Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1954, p. 2

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s the acton fre6 press acton ontario thursday octometl 7th 1m4 let us give thanks once a year a day set apart for national thanksgiving so that we may return thanks to al mighty god for his good gifts of the harvest and the bounties of the earth which he has provided it is much more than a holiday there may be those who see nothing but gloom ahead but the way we have come has been good for those who have made the most of the opportunities that have been available to all thanksgiving is not a time for boasting of our un told riches and our resources it is rather a time for gratitude and not glorification which so easily turns into a form of boasting and may be both in dividual or national if you would chase the gloom or any feeling of ingratitude in your lot perhaps the words of that old hymn are the ones that should be in the hearts of all next monday count your many blessings name them one by one and it will sur prise you what the lord has done indians the daily papers have the past weeks been giving some strange stories of the antics of the young people who are attending our colleges which gives some of us a pretty dim view of high er education we hold in the same category the actions of rioters of our prisons as we do those who are going to college and do property dam age or personal injury to others if such behavior keeps up no town or city will welcome the estab lishment therein of any penal institution or college building college buildings and facilities the trans portation equipment and streets of this country are made possible by the work of all the people attending college carries no licence for the abuse of any of them no one obects to fun that does not interfere with the rights of others and does not destroy property others have built it appears that one of the first things that should be impressed on those who enjoy the special privileges of higher education is a duty of citizenship and a respect for the rights of property and those of other citizens if such an item has not been on the curriculum of our seats of learn ing there seems little need for support of better educational facilities for our young people snake dances were connected with the days of the indians such affairs have no place in the college halls or city streets even the savages held such rituals in the wide open spaces agreement reached it will be welcome news to citizens of acton generally and the residents of warren grove in particular to learn that council and the contractor have been able to arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement whereby the ob of constructing sew ers in that section will proceed at once unusual difficulties were encountered in this construction which necessitated extra equipment to do the job and consequently additional cost which must be borne by someone no one except those who keep a very close contact with the intricacies of municipal work can fully appreciate all that is involved in such a situa tion those who see the inconvenience daily won der at seemingly endless delay and rightly so as a matter of fact we were almost ready to oin in this clamor for action on what had become a pub lic nuisance details of the council proceedings give information on the settlement made and we commend council on meeting a very satisfactory arrangement closest home we look out our own window and see the new cement walk under construction and again are in a mood for a nod of approval after rather a lengthy upheaval and some incon venience there is nothing better for an under standing of municipal affairs than to have had intimate contact and listened for years to contro versy around the council table it is a great school of understanding autumn season of transition for most of makers creation by hartley cole i love the autumn it is a time of wonder when nil creation mnk 01 lh transition from hot summer davs to winter already on the threshold even light undergoes n change as we are drawn further from the sun the trees discard verdant leaves and don coats of brilliant color overhead birds fly in un erring direction southwards time less instinct tells them the sun will shine warmly on them again in the marshes hunters lurk their guns concealed from the majestic canada goose high over head seeking a haven for his tired flock after a weary night of etch ing vs on the quiet sky under a full moon mists rising from the steel grey waters hide early morn ing tragedies as hunted meet the hunters within the woods squirrels en grossed in hiding food supplied by a provident nature have no time to admire the ring necked phcas ant cock preening vivid plumage on a fallen log cedars their pungent perfume pleasant in the nostrils of wary deer are sombre reminders to the riotous maple that soon he will wear clothes of mourning tor his departed glory the firmer his bountiful crops stored in barns is busj again his plough turns up the rich soil made arable bj autumn rains under the watchful eve of judg tor prizes and plaudits ntu sting his worth with om of the oldest of mans skills in a country school room a ncr vous teacher from n city college teaches rural boys