Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1954, p. 13

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the acton free press acton ontario page itortketf for good local administration vote masters for acton council 1955 voting monday doc 6 nloam to 7 pm ftsddddddl2h3l give her a jlghe cedar chest this chest in keeping with the lane tradition will make hers the most memorable ye breath takingly modern in lim ed oak or walnut interiors and drawers of finest tennes see rej cedar acton home furnishings he arrived refreshed by bus mountain climbing u not a sport for any amateur but stopovers for sightseeing in the mountain regions ore an enioyable feature of bus travel california package tour is days 13946 from toronto sightteemg and hotel room double 9 mghta attt your agent fer totehs of tmi or ottter packet town low round trip fares subfct to change sauit ste marie 29 so st louis 29 00 vancouver ot75 tickets and information at harold wiles 207 knox ladies aid meet at manse the knox ladies aid met for their regular meeting on tuesday afternoon at the manse mrs p j mccutcheon presiding the devot ional period wu taken by mrs g w hasalea and mrs f blow the treasurer mrs bfatttwws gave a full report of the finances throughout the year the groilp of fered their support to the manag ers in the present and future plans for the improvements on the church building nd a was given to the choir a christmas dinner to cater for was planned and also the usual christmas remembrance for the sick and shutins was discuss and taken care of by the ladies as this was the annual meet ing mrs blow was appointed to the chair for the election of the officers owing to the vacancies in several offices a nominating com mittec was appointed to take care of this before the january meet ing mrs r l davidson expressed the appreciation to mrs armstrong for giving her home for the meet ing the meeting closed with the lord s prayer followed by a social time during the tea hour special draw at the roxy some lucky person will win a complete 17 piece set of magic maid aluminum retail value 129 00 on tuesday evening dec 7 at the roxy theatre free tickets for this valuable set are available at the theatre where the set is currently on display and will be drawn for on tuesday night no strings all you have to do is till out a card with your name and address and enter tt in with all the other cards simple you bet it is why not take a chance costs nothing and you may be the lucky winner also on tuesday night there will be two valuable door prizes offered a coffee perco lator and a knife set all pnzes courtesy ideal home equipment montreal acton high school news wears mistwhite gown of lace tulle christmas examinations for other year have crept up oh us and are due to begin on december 8 donation there will be no more news until the 23rd of this month for this rea son an air of activity has begun to settle upon the school as the deadline approaches because of the unseasonable weather or seasonable whichever the case may be grades 8 and 10 have been having square dancing lessons in the hall and one of the rooms there is much enjoyment during these classes but it is also work we do need an auditorium or gym during bad weather all pt classes will have to be held ui- sidj but there arc no rooms vac ant so classes have to be juggled w hich is very inconvenient for both teachers and students also we can not have assemblies of any length fo seeing travelogues or having speakers as there is no room in the school large enough to hold 175 students we are in a fix as you can see on monday afternoon miss sex ton girls physical training in spector paid a visit to a its to see the students some in the class moms near the front door could tear music and upon closer invest- rquon found the girls folk danc ing with no knowledge of the dance until miss sexton started to teach it the girls did quite well only one volleyball game has been played by the girls in the past week on tuesday neil benton guide and brownie news our meeting was very compact and interesting our patrols were divided up and each sent to effer ent corners where they learned knots the guide laws and promts- we had a sing song end a short came and our meeting ended with taps blair hotchen santas suggestion dont forget can dy at christmastime i moils delicious chocolates made ideal gifts and are perfect after christmas dinner favors in one two three and five pound boe 100 to 750 watson dairy bar the mist white of th brides gown and the teal blue and gold of her attendants gowns contrasted with the dark suits of the gentle men in the wedding party at the strba bristow wedding in