Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1955, p. 3

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tvimmannant bwhwfi twnlliffiwh i ar- vv v v -v- tt 77 ji r- fv 5bwbday j m -r- f v 1 v jt the acton free press agton ontario pacsb t the vanity bar beauty safcon- wiu be closed from uiwuaryil i c handkerchiefs fancy embroidwecl uca trim 25c to 100 iadies lace trim supsrfiyloh and crap 19t to 398 ladies panties puin and fancy trim 59c to 1 15 ladies pyjamas silk and cotton 398 and 450 ladies silk ni assorted h 298 laotes bed jackets ladies blouses nylon crp and cotton ladies house dresses assorted stylos 119 198 to 398 298lo 398 tbi nylon hose j 89c to 165 atw p gloves head squares towel sets pillow cases tablecloth boxed jewellery etc s dept store wont ad page where old friends meet haltons woman regbtrnr knows ins and duts of deeds land titles couple married in dutch church in a ceremony in the dutch re- formexi church toronto in decernr t br maartle uithoven was marrledftbat w- mattocksjs now coun- to dirk verwey the bride is the daughter of mr and frb k uit hoven of port credit and the groom the son of mr arid mrs fc ver wey of rjr3 milton the inarriage was solemnized by d tooye port credit and j w kalkenbur the bride wore- a traditional white gown the skirt featuring two layers of lace oyer satin over the gown she wore a jacket lined witb satin her bouquet was bf whife carnation v tdneinaldpf honor was hennie uithoven port- credit whoujwbre a cocktail length dress of light blue wurna utthoverc the bridesmaid wore a pink dress of nylon net and taffeta the brides attendant was a young lad corry verwey who wore a light blue jacket white shirt and grey trousers groomsman was hiiib verwey of dixie about 50 guests gathered at the home of the brides parents after the ceremony for a- reception mr arid mrs verwey 4ive at rr 3 milton since 1939 manufacturing has doubled its number of employees announcement at the first of this ty registrar and miss myrtle field semiretired recalls a story about miss field written forthestandard of montreal in 1949 a picture of miss kield accompanied the story which was written by mary scott woman regtstrar lawyer john kennedy walked in to the registrars office at milton oat- td like to set the lydia mutrie deed of 1810 he asked tire white- troublesome she conceded haired hazeleyed registrar behind the desk j its in the end top said myrtle field bring- the lad der- mrtmattocks sote woman registrar in the pmfc- virice of ontario miss field knows every plot of land ih halton couh- ty you see i was born here con fesses this unusual career woman my dad was turnkey in the county jail which was right next door to the registrars office after leaving high school miss field started to work in the regis trars office and has been there ever since and dont ask me how long that is she warned retained rights to all gold silver copper tuvleadr iron or coal ever found on tbesaid land with an eye tp thebnghshnavy the monarch also laid down a claim to all white pine found on the acre age that fa juartet as much over land as they do over religion and politics is another conviction of the woman registrar and when it gets mixed up with faulty surveying its far mort e lbuchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at h mainproe barber shop hours 1 30600 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 serving under fpur men registrars arid listening to her father and mother talk myrtle field learned all the ins and outs of halton coun ty land deeds and titles the most interesting deed we have closely concerns one of cana dasherpessh sa ifather patent of lands granted capt- jo seph brant famous indian chieftain inl79k the land was granted by a famous landlord george iii and gave chief joseph outright title to 3450 acres of fertile land more than there now is in all halton county but the king protected himself laughed the little registrar for himself his heirs and successors he part of upper canada in the early days halton county was pret ty much all given away in crowd grants claims miss field thejgreatest giyerv said mjss field was lieutenantgovernor francis gore- he foiimd this the quickest and most efficient way to settle the bush land which lay out from the muddy village of york how the city of toronto- fanners in doubt as to boundary lines or deeds of sale town dwellers who wish to verify titled school inspectors perplexed about play ground acreages are among miss fields steady customers were busy as beavers said the attractive executive cities like toronto towns like burlington ing out into rural areas its these land deals which keep our office so onits toes these days the gray stone building over- jbpoks- the park on the opposite side of the street here children play oldsters gather to gossip and the town youngsters learn to skate veteran operator north sydne ns john c bagg retired after 46 years with western union international com munications the veteran cable operator received farewell mes sages from cable stations at bay roberts hearts content st pierre canso new york the azores paris and londbn j i f chronicles ginger farm written specially for the acton free preit b wendllh4 p clarke this isthefirst day for a week witoiit ah early morning subzero temperature yes- it has been hut we were afraid to wish for a change in the weather in cartes it inight be for the worse you never jkrlpw we might eft a- storm from the east and be snowed in and then what even though the high way is cleared there is still 6jles owalane to contend