Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1954, p. 1

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eht jvjdfcjcrn jfrtt tft eightieth year no 21 acton ontario thursday november 18lh 1954 twelve pages six cents annexation hearings completed case to go to argument as final witnesses are called byesquesing acton high school officially opens next monday evening when the minister of education will attend the ceremony to which local and district citizens are invited the 190000 building shown stis photo here although opened only this september is already crowded to capacity and the district board has made plans for an addition council agrees on services for queen st subdivision agreement with a malton firm and county is pending over the re of subdividers was made by conn fusal of both parties to pay an in cil monday night when two rep- digent patient account under dia resentatives of colbert construct pute with two othc indigent ac ion co appeared to outline dev elopment plans for the 40 lot wool combing subdivision on queen st fourth subdivision to undergo plan ning in acton this year h probcrt and el coles appear ed with r f bean to seek an agreement from council regarding services to th nine acre subdiis ion which recently was approved in revised plan mr probert said it was planned to make a start on the fronting queen st lots next spring debate over propriety after a brief debate over the propriety of making a binding agreement members finallj endois ed a motion calling for an agree ment and bylaw to be drawn up with colbert construction where by it will pay the town 3 000 when and if the firm requests extension of sewers and water on queen st u was abo to be agreed bj council that services be completed 60 das from the date of request bj the company provided no unforeseen delay is experienced during the course of work several weeks ago work started on the 14 lot cobble hill subdivis ion this week initial construction began at the 200 lot braida sub division while tast week agree ment was readied with a hamilton firm who intend to start work this fall on the 240 lot jany subdivision prior to the appearance of the malton group rtpnentamcs of the braida land subd viders tho mai and thomas construction briefly waited on council to clarify hems m the building blaw sewer going abend members agreed to wa c the 15 per cent holdback clause dealing with wtll point and gravel pay nunis owing tht wamn grove sewer extension contractor geort schulti a ninium authi r ting pn ment of 2 776 70 for progress rt pors and other b 11 authorzed bi the engineer wa p d it wis remarked the nsfili on of thi ibiti apcjrs tt b ko ahtad lawrabh council granted a tixi hcen- t j palmer and a langelle contir put n prt tiiuti i fit diik i neeess r nviiranvt p lie counts council passed one bill for payment from the guelph genenl i ospital and authonzed pajment of another bill from the toronto gen era hospital four routine reports from the d strict magistrate local police ana count health unit were read a letter from the public school board thanked council for co op eration regarding stop signs at ri er and willow sts and asked for further support in providing adc quale safetj precautions on miin st bay heater for fire hall at a recent meeting with acton fire brigade members council s fire committee reported no agree mtnt reached regarding a new place of meeting for the brigade thi matter is to be further discussed meanwhile purchase of an oil space hoate for 129 from gordon hardware was authonzed for th f re hall after a brief discussion w th expect hon dunlop at school opening plans are being finalized for th opining of the new high school on monday evening november 22 when d strict residents will hive an opportunity of touring the modern new building on acton boulevard hon w j dunlop will give a bruf the firm lo apply fo annexation of addre w ma t a 1 min for the program board and aff memoirs v rtv armstrong idle the school the public school is presenting a dictionary to the ntw school and the laktsidt chapter of the i od e a flag tiny colored seols of immense value all be introduced will officially ded representatives of fraloigh con struction co ltd council passed a i resolution that no opposition be egistend against the proposal of he firm lo apply for annexation of that part of the jany property laj- ing in bsqucsing township following