Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1954, p. 1

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ht jvttim mt n eightieth year no 16 acton ontario thursday october lth1954 ten pages six cents staff phoio burst bread box on this huge delivery transport which tore through the guard rails and floundered on the eden wlijis sideroad just at the dangerous right angle curve between here and rockwood is shown as a gaping wedge in this staff photo driver of the big truck was not inured puc clips thro abbreviated routine agenda in short order hustling to adjourn before an 8 pjn deadline actons three public utilities commissioners swept away a short agenda in short order last week when only two items of busi ness aside from the superintendent s reports appeared for attention fol lowing the routine reading of min utes and checking of accounts the commission ordered an out standing refund of 3 as per receipt presented be made to mrs b hoi lowav who held the receipt from waterworks deposit payment later in the meeting on a motion sponsored b mavnr e tler the town was granted a ribau on cost of water used in tlk wading pool during the past season pow cr for the h e p c hvdro superintendent d mison reported the h epc requested tempot irv in dro s r in f r its radio transmitting booster behind a main st hold the boisttr will be emploved during friqiuncv conver sion in this una tht cton cim missi in agreed to supplv the h e vc with power iind b ii it it loc il rats als m c nnictioo with convir sion mr mas in said thi 1ikii rink wil tx used ts n mitir di pot he itt mied the number i r tow n mt it rs to be convrtid nnd nddtd his di partnunt nuded ti implov nnij r nrv htlp to list the numbtr of 1 nl mi ti rs t n two w ire scrv ice waterw orks supi nntendent i lnmbtrt sud in august this mir i record qmntitv of wiur vii six millun cnllnns for am oru m nth was pumped hi rejirttdmw chim mvs nt tht uill houst and lift sti turn complttid nnd said thirt w i r sum pr hlems in lininj up a xowtr lateral inslalhtion on s uth mmn street it wis siit si n ntw man hilt might uluviau some of tht tnuibli and tin niatwr was lid our for latir investigation misting materials nu malt rials an missing at the works shop mr lambtrt continued suggesting that wrrn plank me color tour it was learned arrangements have been made fat the district for one of the color tears upon sored by a toronto paper to in elude parts of hftlton county this week it la expected the tour will include eden mills rock wood and campbell v ill e where an outdoor church service is plan ned for 3 pjn depending on the weather one to two thousand cars may be on the tour wi convention hears kate aitken form chamber of commerce active public interest urged urge citizens role at public meeting one of the most active factors in community advancement whs the label given a publlcally sup ported chamber of commerce bv j e turnbult department of planning and development repres entitlve who spoke before less than 50 citizens at a public meeting here last week the meeting advertised to inter est acton residents in learning the know how or industrial promotion from their own homes and side walks was held in the town hall and was organized by the mdust ml committee of acton council mr turnbull who spoke inform ally ind answered a battery of questions from the floor emphas ized that a working chamber of commerce or industrial committee representatives of actor and be sponrible tor the acqu s ition of new industry by a small tow n providing the organized group has the backing of the first of subdivision work commences this week on cobble hills new homes work started yesterday morning on one of the siveril new subdivt sions for new homes in acton brtlelt building co of si catharines moved in equipment on the subdivision on quetn strut west locally known as cobble hill ten homes will be constructed in this lection in the price range under 10 000 tht homes will be modern in every respect and plans arc under way for levelling 0 the road and installation of the town services it is anticipated tht houses will be completed this winter i the property was acquired some months ago through r h e liott acton and g w goldstraw of millon and the negotiations have been in progress for some months it is understood also that the sub division on the farm property east i of acton formerly owned by e braida has the plans arranged for stvon different types of homes which will soon be made public district women institutes we among the