Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1955, p. 1

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pl7 eighfieth vearrno3v acton ontario thursday march 10th 1955 ten pages six cents staff pho acton rotarians worked industriously tuesday at their regul mating parking y fastpr seals to be mailed in acton and district the mailng of easter seals is one of the clubs big projects and assists themand the ontario society for crippled children- in providing braces and needed care for- crippled children through the donations received shown from the left are- a shoemaker bob frank theron jones jim ledger harold kinr ead and fred wright other members of the club were busy at other tables folding enclosing and preparing- the material fpr mailing crack in ih urban board g w d engineer north haltons tritown urban board buffered a crack tuesday night but its noflikely to cause a split reporting a decision of george town council this week s ajlen told the urban board meeting in acton that his municipality had de cided to withdraw next may 1 from the engineering arrangement it was que unanimous vote of our council mr allen said to hire a fulltime engineer the georgetown councillor ex plained that a major- waterjjroject which would necessitate a resident engineer plus mounting work in connection with the sprawling del- rex development would justify the town hiring a fulltime engi neer he emphasized however that it was the intention of georgetown to stay in the urban board insofar as other projects and activities are concerned in the three towns ar eas bltown arrangement board chairman el tyler asked if it was the intention of george town to approach engineer ross simmons now jointly hired by the three townswith a proposition to become georgetowns engineer mr allen said no decision on those tines had been made engineer simmons also present at tuesday nights meeting said ne had foreseen such a possibility as one town droppingout andfortbat teasontamong others had pressed for additional engineering staff in order to put at each towns dis posal engineering personnel with a background of local requirements after brief discussion among members it was agreed- acton and milton representatives would hold a special meeting next week to at tempt a new engineering arrange ment on a tntovn basis urban board members also rev iewed display suggestions at tu esday nighfs meeting for the forthcoming trade fair whece it is intended to promote a civic booth advertising the industrial potentialities of acton george town and milton no sound from bell two sketches with price tags on semicompleted displays of 823 and 1001 were examined neith- ei was accepted however on sug gestion of mr allen members ag reed to contact a georgetown wb- man reportedly having talent in display decor with a view to de signing the urban boards trade fair booth the matter of a full time attend ant at the display booth was held over secretary j mcgeachie notified the- board that compensation for the- engineer would be about 90 cents per hundred dollars on his salary this would mean a cost per annum of about 40 no act ion was taken on this matter to a question from a milton rep resentative it was noted there has been no word yet from the bell telephone company regarding a proposed survey of customers who would be involved in extended ar ea- telephone service recently agit ated for by the urban board at the outset of the meeting two accounts were passed one to the enginer for 6088 mileage and an other to rapid blue print ltd en gineering supplies for 3223 i w acton chorus band visit reformatory sf albarts mw chorus and the acton citizens band present ed a concert in the gymnasium of the ontario reformatory at bram- pton on sunday evening to a large and appreciative audience carol goodwin also gave hccord ion sel ections r r parker acted as mastex of ceremonies for the varied lum bers on the program the guests went afterwards to the canteen where refreshments were served members of the group from here were glad to meet mr and mrs ernie coles a family and cliff who al- sutlun is iiuw re- check line thieves get watch money district provincial police investi gated a breakin last wednesday at the home of henry mctrash on the check line south of here when it was discovered that thieves had broken down a door when the oc cupants were- out and stole a watch mon totalling 50 valu sutton- former actonians nrattendedvmr creational director in brampton and mr coles is on the reformat ory staff t lea trop win decided in matches this week final games of the minor sports- clubs full winter schedule were played monday and tuesday of this week and winners of the clubs tro phies for this year determined paul lawsons team topped the sen ior series for the season marks team the intermed series and h cook the pee wee league eight teams have been playing twice a week in competition during the winter trophies will be form ally presented at banquets later this raon in the pee wee league h cookstis a former gunsmith police chase after young fugitives winds up in acton two escapees from bowman ville tr school le loca and dis- trict police a speedy chase in the wee hours of friday morning start ing at georgetown and ending up in acton where the two boys both is year olds were nabbed by local constables cook harness and dis trict opp officer george moore following the boys escape thurs day night an alert was serivat in this area early friday morning the two fugitives were observed in georgetown by constable moore they had stolen a car owned by james burns georgetown a chase followed on no 7 high way constable moore was unable to overtake the stolen car but when the fastmovtng escapees tried to take the turn at actons eastern en try their car spun around and the two abandoned it with local police joining the chase a search- through acton started about 5 am the two ron- aid trvdell and douglas dinytrus eluded capture for a while but were finally cornered on a young street lawn fcv one point