Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1955, p. 6

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k vsffef mi t u f page four the acton -l-mtr- mtfttv amqn oniakiib tiiursdaj march 34 w5s series equalized nor val juniors down acton 117 in georgetown in what was considered the best game of the series with the largest crowd in yea acton atid norvfll junior farmers hockey teams in met monday oh georgetown ice to determine the league cham pions rrval topr the evenings honors with the score 117 in the wide open exciting game the series is now tied at two wins and two looses apiece next mondays game will be the decid ing one m the three out of five game series oyer 209 attended the game irt georgetown monday the largest crovtfd to watefra series game since they began tree years ago acton starteottne scoring when- somervuic counted from scott and wheeler norvals ross cunning- ham replied with fagoal from rir chardson and pomeroy mckcniie came back for acton on a shot from wheeler to end the p acton 2 norval 1 tt wilson took- a penalty y at 26 scott left the ice on penalty to leave acton short- jhand nuiva rush th advan erin home opened for ladies aid mrs r s mccutcheon krln opened her home for the osprtiigr ladies aid meeting on wednesday afternoon last week ten nwmlwin and four visitor wore present the devotional was taken by mm howard the roll call yrntr own chojec was well responded to seve ral discussions took pluc plans were made for the april tea which is to be held at mrs ward bruces the secretary was asked to write a letter of thanks to mrs r matthews of windsor for the programs a splendid paper on the motto was given by mrs george jackson and thestudy book was taken by mrs sunter a humorous reading when father shook the stone was gtvetruy mrs howard scilplu questionnaire on matthew 22 waa conducted by mrs slruthers a reading the other side was given hy mi- n siintr bti6ww1i1iii1iibpf another mueeeaxful euchre waa held on friday night with vie mantel vunliii first ivte turk iuw second hill nu third ami hill dilaholm ehe honhy tlii cook tied wllhi nlcolae for thud but lost the cut m patrick dane the st patricks daiuy on hitf- urday night proved very suvwsy jul with more comrade and then- ladies ajtvhtnv everyone report- d a very enjoyable evening the decorations were very appropriate and added miwi to the atmosphere alt evening of darts and crlbhaiie was enjoyed by all when acton was host to uv oakville ilranch m ui receive honors ceived and read your letter from the secretary how about reading i again and making sure to attend- the next meeting cribbage results for the week tiger cats 12 town 12 union 13 ramblers 9 legion 9 eden mills 23 winners of night stun wilson and lindsay toltoii league standing eden mills 10 legion 28 ramblers 22 town 1ft tiger cats 11 union 10 next weeks schedule tiger cats vs uegloil ramblers s town eden mills vs union l buck named president of first ospringe home and sch001 assoc ww t red cross story of human fcives sllm herf icim jl4iiy tv i lis llit cross luelf u iliu story if fn limit liven there i nun mid wimicii y wearing iii ned iliua tiftrtge t ihcy help vitnuns in lioaphul ac- ruw the tmiili y find a new inloi rr and rnntenlmeiil til the accii of iiulhuitt iuterqulloitui and peraoii- aj hiugedv m iujui3r lliiillah whertfyer help u neededtii ansial a huirian helug ill- time iif need iru osramoi lariiige iiiiiiim and- hhiiimii a- eim lulllill wiis imuullliil ni tlin innl wliu oiliy uvuiiiii4 mircli in h lii ii ni dull hi trgunlki mrs l atti lull ia iii llli illlull iilo luglllui liierlliiii itui wios btl fur iha i lllllat wtmlluqilii lyhnlllm i ottrll iiinnlli mia a wlillii imouiilud tlm rt- iml ut hi iiuiiiiiiulliiij riiimiiilltttii niiil llwi kiiiowihk iiffliiin were in- nlulliol iiiaiiliiil i murk find vd f ii inlililil mia llll mulltti laoli niiiiliil vlre il ihldunr ha f 4h club girls the girls of the imul 411 cluu at tended aehleveinentljay at the oac onsaturday credit in due the g am leude mrss fkrrnr fines and mrs d robertstin for the fine showing mode bytlnv club the following girls received eoiiuly honors slhrlev awrey lirna lles- sey zoi ill kloustir and joanne smith miss anna vim di r ioldei of aitin was a weekend visitor willi the klixisler family ki icmls of mi william hnlterlsmi 0h liiouii k hlirtilliigiiil j ha f cmntbr building ncmtut uni mr and mis uyim altite the fnlliw iny rtilivelloltt welt ap- mnul aiieiiil eoiivuiiii mr wllf- ird aurey meinfjerehli lolivener niiiiiun mikeiuie ullii lly mlh uk howard meinlteruhlp fees were accepted mm foster offered a prayer mem- liiia of lluiiie and school antutflu- i h mm gordon aitkeu moved vole of lliunks to all aaslstlng a himiui bulf hour was enjoyed iliiehln nt all clllldlell dt aie miiimii area us well as anyone in terested li etlueatlonul work are eligible for metiilieriihlp in the as sociation ilonii- and school in un edtieatlon- ul noiipiirlisun noncoiiiiiitrllar and ninsictarlau organization orton ftki vw saarig cub scout r r oil huliinlay the vmiuje mktrol wlllliela of the patlol eolllpelltlllil fniii heptemlier ui january went lit toronto for the day they went tn two ears driven by riitoiiimuntrr dave lillls and ubinastr murrjy hciyne flrl hie liy wentijsini u f to lowk uut all over the city and then went underground u ride the new bubway after iliine trty all wnl t the hporliiinena rihow where they tfetiully