hundreds who attended the guelph area convention thursday and friday last week in lo people alert to opportunities however the speaker instructed that industrial promotion was the responsibility of all the citi stolen geese make thanksgiving meal theft which occurred sometime promote no ndustry it u cttiz fnday or saturday as discovered by a broken combination lock on ens are not alert to opportunities w shed where the birds kept police investigate seven auto crashes on long weekend pt lice invest gated four auto i- r dents in th s dnnct sin d n king neirh 2 000 pn pirn rfm iri ind three others before and lentine ifttr the thinksjin ng weekend serous injuries were reported thurdu october 7 garni t cimpbcll chiplciu was crow fit d off no 23 highwav north of ml ton his car hit fie guard n i i u nd i diims d tt i f neir v 200 frdiv rr u fr denck mi actn and illnm ci rn guelph several excellent speakers wee enjoyed by the local ladies and all the delegites mrs alex hammono the area president spoke on there endeavoring to progress a tovn is no defeat from within- c h lhc ulforts of other municipalities to mrs w marjoncbanks told of p e dustry if its citu the ork of the united nation cns arc a to o she urged the o to pray for may comc in cha romarks peace and to help in the ork of or lnc inquiries he said the un j j examples were told of hov other president of the federated wo had camc an mens institutes of canadi mr i lt tho d enthu w adims told of the ties uhi h nm cl hc 1skcd cas bind w i members together abou lh t pcnpc aro the annusl jotnt meet ng of the highl ght for the group 0 hr revealed 1 varnd hilton dtaner women address bs guest speiker lhnt lhc t 0 minagement ider ng a brinch locition c prosch th min n the street th imprtss on and ficts cm th mayors versus mud at plowing match c of c formation meet wednesday as long as there is a difference in what a town is and what it should be there is a need for a ch imber of commerce robert mundel representing the canadian chamber of commerce at an org anizational meeting here wednes day night summarized before a nucleas group of 26 men the funct ion and effectiveness of i chamber in these words mr mundel who with j t wil son attended the dinner meeting at the mvitition of i local group of bu inessmen went into broad detail to present a picture of wh it a chamber is how it works and concluded by outlin ng benefits in volved through affiliation with the ontario or canadian bodies the speaker said the prime plan of any chimbcr is a program of work which is active not only in the long range urn of acquiring new industry for the town but in a role of civic betterment economic betterment this role he said sees the cham ber anxious to undertake any pro ject which might improve town was clergy meet inoakville mrs kite itkcn tning in norfolk guelph attend ng from institute were 1 in thur ui ited church ii n acton s w 11 on the registri committee mr g orpc frv he dtlegile ind mrs george laz enb mrs chirlt mison and m fred anderson mr mclaughlin m the dc plie if dublin wi others wh attended were mrs gcorfie som erwllo mrs duncin mtffit ms mildred w ison mrs manel ne 1 v mr mcx neir mr geort bbertstn ard mr will im m l tow ba suitistic nfoi i th fir t mar no highw i rep rted 1 ght suntav saw fou ice f esqu s damage riser pipes might ha been stolen in another matttr police imtstigat tpd when a manhole lop was sheared off b a car the commission is to make claim for damages in this case a leaking hdrant in petl street u to be inspected a short exchange en what hull das are due commission emplt w and an expression of suspicion b the waterworks superintendent thai wmi plumbers an tampering un lawfulh with water meters conclud ed th abbreviated meeting the follow ng waurworks ac counts nulling s3 h7 32 nnd tndn octnini mailing w 8r w r ordered paid peoplt fuel supplies thompson motors acct imp rial oil ltd il den vhnwder accl can bras ce ltd supplns standard ch mical co act n pic hdrt lint chrgs wallace s tiernan ltd bcarditort and i act n ph hdr juli ugjm prali ne htjio tfimti h pln rr ffici clianmg wirt and wastf fyoduits burvoughs lid carbtnired paper masco fleclnc cj ltd can gvn flrctric mtt ria 5 lmp cable cccssorus wiiham garage gat northern electric materials fjlis v howard james r kfmn corp pettx cash express and hkpc prr supplies macwa n motors l w ptr enrl n the morn i g on the highwiy west of here john mc ci trhen hit i tph n pi 1 aft runr ng off th side of the road in a sudden bank of fog damage was about 