knox presbyterian church milton on saturday november 2- th bride muriel isobel bristow is the daughter of mr and mrs albert john bristow of milton and the groom john strba of oakvillc the son of mr and mrs joseph strba of cheslcy the chufch was decorated jellow and white chrysanthemums and ferns for the ceremony ducted by rev r f snyder mrs newall played the wedding music on the organ and accompan icd the soloist victor bristow of acton uncle of the bride given in marriage by her father the bride wore a mist while waltz length gown of chantilly upe lace and tulle the strapless bodice was of lace and swathed in finelyk pleated tulle the bouffant skir there ill hr was scalloped in a redingotc ef feet revealing the underskirt ol knifepleated tulle the bolero of lace featured long sleeves form ing points over the hands offel ith buttons to the scalloped col lar a crown studded with rhino- stones and pearls held her finge tip veil of tulle illusion her bouquet was of amercian beauty roses attending the bride were mis gloria bristow as maid of honor and mrs george moore miss irs buck and the junior bridesmaid miss jacqueline bristow miss gloria bristow and miss jacqueline bristow wore teal blue pure hk rystalcne gowns in ballerina length featuring scooped necklin es their matching bandeau- were studded with sequins they carried bouquets of yellow chrysantho- mrs moore and mrw buck were gowned alike in geldpure silk crystalene ballerina length m the sime style they also wore sequin tudded band pa us and carried je low chr santheinums groomsman was stephen strba cheslev a cousin of the gro im u henng were donald bristow milton brother of tht bride and george moore milton following the ceremony the wedding part in the sunday hool room of the church received ibout 75 guests from milton ac ton georgetown glen williams oakwlle hamilton hannon gras sies burlington toronto and ches it the mother of the bride wore fir the occasion a dress of pink bengahne with black accessories and a corsage of deep rose carnat p tear bos f he rrtp acclaim tyler mayor to elect council from nine candidates the regular meeting at the scouts was held on monday night at the scout hall gord clow open ed the meeting after which scout- cr conducted inspection the fox es won the honor patrol flag and took it away from the cougars who were reluctant to give it up as they had had it seven weeks in a row we are starting our extra activ ities the woodworking cass meets thursday night it will be sudcr- vlsed by doug dav dsbn bill mninpmc and bob coon photo graphy and radio will stsrt in the new year scouter is taking some scouts on n overnight saturday december special christ mas meeting on december 20 bob armstrong three leaders from milton were guests at last thursdays regular cub meeting at the scout hall they were messrs morley rasber- ry akela and assistants ted jen nings and george carruuiers dur ing the evening they led the acton group in a game leading the opening ceremony grand howl was cub brian bar- beau the last boy to be welcomed into the pack making their promise to akela and tbe pack were new chums don maude of the white six and peter wolfe of the red six during the evening jon hurst and paul mcgeachie were invested as sixers when they promised to do their best to make their six the best in the pack a collectors pro ficiency badge was presented to bob hinton a camp tire consisting of a sing long and a story by akela brought the meeting to a close the yellow six were successful in keeping at the top in the six competitions the red six closing rip to a very narrow margin murray scoync akcli a dress of forest green crepe worn by the grooms mother with il she wore black icces5one and a corsage of yellow carnations the couple left oil a wedding trip to the united states the mike their home in oikville for tmcuing the bride chose i of midnight blue orlon wih series of cnntnsting dei p red corsage wis of red roses fietdohol aatei of actonians visiting outoftown points and of visitors in acton homes mrs harrj burns and mrs b vcldhuis are in buffalo this week mr ind mi giorgetown da mr and mrs wirrt cithinnes fcpent tht acton i hirold cleave of sited m acton sun etccetee6tcicetectcice mrs p watson returned home to acton on wednesdav after a motor r p to california mrs w braner of bracebndrt was isiting with mrs j mase ier 110 weekend frunds are glad to learn miss m mimpriie is home guelph general hospital mrs r m mcdonald has etun ed from isiting mr and mrs normal small niagara falls this week mr don schrocder is it the parent plant of baxter labs at morton groe blinois mrs george warner of toronto istted during the week end wit mrs