Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1955, p. 3

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h p r t jajtoaryanh 1969 il the acton free press actom ontario pao v iwo colorfufjtiifmwif 7 kilts to create more color for the lome scofs an alreaicoloriulreiment the lome scots of peel dufferin and halton counties will soon become even more colorful as a result of a recent government order author izing the wearing of the kilt at present the order applies to officers but it is pointed out that other ranks may be issued the tar tan dress by the department of national defense r the lorne scots which jast monthsaw a changedver of com mand at the annual- generalinspec- tidn is reported to toe folding first fjftpaace a the strongest regiment in canada atiettervfrom the officers as sociation reveals that at the change of command the regiment paraded 365 all ranks a high water mark for -the- regiment if yew have an eye for a bargain read the want ads sordini strain rr 1 mivton m markers monuments cemetery lettering quotations jby appointment phone milton i58r32 high efficiency standard iri the same letter it is added the reiqmentjl haslso attained a very hjgh standard of efficiency the attainment cf this position has been due to the devotion ability and enthusiasm of all ranks now serving this prestige is particular ly gratifyingwhen it is remember ed that our regiment has forged ahead of the old and wealthy city regiments of toronto montreal attd winnipeg which hava usually held this place of- honour the new dressv in the ordinary campbellof argyll tartan will have a cbateeojt piper green ih uni versal pa item with the addition of corded shoulder istrap belts and- a sash it wilptoe worn for drill pur poses patrols mess or full dress a balmoral will be worn as head dress modified with red white and blue dicing rh the lorno scots which draws a substantial part of its regimental- strength from the hilton acton georgetown area has a notable history in 1868 the militia companies of peel dufferin and halton counties were organized into battalions and later again as regiments before world war 11 these regiments con tributed to canadian forces when ever called upon serving in world war t as the halton rules and the peel and dufferin regiments in 1936 the peel and dufferin regiment and the lome rifles scottish were reformed as the lorne scots cpdh regt the regiment served in the second world war in every theatre of operation wljer canadians took part even before- tfie reorganization of the militir companies in 1866t traditions that were to become a part of the lorne scots were being established- by men under firms flank and rifle companies as early as 1793 were mustered by the government of upper canada to provide colony defensive strength fw soottiaa connection flank and riflej companies from halton and peel served withrtbgu- hirs in the war of 1812 during the mackenzle rebellion in 183 the militia wis again called out from this district and a great revival of interest in the companies under training and reserve- followed the outbreak of the fenian raids in 1866 the first scottish connection which preceded the adoption of the lorne in the regiments later name came in 1879 when the hal ton rifles were reviewed by ihei marquis of lorrie and hrh prin- cess louise in this same year when the name became the 20th halton battalion lorne rifles l the wearing of- the tartan trews and the diced glengarry was authorized and a pipe band formed today the lorne scots regi mental pipe band with ttie lome- scots hilitary band- are as popu lar and- colorful in this district as the regiment they serve education cars big differences the growing use of the automo bile and the fact that an education is more easily obtained are the main differences in bringing lip a farm family today as compared with 25 years ago that is the feeling ex pressed in the 498 farm forum re ports received on the january 17 discussion on bringing up the farm family other differences mentlonedvrere more help in bringing up the family such as medical units baby bonus old age pensions etc modern mach inery on thert arnvwldespread ms o hydro i families new council names boards delegates liuiiie aiifaller l parental discipline essehteruuning and visiting neigh bors the most important problem to be faced in bringing up the farm fam ily is an inadequate income together with the difficulty of keeping trie family contented on the farm the forums thought the children should share not only the work but also the p and have a voi in the seventh concession council decid ed r rr2 areirigerator and equipment still planning to keep them interested in the farm there should be father- sop agreements more home enter f intended for last week the inaugural meeting of jesque- ing township council was held in the council chamber stewart- town on january 10 after sub scribing to the