300 short h afl r ntnin mh lie cut arid tin acton and jack house new tion ire ilw us erif cd lilt r with the town i ff cer or indutnil committee m turnbull explained but added thit f the preliminary approich mide lo the aerage citizen was not en c u raging minigcment might for ret about the town altogether an i n ike no further inquiries urges one mill levy mr turnbull who wn iccom pinied b r potls outlined the idantige of a mun c palitj usin ii fi r ind istr il promo on w rk as illowed b law he sugge ttd acton should well con sider the benefits in ret irn for th ci rni anbl small lew to date he continued the cton industrial committee his done i icmbnncc di program k j n efforts to get new in ee discued when tht minist i rtu1 lf l comm tte i failing rial assoc ation met at the home how results he appended f rev e currcv on fr day some person or persons enjoyed gooe or more correctly geose for it was men versus mud and ev thanksgiving somebody els en women versus mud when the birds too mayors contest began at the 41st police reported theft of six gee c i annual international plowing valued at about 150 from c f at breslau on tuesday am imiuvt ww11 person proprietor of a gage on ong the ranks of the 28 mayors lsediontout no 7 hichwav east of acton the p1 ng all together was actons ana w u no 1 highway east acton rhc it was mud jp helping urban rural relations aid to your ears he said despite the bad condition of tht ground and threatening rain thou sands of people flocked to the s for the beginning of the mitch tne highlight of the day wis the con lest between the ontario mayors thty began at three o clock in tin afternoon and plowed for about n h u r there wa a timt limit n body actually became too stuck in the mud to go on but scural wen pist the time limit the ma n difficulty according to mi ill groups join nt the cm n r ontiro chambers included his fmna addrtsi a act m be ft r the thou jj n ulion in bus ne nds of spectitors as h work i clltrd im rt nt lhat froe his allotment of lind hls name ant d f m bt- retimed the the name of acton were prominent two chamber of commerce u duphyed on his tnclor h unrtm stands for unh ndered his coach was his brother george individual enterprise and nitia ty er of acton i lve mayor w e cowlej of tilburv 1 hem caution in project took the trophy although he hid th pnker wis introduced oy ljlwcd only twice bt tore wh h p terry and thanked by g mccut mior tyltr ttpr rid f nd out cheon churmin for the evening just where he phced he knew uwas mayor e tvler while r f f ih il chipter of the as held on tues i rev r armstrong heads association rehg ou e ducat on in the school tonbreiok had her ericles dam aged to tht ex ent of ibout 00 te b rev when on the highwa eas- of here h use s car collided w th cuttinfi life tht latttr si wed to make i right turn b ut tht same t me sundi thee cars fiveltng e ist f om h e were mohed in a mishap earh cuthbert glen william it pped lo p ck up a h tch h ker h ward bumsch k tchener stop ped his car be hid cuthbert aiolh tr ir driven b flo d vare geergetown was unable to stop o 1 ded w h t bumw cir vhch ti i pus ed into htcit- t r dimaj i ixal rw 6 62 tots 80 50 iatc sundav afleroon georg 1863 barnes acton driurg on no 7 wa w if tow ran his car of n 1 1- n the or s piod the sht i de- ind h a e e p f dama n t r i bout s250 morning re e jon was w 1 corned to h s ftst meet ng and was inted s cretar the position pr ce former re r h armstrong is the presiden for the coming ear it wn decided to hold the classes r relig ous instruct ir at the pub lie cho 1 on mondivs since thai da s convenent for pastor ra costerus who at ends university rev jones i o be the speaker at the remembrance da service meeting has since been held with legion representatives hap i s been use there is some thing lacking in the citizens whi elect their representatives 1 terming the town at largt as rf product which must be sold to indusirv with potential interest ne said selling vour town suceefuliv mn t be fcmsed on sound knowledge of it as a product i you know this is the bet smal town he concluded whv not 1 t other people know hat too spec al music and messages had the thanksgiving theme in local churches sunday dedication service at opening of eden mills first new school nd clcr hil on rjcanerv dav october 15 with representit mjyor tvlt ies from acton ind rockwood it furrows u tending the meeting was held in mtert ted st judt s church oakville the div began with the celebrat ion of hoh communion with tic celebrant