Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1954, p. 11

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the acton free press acton ontario page eleven informal notes wedding stationery personalized serviettes personalized match boxes christmas cards that are distinctively different are all a pari of our printing service drop in and see our samples and getoutnces i if iff printed we cm do it qjfj artnn zfrri jjrrab acton ont phon 174 printing is our business stokeltb vanot tjhoeadkd peas 2 35c 10oz 2 tins 29o stokeltb finest beans ss 2 25c fancy oreen beanb tin 15o 18c btokelyi fancy oream style corn 2- 27c looi tin 12c kernels hoi tin 3 for 36o stokblts finest spaghetti 2 s 27c btoksltb yanot applesauce 2 s 35c looi tiu 3 tor 29o union camut hbb christmas cakes 0hbi8tze 8 mm imperial 33c lb fruit pudding each 40c special aylnwr ohotcox pie peaches 15 oz tin8 21c shelled almonds 39c lexia raisins 25c seedless raisins a 39c currants 23c pitted dates 19c candy for christmas if joa an p a obrlstmaa party at your church or other organisation contact your grand tjnlonoarroll ttora manager hs win ahow yon tamplaa and quota yon special prices on caea lota of oarlstaiaa candy cadburys instant chocolate 31c the oreuniett bmoothest ohoeolmte drink ever grand union coffee 109 fbex coloateb tooth paste with oiant pko vel 77c oranges florida us no i a 5 lb bag j c us no 1 sue 96 fancy macintosh grapefruit apples head lettuce cooking onions waxed turnips 10 for 45c 6 ql bskt 69c 19c 3 lb 19c lb 4c ar zona large f rrrijhead canada no 1 hahont pago of thm pott imported silks prints and velvets once hung in torn whytes general store in old kilbride on december 8 1869 timothy eaton opined a small dry goods store in toronto nt the corner of queen and yonge he had little capital merchandise was ordinary equipment primitive and he em ployed very little help at that time t l why te s di parlmcnt store in kilbride had been doing a thriving business for several ears a mud of the progress of the twit moris indicate that i matter of location was the main reason why the one store increased its bus ness while thi other eventually ended in bankrupts the orgamz ing ability of the two men eaton and whyu was evidently at par t l whyte known locally as tom whyte took over a store pre lously owned by john bell kilbride and nearby cummlnsville were busy and prosperous villages mainly because thtv were heavily timbered there were grist mills saw mills hotels and a cheese fnc tory oxen and horses teaming all day and every day kept the black smiths busy just north of kilbride was mont gomery s woollen mills and george lees tannery in the village pro per a coopers shop a tinsmiths vanfleets hirness shop and rcnernl from boots for iu j store a drug store and a v iggon 1ldv s slippers shop there was work for all who ml deportment needed it even for strangers com ing from distant parts seeking cm plo ment the stage offered good transpor totion for travellers for the times and for years was driven by john duncan hotels were busy and pro vided good accommodation it was an era of prosperity for the village and tom whyte was quick to take advantage of the opportum residence caught fire the wind was driving the flames straight to wards the methodist parsonage neighbours rushed in to remove the 1 furniture before it was too late but they were stopped by the mm lister the ue clippison who was on his knees priivuif that the par i son age be spared rising to his feet he said with a calm confident muci to his wifi and tlmr kindly neighbours do not trouble yourselves the parson ae will not burn hardly had hi spoken whin the wind shifted from north wist to south west tannine thi flimi in the direction of thi creek with mt intervening buildings in its pith tarred and feathered gem rillv speikini the village folk win churth eoint hw nbid in citizens but if thi itcc ision de miinded they wire not above taking the hw inlo their own binds an chronicle of ginger form wrillrn tpfciflmu for the acton tee preai by twrmlollnr i- clarke ii lv ittlu kilbride reunion in 1921 was recorded by the photographer in honu in iwc this group shot of celebranls clustered about a band of musics in the background all in a line are assembled canvas lopped ex amples of the latest productions in automobiles ii kilbride writing 1 lud thi follow inn ft itni tnr to my roi tun itelv thi re wis ipproxi mitih 7 000 in insurince mr i the meit deportment carried whyte rebuilt the store the pre choice melts that could be bought sent red ind white promises it hi d to foot m lirge or small quantities beef kilbride ue the snm thit tom pork limb smoked melts and poul whte built in 1866 the