j smon and mrs taj lor mr ind mrs normm youn o bnmpton sited with mr mt mrs johnnie krapok on saljrdaj mr ind mrs mbort mtizits ind famih of fergus waited n sun uth mr and mrs john blick sundii johnnie n fim 1 continued from page nine is due anywhere it is due me as the speaker sat down he was ac corded loud applause public buildings chairman l weick spoke next initially pointing out that much of the work on the new police rooms was done by town employees and is a credit to ac ton he told of the nature of re pairs required late this summer on the rink roof and also told the aud ience of the need for a new oil burner in the fire hall this winter public school board chairman t watson presented a variety of statistics on the school s current year attendance ht nottd is now 779 an increase of 63 over 1913 s 116 he briefly referred to the uaching staff and rimirked that conomics and shop is now taught to the senior pupils the old stone school inst ytars high school his btn tnktn ovtr ind is in good condition mr wat son continued litre floors hnvi been n finished supporting tarlitr suiurmnls on the saing made the board by the town tngjnetr tht chiirmnn said it was stimated at first a concrete sidtwalk from the creek to the school lane would cost about 2 000 the tnginetr recommended grey top at a cost of 1 100 and made a saving of some 1 500 over th whole cost of this and next years work which would have been about 3 000 only one room is not in use he said there are 29 pupils paying non resident fees this year chair man watson paid tribute to the conscientious work of the caretakers and later remarked that in the new part of the public school exception al care has been taken of the new furnishings chairman watson said the audi torium can be used at no cost by the citizens band the council and high school for other events the chirgt is 20 plus 6 carttakcrs fees he concluded coon vice churman of the north hilton high school board rose to speik dnd first added to r mirks niadi by rt t vt stewart nrlur m tht nutting tint the hwist ttndti is not ilwis the im si ti ndt r acton all by acclamation except council mayor e tyler reeve r hargrove deputyreeve foatitt council six to be elected c i indsay r langford a irwin l weick l masters f toth jr r marshall s brunellc j new ton pucr evcrdcll dr f oak- c j stewart e tyler e hul- nagcl sih ol boird t junes brad- uy c heard fr his tin rcnt r school hi n li buildinf his ihi stud n us xp r choir violinist concert highlights the public school senior choir ind miss sheila piul were guest artists at the acton citizens band concert sundii t rung in the public school auditorium a disap pointingly small crowd attended the choir sang two selections directed by elmer smith with mrs norman turner at the piano miss paul played two violin solos ac companied by george elliott at the piano the choir selections and sol os were both much enjoyed and the lime spent in practicing and train ing appreciated the band provided the usual variety of concert selections under the direction ot bandmaster a perrott g w mckcnae acted as master of ceremonies for the con cert this was one in a scries being presented by the band mrs james inglis auxiliary president the november meeting of the altrt evtmng auxiliary was held in knox church parlor with the president mrs alex minn in rhirge a pcrxid of silent meditat ion wis observed in tribute to iditrs who aid tht supreme sac r fict and concluded with a wor- n b mrs george mu tilt mu tht highlights of i jriibui ml muting held in dm tph the deci mbtr metting is lo bo the jnnu il christmas parly ind tin corrhnitut w 11 makt the thi com rem ii kid that acton 1 r lost to losing i high hin hop tht r it is triti now to stt tht schol ht rt i hut iliowcd in wis sorry found ti o sim 11 so soon aft r approval ngu unts opt for in iddition his bun hi sa id the speaker thanked tin md ratpamrs fur thtir tion during tht construct public utilities commits mm f oiks follov and first giu a hru f iv r in lit rdd an inw resting ireount of the work dont b chaplain re j m an dtrstm iformtrh of acton i with tht k rum r fuitt a this was the month f r thi eltn on of f- fictr mrs russell pallt rstm was j appointed to the chair to conduct tht election iiincils the following were appointed op ra honorir pnidint mrs r h of the i armstrong past pros dent mrs a ik minn prtsdtnt mrs james in- chnir ms fir t vice presidtnt mrs mel mr coon mccullough second vice president ind thud of purclv consumer hjdro the commission was mar with thi dilimmi not com nnj costs cor pns to th commissi nntid nt ibout sift 000 out rlostr to 20ho truck wis ntedtd hut s6t990 instid of tht 8 000 som