and girls the traditional poem along the line of smoky hills a haze ob scures the sun a country church festooned with sheaves of grain fruits and aut umn flowers reminds man of an elernal debt to his maker the organ sings warmly to the con grcgation busy all week planning the annual turkey supper now pausing in the midst of plenty to offer thanks after lazy summer days small towns discard some of the summer lethargy home owners light bon fins burning leaves and throw ing chestnuts in to pop for de lighted children storm windows are cleaned like burnished brass and put in place in anticipation of icv blasts to come the city alwavs the scene of endless hustle and bustle is chang cd colorful throngs jam football stadiums to watch rozzle dazzle on the grid iron college students bursting with the resolutions of a new jtir walk fiiryland avenues just enjoving the bnsk air autumn in camda it stirs a let ling deep inside us for all those who have tune to lisun the good old days may have seemed better n w foutk something can be done when we read of motor accidents throughout the province we are apt to be a bit callous a re port came to our desk this year that brings home the fact that halton county is maintaining a place in this unenviable record in the period from january to june 1954 we had 513 accidents in this county nine people were killed and 116 persons were inured in most every category of the report we in halton did worse this year than last year in smashing up cars and people in the period covered by the report 411 per sons were killed and 10 293 were iniured in on tano we don t know the remedy and of course there are 41 1 persons who are not interested any more in the solution but there is vital interest to all the rest of us who use the highways in these statistics and the fads they bring out 20 355 of the accidents were collisions w th other motor vehicles most of the accidents occurred between five and six p m and saturday was the worst day of the week most of the accidents occurred on paved surfaces when the roads were dry and in good condition weather cond tions were good and most of the accidents were n daylight of course it won i surprise anyone to learn that speed was the cause of the major ty of the acci dents it s quite apparent that someth ng can be done to cut down the h ghway destruct on and t s very ev dent that the place to start is w th the man or woman behind the wheel a year round task in this week in which our thoughts are direct ed toward fire prevention it is interesting to note that the chief cause of fires in 1953 is by long odds laid at the door of smokers this cause is rated about four times that of any other one cause such as heating electric wiring chimneys matches lightning or open fires etc of course it is the part of wisdom to check up and take all steps necessary to prevent fires from any cause in view of the fact that smokers are listed as the greatest cause for concern in fire prevention we ought perhaps to give most attention to our habits which cause the most trouble it is estimat ed that in 1953 over 25 000 fires were caused by smokers heating and electric wiring shrink down to a little over 5 000 each it is quite apparent that smokers as a group must be careless about their disposal of matches and cigarette or cigar butts it might also be noted that smoking is for bidden in many factory areas more and more the modern factory has signs which have areas in which no smoking is permitted no farmer will permit himself or anyone else to smoke in farm buildings we need to have tidy housekeeping habits if fires are to be prevented we need to watch our actions at all times in our habits if the fire losses are to be trimmed a the fire fighting equipment and all the insurance protection can be of trivial importance if we do not this week and every week have our thinking geared to prevention of fires smokers need to do a lot to get down from the high rating they now have in causing fires other papers say gasoline station operations could improve re lations with american motorists by taking time to explain the chief reason for the big spread in the price of gas and oil in this country is that the im per al gallon is 20 per cent larger than the u s gallon pr nee george b c citizen let s use more of our own raw mater als sug gests the hal fax chronicle herald these are chang ng times and the lesson s pla n enough what we should sir ve for s development of n dustnes based upon the natural resources of th s country of the prov nces of th s country agr culture should welcome an influx of rm migrants because each newcomer provides a new customer for the surplus food produced on our farms we are too dependent on outs de markets where n to d spose of our surpluses brooks altai bulletin the flying mayor from oakville where a new en larged disposal plant is conumplat ed mijor lachlan mcarthur hop ped into a plane one day last week flew to texas for a gander at a bio sorption sewage disposal plant in operation a similar unit is recom mended for the growing town of oikville cost is estimated at some what over a hilf million dolhrs behind closed doors j in bronte the towns regulir is cssor indipoed some furore de eloped in council liter it was ijrnd