Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1955, p. 2

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r the- acton free press acton ontario frllwibpav january 20 ibm killed in action ontario in particular and many parts- of the itinonereekedandtftjevedlla learn of the tragic death of robert saundersv head of ontario- hyro tributes from all are being made to hisseemi sjr s enthiisiasro anlenergy that he gave to thework thafcame to hand this province arid cbiffitfy has indeed lost a i citizen wno contributed rtuchpitspyeloprnent he met death while on his schedule pfduty there is little that canbe added to trie tributes that are being bestowed how he kepf up his strenuous round of- activity has puzzled wany an observer he seemed to have fime to appear every place and always a moment to stop and pass a friendly word with everyone he knew every city town and hamlet in the province he was never too busy of occupied to give attention tothe flpodjafiifqulries and details connected with tlydfq an a bob saunders al ways got action the place of robert h saunpers will be a dif ficult one fofill his zeal for progress his inti mate knowledge of the province and its people wss gained from experieirice and physical stami na thaffew individuals possess he died as he livechtfraction and we al mourn his passing fact or rumor these are jays of rumors and how they can spread every day the dailies are full of them until a confused public has difficulty in discern- ingjact frorrvrumour take the case of the world situation where almost every day brings the ru mor of war or a change of government in some country in labor circles there are strikes rumors of more strikes and settlements tthat arfr on again and off again with almost hourly regularity only the other day some individual ever spread his thoughts for public consumption on thelfieory of there being no god one sometimes wondershow far this confusion of public thinking cart be carried definitely the unreliable out weighs the reliable in much of the news cover age that is put forth in an effort to get there first- with an item of interest or just plain controversy even editors of weekly newspapers have a problem oftentimes to get the factsfrom a multi tude of rumors that occur even in a town such as ours sometimes these rumors are harmful to the communitysometimes they are based on half facts andfictional coloring to suit the appeal of the one repeating the rumor its a problerruquite often to get facts on many of the rumors that come to our attention each week we are always appreciative of the tempo un- ehichtjurweekly papersatepob1tshedth7ir allows a bit more time to sift the rumors and se cure the facts we believe that our readers prefer to get the story correctly than to rush rumors into print its not the easy way especially when many folks have become accustomed to get a new rumor every day and perhaps a radio contradict ing one every hour experience however seems to show- that one of the virtues of living in a small town is that facts are more important than speed and better for the community as a whole our week this week among the 52 of the year is known as piloting week to those of us who have cast our lot in life with the art of jjlrinting of course cvery week is printing weekbut it is well that in a broader life and better junderstanding if -pos- jsible we acquaint ourselves with the work of others vve are apt to think of the work of others as not keeping pace with niodern trends if we do notjieyiew occasionally we had noierthe qtker day from a printer who was renewing his- subscription from new jersey he sent us his pay slip showing his wag- es for the week and rioted on it that learning a trade was a great thing he had started to jearn the trade 60 years ago at one dollar per week his pay check for one weekwasbetterhans4hej equivalent ot what he received for two and a half years at that rate- at 75 he can hold his place on a linotype with any of them and yet when he started 60 years ago the typesetting machines were not in use on city or town papers 1 we couldlwrite quite a long article oh the his tory of printing because it is one of the oldest arts in our own 45 years since we first smelled printers ink we have witnessed many changes we know the tedious hoursof hand setting a npwipaper anrt alrv npwratprl the jtirt linrttypp tn come into halton county over35years ago in cidentally it is still operating every day and in good condition we know the leg aches of operat ing a job press when hydro power was unknown and foot power and hand feeding were common practice today all powe is electricand auto matic presses handle the sheet more accurately at four to five times the speed no business we believe has seen more changes and advances than the printing business beaver dam one of halton countys favorite beauty spots is shown in this new photograph by way of contrast warm summer sunlight plays leaflaced shadows