Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1954, p. 3

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thursday november ib ibm the acton fr6e press acton ontario for rent cold storage lockers apply at rockwood frigid lockers phone 48j main st rockwood ont famous name brands in sleepwear for children steepers fleeced buttoned drop seat pink blue sizes 12 3 and 4 1 49 sleepers interlock by harley two piece sizes 1 to 4 reg 2 15 1 98 sleepers fleeced by harley two piece size 1 to 4 years 1 98 sleepers ez two piece pastel colors sizes six months to four years 2 59 pyjamas polo style for girls size 6 to 1 2 years 1 49 pyjamas girls flannelette 8 to 14 years 2 79 pyjamas polo style by turnbulls for boys s m l 3 95 pyjamas boys flannelette 4 to 8 years 2 98 jerseys by cherub plain colors short sleeves 79c jerseys by cherub plain colors long sleeve 98c jerseys striped and plain long sleeves sizes one to eight 98c to 198 special skintees babys panties a lovely christmas gift suggestion snug fit sizing by baby s weight made of fine run bs proof rayon jer i sey lace trim stzes 1 2 3 reg 79c sale price 49c hwtons dept store wellington judge dies in 83rd year juage of wellington county for 18 years prior to his retirement in 1m7 judge robert lachlln mckin non died tn guelph on wednesday november 10 he was 82 hi hail been in poor htallh tor some time born in erin township ht re ci ivcd his earh education at fra mnsn township school nnd lit the guelph and own sound collegiate institutes hi fcrnrtuaud from the university of toronto with un arts degree in 18fl5 mr mckinnnn nte ret osgo dt hall graduating m i ut n law practice in guelph dur ng tht first 22 year- of his practice he became one f ihe county s m ist outslanding lawyers he was named judge of tin county court for the oounly if wellington and local judge of th high court of tht supreme cmil of ontario in 1028 he wai aw rdid two kings medal- in im7 judge mck n non a succeeded bj judi h sli wart clark he is survived by his w f iht former annie fleming of ovcn sound two sons who an both in yen lohn s mckinnon of to onto nnd charles 1 m6k union of guelph and two dnurhti rs mr- colin a cnws and mrs gcorue t wright of burlington funeral scrvict and ink rmi i l were on friday hofront pogi of colorful character in canadian history capt joseph brant lived part of his life in halton through the indirect snlts tnx on manufactured goods ottawa colkvk about 12 million each wink making plans by gwkn clarke in the nnnnls of halton history it would in hard to find n mori color rul thaiaeltr than un grent mo hawk ehitf captain jos ih hrnnt or thayendnni gn or course nis nnmi has been linked more ofti n with brantfnrd tlmn with hnlton as it was along thi banks of thi grand rier that tht indians were giwn huge grants of land which later im uiim tht six nations histrvalion at biantford hurt is also thi mo hawk chap i ind a niomnmnt to tht mi morj of capliini joseph bnnl what connection thin had brunt with wellington square th builnikton of today history givts tht answtr towards tht end of bi nit s dramatu hut also tragic lift siph braul was born in the mo k villi v of wstem nt w york stalt dunn tin ame i icnn rivol uli n tin smpitliy of his peopli was with thi british at thi agi of 13 jost ph in tived his baptism of fm while fikhtini with his peopli undii hit command of oloml wil unm johnson from lb it d iv foi w uti thin was no turning liai k foi i in joinij indian boy hi plidg td his 1 ivultv to hit bntisli ciown nnd kipl that pudm t tin dn of his death not rulhlew eark histm inns claim that josi ph rrnnt wis ruihliss and burin ric this biluf wns a n ult of thi ter i unagi which oflm resulted limits in which his people nkkd whnh was lastly thrush link of disoplmi fw tin nal chuf thaytndnncgn found it impovsihli to control tin war lust of his comiadis after a triumphant battle tin scalping and sluukhttr of hilpkis victims was not hit result of brants com minrl but in spiti of his ordirs to thi contrar many turns he tried to prevent his piopk from exacting what to thim win the rightful spoil of battle later tht documentiry evidence in impnssivi public ceremony th coffin was lowned to its new grnva ii sitli the mnhawk c ha pel and sit nt last tin spirit of thayenda iia listid with thom ol his own piopli sunn viars lati r a tomb stoni tnuiiitiiiit in tit sign wan plniid imr tin grnv and un iron kiti built mound it valine han we 1ollowiiik lii r hiisliniid b dtath his widow n tunnd to hi r