sano w s c ntnl hot w r conlr ft rm rs im nit did i ind sjnoo wis net did limi nt on tht tif s a mclsnt derson tn t port i or tht mrs clirtnci coi s secretarj mrs issistant mrs f an- uri r miss e cole as lsobtl smith pianl t lrs mccullough presn s f anderson glad kjtlhlren dodds t lurnitt committees w mr ind wh w rniiro f rr n turner mrs r t ibout oihn mi hit mbersh p mr rtis stimittd n puirson ms blli miye did for r supply mrs george mus- trms vtl miss mirjor hill pncr m in nn nt mrs j i ixntim mrs s sin c mpli ti lir mrs d co k mrs a mirm s build m mrs l ind fimiu v site n toronto v from ed uhteheid our fflhrthtmaa cutft to you in appreciation for your valued patronage h mr and mr- mr vfiting sundai mrs diid d lis and miss fir brown wort mr and mrs ro brown of toronto on his wi to chicigo m charlie symon of montreal itod in acton with mrs j smo ind mrs talof during the week und that k o kno rs who his been in the general hospitil for the co weeks is improving man or more of tht ii ixnn in oipml est tms the churm ixplnnid hut w driwn mrrtnl mnmts mm n of i n si r fund lick f t nsr fund f m d thi diltmnn tht commission c ftimd its if h indicitod and i nctssitittri th first hdr th tn n hire ter issut d in i i nj histor of tht mumcinilm what mi ip is i dism p tc ht mgt tod in hi current icctunts sh nctuall with mch purchase you will receive a gift coupon the value of this coupon will be determined by the amount of your purchase on dec 24th 9pm one gift coupon will be drawn in our store the amount shown on the coupon will be refunded as gift to the holder of the matching coupon choose your own christmas gift or gifts rom ou exquisite holiday selections figurt thest p currtnt funds art dr oikis ir op rm i icnts i cipitil new cgit group organized at knox the m ih orgimred canadian g rls in trumni k ii if knox slli run ehur h act r mi rt the rh ireh mndi openings at il ck at the f r mreing there re ii giru prtsent irs a buchimn introduced the dors mis june witk ns ind turtli mr riltla da- dst n mrs dv niditors idson expta ned he cgit pro- opentu ns si ut u 100 h intinued then deficit of about al apph the the chu ttt bells itod dur rg the week end tu nd ms cim leishroan j tht i kio mr ind mrs rigbv crwss of r tf c nt t i th t mi of mr and mrs h wate- 1 his and isitfl with mr cr vss i n guelph gercal h ispital i uck n ha rg t ckt s 1 1 riron cup foo ball game on situr wer mr frank terr o ac n ird mr lai ie shmin for of act i and n of hjiij this fl th hdnnt ht commissi n a th nt i iv t pit d fint the uld i a as about ml rental nlni to tuttatlck ir ch i rman r soil itw tn fionoo sh form and pitrposp to the iris the w inship vnin was alw lacd n th cgit purpose a ind in st i ukr chapter 2 tw 2 dirri oct 1 rr thrrt were wo cgit nlhe which seftrnl f he giru i rdrd r gait at iht second meet ng the girls i arnetl the purposr a id cfl it imn and h w a moetli e should c rvi irt d there wire e ret ion f nffnrs and dedcatn of thr irwl olectt i offirer the offic rs elr1d ir prtd r margarrt km rone vice preidfi norma lincli r oorr ir shirn cerv trevt irer flla jiny rtpner mirshalt h r i moot r e the group d i w rshlp pr ect 1 t t rtrted the pro in s i r- inft mid womhlp lie ma i i d m i ing n o- ir ind oncluded thit i laches and childrens wear tht aorkend w im mr and ms harr witerhoust and mrs r crovt and sited the hotitil to tc he r father j m h en te t f ci sai ha e ur cd i the we with fnends and relat d ict she spent rwne tim- r ac on with hrr broher m frank tern- and mrs terry w ids a mr and mrs will mccainsh o palmerson mr james dohbie of harrisfn i5ited on the week end with m- and mrs james wilds and other friends and attended jie silver wedding anniversary of mr and mrs francis wilds trdd h m tn the rnnir in the p kl ian rallfd f r ins from the ros- tn speak urged all re i tht- and to tmii vrsjvr er cr w lt rd and most nf tht g rls re rg pi- n hit er if r during wrvir the h rj ii ight three ur t nmh lue the rk of hards tnendth p and r d br- herhoid four of the t s c a a q nrtrt r the mi p- rct ai a o plan t each meel ng the c g i t ha s nil ne wi s p and bu- s thrr lhr wo k i a pro- thr mpetinc c r with upit the clock ind fan depot at st interests of the jph church hasrment packed f f birr the last sprako mr barr said much credit and thanks wis dot ti thesr public re- prrsontat i rs w ho ha e deln cred ible reports chairman mckenn endorsod mr barr s commendation up and loft trda if items are loft unclaimed the clerks mrntioncd thrv would likelv mail them to the owners there ere nut main clocks and fans wafting to be tiken homo the da before the deadline

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