oath of office reeve wilfrid bird deputyreeve walter linham and councillors george curriespencer wilson and campbell sincfair took their seats a bylaw to borrow 8oo0o from the canadian bank of commerce at georgetown was passed a special drainage rate will be imposed o lo 2 a 33 in tl chronicles written specially jar the aetoa gweqrfattetf pchitv well we have been converted- niof last friday nd it vvascetv jainly quite an experience shortly before 8 aim hydro tracks jartedl rolling f along the highway and i had already counted 28 before one ef them turned in our lane the drivercanve in checked ttheequip- ment arid then drove away afealn a little later hecame back anil went to work first orfthe water rjreisuresystem then the washing machine and finally oje milker and cream separator when heeame to the milk cooler he foundhe had been given the wrong motor bertie had to send to toronto for another one ih tho afternoon another fellow came in to dp the refrigerator to give nlm more space i had taken out every thing that was movable in my pan tryor kitchenette if you prefer to call it that accounts passed included muni cipal world 15 county treasur er hospital accounts 316 a w benton stamps 1025 bell tele phone 2070 hepc 4117 the municipal world 976 ontario good roads association 10 as sociation of assessing officers 10 treasurerof actorr 760 ge the fellow went to work took out all the mysterious works that make a refrigerator refrig brought in the new parts and then after workihgforawhile he shut up his box of toots announced he tad to aher awhile leaving the dismantl- town herald i9j a w benton 1050 registrar county of halton 185 tainment dr h mccullough was award- in tho community there should be ed 231 for 11 sheep killed and a more 4h clubs to encourage interest i n stark 12 for thre trins in the farm more church activities it was decided to appotni areri and community planned entertain ment mayfair restaurant an take a long- slow stroll around the 53 pontiar let your eyes linger on its low lovely lines watch how your gaae is caught and held by the sparkle of a massive front bumper then gently led from the prouit front around to the intretive rear quarter now slide behind the wheel t and alter youve caught your breath take a nwerpveirrle view oh those wind shields youll swear there are aere of eyeroom and the views just as spacious all rou the ram- nas then when you drive this all- new car youll know itvlhc wkhipen wonder for 35 with iontiarv all- und beauty and iontiacs allround view the- worlds your- oyster whenthe 53 pontiar is wr car io try it right 4iow t latmfhrtar mmtmum windshkid a4lhbwikhnyriamlniaim svethroukh am of pontile ne front winilithirltl ha itrrq incrratkml up to 18 rruurink tklinl wool raiitnl hv rocfirrrhllwri you no mawv rc out both fronuautl rrar fr tnttcr- pteanurr ami kafrly rei kmti ims tit stiiks wkm julnew gtaaatamatntatian ybuve never mrn anyllitiiai io match flw lutury of poniiarn appnintmrnln timtp liraml new inntrumrnl panel ilh rtl xmlrltt iiraml nr nlrrriok lirrl mttrr irg rtmtin and nrw jrenmralrtl inifrl in front ami tiark iratat ntnew recikuutufg kuuttpc steeiung tkk ranton stanrnt art oriveihr 5 ivtntiar aittl rr ltw it crnrr ankiir with karjty unv effort koatl hiekaarr riwhhnetl trrrinu etrt i rrlucrl tut strerinn i aharp anj quick ob what awumrv of a car tit hamtlr al m tmf a w rwkat s rafhrmnrf au hew 4vat muhced ride ivntiac coniiiletelv new rhanti brln-c- tou level r 1 i n k f i riiirhrnd linn elimtnatr- mhlie tm thin amaattik tnmthne4 i lie to a brantl new frame nev fmril jinl rear mien- ah ne tireph new tteennk ahtl hratve 8t noil dots friacs choice keip me sllnt starts at tin i wtii allnew tubeless tires new iuimtjo lire- nie a nuitlier ril jtttrt pn it eel ion ainnl lilow nit from inita4l hrr iti orlinarr puncture rjn lw repajrel- rilil ttn the run itmlf ivithlentr rctttinu to tultc failure tttic n wmri tit inn uf hr pat acton east on no 7 highway open daily from 800 am to 300 am facts lunches dinners ft fish and chips a specialty good food at reasonable prices we deliver resciitative to the grand valley conservation authority appointed to the esquesink com munity hall board were wilfrid bird walter lfnharn mrs walter lawson mrs francis thompson d charles earl wilson and john i bird walter lanham and campbell sinclair werc appointed as repre sentatives of the township of es quesing to acton fire area no 2 wilfrid bipt and spencer wxu son are representatives to esques- injl fire area no 1 and george currie representative to milton fire area no 2 claims for foxes destroyed in esqucsingamcruntmr to5153 were paid fo foxes to george bay- iis chas sheppard john buck robt murdock frank jones har old deforest john verlis robert rogers gordon lee robt rud jas presswoodt attrest brigflen ronald imtimor merv nes wm sheppard clifford stoker davies and edward robinson council agreed to