rev canon f c joik son the rural dein is sted b rev j d laffertv lhe fiewlv ippoint cd cinte of st jude s i of th d occ e of bnndon the sermoi was bv the ixirrl b shop of the d o cost of niagara the rt rev wa ter e bagn ill luncheon was scrv the clencil ch ipter of th den erv met in the afternoon wh i mam matters were discussed rev e jones rector of acton and rockwood angl can churches was elected as the rural dean s repre cntalive to the diocesan board of religious educition he wis also uked to give a paper at the jar uirv meet ng on the theology of chr stian initiation representatives from the wo mens assocntion were mrs j h trice mr william denny mrs j creasey and mrs holmes four from rockwood wa also attended rural ing local businesses and co operat ing for the local good with other organizations the prime reason for the exist ence of i chamber of commerce is the economic betterment and welfjre of the community he phri d and str seel co operation as a by word of conduct i rt fleeting thit the back bone of the cinad an ch imber of com merce mtmbfrshp is drawn from i towns ibout tht i7e of acton mr 1 mundel w ilunh outline the vil kttping t whit he w he added was gttti i bi ft n the tlini want at the top nor at the bot and people town he d than tv of acton esn t c tr know on the there map wore is a esquesing industry to employ over 50 ndcate compose of onuno q and new york men has acquired nmi i t- a committee g w mckenzie e soo 64 44 30 25 edei mills firs- school no 11 r eramosa township was formal penta las- fr da when officia s v and children gathered i tiki pa r he ded cat on service fine singing voice this same boy later led a choir who sang for the late k ng geirge and quten el za beth w hen th e toured canada just before the last war the queen 2 06 n rt h wa t cerleow- wat dr v wic wa sidcw ped kn n eh cte thai damage was about sim un le the school an attractive low rrd o impresaed with his voice sr k bj 6irg of modern deiga that she asked to meet him s ac w the edt r m s road from mcvittie mentioned too how k t mt e th ind was pur oung newcomer o camda pre chacd om high l nday mr ferred o wear clo hes the same as i indsav s arm l re if the olde t canadian children d shking the r icted as secretary from tht floor many questions w ere usked reg irding budgets membership meelings executive and offices ncorporition and par- t cular funct on it was urged by mr wilson that caut on be adopted in thi local chambers early pro jects md that the group shoud not try to enlarge quickly a meeting wjs agreed upon fo- tyl nd g a dills will present a suggested list of names for the first executiv e wm davey g v bar beau and g mccutcheon were name a constitution and by lawi committee property at terra cotta and hopes to establish a million dollar dustry there it is expected tht a brick plant will employ over men and will be in full operation by neirt spring terra cotta has been inactive in j i dustxially since 1934 when thel c compnay as well points go esquesing township council has f-w- rnlr f2k i lr assured the syndicate full cooper lwwfl diocks wo up a ion the industry will be a profit installation of well points guar- able asset to township tax funds i antecd t cost the town and ths as the entire 120 acre property lies sewer eirtension contractor 2600 in esquesing 1 mils just on the per month as well aj dehydrate the chinguacousy township border muddy aoll in warren grove con- the land has been owned sime tinued through thin week rain 1941 by clarence anderson who which prevented a start of renrwed ued it for pasture digging operations esquesing councillor george wednesday noon warren grove curr e laid tt ta the biggest resident held hopes of an autumn thing for esquesing since i joined i completion of the much delayed the council mr curm has been i ewers when road blocks greeted reeve twice and is an ex haltoi i pedestrian and driven as vid county warden enc of the contractor return 20 lfi 96 40 10 44 m is 4 si 12s8 shift of business locations at corner 9co0oo 12 24 240 c w swackhamer wins competition rejlts of tv cton crop conp e ot v d r cvnjurc on i k c fair are c w swatkhame 90 po nts s e g- m and v 89 clav- n dav s s8 george wa a tt ciin ike- 86 g r v ennl 85 c mcnam 4 me v n mcc 1 ugh 83 raph der w e r pasmore there wee 15 rfires r the d s rict and rce belonged i he hie luw kemp a pioner r mcv e nspector f r s jt wei ngton schools introd uced the minv speakers heno hosk rg mp spoke of the great canada others who spoke wen johr root m pj dav