notice read of a north ha i ton urban board mietmg ih week arrangements were briefly j reviewed for a joint end of jear party to be held b council the planning board and the publ c ul ilitics commission it is planned to hold the get together december 3 claim for injuries deputy reeve r thompson ie minded council there are several trees on john st sull in need of cutting down councillor a irwin this week over 2400000 suggested roads in warren grove pieces of colored paper were mailed were going from bad to worse and j throughout halton county each councillor e foolitt passed on a i ont is small less than a square complaint about the cnr sandpilc i inch yet means a lot and need for a blmd street sign on j thec are the christmas seals the cameron st i sale of which makes possible fret considerable talk followed in chcst x t todetcct tuberculosa inquiry about stale of proceeding on a claim by a local woman fo j if alton s twict adjourned annexation hearing to nc quire r esquosmg township ncri s enrm tmsdav afternoon in thi town hall but the case isn t closed yd tislimonv fn m nvr ifl witnisss hm betn hi ird but summation and tirgumi rit which must precede ihi muni cipal boards decision wtll not bt subimtud in toronto by tht two p posing cuunstl unlil somi turn ntxt month whiu no offcal ucison w ii bt innriid den n until thit imi or laur it was vidint thji week ac k n will 1lkl gun om irti ind ps bly arotrur now in th town shp thise irt is both ippind and in pirl of subd vi ion silts rtiti lly s for development one th 12 arris of tht braid i subdivision out idt acton was conceded by f i quesing counsel l dile dunrtk tht september phase of the hear ngs ind r fcrred to agjin as i conci s i sim this wtek i call esqueaing witnesses tht othir oddly not within thu bounds nf thr proposal undtr con jsdirilion i the part of the jmy pnperty outs de town and nctnt lj purchased by a himilton subd con nn ng ovir 30 acres it pnvittly submitted for an approve additions to acton milton high school bldgs word has been received by the secretary of the north halton high school district board that approv al has been granted by the depart ment of education for a thrci room addition to the new acton high school and a two room ad dition to the milton high school the amount approved for expendi ture in acton is up to 40 000 further approval regarding fin- mces from council and he muniti pal board are also required before v l tht projects can be started t on start subdivision onstrnctlon aurted thla week on the la runt planned sabdlvialon to begin development to date in acton the 300 lot gtenlea ubdtvulon on property formerly owned by f braida in the raittem section of town will be developed on approximately 50 acres of land under the original agreement of service f tension made by the mhdlvldrr thomas and thomas orutrnrllon company of coofcs- vllle 10 hoascs are ached sled for erection in the first phase of de velopment jewellery business opens in new store ard ing ie wtks one riiy heinngs j not contested by the esqi i rep re mtat vt the cas re opened tuesd i if r wo days of us mony fr im ah it 0 witniss fnkd to conclude tin oannu siptmbir 28 ind 29 th vdtnet fjr tin towns case dra ul by j d luc continued on page seienj criticizesalvage yards call for registry office crowding conditions and wreck registry off ce jvercrowded mg yards cimc in for much d s and in much need of enlarging ac cussion at the regular meeting of cord ng to a report of the buildirg halton count council at milton committee read b reeve wuliam jewelkry da had esque ing of thi ri ttu sip ember ittmg und it thi adjnurnrm nt i t talhd tht f tnesses ont nuid b mr k timber i pr i ei n esqu s ng ton hip who statid panelll s was opp id to i ntxatirm in finish high llling tfy eximined by mr lu list week discussion on the mr n which wrecking vnrd win period inn kepi ii spark ed w th the application for i he iim b abram ztidel who plan ned to locite asahage vard n i ut urn trafalgar township c ural arrted o ifivi hi mi ti r rtt3 d tik k applici i in h hands f the rt eve of traf w w 1 mikt t i veni i d rtpvrt at tht nt t i anderson oikv lie at the pre t ie commi te felt much considerat ion should be given lo enlarj i g trt prostnl bu d ng or bu iding a new reg stry office op ni r if council appeaed o tc div d d ind tht commit e av it m ih rti ng net to i mi a 1 tr frvn it ff- i urk