ptopli and ns was hi i pmllge slit diclared hir yeunttr son john liief of ihe sk nations ji lin showed fv ry i l iti ilhltriii fiilh i to ltut ft hi dull of iholiru ul the hi was not ni ulv as iliuss man as in had bien mill lu ftnlii appaitnt t oiislanllv in il ht and m n tils of m uiv irans- nilsoti lownstilp listed oltl to pay ilihtn here of hit suits thai took still familiar in imin i 1 r igas 4th ledgers join with iga in celebrating their 4th anniversary in canada save and celebrate with us the perfect gift for the home grape leaf china tea set now at ledgers iga ma ttc fourpiao unit on every 5 00 purchat ordar get as many units as you want for only a soup bowl plata saucer cup b aura to aae this attractive china set ledgers iga iga 1 1 or catsup ingersoll sheet cheese jfor 39c 23c dainty 1 lb pkg 2 for rice clover leaf white tuna 29c 39c 1 g a 20 oi 2 for pork beans 25 ycyo chocolate cello pk biscuits 25c globe desurl is oz pears 2 for 33 blue or reg lg giant breeze 39c 77c iga margarine lb 25c firm fresh produce everyday swifts premium combination lamb fronts quality beef specially selected prime rib roasts swifts premiufn cryova pieces cottage rolls swifts prem franks swifts premium sliced bologna lb 31c lb 53c lb 65c lb 35c lb 29c chom sliced beef liver 29c lb devon sliced breakfast bacon 53c lb pkg delicious roasting chickens and capons ledgers iga for relaxation bowl worried about the weeks events forget them come bowling saturday night have some fun v acton bowling lanes bring your team family friends if those who kniw him bist as a friend and as a win r lor shiwed brant lo bi n man at fitntlt tharne ur just fearful in haltlc but merciful to tht vanquished when the rriat chief yd court nf goorf1 iii those in attendnnee could hardly btliuvi this ui ii ducatwi min who carried himself w th ur iei and ase could be a full blooded indian for joseph biant was both a realist and an id ilist and miw ihitlunk inconkruous in the fact that in kept his tormhawk on the same shelf as his ctmj of tht nw tt sta mi nt it is imptissiblt in tht spact at our dispisil to f- mtw in detiil the chiefs v ii led t irttr suffice to si tint in oetwttn us md skir niishts his one obstssion was to pro i mnli th mlfnt if hi ptpk pnrlh for this nwn ht ippli d himstlf mttnslv to stodv p irticu 1irh in luimkes ii joint d the church of fnijind anil trniislilcd i the prayer btitik nnd new te sui mint into ihi mohiwk lancuiike anxious tint his people mikht know even ns hi kntw tht lihssmrs ind promise of a christi in filth i rani in halton follovlint the silninii of the pence and in usponse to brnnl s re qui st to sir rrcdirlck hutdlmand at that time governor of canada the indians wt re riven hujje tracts of land mi ilht r sid of the grand itiwr equivalent to tht land of the six nations taken over by british tntl eeelttl to the united states in addition in 17117 iptaln jo 1 ph riant f ins own personal 1 oi was livi n a trnnt of land in halton utility etimpi isint borne 3- icrts hen he establlshed a m uu mint which he colled wt 11 iiikioii siiuait and hew he built a commodious twosluiey house on a eoiiuimtidiiu silt ovirlookmit bur hnmmi h h tl 1tlst ls ni invt bttn nmtitlltd after the lntl intiismn tf sir willi un johnson uios llurtl ullt wl molly brant jusplis sistt i ih hnnl ii tr w lis built of ltd ndr biout hi i tllll tht thousand isl inds il th t st iiw it n tt 11 was fiiinishicl in tin myl r in eljbo tdte fnklish bin v 1 in iiiiion a si rv inls looked nf ttr hit com huts or tht occupants and tht in mv distinguished kile sts vi ho visit- l it tht brant house rul 1 1 jost ph s dtinu slic life was tmvlhiik but lr inquil he was irrit d his first wifi conversion news now we can install your choice of home freezers in 60 cycle such famous mak es as woods fngdaire amona thor international harvester crosley etc special news complete christmas turkey dinner for eiqht will be de livered absolutely free when you purchase your freeier between now and christmas investigate our food plan now you are under no obligation when you call harold skilling 306j representing the famous chambers foods ltd 1570 kingston rd toronto ox 1188 hu is i the i win no rtuidin of tht second mir r in but by his kurd wife cithe nut josiph hid two sons and four daughters istie th son of his first vifc was insjnlv jalous ol ih strorid fnm ilv in i7l is k was si tyinu nt th br int house and in a fit of drunk n ran b on d iy itt itkt d his fatlit r lunging il him with his dirk with intent to