on the clear water of the stream where now winters ice and snow binds the scene in cold white n ast o r t h s o u t r est we would like to see wed like to see mediations resolve to stop calling each other names a minor matter per haps but it always seemed to us that adults should act like adults and notjike a- bunch of school kids hurling insultsat each other across the backfence and that we feel should go for nations too wedjike to see the nations resolve to spend a little more timeand effort in peaceful pursuits instead ofsitting up nights trying to devjse more efficient ways of eliminating the human race a i together it seems to us that if half the time spent in developing weapons of mass destruction xtere put to constructive use the world could be a nuch better place to live in v finally the nations might resoivetojook at things from the other fellows point pf view once in a while to be a bit more tolerant of each other end torealize that its pretty hard even for our side to beright 100 per centof the time-wing- ham ont advance- limes in spite of increased production more people are employed and wider use js made of printed material than ever like our friend who has spent 60 years in printing we have never regretted our choice in fife 0 we wont continue but any timeour readers would like to know about pwing its an all year 52 week full time hobby we enjoy and weve met a great bunch of flrje folks whom we are privi leged to servei as w progress growing importance of the municipal services supplied in acton is reflected in the fiv man water and sewerage divisions of therfhunicipal affairs in acton many of us can recall when hy dro was a very small part of the work of munici- palcouncils- of course at thattinaecouncilshad no water or sewage disposal problems over 30 years ago it was realized the hydro should have separate administration and not be confused with municipal affairs a three man commission was quite adequate at that time as waterworks and sewage disposal were added it was reasonable from experience to see that this administration could best be haridledsya public j utilities commission until this year a three man commission carried on in this work four years ago it was deemed advisable to in crease foe size of council thisre more should- oakvuleand its strike in oakville where the record- star is now hard prcssedto come up with a new way every week of saving the ford strike isnt settled yet citizens are told the big stall is due to connections between the local situation and the international uaws coming demands for a guaranteed annual wage by a city newspaper and then promptly told the opposite by the oakville paper rice to face talk in bronte in bronletrriis week a public gathering- willbe held organized by the- council with invitations to i most local organizations to stir up interest in the need for a new town hall i want- to talk face to face with ojher citizens and try for co- operation the mayor is quoted as i declaring and added council cant carry on without assistance on spending tax revenue son on why the man was given a walking ticket seem to be be- runiing tlftr issue itself rathir than characteristics of a disugreemenfc r mystery cleared up in erin itie disappearance of n district man two months ago wns deared up when a fcpzen body was found in the hay loft of a barn near alloncause of death is not known the advocate reports but police do riot suspect foul play the man disappeared halloween night atfer parking his pickup truck on altons main street ah doan see nobody in oakvillni as in acton until tuesday of this week citizens were anxiously awaiting the plea sure- of the municipal board for an annexation decision parodies the recordstar sister anne sis ter anne do you see anyone com ing peering carefully over the parflpets of the municipal board u u j in georgetown cocking av eye ststcr anbc replied if its that commission which now administers- thenydro mo the future mayor jack arm- p annexation decision yos pining strong xcasoned that any council i fot noney cnilc ah gricvl to u can take in a lot of tax revenue you thatah doan see nobody and spend it but the smart council is the one which can do a big job with a small amount of money and that is whatwe mustdo then-the- mayor went pn to itemize the many and various ways it was proposed to spend the taxreyenue auxiliary browned off in bronte there is some concern that the local legion auxiliary will fold due to lethargic disinclina tion on the part of members to hold office or take responsibility a former president reflected some members are just plain browned oft- some women feel they do all the work raise all the money and the men of the legion do noth ing tp help themselves v- he good old days iay havb seemed better 46 back in 1905 from the luur- of thr krf prthw of thuraday january 19 1mb thiviinnuiil nicitlnu of kmiimnlnii agrlimluii n siclwty wjjvll wid- nchduy in the towri hull