petition the county council to take as a county- road lots 5 to 10 concession 11 esqnesing township known as the boundary line between chingua- cmiy and esquesing townships department of highways was to be petitioned for the suhsidy on an approved expenditure of61- 73042 in the middle of the floor by this time we were on 60 cycle at 530 the lights suddenly went dim not out but sodim one could hardly see to walk around from what i could gather the hydro of fice was besieged with calls ours among them something was wron with the jrmporary trans- former causing low voltage it would be adjusted as soon as pos sible bui while we had low vop tage neighbounrtn the oast of us hacl too moch-iights- were blind- irtgly bright and fuses blowing out n over the plnce about 0 o the trouble was adjusted lights were normal and partner was able to finish milking by machiriel but still the rerrigtatoc man had not returned i wasnt too worried thinking he would be back in the morning afler all one had to ex pect a little inconvenience but then a neighbor informed me the men didnt work on saturdays i might have ktjown it had been a tiring day so by gf ltau i was dead to the world vari- ner apparently washalf dressed when there came a pounding at trie- door and furious barking- on the part of the dogs it was another hydro man fo finish the refrig ator job partner was in the middle of felling him to leave it but by this time i had come to my senses hastily donned a housecoat and suggested that as he was here he niight-as- well may t 1talked partner into going to bed and i s apr rt- toc v -a- rv tf am fcr voii 5ix takf mv act and srr olr os ac 2is soon 4 j iid m ia j main at bower acton phone 452 aawai l a aaoed tfaje mie- it was early inthe motning seeping coal gas fumes had all but overcome 3 little girl and two women in a suburban toronto home one of the women mrs mary hague struggle to the telephone and barely managed to dial operator before collapsing unable to get any response jhe night operator mrs elizabeth brown immediatcr notified thcpolicc within minutes the vktims were reached and revived throuh her prompt action throe lives vcrespared quick thinking in an emergency hasmadc a heroine of niany a bell oper- ator for most people iura to the telephone for helpin all- kinds of trouble often rely on the operator for assistance there may never come a time when you need the fire department police or a doctor jn a1ranttchurry but isnt it a comfort to know that behind your telephone ait people on wideavvake duty 24 hours a day tw ku nuthone company of canada tr ft was nearly one oclock before the job- was done so that wis our experience with the changeover from 25 to so cycle in the meantime partner had another matter on his mind dur ing the week he had been reading all the accountiof our dairy org- anizatiorvs and the federation of agriculture annual meetings held the previous week t hadnt had time to read them s this is what partner told me it rs all very bewildering but out of them all it pems we are going to have a coordinating board and a stabilization fund of a million odd dollars for the dairy industry but whats a million dol lars to a bunch of tarrritts just pranutstheni read wc should package ourprodiice better and of better quality at a lower cost perhaps i amuumb but through- the yeirs we haviv always found that quantity av well as quality keeps the empty caps- cominjl back quality is- standardized any way n milk cream eggs grain and soy beans also fruit and veg etables sold in bulk the average farmer is a primary producer- and his iconio is subject to the will of theprocessor and- packers our different boards and organizatloms do a wonderful jod at price set ting but when it omes to advert- uing and packaging rt seems to me they get somewhat out of line good straight advertising is fine but- when you get artitts drawings and very small print and this two- way radio uff by socalled farm directors well im not so sur- the first is very expensive and of little valuei the second u- well just nonsense si far a i can see farmers very often say how glad they are we dont belong to a un- ion actually we are very much unionized with quite a checkoff system attached over the year a a few cent taken off at every- selling point for organization fees amounts to quite a bit but of course we would never think of strikingas there would bf ij strike pay- coming but lets end w- a happy note ldi really think our farm organizaticns help quite a bit but even here bosses can creep in- incidentally as i- was looking through our local paper this week it saw a big ad 2 lbs pf marg- arine for vi t- yes f laughed but if you x lodk in oar frig you will sec three pounds of butter r- expansion of canadian manufac turing created 34300 new jobs in 1s52 23000 in 1b3 1600 in 1954 the identity of the early artists who made the carvings in albertas wri tingon stone