v fc eightieth year-no- 39 acton ontario thursday aa aawn 24tb i9s5 ten pages six cents f- acton high schooi ollt club was in energetic voice last week during the presentation thursday and friday nighrs of the schools first spring concert the- glee club shown here during vocaliza- stall ihulo tion under the direction of principal e a hansen sang two songs prior to the oneact plays performed each evening and two follow ing the plays nearcapacity audiences filled the auditorium esq t mw nightnohe far acton a new sound is snear banquet in acton the annual banquet of the es- quetlng wom federation was held tne third sucecssi day about so members enjoyed a turkey dinner in st albana pariah ball catered to by the ladies guild of the anglican church those attending were from acton georgetown and the rur4 public schools mrs june evans george- town the president was in charge of the program and i the guest speaker t4rs llskruce she took as her topic theres nothing new under the sun she was pre- jenlcd with h gift mr skurv puh- lic school inspector was also a guest usual business was conducted meetings are held every two months rotary club is told far acton a new aonnd hr spear ing the night air lately the pen etrating horn and throbbing motor noise of dlesel engines two new d l eaeh- packing a pulling i power of hm have been added regular toronto-stratford- ooderleh runs of the canadian national- railways through here the blaring dleaela are heard near midnight again near 4 am then later in the daytime slush throws cars on springs opener glee clu la e streets arter the ttu mile all hour gules which whistled through the dttrlot tuesday whlje roads wer dangerously slipper monday and tuesday walking was just us dlf- fkull wmhtlte winds lashing ones breath away the television aerial wos blown from hie roof of rum ley kuinril jjloine and repairs were juadiijo the near 400 at hs sprinaxontej ttiilih on thursday and mtdiiy of ln-t- after an intermission of uboiu weelr acton high school held ttvcir id mnrutes the mroiid play first spring cftnccr lnuic public jn entitled mak school auditorium in all about 4h mine milk under tile direction of persona attended j j heron and mis joy peal dealt it was junior farmers night at acton rotary on tuesday when seven district junior farmers were guests and j e whitelock was the giiest speaker mr whitelock hnlton agricultur al representative since 1934 was in troduced by art padbury and spoke of the effect elf industrialization on agriculture canada is developing faster industrially per capita than any country in the world he said i car lights suddenly went out we in halton tire in the heart of the new development from 1936 till 1953 farm wages in creased fivefold and farms have become more mechanized he point od out mr whitelock has seen farm land in nelson and nassagaweya town ship shrink 15 per cent farm val ues have increased up to 300 an acre a farm that bold for 1 tne for in 1947 sold in 1954 for 45000 prices art- out of proportion what a farmer receives for his pro duce mr whitelock assorted however the farmers ouptut has increased 70 per cent agriculture is getting to be big business farm- ing today is entirely a different proposition to what it was before the last war he declared now farming requires a good deal of capital as well as plenty of know how although some people tend to blame the farmers for high cost of living the agricultural representa tive pointed out that wages of 45c and hour in toronto in 1924 had in creased to 155 an hour its possible that fn the future 10 per cent of the land may support 90 per cent he noted farming i may be a way of life but dont for- i get its big business w woodbum reported to the club that 400 had been received in the ter seal campaign springs first day this year was n slushy opener especially on district roads which were the locale of two accidents monday when provincial police were called out to investigate mishaps east and south of here early monday morning at silver- crek george beecher guilph hist contiol of the car he was driving at the top of the hill on no 7 highway the vehicle skidded in the slush and ended up in a sixfoot ditch dam age was estimated at 75 monday night on the guelph line north of- acton sideroad a cur driven by milton batchclor hock- wood hit a mound of slush and car eened into the ditch the car rolled over on its roof slid about 30 feet then struck a bounder and rolled to eiaeside no injuries were reported i in this accident early sunday morning oerek newby georgetown told police his while driving on the seventh line south of ashgrove the car veered off the road into a ditch and flopped over damagewas estimated at 100 the program