during the hide-and- w they had entered the open front door of a bowser ave home stood in the hallway for a while then quickly left taking a coat with them the boys discarded the coat on the front lawn however apprehended theywere taken to milton for detention until escorted bark to bowmanville where they started from the day before rafany in the district were in- terected in the college royal at the 0ac whichv concluded yes terday dave peuemerto a well teftwh halt junio farmer was scheduled to uy fui uieuder ex hibitor he wa m las year at this f- time and couldnt compete team eliminated j melons in three straight games to take the cham pionship the score was close in thq final game when cooks team shut out melons while t waterhouse scored one goal for cook maries and holmes were matched in- the final game of the intermed iate series when the winners again shutout the losing aggregation in the first period e lawson scored for marks he again made the re cord in the second period with a penalty for hooking but he com pletely filled the stars- shoesor skates when he counted two more goals in the third frame ridley was awarded a penalty for trip ping midgets and juveniles formed two teams to play for the senior trophy xhey havcbceriplaying omha during the year paul lawsons team edged out ted footitts boys with a one goal jnargni final count lawson 7 old modern guns exarhined by club an intriguing display of guns r from an elephant rifle to one of the original colts was close ly inspected by members of the untied church mens club when they met in the church on monday gordon johnston brought about is guns from his large collection he he brought a flint lock rifle a muzzle loader and old fashioned revolvers including one of the or iginal colts of about 1840 one double barrelled shotgun used in skeet shooting is worth about 5300 mr johnston also showed a powder horn and samples of am- munition a film on the rehabilitation of tb patients was ajso shown to the group of about 25 and there were some games a nearly lunch con- ciudedthemeeting footitt 6 baxter whanged home two goals for lawson one on an assist from lawson before one of footitts team rrates johnson replied on a shot from wilds oakes upped footitts count at the two minute mark of second per iod followed by an opposition score at tour minutes skilling added two more digits on the scoreboard for lawson while sinclair kept up footitts end with a goal from john- son with the score 53 footitts put on the steam in the third and tied up the score on counts from sin clair and footitt both footitt and lawson took penalties i overtime was played when again the teams tied the score 68 bax ter got the first goal from heatley answered shortly by sinclair wiles took a respite inthe penalty box in the second overtime lawson settled the game with the winning goal for his team easter seal campaign ill acton easter seats arid letters were as- sembled by rotary club members following their supper meeting tuesday the work was under the direction of easter seal committee chairman johnny goy during the business meeting a complete treasurers report was presented anil finances discussed advance plans were enthusiastic ally made for peanut day which will have special features this year 1 represeh tattye of planters assisted in suggestions harold kinread was named the chairman jim ledger publicity chairman and t jones advertising chairman baptists sweep league badminton for the second week in a ro john tripp of the baptist church took the championship in the days single play to give the baptists thj lea in the c league at the y this week it was baptists all the way as the playoff was charles sunter baptist against john tripp of the baptist tripp eliminated the nearest contender bill shan non of the united church in the second round of play there- was a marked improve ment in play this week as the bad minton stars of tomorrow went in to their fifth week of competition and it could well be that next years junior champ is in the mak ing in this league area police report three car mishaps three accidents in this area were reported by district provincial pol ice this week no injuries were in volved in the accidents last thursday afternoon wil liam crichton travelling south cf here on no 25 highway was the driver of a car which collided with another vehicle driven by annie paul acton when the latter turned out onto the highway fronvno 25 sideroad tuesday evening tw cars driv- en by janet elsley moffat and rxh bert tyler acton were in collision on the speyside sideroad just east of no 39 highway damage was estimated at about 400 last wednesday night valentine nichol woodbridge driving north of georgetown oj no- 7 highway claimed he was blinded toy the light of anapjiroaduag car driven hy tom harris hjij4 acton ran his car oft the road and caused about 300 damage to the car when be struck guard rails things disappear check new y club have you seen the town hall late ly maybe you had better see if it is still there many things have suddenly disappeared recently it seems to be the result of a new group in town these mysterious littlesfellows make magic a hobby and you may find them practicing anywhere and with all sorts of things the group is the acton chapter of the ontario y wizards which has formed in the last three weeks at acton wi group tours baxter labs acompletetqur of baxter- lab oratories plant in acton preceded the march meeting of the acton proposed public school site in eastern section of town to purchase additional property for public school purposes were confirmed monday evening at a regular session of council where two public school trustees appeared with a resolution passed by the board which proposes to buy over eight acresof land in the eastern section of town near the high school coun was bail to pans a r womens institute at the home of mrs george fryer after the tour olution to purchase an additional acre for r use to serve the property and to make an offer of purchase brief