with what with- one thing- arid another jast week was quite a- week while it was so intensely cold partner developed an acute attack of neuri tis one day we had to get someone in to help at the barn with the chores especially as a young heifer chose that day to have her first calf however mo arid son came through all right and partner oakville and georgetown arepush4jas more or less reumedlo nox- ma saturday bob and joyce were here tor supper bob looked over all the 60cycle motors and was satisfied they wereall in good run ning order it comes in handy sometimes having a mechanically- also brought along some kind of stuff for my car that acts as a cleaner and conditioner for the advertisement a special message to homeowners b m do you n money for home improvement theres tio need to hold up improvements or repairs to your home for lack of ready cash vou can pay for them outright at less expense with a lowcost it of m loan if yon want to add an extra room or two erect- a p or carport install a new heatin or electrical system build a basement playroom or even paint your present one or make any other home improvements or repairs see the manager of your nearest b of m branch he will iw glad to d your plan wi you and to explain how a it of m home improvement loan can help you now is the time to take a good look at your home obituary left town as bride over50 years ago widow of a former georgetown pbstrilaster janetta isabel cobban mdderania wasburied in green- wood cemetery following a funeral service l georgetown mrs mcdermidtwho had been in peel memorial hospital brampton since undergoing an operation in december died suddenly on tues day january 19 prominent in ladies groups she had lived in georgetown- over -50- years gpihgtherev as a bride from acton she was a daughter of the late mr and mrscobbajnof jjastoa- herhusbancl whodie in- 1939- wa pdstm8stejfrom 1913 until the time of his death- arid before- that conducted a grocery business their sonjbbn is minister of st pauls itnitedjchurch bramptoh an only daughter isabel died ten years ago mrs mcdermid also leaves one grandsonv john and two sisters mrs margaret elliott earrioriton ata and mrs clara jackson cal gary a a brotheri- cob ban died several years ago in wini- nipeg kate aitkeivs talk reported to ladies the january meeting of gree nock womens institute was- held at the home of mrs deakins and mrs hazenburg two dutch friends with miss elva pearen president opening the meeting in the usual minded person in the familyhe- way-roll- call- was answeredby something i read in home and country the minutes and treasurers re- famous trichologist will demonstrate how to growthicker hai r and guarantees it i peaaonstration to be held here this new methodof home treat- cholocist makes no charge for this ment for saving and crowing thick- examination and no appointment is spring is just around the corner and thats the best season to make repairs or to modernize it pays in hard cash f- to give your lionir a careful once over every year kverybil of repair work neglected eery crack every flake of peeling painl means a loss in ilollur value- a r h wi be d in necessarv after t exatnlliatlou the acton ont ifri only feb these private individnal demon strations wilt be hem at the domni- ieo hotel onfri only feb 4 ii noon to 9 pjn halifax jan 12 in an inter view here today william l keele internationally famous trichologist nddtreetorrthekeele scalp specialists said there are 18 different scalp disorders that cause motor on sunday dee arthur anddave arrived for a short visit bave made good use of his legs explor ing every nook and corner and going about a mile a minute he just loves the dogs and the dogs are equally delighted to have him around but we couldnt make a fuss of him at all as he was far too busy to want to- be bothered with his grandparents the pump handle in the kitchen wasa great attraction he also thought it a good idea to squeeze his way into inaccessible places behind the chesterfield and under the office table and chairs we brought out his christmas- present kiddiecar but he is still st little too small for it s riot being able to ride it properly dave de cided it was ntoretuh to carry it around this he did until he got tangled up in the pedals and fell over it a few times as the weather was still very cold yesterday they started for home before dark just a short visit but long enough for us to keep track of our grandsons development weil now that always helps mitchiewhite has just jumped up on my desk and- sprawled himself across the top of it regardless at typewriter pentrays notepads and a few other odds and ends his plaintive meow isan indication he is prepared to be petted or played with whichever i- prefer just so long as he ge attention s mittljie la afraid the at tention you get will be a removal to the kitchen mrs r- illinois thank you so much for your nice letter and kind words- hope you enjoyed the- books another t am sure you would like is love is eternal by trving stone it concerns the family life of abraham lincoln and is both entertaining and informative read ing it dnecanbe thankful that civil wars are no longer a threat at the present time everyone is feeling uneasy about the formosa situation all democratic nations are anxious for a world at peace wget very weary of continual conflict hichr it woiil should be avoidable among civili- zed pe and yet there is hardly trperiod in history without its re cord of war either on land or a sea war between nations is bad enough but as i said befpre we can he thankful