park is unknown v m i r- -np-r- jawtjarytwh 1985 the acton free press acton ontario pag thrr if you herv old nd dis corded jewellery for solo gand bring it wfh raword you by giving an oxport appraisal and atedtat ready cash htohesrwces aiurot aittae containing goto auvr goid mub and hattnum metau across from bonk of novo scotia acton for o colorfvljtglnhnt ills to create more color for the lorne scots an alreadxeoloctulregiment the lome scots of peel dufferin and halton counties will soon become even more colorful as result of a recent government order author izing the wearing of the kilt at present the order applies to officers but it is pointed out that other ranks may be issued the tar tan dress by the department of national defense the lorne scots which last month saw a changeover of com mand it the annual generawnspec- tion 4s reported to be holding first imrry- ftxnace a the strongest regiment in canada aletteri from the- offieelrs as- sociation reveals that at the change of command the regiment paraded 365 all ranks a nigh water mark for fiie regiment if yew have on eye for a bargain read the want ads osniikim strain rr 1 milton markers monuments cemetery littering quotations jby appointment phono milton i5r32 high efficiency standard in the same letter it is added the rekibjentl has also attained result of i a very high standard of efficiency the attainment cf this position has been due to the devotion ability and enthusiasm of all ranks now serving this prestige is particular ly gratifying when it is remember ed that our regiment ha forged ahead of the old and wealthy city regiments of tororrtdt montreal and winnipeg which hare usually held this place of honour the new dresv in the ordinary campbell of argyll tartan will have a coatee of piper green in uni versal pattern with the addition of corded shoulder straps belts and a sash it wilf be worn for drill pur poses patrols mess or full dress a balmoral will beworh as head dress modified with red white and blue dicing the lorno scots which draws a substantial part of its regimental strength from the milton acton georgetown area has a notable history in 1886 the muitla companies of peel dufferin and halton counties were organized into battalions and later again as regiments before world war 11 these regiments con tributed to canadian forces when ever called upon serving in world war i as the halton rutea and the peel and dufferin regiments in 1938 the peel and dufferin regiment end the lome rifles scottish were reformed as the 4 as 1793 were mustered by the government of upper canada to provide colony deferisiwstrength firs soottian coiweetien i flankantf rifle companies from lorhe scots pdh regt the regiment served in the second world war lb every theatre of operation where- canadians took part even before the reorganization of the militia companies in 1888 traditions that were to become a part of the lorne scots were being established by men under arms flank and rifle companies as early cess louise in this same year halton and peel served withfegu today the lorne scots regi tars in the war of 181 during the mackenxie rebellion in 1837 the militia was again called out from this district and a great revival of interest in the companies under training and reserve followed the outbreak of the fenian raids in 1866 the first scottish connection which preceded the adoption of the lome in the regiments later name came in 1879 when the hal ton rifles were reviewed by lhe marquis lorne and hrh prin- when the name became the 20th halton battalion lorne rifles the wearing of- the tartan trews ahd the diced glengarry was authorized and a pipe band formed chronicler education cars big differences the growing ise of the automo bile and the fact that an education is more easily obtained are the main differences in bringing up a farm family today as compared wijh 25 years ago that is the feeling ex pressed in the 498 farm forum re ports received on the january 17 discussion on bringing up the farm family- other differences mentioned were more help in bringing up the family such as medical units baby bonus bid age pensions etc modern mach inery on the farm widespread use of hydr in faun liuiiiea an mental pipe band with the lorne scots military band are as popu lar and- colorful in this district as the regiment they serve families less parental discipline jessehtertinlng and visiting neigh- bors the most important problem to be faced in bringing up the farm fam ily is an inadequate income together with the difficulty of keeping the family contented on the farm the forums thought the children should share not only the work but also the p and have a voi in lhe planning to keep them interested in the farm there should be father- sop agreements more home enter tainment new council names boards delegates ffntended for last week the inaugural meeting of esque- ing township council