conversation dealing with price and location of the land was held between council and theuvo board members w wolfe ad c bradley name of the present own- er of the property was not statm was completed the members re- turned to mrs fryers and pro ceeded with themeeting the meeting opened with pres ident mrs fryer in the chair 20 members were counted as well as a guest speaker the institute ode was repeated followed by the mary stewart collect mrs fred ander son read the minutes of the last meeting and then various letters were read a donation of- 1000 was given to the ceylon relief project andoa- council ordered george schultz the ymca the group consists of 20 children eight to 18 who meet weekly at the ymoa to receive instructions in magic from wells the wizard a professional magic ian from toronto the club plans to hold elections in the near future for its first ex ecutive and plans are already un derway to hold a show in the spring the club is part of a group of clubs in ontariosjjonsoredby the ymca to give members a chance to learn something of the fascinating subject of magic plans are to close club membership at 25 and carry a waiting list for new courses to be run by the club second donation of 1000 was given to the salvation army of hamil ton it was decided to hold a euchre at the scout hall mrs ballentine read two short stories concerning st patricks day these were entitled the birth of st patrick and wee hughy the conveners report was then given followed by a report of the esquesing farm forum by mrs bert davidson the forum meet ing was held in bannockbum school and those present were giv en anaddress by floyd griesback mrs e lambert told of using the color used to color margarine fo- coloring icings mrs w denny told of the cooking school held in the town hall tmd also of the fashioasiow held in the parun hall the guest speaker was mrs p kennedy and she gave an interest ing talk on the folk school which was held at the home of mr and mrs ed fish auld ingsynewas sung fol lowed by the wl grace lunch was served by the committee mrs g fryer mrs g fountain mrs w mattocks and miss betty young a vote of thanks was giv en to mrs fryer for the use of her home john picket hornby was nam ed president of the hatton junior farmers at an executive meeting last week in milton he succeeds don matthews acton- 1 tall trees felled for road widening the line of stately trees on wal lace ave just off the highway is diminishing day by day as the trees fall in regular succession to the axe and saw when they are all removed the road will be widened to make ac cess to the highway safer at pre sent there is a rather steep grade and sharp turn that causes skidding in bad weather gray club plans open hobby show the royal star gr c jl the weekly meeting laid plans for a citywide hobby show to be run in conjunctioxtrtfn the ymca open house in april the show it was decided would be open to all residents of acton and district and prizes would be awarded in three classes models collections and an open class president john leatherlahct appointed a publicitv committee and instructed them to proceed at once with publicity for this show among other club business dis cussed was the initiation of two new members and the forthcoming visit to one of the gray clubs in kitchener who are to be chartered by the same club as acton royal star club is affiliated with it was also noted that summer was com ing fast and members were asked to be on the alert for new ideas for summer projects bob brayshaw the general sec retary of the y led- the club in a discussion on studentteacher re lationship and the dayts activities were concluded with games good deal of absen- schools as more there is a teeism at the youngsters than usual seem to have fallen prey to germs pf several kinds strict action with overdue bills achieves results pug learns strict action adopted by the 1 chairman f oakes indicated the puc recently- to collect overdue hydro accounts- is showing desitedf results members learned at a regu lar meeting last wek after power in several instances was cut untfl the householders paid up bills owing secretary j- mcgeachie repwted that according ti instructions from the commission arrears notices had been- sent out following last months billing and later the final notices f 0v0 wed t h e commissioners agreed the stronger attitude was gaining results as was the poucy of accepting no partial payments on the accounts harsher action to the point of cut ting off power into a home was regrettable but the commission had little alternative in order to pro tect its ownfinanclal well being and put the accounts ledger in healthy order k i caoectsea aetata mayor e tyser agreed and ad ded that there was no reason why this commission should act as a fi agency for those who ere disindened b monthly bmalt not fair to the large majority of citizens who pay m pmg mbe v v a a during this conversation following this sh exchange the two trustees with mayor e tyler councillor c lindsay and town solicitor- c- f leatherland left the council chambers armed with the board and councils offers to purchase when the council members returned later in the meeting they reported the offer had been made and deadline for re ception or rejection set for later this- week dim view of stoplight at the start of the meeting warren grove sewer extension contractor paid 142928 this amount is twothirds of the hold back on the contractors jbill in a survey made on the num ber of public school children cross ing the highway at river street it was found only a small minority of the 68 pupils living on the west- ern s of t u thiscrossing recreation adult education program outlined to c of c recreational and educational fac ilities on a community basis avail able th th d of- educations community programs branc were out j function and aim before members of the chamber of commerce at a general meeting wednesday evening d l minshall oakville described the various channels of assistance de signed for adults who