civil wa is a thing of tie p inaofai ji erfglish- person is told the required length of treatment and how much it will cost after starting treatment the person makes regular reports to the keele firm- in halifax to chec the progress of the home treatmeriti to spread the opportunity of normal healthyrhairto sandsrwhor-are-desperately-rlookipg- for help independent trichologist most men and women to losv hairi a a va cltics v using common sense a person must to eondu examinations realize no one tonic or so called start horae cureall could correct all the distl n cureall ordersi he explained j m have no cureall for slick piudaiotrrn i shiny fbaldness keele emphasized guaranteed 1 ir there is fuzz the root is still the keele frm recormzmg thaf capable of creating hair and we can most people are skeptical of claims j perform what seems to be a mir- tnat hair can be grown on balding i acle heads offers a guarantee keele j the is one thing keele wants sa i to be certain every man and woman once a person avails themselves k410ws lf a recessl appears as speaking nations are concerned civil wars ceae as people came to have a better understanding of the problems affecting- both tidce maybe global war will likewise cease when international problems ire more clearly understood and port were read by mrs s john ston discussions followed and plans were macle for more program- on evenings when national film board pictures are shown also for social evenings mrs william ballentine sugges ted that each say something nice about the lady on her left this was quite enjoyable mrs hugh reid gave a paper on public rela tions and mrs williartf ballentine on community activities which contained many suggestions as to how to make institute work more interesting and helpful to the com munity she said the more one puts into your institute the more you get out of it and closed with a poem so let me live mrs c allan gave a splendid talk on the motto purpose is what gives life a meaning with examples taken from everyday life muss elva pearen gave the report of the area convention held last fall in guelph when kate aitken told of her priceless heritage her memories of chudhoood and of her trip to alaska when she had to bake bread for 1000 men when their cook left camp she said too that woipen should leave their work long enough to have real re- lsxation- miss anna lewis in speaking said we should be proud of our institute a democratic selfgovern ing body the singing of the queen cloed the meeting and while the hostess contest was conducted with mrs elliott patterson as winner appreciates reacting through that tittle magazine- for home and country especially in regard to international day program many branches report addresses by new canadians at their meetings i do hope every vm member- takes time to read home and country from cover to cover it is packed full of worthwhile infor- mattonv here and there with the institutes is a challenges in jtself you scan it hastily at first seeking the name of your own branch if there ynuasknirsoif why could itbe that our branch was not considered worth of mentio if not why not and what can we do about it incidentally i wonder how many wt members appreciate the tre mendous amount ofwork and ex- pensc of home and coun do you know that hfroou copies 01 eaci ivue are sent out and jhat the publication cost of even one issue is approximately 3000 and yt for a nominal subscription- sent ur by each branch every member- of the wi is entitled to a- copy at home- and country free of charier contribut t this better tholoast we can do is give it thef depreciation of one of your most valuable at knlist ibe it of mv hcijt hy not set your neiglilmturliool manager lot lay spof- begins to the keele treamu jsskepurthe temples or- a icism imrnediately disappears- tjjcsho up on the crown iofthehead insure this we offer this guarantee thesis something wrong and it if you are not completely satisfied nsslof be given immediate atten- with your hair progress at the end tibn r ir ban k a f jriontreai acronbrahch william pave manager wok k i m o with c an apia wv tt- of 30 daysi your money will be xg turned tiopeless cases t discouraged first the trichologist is quick to hair for lifetime if clients follow our directions during treatment and after they finish the course there is no rear- son why they will pot have hafir all tell hopeless cases that they cannot the rest of their lives dkeele said in evety walk r of life since 1817 be helped- but the hopeless cases are few only if a man is cqmplete- ly shiny bald is he in thisnibt gory if there is fust no hnatter how light thin orj colorles r the keele ftfeatment ican perform wonders a complete privateexamination is given bya trichojfpgist to deter mine the condition of his scalp and cause of his hairiixouble jbee examinations this examination is very thor ough and highly technical it re- r- our firm is definitely behind this treatment it all depends on the in- i dividual clients faithful observa tion of a few simple rules queedair florists can supply your needs hows your hair 7 ut worries you call- trlehotogist m wen adel at the dominion hotel in acton ont on fri only feb 4 is noon to 9- pjn the public ia invited- yon do not need an appointment the examinations are private and j yea will not be embamsaed or ob- 1 ligated in any way womenare t cut flpwera lrsirrral wadding dlant corsagas boutonnieres wall plaque ported plants ornaments- all hbral pte wout 8rjiiufst phone 435 7axv crrvtii f-

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