was held in the council chamber stewart- town on january 10 after sub scribing to the oath of office reeve wilfrid bird deputyreeve walter linham and councillors george currie spencer wilson and campbell sinclair took their seats a bylaw to borrow 80000 from the canadian bank of commerce at georgetown was passed a special drainage rate will be i o l 22 a 23 in th wrtttea specially for the acta free press of gweodathm r clark sisj a well we lave been converted asot last friday and it was cer- jmly qititean experience shortly before 8ajnydrojbruejritarted- rotong along the highway and i had already counted 28 before one of them turned in our line the driver came in checked the equip ment and then drove away attain a little late hccame back and n went to work frrst orfthe water pressure system then the washing machine and finally the milker and cream separator when heueame to the milk cooler he founds he had been given the wrong motor sohhe had to send tor toronto fo another one in the seventh concession ed council decid- accounts passed included muni cipal world 15 county treasur er hospital accounts 318 a w benton stamps 1023 bell tele phone 2070 hepc 41 17 the municipal world 9 76 ontario good roads association 10 as sociation of assessing officers 10 treasurerof acton 7 60 george town afternoon another fellow came in to do the refrigerator to give him more space i had taken out every thing that was movable in my pan tryor kitchenette if you prefer to call it that the fellow went to work took out all the mysterious works that make a refrigerator refrig brought in the new parts and then after workingfortawhile he shut up his box of tootsxannouneed he had to get anoth part and w be bac aher awhile leaving the dismantl- hcratdt lff98 a w benton 1050 registrar county of halton 1 85 dr h mccullough vas award- in tho community there should be cd 231 for 11 sheep killed and a more 4h clubs to encourage interest in the farm more church activities and community planned entertain ment ertaln 7 mayfair restaurant take a long slow stroll around the 55 pontiar let your eves linger on its low lovely lines hatch how your gaae is caught and held b the sparkle of a massive front buniper then gently led from the proud front around to the iroprewi vc rear quarter nom slide behind the wheel and after 5ouhe caught your breath lake a stteepeirrle view oh those wind- thields 1 youll urar there are acn- of nmoonr andlhe views jut as spacious all rou the com pass then when you drive this all- new car oull know it v the wideopen wonder for 35 kith iontiaes all- round beauty and lontiaca alfvound view the worlds your ovter h hen- the 55 pontiar is uwrrar do try il right now tamrtr i numumami wwdshieu nw4hlll ifcnmj atiswlwsrkt schrmidi arra of inhium ne frool winiuhirlil ha hrro incrrancd up in 18 redunnn blind mlft ranrd bv roci i ou ih mjt wee otit both a frtmuantl rrar ftic mc- plcaur anil ftafrlt tetes afees r allnjew gtmvmfelitarik youvt nrvft en invtlitnji tn match thtf luiurv of pontuiri appcmntmrntn thrrr m iranl nrw innlrumcnt panrl miiii rriwl conlroln lirantl nr wtrrnon wtirrl umirr irn rtiitn anl new ilrp4attl tnnforl in frtinl an j liark sraul aallncv tcctrcuutwg tttttreten stein tfvt onre the i pontiar ami cr bw it cofnrri and cur with karjfs unv effort koad fthotvftrr ruahnvted ftttfenntt rffrt n rrduectl but atrtnnt ta ahari and quirk ob what bnutty of a car tfc handle au nc 4 t uunceoude pnntiari ctnnlrlrlr new chai brtntt ou lprl ridin fniu itrndlinn eliminat- rme4he tom thi a matin t mmthne m due to a brand nw fram- new frorit and rear tiihj-en- juoanew tuliewm lirrnlm new trennt and brake tkal starts al tfet tukless tires new tnlev- tirr mr a niatitlirr ndr tmnl protrimion tiinv1 dit- iit frtttn imat brraa- ml onlinarr punt lure- un rcairfl riklil on i he rim itrlf prohlrm n latum to tule fatlitrt- bate rrn be rome a thine of hr il acton east on no 7 highway open daily from 800 am to 300 am breakfasts lunches dinners fish and chips a specialty good food at reasonable prices we deliver m n stark 12 for thre tuas it was decided to ap5wfrtarjiri resentative to the grand valle conservation authority appointed to the esquesinfi co-n- munity hall board wore wilfrid bird walter linhorn mrs walter law son mrs francis thompson d charles earl wilson and john birtl walter linham and campbell sinclair were appointed as repre sentatives of the townihip of es quesing to acton eire area no 2 wilfrid md and spencer wil- son are representatives to eques- ing fire area no 1 and george currie representative to milton fire area no 2 claims for foxes destroyed in esquesineamtrantms to153 rt paid for 51 foxes to george bay- lis chas sheppard john buck robt murdock frank jones har old deforest john verlis robert rogers gordon le robt ruddtttl hlas presswood alfred brigden ronald itatimet meryin ne wm sheppard clifford stover davies and edward