wish to insti tute some recreational project for community youth or an educational- program for adults mr minshall stressed the import ance of productive use of leisure time and also emphasized the need for each community to make a care ful assessment of its own recrea tional needs basic program re quirements function and aims were detailed along- with the role of the department in advising and assist ing any project or program started in a humorfilled address mr minshall also emphasized that con tinuity in planning is an important factor in any efforts toward com munity recreation o adult educa- ln view of this evidence council considered a stop light at this cor ner was hardly justified the owner of a main street house adjacent to the creek appeared be fore council to seek information about proposed measures to divert the flow of water in order to pre- vejnt flooding he was advised to gain further information from his liwycr after learning of councils present position- on the matter property committee chairman l weick reported pew chairs for tht chamber have been purchased and will be in placcncxt meeting new subdivision inquiry clerk j mcgeachie told cbuncil thatthe mother of a baby which was claimed by the guelph gen- eral hospital to be an acton indig ent has left the town reeve r hargrave answered several questions regarding the halton county health units cur- teht budget one item noted by the reeve bo mil that- this iraiv with the peel unit has the lowest per capita cost of any health unit in ontario this cost is about 120 per person e baida inquired of councf about proper procedure to subdiv ide a strip- of his property int6 about 14 lots when council was asked if it would be agreeable nr servicing a subdivision there a favorable reply was given the minor sports association was refunded 20 arena rental fol- iowing its bo night z set daylight saving time two tenders for the park booth concession were opened one for 15 and one for 3 counci cepteofthe tender of harry and johnnies lunch for 30 with a stipulation- in the motion that the fee is to be paid in 30 days clerk j mcgeachie noted a local merchant mtti desirous of buying one of the two revolvers owned by the town a motion was passed that the revolver be sold for 25 a bylaw setting daylight saving time in 1955 from april 24 at 2 am to september 23 at 2 am was giv- en the necessary readings and passed second reading of a plumbing in spection bylaw was held over pending further notice of ah agree ment of fees between the town and the health unit clerk mcgeachie explained some arbitrary juggling of the towns 1954 road grant receipts from the department of highways the ad justment of the payable- grant portion was made on catch basin work and in effect causes ibms deficit to swell taimel paiwag oaly the town was notified by the department of municipal affairs that a surplus of 10380 otn the warren grove sewer extension de bentures would have to be used to retire redeemable debentures the sizable remainder the clerk indicated could then go into gener al account on request of the local police council ordered parallel parking only signs to be put tap on the west side of willow street between mill and church streets i the department of planwing and development notified 1be town tnat it wa prepared to lapprove the plan of subdivision for the lakeview heights subdi ccouunuctf 4mr7js tion programs the speaker was introduced by j ledger and thanked by f crump civic night in april following reading of the minutest and a financial report by secretary r f -bean- president j goy asked for opinions on the suitability of a waste receptacle which was display ed at the meeting before installing receptacles in downtown acton it was agreed tomnlnct local fir for price quotations reports were heard on tentative plans tor a chamber of commerce sponsored booster edition a sup plement to the local newspaper which is planned fpr this spring members endorsed the idea and briefly discussed the content and aims of this edition president goy announced that at the next general meeting april 13 the evening would be civic night with mayor e tyler as the guest speake and members of the council anct planning board as guests j- newton chairman of the arti ficial ice committee re on latest progress which invoved pri mary considerations of organizat ion cost action etc the next move it was agreed is to contact local organizations and learn from representatives ir the chamber may count on their support a committee was named to look after flag standards for the down town area halton tb sales up 15 per cent in 54 sale oftb peal au christmas time 1954 was reported to be a 15 per cent increase oyer the prev iousyear when members jat the executive of the halton county tuberculosis association met in milton monday evening at the same meeting the officers 1 the association phmned tba annual meeting to be held hi traf algar hall in april plans were considered to inveit- possibility of a mobile chest xray clinic toservice the northern part of halton county such a clin ic would exrend chest xray facil ities and allow district medical practitioners a more convenient means to have patients x if waspoihted out dr a bull halton medical of ficer of health reported that over onehalf the school children in the county have had tb tests this winter the patch teiu are mad to determine more directly if a child has ever been in contact wih tb it was noted that only about two per cent of the tests re acted positively and that no active cases have been discovered so far i toronto bypu take service her the sunday evening service at acton baptist church was taken by 1 members of thebypu of axi- nette street baptist church in to ronto about is took part with fred hepburn the president m speakerpf evening there were special voca jnumberi acton vyput members took the service in annette church last oct ober and this was a rejhjrh visit kjteffeesitybigbtoi were served l 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