began with hie guy club assembled on stage for o canada under the direction of e a hansen and accompanied by mifls donna mcmillan they mind rombergs stouthearted men mm i youmans tea for two iloth pav ed were done- very well the first play of the evening was a one act comedy bobbie pulls lli her socks directed by m m pas ty this dealt with a typical family and the trouble oyer a duluig daughter a tomboy daughter uml a kid brother cast included edni jennings frances oakes ernie lawson elizabeth jany joe lany and hob armstronit the acting was well done and mr pasty r serves credit for his work dl- witih the usual melodrama theme inro save fair damsel from brute tlc csjsl liuludcd mliy alfa janice baker alf alfa david me vey petunia alfo hurhnra jensen i heroine manly muscles neil million iheroi sipilrc huck- fqueeier john brown ivillnim bartender bill skilling barmaid dlgai donna mcmillan hev do- lit tic jejjnure ikbxdxi- sheriff hill ingles dame bucksciiei7er jean moffat children lorraine loxc keith anderson hill john stone bruce macpherson and douglas macpherson ted hansen utnl jack llernn missrs hansen and lleion bob coon act a m rcr elders elected knox church has just held an el ection of elders the following were e le robert oh 1 pat terson and calvin aitken the service of ordination will be held in april assessment total is higher for 55 actons worth as far as its tax able assets are concerned wns givin in dollars and cents monday night as town clerk j mcgenchle tabled before council members a compilla- uon of lllaa assessment this years assessment is higher bv4k5j5h than the total for 11154 of 2sntfl8r assessment total for 1155 is 29117644 of the net gain of 4ii595h lands and buildings in the newly annexed portion to the town account for 420912 of this increase breakdown of the assessment with corresponding percentages was tabfed by the clerk as follows residential 1531645 or 5128 4ndstfh4h74r45rrr2 mcrciul 495657 or 1659 farm 50100 or 169 telegraphs and telephone 35817 or 12 r the play introducing and ending 11 me also the east between emonles fi each scene introduced i es between scenes i and 4 the double trio cnlerlalntti with three numbers the voice m the old village choir mr sandman and melody of love tlij six girl- donna mcmillan nancy lambert margaret early fav- arrier lcn- ora watson nn helen landnhnr- ough were gowned formally m pastel hades between scenes 2 and 3 frank it an drcied as a cowboy ably entertained with a solo all diy on tile prairie assisting were p caildick ins helpers bob allonby and cost who made th- sets r ll winter storms out with snow sleet spring in the wind is speedipgtlje pace of local subdivisiniv activity tliisweek as members of council miiiiday night sailed into fresh priihlems attached to one current develonont hllii renewed considerations on other riiibdivlsioils due to move shortly two representatives ol tticmir winter left something to remem her it by when the eold season exhibited considerable at being ousted by spring this week- v twigs and branches littered the uml thomas tslenieu biilxtlvlslon contractors presciitedr a draft lu- plan for a large portion of the rv- resentment nm uridevelojied sector of the 200 lot subdivision they aked council when work of service in stallation could begin on lh- por tion whh presently hohu uiu- clamaged roof at once irees were blown down including one in limehoiise church yard anna smith ijike ave n- ported a part of the rtiof mi her hiune wita blown off tuiritg hie ntorni eeriest moment tif the two days- of bad wealiier came tuesday ev ening when with the winif rattliiig panes and swirling drifts of driv ing snow uround their homes householders heard the wlcrii wail of the fire siren sound again and again muffled by fog and snow in milton lightning struck a house and coursed through the hall past miss carol mcmajter th- roof was partially blown off a burn in the district garbage cans were ulatr eamnrltie blowing and rattling vlown the streets monduy during a sleet and rain lorin the ehool creek rose 4tm- inously in the aftei noon but it i subsided as the weather grcv j colder i completed homes to this query meiiiheis einphtis- lt il that mi work- could begru un til the department of municipal affairs approves the extension by- law it was induaied the town plans to install thl extenshuxdiuhi its own supervision and works le purtment wail of siren vies with wind in test several times tuesday night struggling over the howl of near gale-force- winds- the wall if tha town file siren sounded us meinbera tl w ag at this point it was brought out that an entirely new agreement be- i w ein th iiiwii and oimiivki i of the acton brigade tested a stand- in