Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1955, p. 9

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e7 bv v h v v- i r march nth mm 1 3 theactof- wee press acton ontario page mink come come come acton high school spring concert to be jwm in public school auditorium 2 nights i mar 17th18th 815 pm adults 50c admission children flsc cluee club 2 one act plays i double trk tubeless supercushion rear asked to bring their children it they desire to have them immunized the time- and place of the clinics will be announced later the injections are entirely on a voluntary basis and are offered to children in grades one and two the county medical officer of health dr afrchie f bull is asking for the cooperation of the parents- and guardians of pupils in grades one and two of elementary schools in the district in the forthcoming olovgr leaf fancy books ye salmon v tin tea bag special tendeb leaf sobad pico scoit deal blue bonnet in the colour qnik bar margarinr 39 for iwbtnbandwu3iea chateau cheese sf 29c pure lard e8bez ons r sters polio vaccine wihbe available by the beginning of- april to inject all the children registered in grades one and two ip halton county schools a series of three injections is re quired with an interval of one week between the first and second injec tions and an interval of four weeks between the second- and third about 2300 children will be eligv ible for the vaccine the injection must be completed bytheendof may so that immunity may be offer ed before the beginning of the polio season because ojfthe short time during which the procedure inay be carried- put it will not be possible for the immunization team to visit every school a clinic will be set up in each municipality and the parenfs will be program involving polio vaccina tion most vadnermue age the provincial minister of health dr mackinnpn phillips recently announced such a program was be ing planned to start early in april for pupils in those two specific grades enough vaccine will be available for the approximately 250000 children in the group select ed this group forms a large cross- section of the age group most vul nerable to polio it is hoped that all parents and guardians concerned will jend their cooperation to the local health authorities so that the giving of this vaccine- may be carried on as ex- peditloiislty as possible said dr bull it is hoped that it may pro vide protection against- poliomye litis he explained that the vaccine made by the oonnaught laborator ies university of toronto is be ing provided without cost to the localboard of health it had been proven harmless in tests in the united states last year where 450- nnn hiltrii rcrolvcrf n glmilnr pm the medical officer of health ex- plained that the vaccine is given in three injections by a procedure similar to that used in giving dip- theria toxoid the dose is relatively small the first two injections are given a week or 10 days apart and the third is given four weeks after the second in emphasizing that the coopera tion of all involved persons is neces- sary dr bull said request forms would soon be distributed for signa ture by parents or guardians i would like to emphasize once again he said that this polio vat- cine is harmless and it well may be that it is the answer we have been seeking to the polio problem for many many years it is certainly worth a trial paration its use in ontario at this time- would be in the nature of a further effort to ascertain on a trial basis the value of the vaccine difference a physical instructor was- assuring one of his pupils that swimming was the best exercise in the world for keeping that slim and beautiful figure noting that doubt still lingered in the girls face he asked tflnnt ynu helive me when 1 say chronicles rffc ginger farm written specially for the acton free press by g p dark canada won the world cham pionship in hockey canada against russia canada- five to nhthing what headlines what a victory even people not usually interested in sports will be delighted with the result of that hockey match we needed a jittle good news like 4hat to boost our morale after alljthe dire predictions about thefreci of too much atom acti that swimmingisgood for the fig ure pirl of course i believe you but did you ever look at a duck del monte crushed pineapple aooz tm 27c pineapple juice 29c del svonte hawaiian 40x tim ewtketmi fuud1n0s and jbllt powdmts jewel 3 25c bh0ktenino lb 9 t iwxnii sijftij far mi isu w lw am imi 3 rtvrr raivsi -ananm- r i bsbstmwth tlw wly kutoumi iss as f stsoo 100- msmmmii fr ss49 mp amirky m il sttbt imi tlttm ptmhy koots u uu ar pu i wh twmty oit brukdalekirgswai mirseries aowmanvnxs ohtabio fm day w nlfht mmikm 11s4s principals entertain boards b runn s halton principals association pnlorlained al a count dinner the chairman and secretaries of the public school- boards of halton county at milton inn on thursday february 17 some 60people sat down to dinner r f sanderson retired principal of oakvillc said grace r a hopkins president of ttie halton principals association made a short speech in which he wel