ni d i i i i tin pari strut tii t i c t bit mu d bcn deeded ti kerp- tt t headquartt rs n gtf nuwt in h mfn on n thi area tb sue town vonty l ndtr tot 1 mi rvvm t t t th c x f hami ton ild m mbt dt p i x til stir i seek injunction nil ul i tv r vi ml dipi v l e 0 c i la tr i k ill t rk i t r v k ini gu iph and epv ri tht f nd ng- a mg w tt d cost need coonell room lmbtr wt i nn guidanci for tb patients health education and tuberculin testing of school pupils in a letter accompanying each group of stals mailed throughout the countv president of the halton county tuberculosis and health association r f bean of acton asks if vou could have one wish at christmas wouldnt it be good heal h for you and jours cases of tuberculosis detected early can pre vint the spread of the disease of the monev given last jear 2100 wis used in detecting new cases in x rays through halton si 500 was used in helping patients s3 000 in the educational program and s3 000 in supporting sanatoria with president r f bean and treisurer d hamilton wright di rtctors of the association in the counts ire mr r m m achtson dr v l anderson dr a f bull wi moh w r dalgleish mrs j l fuirbv flmer c foster g c c gowlind k r maedonald bruce gi micnilt h c morns and mrs marv s ptttit wd b r another addition lo acton s row tf mill street business establish mills optns this week in the new manning electric block it the cor nt of mill and john streets don s bexton formerly of waterloo the propr etor of a ne and watch repair shop mr bexton who worked for 10 ytars with a largi kitchener jew ellcrj firm and for the last five ar his operaud his own bus ines in that city is an engraver and watchmaker in addition to jewellery g ftware and wa ches he proposes to stock paint ngs by eur opean artists married with two children he for esqutsing he testif ci plans to move to acton to reside i on assessment figurt rext spring mr and mrs bexton s t on5 0 total astssment open ng plans for this week were n the area proposed for annexa hindered over the week end when on schoo irta and f re area cost their three jear old daughter ann reasons for vacant land fell from a moting ca and fract mwwor al rcv a imp ured her skull presentlj m hospit 5howirg t land areas in th al the chid is recovering owns bld and amoun of i doug manmng owner of the new pn n acton tn s brick structure and proprietor amounted to about 200 acr it wa manning electric here for several heated vears plans to relocate his elec j undpr erqaf pxamina mr accept resignation peoples warden the advisory board of st al- ban s anfillcin church held an em ergtney meeting in the pariah hjii list sunday tv n ng after the v ening service the meeting was call ed in order to r etive officially the rcsignatif n of c sutun as ptoplt wird n mr su ton resigned because he his iccepud i p sition as recrtat- lonal dlrec or fi r brampton and hortly will bi kdving for that itgil town tht rector txprtssed his ip d d ir precial on to mr sutton for his iiv r assistince to tht church during hi instllor ttrtn of off ce as peoples warden it was also i greed by the meeting to purchase fin doora for the fu- nace room and the paasagewiy the church plywood squares and ig will also be purchased to ft tht interior of the pmsh itie meeting clostd w th nfxt propor nvolvrdl rical appliance business to the r build ng later this monh acton jr formers institute convene prajer by the rector those present at the meeting wer c f iithtrland dr franx oakts t ware s snow t jon v brwtri w hum denny k knox and henry jolley the chair man of the met ting wai ihe rev evinh jones recto r of st albans the regular meeting of the acton m n firmers and junior institute xh d benton wa quet ored on ra fluctuat ona local services and wa referred to the h story of assess mert or lack of it on buildings owned by beardmore co ltd in he towrsh p stvtal yoas ago 1 the applicants council n h cniv eximinatior s ughl 1 ar f m he wi n s the reasni fr r ands pre as hi id it the home of ida archi bald nn wtdnesdav november 10 with otr 40 juniors present at the institute meeting mrs m turntr acting as convener n inuretins paptr ongrrxm inl n he town bo indai the xt wnsh p pit- i pace mac sprowl tells rotarians of trip mac sprowl told acton rotariaiu about h s trip through great br t am and showed colored slidei t th r meeting on tuesday mr sprowl as the inner of a njf field scholarah p and