siren while the regular unit la being repaired tile siren was rceojy dumaged wheil struck by lightlillig rlre chief sum tennant saidllie niuke- sirm siren proved difficult and on a first test try it was found to he froen early wednesday rnuiiiing the siren ugain sounded wnk but woirrng modern teaching methods upheld modern teaching methods wcie upheld by inspector it bornhold when he adrhesscd the public school hume and school association at its monthly meeting on monday night hort rni id d op- arul bill it parker and bruce stfoemaker with realistic makeup arul miss mc millan accompanying the give club o end tfie program lh g4e- club sang two more numbers moonlight bay by wcnrichmclcan end my hero by strauskoshctz puc handed disappointing 13th power bill as h e px asks 115 5 try etching trays with new method 3 a demonstration of the white etch method of decorating alum inum trays wa shown to about 30 interested ladies on saturday afternoon the special dpmonstrat- ion was held in the sunday school room- of uie- united church the demonstrator from toronto directed each person in making a small tray with the different me thod some of thus attending had taken the night school course in etching id others included some from georgetown and silverwood refreshments were served af terwards new chairs to seat town government tp seat of local government actons council chamber has a new look this week in the shape of nine leatherettecovered chairs the new chairs purchased in an outlay of 442 replace the sagging splitting straightbacks which had long been the source of cricks and target for cfadtt with councillors one guess had the discarded chairs at least m years old 1 r fronv the district took part in achievement day at the o aj o4 saturday a disappointing 13th power bill faced members of actons public utilities commission last week in the echo of a statement this month by the hepc chairman that a heavy majority of municipalities will receive rebates in- their 13th bills acton was presented with i deficit of si 15553 the figure represents the amount still owing by acton puc for wholesale power purchased in 1954 from thehepc through the year the local commission is billed 12 timejrfor power purchases which are computed on an interim basis the 13th bill adjusts the total to the actual amount purchased over the full year although 1954s 13th blu rubs away optimism held for a rebate this year the 115553 charge while disappointing was notnotd with the gloom that accompanied 1953 defirit of 567988 kaccd with no alternative members pass ed a motion that th li5553 de ficit be paid arrears inder control at the outset of the meeting g currie apriard before the com- mi5siotr regarding rate charge reg ulations which would appy to 3 tjpe of water heater purchased out of town this particular heater it was nited is noteligible for fla rate charge the commission ex plained why this was so later provisions wtlre- made for the hydro department to install fuses on this type of heater the fuses would control drawing of power in such a manner that a flat rate charge would properly apply secretary -j- mcfceachie reported hydro account arrears are well under control now he also ad vised the commission that a cheque for repairs to the hydro truck was in and presented a sheaf of invoices for repairs to the hydro shop fol lowing the recent fire total of repair bills was 2415 a motion was passed that these accounts be paid s soon s a cheque is forthcoming from the in surance company total claim fin the building and contents the sec retary said is 8357 5 change consumer deposits a discussion of consumer power service deposits resulted in a changed scaleof rates the secret ary said an average domestic bill in a home with most appliances runs from 12 to 18 present depos it in this category is 10 it was shortly agreed to estab lish fhe following deposit schedule domestic 15 commercial 3000 watt demand and under 15 com mercial 3000 watt demand and oy- er 30 eating places 50 all these figures represent increases over the former deposit amounts which the commission considered were to- low secretary mcgeacllic urged tht the commission as tenartts in the ymca buidnk make a complant to the y over the erratic heating which makes occupancy f the commission office uncomfort able first the heat is nearly ni he intimated uien it soars up too high a motion was passed that a cprppiaint be registered 1 the annual report on the munic ipal hydro electric pensions and i insurance committee was tabled consider street lights subdivision street lighting prob- lems and servicing policy was the i next item on the commission ag enda at the start of a program to install standard street light