comed the trustees and explained that despite the different points of view of trustees and principals the common denominator jnj which all were interested was the school child from present criticism he continued it is very evident that education is very much in the fore of all peoples thoughts l il skuce inspector of public schools very humorously introduc ed the principals and trustees alike his thumbnail sketches were witty and lucid r f borrihold halton cohy inspector presently in the depart ment of education in toronto in troduced c b routley assistant superintendent of elementary education for ontario mr routley spoke mainly to the principals and outlined briefly the duties of prin cipals his advice to the trustees- was to have the principals sit in on the hiring of teachers since they were the men who had to incorpor ate them on the staffs mr routley ialsattentloh o an lq test for principals the questions were pertinent to running a school it was not only necessary for principals to be sound administrators but also to have a sound philosophy of education so that they could help teachers and pupils alike to develop tneir poten- tialities mr routley declared for ex ample bhatin a trldot rapid change it was not uncommon tn read in the newspapers today 25 new words that were nonexistent 20 years ago- educators have to be alert to the changing situations- and ready to give the children the necessary edjation to go forth ready for the future regardless of the blasts of critics and the salvos of dtegrunted people mr routley was quick to point out that the majority of teachers are earnest and what is more capable 11 there are remedies to be made in education teachers have to effect that remedy he pointed out that what is done this year may deter mine what is done 15 years from now by the pupil h n thanking mr routley for his and then the unpleasant weather we have been having just lately juast week we had everything wind snow rain sleet- fog and a thunderstorm but then its march we should expect almost any kind of weathei and the chances are we wont be disappointed last year we harl much tho same va around this time actually we otlghl to realize how lucky we are think of the floods in australia and the snowstorms in the british isles what have we to grumble about nothing really but of course we grumble just the same just as naturally as the sparks fly upward anyway the sun is shining- this morning enov the plensant smiling hour lets do just that why not when canada won the hockey championship strict action gets results on arrears local puc learns continued from page one their hydro bills regularly and on time he observed secretary was authorized to take action to collect an outstandj ing account of g atkinson in the amount or 8791 h was also asked to press action for the collection of a merchandise account of about 300 held for some time against a vine- i a motion was- introduced to write off as uncouectable several other accounts but this jyas latex withdrawn until a check is made on property owners liability natiffed abort tteafon the ihejpc notified the com- nission there were no more water heaters in stock however another supplier has been examining the burned heater tanks at the hydro shop- storage shed and indicated some arrangement might be made regarding these damaged tanks six heaters were ordered from the john wood co ltd the secretary reported the gien- the type of water heater installed in their houses cannot be charged by the flat rate method expenses of local representatives to the omea convention in tor- an46 recently were ordered paid two separate accounts of 60 and- 53 were involved in this motion the commission accepted by mo- tion an adjustment settlement of we had our own worries- last week sick dogs honeyjias prac tically recovered but ltrrn afraid poorold jtipjs fin we tried speeeh john a lo prin cipal of central school burlington remarked that mr routley had aptly made pictures of teachers and portraits of principals as others see them mr skuce explained that this business of education is a partner ship between citizen and govern ment he also warned that this country was going to experience many more growingpains with expansion and that township to bring her back to strength- with brandy and raw eggs but her aging heart is giving out in all our years of farming she will be the first dog to die a natural death the others were either shot by accident or in tent or run over by cars except m one or two cases when we had the vet destroy the poor things for viciousness or some other bad hab it apparently there is a terrific lot of sickness among dogs just now in some cases it is a viruslnfection in others as with tippy and honey it is some kind of flu the vet dosed them with sulpha- drugs to which honey reacted quite favorably but i imagine tip was too far gone before we realized she was sick the first sign was a refusal to eat i thought school areas were wellequipped to take care of this situation jack hawkins of nelson jtown- ship thanked the principals for their hospitality on behalf of the other trustees