enjoyed the- diving clowns shark y the seal atid the boxing kangaroo the patrol leader iiub- arm- strung- couldnt g but tile rest of lions in ouelphattv v lia a r memto went lll sislance organization nwe clrttt 6av leal don cook don lindsay bruce and riw and don emmerson monday nights ivut mietlnif 9000 stock reduction clearing out at only 400 our loss is your opportunhj- fiet thumr bargains while they last as low as lm per week television 17 thadeins good shap jerooniil satisfaction guaran teed clearing at inly 8000 2 only lilighuv scratched 31 console modaia on sale t 200 00 paymsnu as lew a 91m weell lookj mfv on of thee models on uie at only imofto- as low as 1109 week tv 21 console ix wt3bk8 ago we twught 18 of this model overbuying by 3 of 4 seta it is admirals best seller in order i clear out this ii tel and bb- duce our stock inventory we make this stupendous offer we will finance this set tot you free of charge for 10 months this means you buy at the special cash price but havv 18free months to pay ithout interest the meeting closed with prayer by mrs wiant a lovely luncheon was served by the special commit tee in charge and a social half hour was enjoyed by all bockwood tage and scored three goals in succession credits going to ross cunningham jamie cunningham from ross cunningham and rich ardson and ross cunninghanvfrorn richardson and jamie cunning- ttarn actons hopes revived when mc- kenzie broke through to count on u scott- j still driving nerval again i counted robinsin from e wilson a po scor korval 5 acr j word was received during the ton 3 x 7 weekendjfjhe passing of a for- spike scott who suffered a knee injury in the play was unable to former resident wus highlighted by passing teats rkavkk mcheakch maple ont cp the lands and forista department has alked lrapers to send all the beaver skulls they can find to the depart merits research station here sku should be marked with the se of he animal and the date it was dies at fort erie finish the game tmr third- pjn was ful-of-aei- jvity with scoring and penalties wheeler received a 10 minute mis conduct and others coolins off in the tx were mckemie e wilson and f currie frst goal was for norval by pvmeroy unassisted mckenzie an swered froni soxnervillc and currie before nerval again scored jamie cunningham from richardson and pomeroy somerville scored for actoo from mckeniie before ross oanrjagham twanged the twine fc7 njvryal on assists from richard son n4 jamie cunningham as activ duet mckenzie twice uiled on shots from wheeler in uirk succession before noiaal jiv sotne the final two goals of vhc game by ross cunningham mer resident of rock woodt tnthe person of mrs percy powers in douglas memorial hospital fort erie in heirhtriycarr textile firm tells mrs powers was well known here and was also active in womens in stitute meetings as well as in church activities the funeral took place in the united church here following ar rival from4he atwood funeral un dertaking establishment fort erie rev john dilts conducted the ser vice with rev r m geiger a for mer minister of the church giving the address mrs powers leaves to mourn her loss a family of six daughters who were also wellknown as well as other relatives who were present at the funeral pallbearers were george riperry charles thatcher alvin b hoot arthur k thomas frank day and herb simmonds in trhirr rre nd riclm terment took place in johnsons vr ross cunningham and jamie cemetery barrie hill cunningham acton felt th loss of i the rnsfhy friends of rev r m notireablv land mrs gieger were- pleased to ross cuniiiniham and mckenzic meet them during the funeral both e credited with five goals ana two assists in the match jatnie cunningham sparked the nvirval learn ir the game which trim have mean the title xorvai brisdent currie d srrnh g snuth b wilson e wilson h wilson ros cunninp- jamie cunningham ralph cirmngham ferguson pomeroy rivhardson mcdonald robinson artthv marshal deblauw d curre f currie scott m sprowl c sprowi wheeler mc- ktriie l thompson c thompson herrit tyler somervirie the rockwood home and school association euchre and bridge party i held in the town hall last thursday evenng was largely attended some 25 tables being played the hall was decorated for the occasions in connection with st patricks day xumerous winners for card playing ps well as lor aoor prizes were giv- en prizes prizes for posters went to myrna armstrong mary roman land murray swanson i following sundays fine weather i the weather man brought in for the i first day of spring a snow st followed by some rain iri the fore- yam preparation ther busy bees womens histtt ute met at the home of mrs l millar with a good attendance the meeting was opened with tho mary stewart collect mrs elmer cox was in the chair since th president mrs stan robinson is ill the roll call was a kind of cheese the thought for the day was given by kirs little and cur rent events by mrs millar mrs dodds gave a paper n the preparation carding and spinning of yarn before it is made up into cloth mrs dodds secured all this information by writing to a textile firm in hespeler a donation was voted to be sent to the music festival the meeting closed with a social cup of tea an invitation was extended to members from dublin wi to at tend their meeting on st patricks day owing to sickness few were able to go but ia most enjoyable time was had mrs featherstone the