robinson council agreed to petition the county council to take as a county road lots 5 to 10 concession 11 esqncsing township known as the boundary line between chingua- couy and esquesing townships department of highways was to be petitioned f the subsidy on an approved expenditure of61 730 2 eateirigerator and equipment still in the middwof the floor by this time we weon 80 cycle at 530 the light suddenly went dim not out but so dim one could hardly see to walk around from what i could gather the hydro of- c was besieged with calls burs ambng them something- was rnng with the temporary trans former causing low voltage it mould be adjusted as soon as pos sible bui hk- we had low vol tage neighbours k the east of us had too much lights were blind- irtgly bright and fuses blowing out nil over the place about 0 oclock the trouble was adjusted lights were normal and partner was able to finish milking by machine but still tlil rerrignratot man had not returned i wasnt too worried thinking he would be back in the morning after all one had to ex pect a little inconvenience but then a neighbor informed me the men didn t work on saturday i might have ktjown il had been a tiring day so by it at i was dead to the world part- ner apparently hlos half dressed when there came a pounding at thc- door and furious barking- on the part of the dogs it was another hydro man lo fimshne refriger ator job partner was in the middle of telling him to leave it tout by this time i had come to my senses hastily donned a housecoat and suggested that as he was here he ight-as- w j then i talked partner into going to bed and i stayed up h- f 1j3d th ground up 1 now mcin at bower acioml- phone 452 it was early in the morning seeping coal gas fumes had all but overcome a little girland two women in a suburban toronto home one of the women mrs mary hague struggled to the telephone and barely managed to dial operator before collapsing y 7 unable to get any response jhe night operator mrs elizabeth brown tmmediatcry notified the police within minutes the victims were reached and revived through her prompt action three lives wenespared quick thinking in an emergency has made a heroine of many a bell oper ator for most peoplfc turn to the telephone for helpin all kinds of trouble often rely on the operator for assistance there may never come a tune when you need the fire department police or a doctor n arffantchurry but isnt it a comfort to know that behind your telephone art people on wideawake duty 24 hours a day up rt was nearly one o clock before the job was done so that was our experience with the changeover from 25 to 00 cycle in the meantime partner had another matter on his mind dur ing the week he had been reading all the accountiof our dairy org anizations and the federation of agriculture annual meetings held the previous week r wnt had time to read them this i what partner td me it is all very bewildering but out of them all it oms we are going to have a coordinating board and a stabilization fund of a million odd dollars for the dairy indust- but whats a million dol lars to a bunch of tanners just peanuts theni read we should packagi ouroroduce better and of v quality at a lower cost perhaps i am dumb but througn the yeirs we havtv alwqys found that qu intity p well as quality keeps the empty cans coming back qualitv sundirdized any way m milk cream eggs grain and sov beans also fruit and veg- etibles sold in bulk the average farmer is a primarj producer and- his ireome is subject tn the will of theprocessors and packers our different boards and organizations do a wonderful job at price set ting but when it omes to advert ising and packaging rt ccms to me they get somewhat out of line good straight advert sing is fine but when jou get artists drawings and verv small print and this two- way radio uff b socalled farm directors well im aot so sur the first is very expensive and of little value the second is well just nonnjiw st far as i can see farmersvery often say how glad i they are wc don t belong to a un ion actually we are very much unionized with quite a checkoff system attached over the year a a few 1 cenu taken off at every selling point or organization fees amount to quite a bit but of course e would never think of sttikingos there would b no strike pay coming but lets end w- a happy note i dq really think our farm organizations help quite a bit but even hre bosses cancreep in incidentally as i was looking through our local paper this week ramu mtriwi ik company of canada anne forc i 4 r saw anne i w t laughed but if you look in our frig you will see three pounds of outtex expansion of canadian manufac- turlng created 3300 new job in 1052 23000 to 193 1800 in 1954 the identity of the early artists who made the carvings in alberta writingonstone park is unknown k v mmlid jmfejto j af

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