inspected ag r culture abroad at fir hand dur- rg the cvm m n h tnp since u rcnt rtturn he has begun a xrtei f pt ik rg tngarcmtnts he as ntrtjduce3to the rol- ariarj and several gucrta by the prti am chairman f l wr git and thanked by r h elliott ted rhmwr repi rted tha tickets to the rrtary ponord metropol tan opera prfduct on in torjro hrmii iddr f bd wh short ymca auxiliary donates for relief mr fn th ntivembtr meeting of the m c ladio i mca the xitiarv was hdd pi il opined tht c hr t tht pn sm h t1 1 iht f th i th th i rris pr i thit i p ul a id that leij it i m h h s u1it buren inc tr- it hie vi a c s2jt0 dered pa d rrangt d a china iar futurr made ft r i pot luck ht christmas meeting cl ed with the mu treated for cuts following accident mrs hit s ctnn was treated r c is s mdj wh n she suffered i in an accidt nt south tar v thai morning a car 3v htr h isband albert har n a d rh off no high xtntt anjfcc to the urban board atsurmd telephone officials promise report on extended area tintiim studies wire promised n bit ir minhnl mnsidrrahtp re bottom end of tht ml ton t leohone southerly iiriu the en nomie and additional studies wire promised mrmbt rs of the north halu n i rban t board bv brll tittphon officials yv on the posaibtutiis of undivl area w eermce whtn tht rv u mii in ttin mtav tti mr tt ndtm a ohed cvnsiderable re ind stud ti pi v ide al tht nth the lpe if scrvio the a price thei w n id pa the i pt i i plan ptunted the rrvtn irtsnlb collecting till larets n tails betwein the muni tan pal n ani h ixttnsion uf ih f 1 1 w ould r liminate thes con ti utnt nits wtuld have to be j reared si g v pie s e ru r sttxi rt s bjstl n the numbtr of bi gl n l nes i subscriber in anv k n ai r ar a rthern areas dt5- b ittv ef t rnied suggested that at a as 1 ustrated b rijmbtr if lirk d ther rsv nt new rtaa he pointed out the plan of d r ill georfie t wu h if the mi fn based n this it wa pretnt mili pie tbt suggestion fr m tht stxith nf w ud bo inclined o n the oak le i s ict piplt m ild oe more interest a than the i suggested the ould be des g ie m it mi tenph nt exchange is econd largest in he area the ils txplained covering 1s3 t mi es as compared with ac cvvernv is 6 square milrt and rgetown w square miles the mi in exchange is surrounded bv a i ad acent telephone exchanges he mr m i bv concluded that through bo ix in led aea serv ce boundarr nd prtiblt ms at m mm ed be i j d bt impossible to sei pe- pie n the mi on area additional tts in a -osn- area temc f rv pwid and mr murbt lug sd tha anv poposal presentecf 11 1 ke p be able to put u effee w ith r- a rt atonable per georgrtow n of this week the nvmxh ha ton ltvj bord i made up of munti ipal r nta i lives of the thre norther owns in quired earb this atiut the possibility of unking the acton milton and georgetiwn tiltphnf exchanges so calls could be placed in thai area without oil chargts ita can nach s f murbr of the area office of referring to the map of the are the telephone co ho is in charge designs mg the miltoti coi of rates and planning addressed the georgtlon and rock wood teu board and dlusirated ha dscussion phone exchange areas mr slurb natd as possibh three areas withaht ne service and develop the i- pointed to act as chaman of the rememuance day n acton lst thunday ws mrtted by pr- wilh maps and charts stressed officuls were attempting the same calling area as a present erner later he suggested the meeig i lh absence of maxor j acft to ph and ervkx m koox tf b s o nave exchanges of comparable but with extended service from the bell telephone co would present a armstrong georgetown- the final i sue exchange area was about jo miles proposal m th future as the next meeting was set for december 14 in nded seta ice to acton george- w- and fcoekwood sfessirg that the bell his been first trrmg to get eervone tele- the board were ap ed toa 1 ng sm93 reqaisruons o he forrded to each of the opal tin for 150 to cover the but ii expenses o the end of the year all the c k j mcceachie reported ap- on ex heat or had been made for a du al the trade fair and the com x vpar could begji to im make plans acton tended axe service was not a new he ndcated by th map that the south of the vilton area to more step acton well attended hrw the flag rise over the trleot bowed heads of the guard of honor while reveille sounds

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