cirorbq- town council lor cook the p back in 1935 rom the imue ot the free rrem af thura4ay january 17 i5l onii if the 1kt nniiunl meetlrigs of acton full krilr wn held yenter- diiy in lm ciiuiicil clmmhrr uk j k itoberuon lirenldlirg-ttie-budl- deritoceuijled tlie cliujr and iri hla lr report piifnenteil by a t address spoke of tlxv gratify iiiu ii uc cess of the unnual fair nt acton limt year a resolution waff carried nl- most unnnlnioubly rceoinintndlnk the board of directors to hold the show of 1905 in asn- theelecnonoxrilflcerii rciulted as follows president w w browlh ridge jtirst vtcerprcsjdcnt john hardy second vicepresldenl je- j- bakerrtiirectors c p preston hugh- clark allah devereaux- hen ry wilson jos flynn neil gillies j0hh m warren wm wilson a h deyitt wm johnstone tkepublic library board met friday evening present were t tt moore john cameron reeve hynds rev a e smith and h p moore the report of the librarian showed that membership at the 31st dec was 252 of the 3588 books is sued 847 were fiction 886 history and 1076 general literature miscel laneous 360 voyages and travels 174 science and art 76 religious 58 and poetry 27 a catalo is to be pre pared hockey is booming in acton a town league was formed on mon thly ctmtpolsr tuwn storey and sons omployees ftndp e nm i- ii a i- ilrowii and k lien wick who wtht tlr utin- in rplitndid flnaticlnf con dition with ii iiond inirpluii w hand jleporu titjia vorloun lepartnicnt of the talr were itwd and upeclal mention wnii mnde of the work of mr it j kerr superintendent or the kleld whom wik han beena big factor in the mieceim of the fair mr j e whltelock gnve a brief ad dress r officers were elected oa follow president v b hurtitey flrat vice- president o w murray second vtceprcaldent o a dllla directors vf k graham w j patterson j a mann l o johnston- j e pwir- en j m mcdonald dmcdougall j j stewart geo somerville r i davidson m syinun a kerr q mckeown d d woldie c wood- hall b johnston ji j kcrrll j ramshaw h i g froser art swackhamer j f -1tjiberlaon- george gordon flooring of the gymnasium public utilities office and second storey with all the wood trimming is olr most completed in the new ymca building h- devitt isprcsldcnt a nice silver cupels to be given the winners by thomas morton barber when miss maclochlon sang wi a hundred pipers the audience went wild men jumped on their chairs and waved their arms shout ing like mad for seven or eight minutes the applause was absolute ly terrific boston journal miss maclaehlnn will sing the same num ber in acton town hall tuesday 7th tfebruary- a fancy d c w4h be- fig e thetford hog resigned it i u to have two elections but there is no dearth of candidates judging by street reports inmilton the daylight saving vote was carried by a majority or 100- a number pf mrs wm gowdys music pupils are busy preparing for the toronto conservatory examina tions llmehouse community is in deed fortunate in having such an excellent teacher actfn is well in the lead in the local oha group having won of t held in the rink tonight each year shows marked increase in the business of acton post office the revenue from the sale of post cards and postage stamps last year amounted to 237451 twelve hun- r dred money ordcnrtvcre issnrd unit and hollered to their hearts con- 537 paid i tent everyone o7 rour games they whitewashed their old rivals from georgetown last thursday night 60 hot tim in the old town and the gangs all here seemed to catch thetancy of the crowd and when the band played they hooted c professional directory and travellers guide medical legal ers have been added and quite rightly to adminis ter services which have grown as the town ex panded the larger commission was able for the first time to appoint committees atits inaug- tjral vneetirtg and spreadthe load of public ser vices pn more shoulders actons program of com bining public services in one office kas certainly worked very satisfactorily over the years and the measures taken to meet growth have proven wise and beneficial wherv weseetriese changes we ate prone tcf rem inisse veof the servicet ourtax dollar municipally provides asia led we recall the old oil lamps on the streets and irrthe homes the town yvehs that werent always at the back dqpr or on the same lot and the disposal system that was on the same lot but always very uncomfortable especially in the winter months no we dont long for the good old days as we recollect them and we do appreciate the services which acton now enjoys frbrrnhose who in pub lic spirit carry on thejeomrhunity work blr burlington battle in burlingtontha battle over ihe dismissed recreation director goes ton and on with few signs of let ting up charges and counter charges between the recreation board which dismissed the man and the c committee whicl is pawingttne air for public rea- town to handle garbage in milton this march the town jyilijtaka overils own gnrbagc- collection business