hitching try taken in trade from the fjrm niifs in thin whin iirnurs tud ers but it had to be of the best their teams while they wont inside quality otherwise mr whte want the store to buy whit the could cd none of it remember of thi things ma hid told forparts unknown i it m to bunt home from the vil in 21 thpre n gnal reunion i at kilbride never before or since writing on the wall has such a large crowd gathered business in the new premises n the village native sons and yeai ind fialhirme script not lint tlte ictini w is i m in who ind mis tu did anolhit mins wifi b wnit t nnssagiwim mil raised a pirtv of younj ehaps who came in th nifcht took m out of his house tore every stitch off him and then tarred and fi ithtred him from then thev enrned on a rail to a little creek below old church they made him over threi umis in the cruk then walk home before the compmy next div m lit out i ouis bntmfn id author firmer nuunlist and owit the famous mai i bar firms al mansfield ohio i m i n hi hi ui of h isti m cow 3 bitius hi finds dairy firmini no lonei r profitable mr bromfield sis tint ilmom my lype of farm- ii k ff it tir thin m iking eows and tint if the present trend continues mon firmirs will reai- 17 it ind thin us lublt to be a hortaki f m oil cli in milk within t coupli of years in his area firmirs n gitlinj sivcn tints a quirt fi r milk hi it st lis it 22 e nts will mr bromfield isn t the on- l ont that h is m uli ui it discuv i ry llettta tf other faimesrs are rf tin s inn opinion tht trouble s unl kt thi twin or milibar farm then isnt much uu ran ifford to do ibout it dairy farm i i in i i i l ilk r 1 1 ittmlly pro- fitabli but if a firm r em only i n- got business trips abroad naturally there wis a good line i of groceries and of hardware and form supplies there was also the vi table liquor store tics provided he determined to mtv table liquor store but it was continued to thrive for a few years daughters cam from all parts to re make his shop a first class depart dry roods thot t l whyte really i then came a slight falling off in new old acquaintances and to meet ment store offering merchandise so exceed he made frequent trips trade timber stands showed defi descendants of those with whom varied and attractive that the vil l eri and scotland and select- nite signs of depletion this result thiy had worked and played in dajs inge folk would not be tempted to cd thc most beautiful dress goods ed in less tenming less shoeing less kl by one reison for the ri shop in the city in this venture he from the y wholesale tnde- and workers gndually be union was to raise funds to pay off was successful housis or sometimes from the rim to move away it may be that t debt on the community hall he enlarged the store he had manufacturers themselves torn whyte was the first to see the the amount necdedwas over sub bought from john bell using the there wls no doubt about unlim on the wall be that as it scribed and amounted to 1 500 back part as a millinery depart whvtes department store was big may he sold his entire business to many visited the old store its ex ment where seven or eight hands business cmploving the year round macnab and pirki r tenor much is they remembered it were emploed as trimmers an jj s an sometimes more whit hippened to kilbrides b mside meats groceries nnd elderly lady at kilbride well re thornis coulson writing home in timothj eaton after thit we have geninl merchindise butnolovly members thi millinery department tom wh t dots more bein umble to discovir macnib mipoilid silks prints ind velvets at whytes store it was wonder busmiw th my three stores put and parker followed the samebusi- and never i beautiful hat at all ful she says and oh did they tofi ther nl p thev as the firmer owner ever make beautiful hats bl lils m pss thnn two vcars rut w1i n them mori the tailoring depirtmtnt wis up the store ns burnt to the ground popli moid iwi macn ib and stairs under the ifficient minage a junior clerk struck a match to see parker went binkrupt later the ment of w b thomson ind was which of siral itirrels contuned txilosion at thi diknti piwder kept so busv that five men and ci ii ill cirehssh he dropped the mills wis n trikic blow to thi com d eirht wirmn were emplomd full smouldi i ing nntch to the floor m unt cumniuisilli n isid to i time to kup up wilh the orders of whin coiloil ind turpentine hid nn h course thin wis i shoe ston with bun spilt it quickh ignited ind kilbtidi sufftrtd insidinble fi ir for mm in i short tin everything control tht fire was bejond dimiki from fir at om tinu fn how trui ch inttlh itlg abbxtoir st john n b icp work is ur it r w i in c in idi picki rs 1 td o in idditu n t t hi