wedding of local interest in i einmun in n t f ik strict 1 uniliil ihurih in cii ipli 11 ithr id mi mil mi kilhlun it iel if u ipli md r i hi in 1 m mil 1 n itiliiid diili kini f wil nl ml hn t li i i 1 uilili w r um i mini u inllilhn lutki tin hndi hi d mht fmn i v l 1nn i ii i p 11 b id mil tl mr nil if i i n al n ilrul mm ill f ail n i i th winners of rarei j k in i tin i if mi i ml iil i kill hill i 1 i i hi mi k i ii i 1 xl i ii t u dm il i i- r in 1 i li 1 i- ini sp i in 1 1 dr i l i in hi i 12 w k i si i i ul f t i- ftir h hlindf id i i k w hi w i i i i illuik mi mh ot i spf iai tmiibit i c p j unit r r j i i uldn t w nl mil 1 tin jiidk- ul ri i in- f itlu i di i ii ii un nkelvbl diimin if h oltm il i iltunl h iv i tr ml d i the diptn tibu ind fell aleij imnne lh ieietnhli hk fithi r rilh hutu ii n ih tnipln f h ftu t hit point the irtini 111 i fl i iv i i n il mulm o j i hilr f ll i i in in mdi iim i in 1 ippi li i f th k i jli d n i hi- il i mu f r i in ilk vi up h d hi m md mi i hi i t urr i th mr m irh 11 pi inn th viol n a pot dnre wt n n i i mr id miv wm mnr dilh millnn inri th tnniertry wit hv mr ind mr wilfrid c ul in monuments brampton monument worfct designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display m stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st west brampton shop phono ml 0j ret 313 rep tom nicol phone brempton 603w iln li i g i d be in siid iflf r thi qin n wi in k ind i cii t ti cinduiche rixkies ind tarts we i rnj nd retinl in i xiri ii in tl f cv- ih- nt vi th hop ink them ntxt n ir but a if i i w fret br ilfihl miles f wel nmi fr ni tho itlmdink hnpi in i xpn 1 1 d if n th m ikim i f iiiud k i dh hill n ir kiiih nil tl htui f tt d bikl i lop il nt f iftly i f i mil h r finki rlii nd ill kl t ft h i il th iridis won i k iwn if im lir tit n il lphiruimi hhif i th it nt ii r m uh i tr fi thrr ne sofih ve r me inn purl the tin ir b uquels i net in iddr s i eurli hnk ind rub h ft of ht br rii nf d i nil auction sale saturday oct 2 1 30 pm in acton arena the acton ys mens club will commence canvassing on monday september 20 for your unused articles of furn ture clot ng fru t and vegetables antiques or what have you now s the me to get those att cs and basements cleaned up do t now for a good cause all proceeds for commun ty and y work hindley i elliott auctioneers services donated h arbic chairman auction sle com in fliik brim c chidlev l ham iti n i v lit i mm jiiel willnm biktr f willnwdiii john s tiylnr of nmbei sudbtir br lie d ntfle ir d den him dlncl nf burlitiktor wire u hrs mi ph ii mcarthur ini pri r ti thi a r me ny mil dur r fi the sikinnk nf thi ririt r mr w j a spec il f t ii r elin nun n h id f th siptr i br kvill tjimi wi il th cunsdr of tht hji on 1jlnr in w i tin reidink the ntipli n mi held it the f hhm hi jin ni i mirti c ie kph h mt of un bud m ither f dilr it m diik n wl s rfi whin the kuijl win rec vid n icir f k hi i i dn it dei ih f rn ind firmer b i kid hay ndn t if sam si r vili eime ti wind w if ih i iinjfe t inidi i i 1812 hi it 1 m mar mr- b id win an ank urrth t n o lebnted ll w w ddn f wn of himpitm iff td faille kii t 22 with i fttid bodlci md sheath mr mirtm hm itti nil d eirh skirt with i ft bck drip dark soper reunion u i tl i i r wh n brown wlvit stole and mall hat rf health would not j rm h ii rote pink velvit liavib a c ir je if the f 11 wint pr r i if i mi lid il pit k i muri aietluart r ia back t cinadi if r li t v n r r mpli ti d h r c stum umoi th tr m mith r i n the soper reunion mill f c pri blui f th k hivi j i t return d w ih me t n u il ii from ierv c rnp 1 in th l tr 1 ii s trv line lime ni r n i f r i 1 1 a i n iv bin lk dress with k- tie p ik i d it it t tr and t itrhinj m i rl irni taff ti d i tr s v im a t n i il i k i v iink f h i hit i k in rh churchill united church anntdrrbarg irmrpb sunday sept 26th 1954 at the morning service 11am the vin ter mr noprvan rlss at tke evening service 7 30pm t- pr cjo t ha ton co ece rev a ar williams m a c aesda e tea cj z ham en spec a vus c tuesday september 28 turkey supper supper se ved 6 0c obpri adutn 1 50 children 75 cccd program hjfr wr neman russ m n ster wi e iport n or th trei n 1 oil m lui li it ni d rom w th r p hit r j it trn llm itor ann r iljr v h v and p il 1 jh run n k thmir ato rdein b icm t r ti mcml s f the i a d p rl cr d b anplon clar wil wri m ntrea b kvillt f ach one t erjov s i ib i if d biffal t nr rial or snthem n th i alf r ii h nivm n al mr k rqir p rk m ar d m kemp i h vooe 1- ch nd r ar w rrak i i h m n b iten nd a d n rt oe f it ls a nhf e l jjnmrr i ttir i n m rl red there rt enjrred n p gr djj tudy milton sept 2425 halton dairy cattie show house show exhibits entertainment races midway acw ssicn 50 cents ws g e readhead sec treas

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