after getting some disturbing proposals includ ing a hike in contract pfice qf4s0 from the present private collector whos paid 6000 yearly for the job a committee was named by council to investigate purchase of necess ary equipment water and mud debate in milton a marathon session en gaged the public school board when the body met tothrash out arrange ments for the opening of the new j m deny es school las soon as- possible temporary roads and barricades are to be provided to keep students from the water and mud x rontingthe schooltheboard agreed r i oh industry edmonton cp current expan sion jf edmontons refinery area will increase capacity of al re fineries to 45000 barrels a day dr w g c kenney physician and burgeon office in symon block 43a mill sctt acton office phone 78 residence 115 church 8l e dro a garrett physician and sarceon corner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanan dental 8nrgean- office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm- xray telephone 148 attmt- t artmt iflrei ifrpss the only paper ever pabllshetl in ycten founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton oni member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates onrequestj subscriptions j- able in advance 290 in canada sj50 in the united states six months 150 single- copies 6c authorized as- second class matj post office department otuwa published b th nilj priinttij j stu f ihssltrst grx dills editorinchief david r dulsv production manager james dills john black associate editors business and e d i t 0 r la l ssi off ice tele phon e 17 4 united church of canada aetaa ontario a frd3ndly church bev ea carrey b a bo minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 i mtsa o m laapard atcjh organist andchor leader sunday january 23rd 1955 1000 am sunday school that every child- may know godin christ jesus 1100 am morning worship stress- ing ymca week in canada 700 pvm evening worship joint service speaker from toronto st clai ymca wmvajs choir v j thought for the week i what men need today in this time of trouble is not a way out so much as a way of high and i manly living within iwumont lewis i presbyterian church ah canada knox cmjbch acton rev robert if armstrong mabj minister sunday january 23rd 1955 945 am church school 1100 amdivine worship 700 pm ymca servxe in the united church they that wait upon the ltrd shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaus st albans church anglican rev evan h jones ba lth rector 7 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill ami frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton miscellaneous ruaaley funeral hloaae heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pal office hours 10 00 am1200 100 pm500 pjn saturdays by appointment only 0f phone r hi acton lever hoskin- chartered aceosuiunss successors to jenkins and habjdt i305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 gerald a candler chartered accountant monday to friday 79 pji saturday fro 9 am 27 aclon blvd phone 561 acton veterinaky f g oake bv sc veterinarian of fice and residence 24 knox ave acton tfhobe 130 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbound 638 am 858 am 1133 an 208 pm 5 08 pm 633 pm pm bl013 pm westbound 1027 am 1252 pirn- 27 pn- 5 pm 727 pm 9 12 pn 1132 pjnllj2ami sun to kl chener only a daily except sunday and bo days b saturday sunday and hoi days b d young bvsc c l young dvaa veterinary surgeana office brookville ontario phone milton 185r21 real estate and in8tjstanck f l wrighf 20 wuburst acton ontario phone 95 apprslsar real estate and insurance baptist church acton rayh costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone206w 1955 sunday january 23rd lfxoo am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pjn ymca service in the unitedchurch 815 pjn byju wednesday 400 mission band 800 prayer meeting i theological educatien siinday an appeal will be made for the support of the colleges training men for the anglican priesthood 1000 am church- school ml00 am beginners class 1100 am morning prayer arid j sermon 415 pm holy baptism i7q0prri evening serviceswill be i in the united church commem orating ymca ntfeek january i 2330 canadian national railways standard time daily 640 am daily except sun- days 1000 am 713 pm 5unda only 801 pjn daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 am 637 pm idaily flyer at george town 1011 pm westbound tjaily except sun and- mqn l28y am sun and mon only 1228 am daily except sunday 848 a m 655- pm flagstop 749 pm saturday only 227 pjn sunday only 943 am flagstop sunday only flyer at guelph tfls pjn daily except sat and sun stop- acton 610 pjn flag w r bracken real estate- phone 26 v acton list your farms business or hou with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for your property e h ashman phone miuon 146r42 r r i campbellville sal i r f bean limited real estate and fcssnianti 83 mill st acton