somewhtre ilont the line to iav n councillor 400 to finish th aistssmj job the councillor w is in hurr to tender his nsigmtion hich w is unvv inltd since in the on would hii to be hild to n plict the vicinev another member just is much in i hurr to hive nolhmt to do with dcils behind closed doors three new clorrleafs in onkvillc the ontario depnrt mint of highvvivs his rclcisod plins to expedite tnrfic movement in the immediately north and to the enst of the town three new clover lenfs it the quern elizabeth ind an extensive prognm of new service roads ind roid widening is included in th proposals burlington grows in burlington record of growth wis given substance with figures it 1 recent council meeting where it us reported tint popuhtion is now 8 064 up 8b3 from inst ear ind as sessment is esumited at 12 783 418 eompired with last vears totil of 1 1316 718 three families homeless in erin it was reported last week three families were left homeless after a district fire destrojed in old hotel building where thev hid been living generositv of friends em ploers and relatives soon secured aecommodition for the victims none of who were reported burned but suffering loss of pergonal and house hold belongings couple in car accident a georgetown couple were slightlv injured and their cir badh dimaged recently in an accident be iween peru and milton heights the cir wis in collision on the top if i hill with mother vehicle driven b a weston man both the george t wn mm ind womin were hos pitilied oppose trailer park in b irlington town council wis givtn the support the plinning bi ird in epposittin t the establish ment of a trailer home park in nel wn township objectors among the ranks of citizens were asked at a meeting to write to council this week a special meeting is to be cillcd to review the trailer park situation ind why it shouldn t be set up boys in the big time in georgetown two local bovs arc eircrl iwaiting i special hockey event m mnple leif girdens where thev hie been picked for the all stir tiam to pliv atiinst a team composed of si ns of present md pist nhl plivers at a community chest benefit gime c rowd at milton fair in milton i crowd ist incited it be twecn 13 001 ind 14 000 j tillered it the 102nd mninl fill fdir list week in i week end which wis bright ind sunnv over 2 010 school children win idmitud to the pirk th show wis opuied b tin dtputv minister of agriculture who priisid the t xpinsion evidi nt lrgts building levy in milton i building permit of 200 to 300 per house wis urged liv th reeve recenth on new housing it order to tike cire of increased school ind service costs wrought by the towns gilloping expansion ihowever it was reported discussion on the proposal tipered off ind no iction was tikin back in 1904 from the issue or the free pre of thursday october 6 1904 the fifty eighth annual exhib tion of ewjut sing agricultural society held here on monday and tuesday added another to the long list of successful fairs held in acton there wis an immense crowd des pile unfavorable wiather there were 338 entries in the horses alone while in cattle the urge number of 101 head was entered the hall exhibit wis highly creditable and the showing f ladies work fine arts and dairy products was never brtter one side of the hall was occupied by the merchants who went to no little expense to present attractive features the exhibits of house furnishings by johnstone and co was most pralseworthj the display of fur goods by r b scott was the centre of ittraction throughout the fair the goods appealed strongly to those who know what comfort rus mr r bennett made a good exhibit of harness and w white howed parlor and cook stoves and inges or chaste design there aire bell pianos ind organs and the singer compiny had seve i ichines in operation the ladies work included clas r belgian cmbn idcrv rounv n embroidery embroidered photo ames netting driwn wtrk ting ladies silk mitts display of bu tonholes painting on china pjrography woollen stockings sifi pillow and many others the officers of the fur mvinablj provide most enjojable entertain t of fair night and agun die so tucsdaj th it the efforts of the committee were appreciated amply manifested by the crowded house on the program wer guitarist soloist reader humorist nd accompinist the fine new oddfellows hall over soper s rrocerj store opened thurdaj rockwnod fair is being held today phone coordinates fire aid practice experimenting with a means of communication between the vir ious fire pumper in the cae of mutual aid pract cc f v pumper converged on oakville sundiv september 26 uang 4200 feet of hose the con nection was around ix corners and a telephone type of commumcat ion wis rrninta ned between all five of the fire cng ne represen atives of the fire marshals office declared the event verj successful chief a e clement milton d cated the telephone tvpe of com munication enabled them to ob ta n 0 pound pressure a the nor zle and el miraled ihe use of han- signals par ic pit ng m the run wee bur rglon ehon bro nte trih gar 2 and oakv lie w ith milton laid ng bv n bronte and acton ind georgetown rem a rung n place atthe sty artmt 3ter rpaa the only paper ever published tn artoa founded in ltt5 and published evenr