gray reeve of eratnosa a walburg ed wad k kland the teacher for no 11 school ard ted miller who preeented the eden mills v 1 ae uees c bink o expessed the appec at on of the vassagawew scro boa d tor permitting some f the childre- to attend choo r eamosa f in nocataaat m mc tue descbed the great mprovemert n educational faci i w re ma e n vw t s week ho 3l v oner o m d man teets arer new supemark t wi r t w th ma r street j d ik rner v ccu p ed bv p is ocs l d te prop- i jim ledge moved h st ck and eqj pmp- cm the store s former voc ji he ou heas sde of c o e ci- v weel insu 1 a if dd t ona sreck d more tt rent as nti ued through t e week e v a itcd g c v so e qjaes wh wa e wh nperaed a b ad and tdbacc3 h p across m 1 s m- wa er k w co rue h bxs n- hs week while rew bi 1 ard cq- preit s installed iat vr gan h u beautifullv thev were made the r des re is alwars to wea- canadiin clothes and to learn can adian wavs he said children kn prafraa the children contributed to th lowng match classes program as a group in singing o canada bobbie mochr e recited the creed for young canadians susar miller sang bless thj houe and thanked everyone presen merest in the new school acton mayor e tyler oined nany other ontario mayors and i seven of the is night school cours eeves th s week in plowing com es offered lit acton will be held it petition at breslau where rain decided at a meeting of the i i halton night school management nd mud combned unsuccessful co r evenlni mll y to d srupt the international ton high school of the total of 332 i applications received in acton mil ton and georgetown 100 were for classes in acton applications can still be taken in schedule seven night school courses take 109 applications rockwood woman bobbie ferguson ciaa fatal ftia present for the r ruiui rirt ladies may go to georgetown for th course or take a second choice here beginners oil painting is being combined with intermediate part ing those who applied or leather work may a to milton to join class there there was not enough applications to warrant a box loom weaving class in any of the centres diltx rockwood united fled to safety from a fire wheh ctuch bought the service to a destroyed nnall frame dwelling in c oe he notherly outskirts of brant an sage was the achitect ford early sunday morning ki much credit was given to mr sage b a toung mother and her three and j d oaks the contractor or sma childer go r rapidlv ahead w th he build the dead are mrs kah eer scar irg of the school all the past sum o jimmr five gordm three en there was ro signed ard patsr one all the course offered application forms have appeared in th free press and may be sent to the local a m rear old rockwood woman committee chairman mrs w beat he pay 35 rears and the can tract because of overcrowd ptgess made n teach rg muse in other chool lh eden mils and handicaf to those unab e f room was peatlv reeded an maser academ c subjects he tod louft- he choo s m eamosn o ire bot ir i norhrri orta o ch d en who live nassagawey school who though unab e to earn ownsnip ear eden mils wil the lsual subjects taught had a trw to school here too courses to be held here with the number of applications received so far are shop work 11 intermediate oil painting 12 advanced oil paint ing 13 aluminum tray etching 23 typewriting 20 clothing 14 advanced clothing 14 certain courses had to be written ms ewood hall of rockwood off due to insufficient interest ele- who wa vs t ng mrs scarro mentarv and children i clothing are fther n law and mother in la being combined under one instruct mr ard mr herbert scarrow in ress the r portfn of the frame dwelling while onl two applied for the al ted the lames mr scanxrw s millinery course in acton 20 ap- 78 years old and mrs scarrow ss pued in georgetown the acton instructors will be chosen inuneds lately uoyd hi nana ii with the principalis of the three high schoola wtu arrange for the selections of teachers class will be held in the high schools in all three towns total number of applications re ceived wm r of these 139 wen for mlltob classes i0s for acton and w for georgetown of the 18 clas ses offered in milton 10 will be held seven of the 12 courses offered in acton ill be held and seven of the 18 classes in georgetown attending the meeting from acton were mrs w beatty miss f wilkin cliff sutton ten hansen ind george bowman keith barber the chairman presided the classes begin on november t each applicant will be contacted

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