phope 585 r h elliott 76 bower avenue phone representing g w golditraw broker milton phone o complete real estate senrlc covering halton county us our facoitlm ax i i yrth hwwday january 4 itw 1 1 il ssliassss killed in action our week ontario in particular and many parts- of the this week among the 52 of the year la known contirwntere shocked and grieved to learn of pripling eek tb those of us who have cast the tragic death of robert saundemr heed of our lot in life with the art 6fpfrihting coursey- qntoriarjyro tributes from all are being made overyweekis printing weekbut it is well that in to hiseemln a broader life and better understanding if -p- thafiht 9v theork tharcarn to handi this stblw we acquaint ourselves with the work of va s province atld country has indeed lost citizen who contributed much tp jtsdeyelorftnt he met death while on his schedule of duty v there is little that cartbe added to the tributes f i that are being bestowed how he kept up his strenuchis round of activity has puzzled many an observer he seemed to have time to appear every place and always a moment to stop and pass a friendly -word- with everyone he knew every city town and hamlet in the province he was never too busy of occupied to give attention to the flpoclitf inquiries and details connected withhydro and ahappeaklto bob5aunders al ways got action the place of robert h saunders will be a dif ficult one tof ill his zeal for progress his inti mate knowledge of the province and- its people w5s gained from experieince and physical stami na thatfew individuals possess he died as he livechtntaction and we all mourn his passing fact or rumor these are days of rumors and how they cari spread every day the dailies are full of them until a confused public has difficulty in discern- ingfact frorrurumour take the case of the world situation where almost every day brings the ru mor of war or a change of government in some country in labor circles there are strikes rumors of morestrikes and settlements tthat are onagairv and off again with almost hourly regularity only the other day some individual even spread his thoughts for public consumption on thetr7eory of there being no god one sometimes wonders how far this confusion of public thinking can be carried definitely the unreliable out weighs the reliable in much of the news cover age that is put forth in an effort to get there first- with an item of interest or just plain controversy even editors of weekly newspapers have a problem oftentimes to get the factsf rom a multi tude of rumors that occur evert in a town such as ours sometjmes these rumors are harmful to trie community sometimes they are based on half others we are apt to think of the work of others as not keeping pace with modern trends if we do riot iteylew occasionally we had o noiefthe qtker day from a printer who was renewing his aubscripwbvi from new jersey he sent us his pay slip showing his wag- es for the week and rioted on it that learning a trade was a great thing he had started to jearn the trade 60 years ago at one dollar per weeks his pay check or one wekwas4ttefabi4hej equivalent of what he received for two and a half years at that rote at 75 he can hold his place on a linotype with any of them and yet when he started 60 years ago the typesetting machines were not in use on city or town papers we eoulclwrite quite a long article on the his tory of printing because it is one of the oldest arts in our own 45 years since we first smelled printers ink we have witnessed many changes we know the tedious hoursof hand setting a newspaper and lio opprafprl hp first liriotypf tft come into halton county ovef 35years ago in cidentally it is still operating every day and in good condition we know the leg aches of operat ing a job press when hydro power was unknown and foot power and hand feeding were common practice today all powe is electricand auto matic presses handle the sheet more accurately at four to five times the speed l no b we believe has seen more changes and advances than the printing business beaver dam one of halton countys favorite beauty spots is shown in this new photograph by way of contrast warm summer sunlight plays leaflaced shadows on the clear water of the strearn where now winters ice and snow binds the scene in cold white t t t n ast o r t h s o u t h est facts andf ictional coloring to suit the appeal of the one repeating the rumor its a problemquite often to get facts on many of the rumors that come to our attention each week we are always appreciative of the tempo un- der whicl aljows a bit more time to sift the rumors and se cure the facts we believe that our readers prefer to get the story correctly than to rush rumors into print its not the easy way especially when many folks have become accustomed to get a new rumor every day and perhaps a radio contradict ing one every hour experience however seems to showthat one of the virtues of living in