kill j is ph in self de fenc nnl to disiblt ntu r than hirm his son rlrcw his own dirk nnd wounded him slightly lsnr knmiiik full vll th risk mvolsd bv n kltl 1 1 fust d t i hi on sight flish vnund ittt nded to blood p isoiunk st t in uitl he died rtidirnatlon rrfumst his itlur filltd wilh grief and bill r sharm ntttmpltd to glt hiins if up t iht lolu ind tt re jikn his r i 1 unv in th irmy but no h ii k v is r uid ik nnst him i ud his r sikiitlo is iptain was rf isd hit s in md i sins of family 1 diskr it- short n d brjnl s days 1 gr 1 ci u i dud burlington hikhts nuvembir 24 ih07 al the f 04 lr in ct fs offlr and men g if fni ihe w dinl n spiel around i th wrriir buried nh full hon chuf he v ors at ullirikt n squr her h restti f r 43 vars tht n a group of mil iks cam t his hurial place iim rnd th coff n ind or it n the ir sh ulders through ind fr r 30 i nk inks f th rjnd river after flg p mmmmmmmmmrmwmmmm m mmn i your ymca presents hill ml aites jt ln llraiil 114 mts hlal th kt n 2 hi james gage 311111 john livis 240 italph mordeii iflp old mr ktrr 210 miehni 1 groat 1441 john diwson 106 1 humus fliuit 2iiss nicho- liis kirns im and be ter dee- jardlns izs juni a list of naniei fnlt evi ry de funic prthif of 111 lint 8 close conilicthn with ihe puplt of haltem who bavi alwayii mvn pi met of llu ii assoe latum with the kitat muhiivk hief captain jo ph hiiiiit in xt featiue nmpbe llvllle iui tl i i iiikim i flood relief home receive donations the liuiy bets met at rockwood al tlie home of mrs little with i jjeod atte nd met opening- uio meeting with mary suutirt collect the roll ull ww a first did hint mrs dodds guve tht- thought lur die mrs lruni i hilt prtpind a sjilendld piper oi immunity activities mis a allan oil mrs p mel cm n kivt n idings i r the i rtikrim a donation u is still to tht mood ntitf mt iiiolti to the wthttlstock home for mt ni 1 patit nts the nt xl mieluifi tin i i call is i white kift to fill bisktts for to families a mid il pin i w is ii jn id by til over tht lunch prepond by the h i lias and he r ht ijiera report study book on wms program the woman s m isionary society of the united church met at the homi of mrs l aga on wednes day of ht ttk aith tht pres d- ent miss m 7 bennett presiding tin muting ope ned with prayer report folttmtd stewardship glv en by mrs a orr mismoniry monthly by mrs v ruin t and baby bend by miss ilendersim th mii t nj w is tin n lak n ovt r by mrs arnold md ht r k up for i program iiih intlutlttl script ure n id i tie by mrs arnold ind a ch iptt r of the study book un india by mr arnold mr- j binnie give rtptrt on th onfrenc h id in mil on with mrs mamh a kut s s ike i t ik ng t n ind a the meetik citeti n tli r tht udes wtn mv ttd to remain for a social cup f ti a te tif thtik v liven to mrs agir for h r hm urf other is3 stat ts sjmpithv is i x 1 1 dd ui he famil and friftds tf the late mrs c w mi- r rt nlly pivsid av y 120 famous judges planned for royal mr uun 12 n te-rnalionaliy- f it s j dg t f t rs cattle tttj n ultt jiitl h t tuck as well s gr in k dairy and i tr s r flu t fruit invurs and th r agr t it tr 1 pr iurts from it 1a the i it it ti si tt fngland and sc lltnd art in ng the thou- srds f eilrif n hr 1954 royal agncjtural w t tt r fur hi id in re ctil m t r nto w it en s fr m the unld sui s mar sidin ge rainy at d canada t nf ng ad l harlel the a r il greteit dre titm rtralion for your approval enjoyment gym and hobby classes for children youths and adults clubs for you hi y gray phalanx phiat ir badminton club ir camera club ir slim and trim for ladies ir bowling it basketball ir dancing parties speakers ur fun enquire today phone 368 or drop in at the y chance to improve and enjoy yourself h i sh 1 iht i hsun 1 i ftatarts t f th im tu al i it ttit re i a vsr t f hi r tt mting attra- t i ns am ng the is a photo gr- t c m1 i v mink ht uarr dnn g and horo rhof p tching c mpl ti n a tower h tr f- akr cult ira sho arsmps ad an rtenie diplay t ditrh gernmrt jdgs irave ing tre greateit dlancv t lrct rifirnni rrtrn a tn v r ri al include ixird imn mfh of sw yr ford patldtks s m bettrm new- mirket england and r h wjier si r f rd m dl thun scotland a d ir n dgr f- irtrr- in yf rv tr a af a y t light rule v f t jidge- it tf of shrrthern chbistmas grfftinn the riar old 1ds it ft a c hnmmas pdckagt at ihf parsonagp ailh a n tt a1drissd t her pastor 1 know ou do not care for sweets to i send eand to our ife and nuta to you

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