niunnpil ibittii building will ih usi ind p ickitin m i ril m nitan santa says if you dont like cooking up gift ideas try ridsdales recipe recipe for holiday popularity take a snow white arrow shirt with the special mitoga tailored body and the perfect fitting drew collar from 4 95 add a distinctive set of gold plated cuff links by hiclock or forsyth from 3 00 tie in- a neat wembley tie ta lored from smart ex lus ve patterns be ng so d for the f rst me n canada from 1 00 you knead a swart pair of wool or nylon sox from interwove monarch kn t or mcgregor from 4tc add a handsome felt hat by stetson a perfectly a lored pa r of p amas b arrow or an n t aled be bv h ckock aoves scarves and a host of other wonderful a fts in set from one to seven dats under the christmas tree thats au with the christmas morning male we dont understand the tastes of everybody but we do our best to satifsy their appetite for quality clothes that s why dad or the lad will feel good when he qets a chnstmas gift from ridsdale s this recipe here ts ust one of the many ideas at ridsdales that are tuna to smooth out chnstmas shopping worries for the those christmas morning males whether younger or older bob ridsdale quality clothes for dad and the lad s uu th ii to in on at othi r hltli n w hi m i nnd last week wis quite significmt it 1 1 litiil i ns i j un mplny merit figures and so d thi w us no ur prise to farm iconomisis beciuse once the farm mo mt shows a st r i tu ilttreis ind ind industry is bound u suffer ixss firm income equals less buy ni powir i s rtitles thit nied to be manufactured and so less employment a logical sequence isn t it ospenal ly since farmers arc still the lnrjstst buying group in the country vrrv tftin th doesn t re ilm hn to do somi thing omhmi th n w div itf nki ning av rage firmer v bndly his in itil it is too late about it but ii in i mural ind it won t be i hippy occision tin m 1 ld hill will comi in fi r n i ttli tghtinuit i nci igun ind mivb it w n t do us inj h irm nlhr fi omi n o isn t ilwn i i it t bi di ir as i ilincl r ntrndi tin t wlnt i h ivo itist wi tt n n sliill probably he i hi it i mt rd vi lume or clin tm is il h is ij i n txon ink d ii in r ti 1 stores quiti c i fusine nit it in th nirat 1 17 v hit h k li w idi mini id dur- i est it j rind of rxpans id i n pi nt- tin n in m s f r tip ihit and thi nth in ml ot 2fi m trs 1ki icnt fid l i ct on deport incinl and cnun t uu wni m i job iind in rrei s c tst of pr durtmn some in nicissir smie soem to bf qu te sup rfliiiiiv somi tnsit rs do a j x d job others in over of flcious evi n the pi stil department ht inspectors running around the count r mnkini cure ihnt the nam es f ruril nix h id r ire punted i n their mi 1 boxes such ident ifiriti n is m rxrillent dra but wh in inspectir s ems k me inspect on nti nth er bnnrl fs nf the jsui erv ce would b mon appreciated so that h wi nliln t mi unrs tike thrre ir four rfi for i letter u r lm j0 ot a0 miles com ng bjrk t ruril mail box ea we got int i tn ubli ourfelve becaust w have ur nnmeplate ilium n i ted in hi gate rxt in rtead of th mail box wc obevid hi ipir t of thi liw bu mt the litter in that wc provided ident- f catii n of i ur abode but did not i int our name in birth id s of thi m il tw x s nq i rd h hv so if course we are ll ible t rp cur ii i m c suspended cur reason for doing h thr- way we d d well since w a lirge mall i i hn had hr post knodnd iff three time h le nhot through i b hunter th box seviral timi rem ved by ilillow i in pnnk1or used is net r plice by ttirllmp backed into by passing m tnns and cl pped ofif lt n w lows and graders maybe we have a llt ir mrtr- ma i oo tn uli thir th nst rf th tople on i r hlkhwa beciiie i so happ rf- h t o r line- he nnh inr i half i mile x thi ui a grade s comet n isj handy for mot ns s king f r a plac of cnur if they ha ftp r t turn shrl ud brh t iir m tx x ihit d i itiitlr an i r dent or two m a battered mi box won mkr an differenct just thr other day i rrt dcwn to put a 1 11e n the bnx and found yet another car had hit it jamming he wdes m t that the box wouldnt oper w th thee various corxli ion n muxt when we acquired a nameplate we h light i vni d be leas i kly to come to rnc a htt e prr bak from the rra 1 box rut apparently tba doesr t tatuf the lrjcpec or of we h nk t s jui another cas of q nbb ng at sraas i e had a legtjmate c mplaint to make to he porta depa tment which could have beer dore mari v n the pat how much attention would i ceie mrwt of oiv mail couriers have been good men we have no complaints or that or they haxe a d fficutt job these days and we appreciate th service they pve

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