a small town is that facts are more important than speed and better for the community as a whole we would like to see in spite ot increased production more people are employed and wider use js made of printed material than ever like our friend who has spent 60 years in printing we have never regretted our choice in life we wont continue but any timeour readers would like to know about firwing its an all year 52 week full time hobby we enjoy and weve met a great bunch of firje folks whom we are privi leged to serve oaktfuleand its strike in oakville where the record- star is now hard pressedto come up with a new way every week of saying the ford strike inl settled as we progress growing importance of the municipal services supplied in acton is reflected in the fiv m commission which now dministers hydro water and sewerage divisions of the municipal affairs in acton many of us can recall when hy and spend it but the smart cogncil dro was a very small part of the work of munici terrobtl5hftd thar palcouncils of cou a th no water or sewage disposal problems over 30 years ago it was realized the hydro should have separate administration and not be confused with municipal affairs a three man commission was quiteadequate at that time as waterworks and sewage disposal were added it was reasonable from experience to see that this administration could best be handledeya public utilities commission until this year a three man commission carried on in this- work pour years ago it was deemed advisable to in crease fheslze of council thisjyear more should- we3 like to see therfnatibns resolve to stop calling each other rjames a minor matter per haps but it always seemed to us that adults should act like adults and notlike a- bunch 4if school kids hurling insults each other across the backfence and that we feel should go for nations too wedlike to see the nations resolve to spend a little more timeand effort in peaceful pursuits instead ofsitting up nights trying to devjse more efficient ways of eliminating the human race a together it seems to us that if halfthe time spent in developing weapons of mass destruction were put to constructive use the wprfd could be a nuch better place to live in finally the nations might resolve to look at things from theother feljows point pf view once to awhile to be a bit more tolerant of each other nd torealize that its pretty hard even for our jidtoeght loqper centof the timefwi ham ont advancetimes ing- ers have been added and quite rightly to adminis ter services which have grown as the town ex panded the larger commission was able for the first time to appoint committees atits inaug- oral tneetirtg and spread the load of public ser- vices on more shoulders actons program of com bining public services in one office has certainly worked very satisfactorily over the years and the measures taken to meet growth have proven wise and ijeneficial when we seetthese changes we are prone to -remmiscedtjficoflaeppreciative-ofethe-services- ourtax dollar municipally provides asia led we recall the old oit lamps oo the streets and irr the homes the town wehs that werent always at the back door or on the same lot and the disposal system that was on the same lot bupalways very uncomfortable especially in the winter months no we dont longfor the good old days as we recollect them and we do appreciate the services which acton now enjoysrwnlhow wrbnrtnplrf lie spirit carry on the jximmunity work w a yet citizens are told the big stall is due to connections between the local situation and the international uaws coming demands for a guaranteed annual wage by a city newspaper and then- promptly told the opposite by the oakville pnpc face to face talk in bronte in bronte this week a public gathering- will be held organized by the- council with invitations to most local organizations to stir up interest in the need for a new town hall i want- to talk face to face with ojher citizens and try for co- operation the mayor is quoted as declaring and added council cant carry on- without assistance on spending tax revenue in georgetown cocking an eye sons on why the man was given a walking ticket seem to be be coming tn issue itself rather than characteristics of a disagreement mystery cleared up rrr ehn xkc disappearance ot a district man two months ago whs cteared up when a f cozen body wa found in the hay loft of a barn near alloh cause of death is not known the advocate reports but police do not suspect foul play the man disappeared halloween night atfer parking his pickup truck on altons main street ah doan see nobody in onkviunt as in acton until tuesday of this week citizens were anxiously awaiting the plea sure of he municipal board for an annexation decision parodies the recordstar sister anne sis ter anne do you see anyone com ing ipeeririg carefully over the parapets of the municipal hoard sister anne replied if its that old days r- v may wave seemed back in 