fixtur es and new lines into rising resid ential developments here the com mission reviewed catty aspects of cost type routes and other con siderations in the case of one sub division some doubt arose as to 1 whether or not the subdivider had c rnyirrr p trvrrra burstncv cion it was dc that all future meeting would in with tin- lords 1fay 1 theatre infill will ijc 111 april and school chlldrtn fnim prdfivand upward will sell tin- tickets the speaker for tin- iveiiing mr bornhold of ihi- department of kdo- cation itave a most iiitrestirik talk on modern teaching methods and stressed that in a charikinc world the process of education must ad vance with the times he said that man systems that win- miit a dii- cade or so ago were now considered to be out of date but that no two educational experts could agree on the ideal curriculum mr bornhold was introduced by mr mckenzie and thanked on be half of everyone present by mrs hurst i to finish an enjoyable evening bob parker conducted an amusing session of the tv show i have a secret lunch was served by mrs lcyth- erland and her committee must mem division the question of type of street lighting fo this subdivision came iii for study next a derision 111 this phase of service installation for glenleu would have- a strong effect un the type of lighting pul into the four other residential de velopments due to start this year after considerable talk on the siibjeci members agreed to a pro posal that the contractor at iilnli be asked to bea the cost of street lights on separate stundards with underground wife feedcrji lu gjilx lea the town is bound to instil hydro le- and line in ariditioo to other- servires liirhidfl ip tn original agreirnenl as a result of an inteivltw wilo a brampton exeavatoi who waitid on ciiuiiell with a view to eofisid- cratlon f 5 r work in subdivision ewer and water liie trerirhtiiii iikinlieiv aiiletfj a ineetirg should in held with the imjf ti discus vite itirljtllatlofi llevel wltl tliat nt pu irnent writm against town a bylaw was later passed ail 1 oitjhk construction f medvale land wstrolt itoad- tlnse i- i roads lie 111 the first developel i portion of crila work in con- youthful pucksters set up happy din noii witfi iie by tin- ftli- i7y tow ii mrgc tin- ttrt loll liiit irri riicitor th-rft- tssued against tlie ti rli- of d clerk council nights til- tow- 1 fi 111 with complaints trrrrr over flooding conriltions creek cuvirt under no way a writ has also bcrn ejvcd on the town in connection with a suit brought by a local woman claim nkdan fi a f on a hi treet the town will file defer ts to t advlsot vfrdy rdig to writs are twn dei- laiii- t th at award banquet youthful hockey players about 100 stniiigyiiid with slrhiiger uppe- ties liud a lioisy but happy time of it timsday evening iiifiir y gym where ut tti- annual minor sports association banquet uwarda were presented and the oeasona actlviti wound up a turkey dlnmi irimplete with cokes candles ire rimain urtd cimik- jta satlslio- llltt lollijir net dldlet dim tile voial din even while tho enthusiastic youuijsurs wercfeutlfig kolliiwiug tlieiueal jenrge bol linger dlrectilt presentation of the trophies for the itratv heusun the acton reamery trophy for jiiiiior coinpetitlon was presiited to nee wetiiiih caplain terr wiiitr house and his leairis ciiucli herti cfiik the m0101 memorial trophy for intei mediate competition was 1 aifepld by winning teuin capuiin i lioli jiifie- and iis learna cliicll k ivtaiks this year the john krntnrr me- juioiial tkiphy fui tin- playvr voted tin- most valuable in the minor hngiie wint to stewart mcdonald i aftei llophlcs were hunrled out 11 k liejuusj -two- fihem one leall with canadian winter fipijlts the other with the mythical lumber- i mg expliiis if tijcaii a mighty lulti- iif the quebec woods v hgh to vaccinate 3000 children in halton plans for giving the new polio vairine to first and s cond graders halton county arii goliig d rapidly ten clinics will be held in fj th- 10 municipalities th- program and council instructed it- counsel j w1 v to call witriesses holiday this councilor c lindsay reported an the injections agrement has bcri reached with wdl befon- th during the easter is necessary no that may be completed polio season starts ur archie v bull halton county medical officer of health is hoping j that parents with children in grad- no damage in fire at rear of store no damage near midnight after fire was dis covered in a pile of refuse behind ah acton supermarket firemen were summoned to the rear of ledgers i ga when a taxi cab operated across the street trnjticedsmoke rising at the rear of t scynuck regarding- purchase o about nine ucrm t his land by tht nhool