prensent florida oranges 35c valencia 5lb aaqsh bag potatoes sitrf 10 lbs 39c jltjuce carrots california i head t 20oz cello bag 2 for 25c 2 for 27 1 cauliflower wstftnt golden ripe pound pernaps sne had caught a rabbit and wasnt hungry so if you have a dog thatwoht eat watch out we shall miss poor old tip she was excellent with cattle and a good watch dog still on the subject of dogs re member what i was saying about dogs being dropped from passing cars one of our neighbors actual ly saw it happen unfortunately he did not get the license number of thecajra car drove by anda black cocker spaniel was left on the road the car driver evidently went up to the next crossroads turned and came down the road again the littledog recognized the car and raced after it but was soon outdis tanced the farmer went into the house for dinner next time he opened the back door the little dog ran ip his wife hadnt the heart to turn it away so she fed it a week later there were fwmmmim bui ion for better uving six puppies three of them died but the others have all been promised homes when the puppies go the poor faithful little mother is to be taken to the hurnane society as these people already have a dog of their own so you see that is jusf one more instance of cruelty and desertion on the part of the original owners just recently i have been having a field day with books english magazines and old canadian school readers the latter dating ijack to 1885 evidently school readers used to be the same year in and year out for quite a long time in these books there are poems that i remember very well although i certainly wasnt around in 1885 for instance i came across a great old fav uf mine king bruce and the spider in fact i believe that poem helped me to overcome many childish obstacles thspid- er up there defied despair he con quered then why should not i there was also we are seven by whrdsworth i used to wonder why the man was stupid why couldnt he understand that to the little cottage girl there still were seven in her family and there wa the sailor from cton branch william davey manager 77 z i i c t mayfair restaurant acton east on no 7 highway open daily 00 am o 3o0 am meakfasts lunches dinners rsh and chips a skclaltv good food at reasonable prices 135338 on the hydro truck and equipment for repairs and replace ments following the hydro shop f last inon deposit too low hydro superintendent ek mason requested the commission to in- spect repairs made at the hydro shop and reported his department has started to change transformers here ttobbwing a discussion on re placement of burned office furni ture at the hydro shop it was re solved oiat three new chairs be bought two to be charged as fire replacement and six cushions pur chased for the commission office chairs water superintendent j lambert reported an alrator motor has been replaced and a utility battery is running low and will need replace ment in the near future several frozen water meters have had to be attended to recently he added commissioner j stewart quest- ioned near the close of the meet- ing if the 10 domestic deposit for hydro and water service is suf ficient a recommendation in this matter ls to be brought in survey or line needs before adjourning commissioners briefly discussed a survey prior to the proposed- work to bring the local hydra system up to desired transformer strength the following accounts were earilier passed for payment waterworks accoants thompson motors 200 bilton and perry ltd 259 dept of lands and for ests stock 1000 h59 hydro accoants watson dairy bar break fasts jt25 toths garagew 30 d ins premium 3900 r f bean fitneybowes serv 1800 can wire and cable mdse 38213 grand and toy ltd met er covers 64 30 acton free press cards 805 jwoloney elec transform ers 84400 gurtph bear alignment hydro truck repairs 2500 thompson motors 3775 burndy can ltd mdse 6880 fedafl wire cable mdse 12736 j r kearney corp 17500 wihiams supply co mdse 2803 petty cash exp trans 654 can line materials 37955 hepc of ont meter pts labor installing etc 20649 hec gen of can re meter fees 1060 s co ltd mdse 1m 260755 the gray swan who returned to his mother after 20 years and how he was welcomed after blenheim was another favorite peterkln asks now tell us about the war and what they fought each other for and old kaspar replies well that i cannot tell says he but twai a famous victory an ageold ques tion and an ageold answer neither one changes much with the years i suppose most of the prose and poetry in the old school readers was sob stuff but at least it appealed to the imagination and left an im pression that lasted through the years another article decidedly mod ern is worth reading dr brock chisholm in weekend magazine says the greatest threat in the world today isoverpopulatioik feeding the masses is not the answer world wide birth control is the only solu tion he also advises inter-marriag- es as a means of combatting racial prejudice hs holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 devglu u isifegkiiviiiimt5i

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