1905 froril the issue of the rr fraso of thursday january it 1mb thoniiniiiil meeting of raqiieslntf agricultural olwty wnajjeui wed- nesduy ihtlfie towii liutl cl-oriii- town councillor cook tlio p dcht ihxupled thechulr and- in hu address spoke of th graliry litg sue- ceaa of the annual fair nt avion inst year a resolution war carrrcd al most unanimously recommending the board ot directors to hold the show of 1805 in cton tljeielechonotcjifflcera resulted as follows president w w brown ridge jtirst vicepresident john hardy second vicepresident jelj bakerrdirectors c p preston hugh- clark allah devcreaux- hen ry wilson jos flynn neil gillies johh m warren wm wilson a h devitt wm johnstone the library board met friday evening present were t lrovjohnitonjllgpiiir- moore john cameron reeve hynds rev a e smith and h p moore the report of the librarian showed that membership at the 31st dec whs 52 of the 3588 books is sued m7 were fiction 888 history and 1078 general literature miscel laneous 360 voyages and travels 174 science and art 76 religious 58 and poetry 27 a catalo is to be pre pared 1 hockey is booming in acton a town league was formed on mori- duy cu of town nndp employ a- ii devitt is president a nice silver cup is to be given the winners by thomas morton barber when miss maclnchlan sang wi a hundred pipers the audience went wild men jumped on their chairs and waved their arms shout ing like mod for seven or eight minutes the applause was absolute ly terrific boston journal mlss maclaehlan will sing the same num ber in acton town hall tuesday 7th iebruury- a f dret carn wul be held in the rink tonight each year shows marked increase in the business of acton post office the revenue from the sale of post cards and postage stamps last year amounted to 237451 twelve hun dred money orderswere issurd andt and hollered to their 537 paid i tent better back in 1935 rrom th issue ftjsefirirrwsl of thursday january it itfl one of the best nnhuaj- meetlngsi of acton full falf wns held ycater- liiy in llm cjiuncll chmtnher lth j f rolwrtsoh presiding the audi tors report ptearnted by a t llrowh nml k beswick showed lhr flr tolxr in splendid flrymiclnl jjori- dltlo wit a good surplus cuv hand jteports from various deprtrnrnta of the tah- were gmkl and special mention wna made of the work of- mr ii j kerr superintendent of the field whose worvhas been a big factor in the success of the fair mr j e wliliuck gave a ref ad dress officers were elected as follows president v b n first vice- president o w murray second vicepresident o a dills directors w k graham w 1 en j m mcdonald d mcdougsll j x stewart geo somcrvillr r i daiidson m symon a kerr c mclteown d d waldie c wood- hall b johnston r j kcrrh j ramshnw h i g fraser art swackhamer j f -wfiberlson- george gordon flooring of the gymnasium public utilities office and second storey with all the wood trimming is al most completed in the new ymca buildi teams from the storey and sons employees i reeve e thctford has resigned it i unusual to have two elections but there is no dearth of candidates judging by street reports inmilton the daylight saving vote was carried by a majority of 100- a number pf mrs wm gowdys music pupils are busy preparing for the toronto conservatory examina tions limehouse community is in deed fortunate in having such an excellent teacher actn is well in the lead in the local oha group having won of eyeryoiie of four games they whitewashed their old rivals from georgetown last thursday night 60 hot time in the old town and the gangs al here seemed to catch thefahcy of the crowd and when the band played they hooted hearts con- professional directory and travellers guide medical legal is the one which can do big job with a small amount of money and that i whatwe mustdo thenthe mayor went pn to itemize the many and various ways it was proposed to spend the tax revenue auxiliary browned off in bronte there is some concern that the local legion auxiliary- will fold due to lethargic disinclina tion on the part of members to hold affice or take responsibility a former president reflected some members are just plahvpbrowned off- some women feel they do all the work raise all the money and the men of ttnrlcgion do noth ing tp help themselves big burlington battle in burlingtonthchaule over the dismissed recreation director goes ion and on with few signs of let ting up charges and counter charges between the recreation to the future mayor jack arm- j 0 annexation decision yos pininij strong xeaoned that any council fot honev cnilc an brieves to m1 can take in a lot of tax revenue you t doan see nobody town to handle garbage in milton this march the town will t nw llg own g collection business after getting some disturbing proposals includ ing a hike in contract itfice f 480 from the present private collector whos paid 6000 yearly for the job a committee was named by council to investigate purchase of necess ary