board and council fur pub lie school purposes the town was ies one and two will br able u ar- irvoivl in the purchase fo lei- j range for their attendance at th ihanan acre for road building nearest cliriic without too much in- eptles re cemeteries i convenience parents are being ad- general agreement with the vised of the time of attendance at terms of a hairdresers bylaw un- ach clinic by their district public the large store p c der consideration by council was givdn by moh dr a bull in a utter addressed to the clerk de sirous of discussing the by-law- further with dr bull members wps caused monday asked he be contacted to appear before jcbuncil at its next meeting following councils endorsamon of a resolution from the lowruhip of waterloo dealing with privately owned burying grounds letterr vere received from the office of the prime minister halton health nurse approximately 3000 chlldrn are being given injections because of the- large number of children and the short time availableit la neces sary to request the parents to co operate in bringing their children to the clinics at the specified time cooktstan hall land from the offi itandards this was to be deter mined and the whole subject con tinued at the next meeting continued oripagc five tennis club holds p j baking safe draw area residents win in irish sweep aj uast two people in the district are reported this week to have won consolation prizes in the irish- hos pital sweepstakes each of the prizes on horses with drawn from the sweep are for 100 which at cur rent exchange ratesmean the win- ners will pocket about 275 each nelson johnson rr 2 acton who boards u town was notified tuesday lis name was drawn for a consolation award the same day anne mclaughlin limehouse was also reported v wiimer in a recent sweepstakes draw miss mclaughlins father won don creed tobear cost xiftne lighting tht adnr door with j the depuy minister fo municipal t close to 65 was cleared when the chemical from a small extinguisher i affairs all aisuhng council early i tennis club held a baking sale and carried in his patrol car preventing j conjideratior would be given uj draw hmtorrs department store spread of the smouldering fire be- j changes in lejfaatiori affecting ai- on saturday afkrrnoon there was fore he brigade arrived cause of sesment of cemetery property tnlenty ol umpung baking offered the fire was not determined tbje clerk reported a detailed i tut ul bu tefiiee the time let for survey of the newly arnexed po tion of acton i now complete n j j dfscnpton hat been filed yet with -j- in rejostry offico but it was in- dicated this will be ktterxied j shortly road expense w ztm wt reiiortd thato-pproi-n- oll but ately eight loads of heavy grave jphad beer jjatoji throadj at war ren grove some dscui ion regard ing the egineeri rcmmendatos fo future treatment of the muddy r bumpy arts o hed and was noted that more work will b dore on mafn jard madnad boule- j vards as soon as excess wale- ha dried up deputyreeve e closing everything was thr- last drop cryiktes adraw aas mid for an inched aluminum tray cliff bradley was the winner i proceeds of the mat ucciful event financially wijl go into the i clubi general fund kxpcrimrs for the comirg year ircijde n- iv tapes and paint as well a liu rent- j- this was the first project of the season 4uff hockstiophiesawarded to minor- league champ were present edt tuesday nights banquet in the y gyro lefttp right are junior team captain terry waterhotrjp and hi coach herb cok intermed iate team captain bob jchiesinterrnediate coach e marks and stew art mcdonaifl with- the rnpst valuable player award mrs a mclsaac auxilicyry hostess the alert evening adxilury footitt preierrr knox church met at the home wf a report from the county coon- j mrs a cil committer -fpr- thehealltunit clarence he said recommendations had been made that tne per capita expend itures on the unit be increased from lii20 to 1 j5- in order to meet higher cost the deputyreeve also referred briefly to a salary break- down for tjnlt pefionnel a bylaw to provide for road expenditures in 1955 of s3s000 was read and passed an original sub mission by the town called for road ot continued on pag five mclsaac main st mrs coles ue program con vener presided the worship ser vice was taken by mrs ceorgt mus- seire and miss florerlce elliott mrftv coles continued the study on india dealing with the work in- education mrsdngles the president prerld- ed for the business final plana were made for an easter viilt to halton centennial manor the meeting c with the mj pah benediction mrs stewartsinr ctair ctpr theuumks of lunch wasservwl r lilju1nll idsas i jjggwfcmfc ziid ayfazassai vi sfefwjgiii