thursdav at 56 mil st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula li ns the cw a and the ontarioquebec division of the cw a advertising rates on request subscriptions pav able m advance s3 so in canada 3 50 m the united states i t months si so single copies 6c authorized as second class mall post office department ottawa published by the dills printing and pnbtbhimj ca united g a dilk editor in chief david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors business and fcditorial office telephone 174 united church of canada acton ontari a friendly church rev e a currey ba bd minister parsonage 9 bower avenue phone 60 miss o m lampard atcm organist and choir leader srvdai october 10- l 1 0po jmsinda sch ol we c-u- o j o he p is ii 00 a t m n g worship cx pn evenn wohip st aldans church anglican rev evar h jore b l fventeenth sunday trinity octob id- 19t4 00 am h v connin nno mc -rcr- sch 1 00 an btg ines c a- 00 pm even ng serv ce vi to- erv w com back in 1934 tram the buue of the free preaa thursday october 4 19x4 n i damp tifte rno in did not r n salurdiy a iphndid at tendance al the ciremony in con- mcli n th the laying of the cor- m r itom f the murray memorial y mc a building a eiowd of about 400 wan prenont the honor of laying the corner ktont- wan rhihtly the duty of mr wm a murray only brother of the laic j a murray and with the silver trowel presented him by the town for thj occasion mr murray pro- clulmed the itime well and truly laid a metal box was depos ted ir the wall containing copies of news pape rs coins the act in votars list and auditors report for the jear and a copv of i testament read m m limes by the late j a murny in spite of the tool dull du a good erowd of scholars and fnenda were in itundince il the innu il school gamis in wednesdtj after noon in the iark tli n wer both public and liikh school evints top- winners wen jun or girls champ ion mirgarel smith intt run diatc mrl ch impion kithlien ch ipman senior girl champion dorothy macarthur junior buv champion jack blow intermedute boy cham pion roderick ryder senior boy champion hector lambert the lakeside chapter of the i o de held a most happv md im pressive meeting wednesdav at the hume jf mim m symon it was the neasiin of the graduation of the junior chapter to a primary chapter the regent miss vida ramshiw was presented with the new chirttr the henvv trust on sunday fini bed outdoor flowirs m the- licilitv il ii tender vegetable sueh a tomato pippers etc professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in smiin block 43a mill st e acton office thone 78 residence 115 church si e phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance rivbt street acton ontario phone 238 legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pabu office hours 10 00 am 12 00 aji 1 00 pm 500 pm saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 1 victoria st toronto em 4 9131 gerald a candler chartered accountant m nday to friday 7 9pm saturdaj from 9 am 27 ac phoi b vd 561 ac on ilfntal dr a j buchanan rental surgeon officii i ushman block mill st office hours 1 n m to 6 p m x ray tflephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 p m tflfphone 19 acton vftebivary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary snrceoiu office brookville ontario phone milton 165r21 miscellaneous victor ruaaley 8 son funeral home funeral home heated ambolaaup phone 699 night or day m rving the community for 48 years travellers guide olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher of puno studio united church thursdays 11 park avf ouelph phone 206 rfai fstatf and insurance f l wright gray coach lines oaches lfave acton eastbound 638am hsflam ll33jn 208 pm sow p 633 pm 3 p rr blo 13 pm westbound 10 2 am 12 52 pm 2 57 p rn st pm 27 pm 912 pjn ii 32 pm 1 12 am sun to kt chener only i a daily except sundav and hoi dajs b salurda sundav and hoi w r bracken real fmute insurant phone 26 acton i ist your farms business or houa with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for jour property e h ashman phone m on hflr42 r r 1 campbelui e salesman canadian national railways standard tine r f bfan limited real estate and insurance 83 mill st acton phone m3 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton re robfrt h armstrong m bd minister suydav october 0h lt t- nsg e sundav mj arr cuch school 1 1 00 a m bapi smal serv ce no pm evening worsh p 8 15 pm bible soc etv fires ae n st alban s parish hall baptist church acton east bo and da h 6 40 a rr da v i ll0o it 13 i v 8 hi p m da mo i srvdas law am 1 00 00 pn- evei w riedav 8 ng 9 pm ft dai 8 pm- october in w p rg tt p m prave- men co r practice oung peoplr i xrp sun n sund tcep sun a ie re ir 9 02 a m rr di 1 r i george 01 rr ntstbannd e rxcrpi s i- ard mon rr s and mor o- v 1223 di t x ep surdav 8 48 il pt age op 49 pm av n v 2 p tn sundav 43 rr fiagsop sundav mp at gue ph 05 pm exceoi sat and sun flyet iph 6 36 pm r h elliott real estate boat- avenue phone rcprnerl ng g v golds ra boker m ton phone 349 implcte real estite servlci c vrnrg halton county ue ou fac 1 t ei j r holmes 84 church street phone 306m representing j e snain tartrate broker

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