equipment water and mud debate in milton a marathon session en gaged the publidvschool board when the body met to thrash out arrange ments for the opening of the new j m denyes school as soon -s- poisible- temporary roads and barricades are to be provided to keep students from the water and mud fronting the sehoofheboard agreed r dr w g c kenney physician and 8urgeon office in symon block 43a mill scnt acton office phone jb residence 115 church st e dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner or willow and river stf entrance rivor street acton ontario i phone s38 dental oil industry edmontoncp current expanr board which dismissed the man sibn of edmontons refinery area and the citizens- committee whicl will increase capacity of al re- is pawingtre air for public rea- fineries to 45qo0 barrels a day united church of canada aetoau osrtarkf a friendly church e ea currey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 miss o si lamnard atcjm organist aflu choir leader sunday january 23rdi9ao 1000 am sunday school that every child-may- knowgodin christ jesus presbyterian church an canada knox chtmch acton rev robert if armstrong ma bjmlnlater sunday january 23rd 945 am church school 1100 amdivine worship 700 pni ymca service in united church 1955 jlrpbh the only paper ever pubusked ibcmu founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mil st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula- onf the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwja advertising rates cinrfnestj subscriptimta jwy- able in advance 230 in canada 50 in the ohited states six months 150 single copies 6c authorized as second class matj post office department ottawa the jmtertnussjhifcnahlaw cn ih1o a duls editorinchfef david r dills production mamuier james dills john black associate editors j hunt business anlv e ti i tclrj a crih i cte teleptton e 4 1100 am morning worship stress- i 7 hcr that u the lrd ing yjuca week in canada i shai1 700 pm evening worship joint service speaker from toronto st claj ymca mass choir thought for the week f what men need today in this time of trouble is not away out so much as a way of high and i manly living within wilmont lewis renew their strength a warm welcome awaititcou st albans church angucaa rev evan h jones ba lth rector dr a j buchanan denial surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 7 dr h leib dental sarfeon officercorner mill ami frederick streets m office hours 9 am to 6 pjn telephone 19 acton c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary pal office hours 1000 am- 1200 100 pm500 pan- saturdays by appointment only offlcem phone r im acton lever hoskin- charterad aeeountanta successors to jenkins and habjdt 1305 metropollun bid 44 victoria si toronto em 49131 gerald a candler chartered accountant monday to friday 79 pja sat fro 9 am 27 acton blvd phone 561 acton vetesunakt f q oakes bv sc veterinarian office and rjwidjence 24 knox avo acton phoie 130 travellers guide cray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbound 638 am 858 am 1133 in 208 pm 5 08 pm 633 pm j pm bl013 pm westbound 10j7 am 1252 pirn- z37 p-n- th5 pm 727 pm 11 pn tl32pjn112 a tojkl chener only a daily except sunday and nol days b saturday sunday and nol days b d young bvsc c l young dvja- veterlnary surgeoaa office brookville onurlo phone milton 16sr21 real estate and inscatanc f l wright 20 wiiburst acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate and insurance baptist church actqn rayji costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w j theological educatien siinday an appeal will be made for the support of the colleges training men for the anglican priesthood j 1000 am churclv school rh00amb class prayer arid mmi fenfr kmaaataijassbfa y llj j9m l ammoming 1000 amj sunday school r sermon 33e3s3am58 united church- t itjio pm evening servicfrwill be 815 pjn btjtj in the united church commem- wednesday 400 mission band orating ymca week january 800 prayer mteting 23-30- m canadian national railways v i standard tune daily 640 am daily except sun days 1000 3jm 713 pm 5unda only 801 pjn daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902- am 637 pjn daily flyer at george town 1011 pm daily except sun and- mori l28 am sun and mon only 1z28 ajn daily except sunday 848 a m 655- pm flagstop 749 pin saturday only 27 pnu sunday only 943 am flagstop sunday only flyer at guelpo tos pjn daily except sat anil sun flaft stop acton 610 pjn- acton w r bracken real estat phone 26 list your farms business or i with us we invite you to facilities in securing a purchase for your property e- h aahaaan phone milton 146r r r 1 campbellville salesaaan j r f bean limited real estate and tsni hi 83 mill st acton phone 585 r h euiott 76 bower avenu rcbvcaml gwgomatraw pbona kiltpn phone wm complete bealkttate ser1e corertnr hatton county nbflitfa-

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