district president was the guest speaker and mrs kennedy gave an interesting account of her attendance at the folk school af ter which lunch was served and acquaintances renewed lownhne corner are sorry to learn lie is confined to the guelph lus- pital with a heart attack but wish for him a spcvdy recovery mrs dr o robertson spent geve ral days las week with her son and i daughterinlaw mr and mrs ken robertson nnri iymln in tnrnnli mr george rennick of hamilton was a visitor recently with mr and mrs david stewart and family silverwood in limehouse shamrocks pipes decorate town hall noon with the result of very slushy conditions both for those on foot and driving 1 miss elizabeth mcphcdran of orangeville was home for the week- end card party wms in weeks news rockwood town hall was decorat ed in green and white in keeping with st patricks day for the home and school association euchre and bridge the platform was tastefully arranged with a giant green shamrock in the centre of the arch centred with two small black pipes with green and white stream ers from the shamrock to each cor ner of the arch in thepentre of the stage was a large table on which the prizes wrapped in cellophane with green ribbon and a shamrock with the donors name was display ed the wayswere attractive with lrge white and black pipes sur rounded with shamrocks- with small black pipes as contrast green and white streamers were arranged at the windows green and white bal loons were strung from corner to corner several of which were mark ed for prizes the prizes were distributed after the cards at- which time the cord j the cnh brl kanfi who were i busy putting in new timbers in the railway bridge have completed their work and moved their equipment away the gibraltar school association held a euchre and crokinole party at the hall on saturday evening firsts were won by joe mcdonald and mrs a wilson seconds by t davis and mrs r l davidson and consolations bv a n stark- and mrs j findlay 15 tables- were orton the queen mps congratulate pair the home of mr and mrs- john king rr 3 orton was the scene of a very happy occasion on sun day march 6 when the formers parents mr and mrs noah king were at home to their neighbors and friends on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary they were married on march 6 1895 at the brides home at prices corners and spent their entire life in this community highway safety topic for forum monday evening march 21 spite of fog there was h good turn out of members of the stone school farm forum for the last meeting of the current season next week there will be a rally at stewarttown of esquesing township farm forums discussion was lively on the sub ject safety on the highway which was under the direction of w r norton in the absohceof bob miticr who has a sprained shoulder the very capable secretarytreas urer mrs harry marchington was chosen as delegate to attend the an nual convention of farm forums to be held in toronto in april with mrs george burt to accompany her arrangements were made to re member mrs annie stull who is still in hsjspitaland the miss marjory shaw who after at her home in artkur a friendly parsonage opened for wa meeting the tmjrihtr monthly meeting of st johns wa was held at the parsonage on tuesday evening a short business period- waa conduct ed by the president mrs collins the devotional was given by mrs n a dealing mrs r mcqunwn took charge of the program after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses mr and mrs earl hooper and family spent sunday with the for mers parents at becton mrs r p watson and dennis spent a few days last week in orangeville mr and mrs ken davidson of georgetown and mr and mrs nor man jackson second line spent sunday with mr and mrs william nevllls and family several from here attended the funeral of mr wm harden in hills- burgh on saturday mr- j c humberstone has re turned home from st josephs hos pital guelph where he underwent an eye operation his sjster mrs somers- of britt is spending a few days with him here mr and mrs j k courtney of kenilworth called on orton friends on monday caught men jkomen old at 060 want pep bigoven range- popul arly known asl 30 range these normally sell as high as 33000 thu on on sale t only l000r raymenta aa law as 1j5 zs1 week mr and mrs norman cook of teacher orartrcvhlp cahedrm friends renr on saturday stay i h i convalescing- -members- of orton waouilted two quilts last week at the home of socal hour was enjoyed mrs w r j mrs n a hearing mrs dearing norton mrs marchington and mrs i pieced and donated the quilts for dick providing refreshments relief work a number of ladies of the silver- wood wl are attending classes in aluminum tray making under the direction of mrs austin mr ben case has just returned fronj a two week holiday in georgia they have four sons john of or- holding the balltohs was cut by i ton robert of guelph chester and dave armstrong principal of ss 9 william of st catharines aiso- f0 rockwood who also distributed the grandchildren and 13 great grand- prizes to the winners little miss j children nancy meadows drew the jiicky about 125 guests gathered at hill- numbers from a large box on stage top lodge erin at 5 pm when all for the door prizes sat down to a sumptuous dinner the winnelrs iit cards were j-rev- mr porter disciple minister of euchreihigh score mrs flambert j guelph in absence of the family j mclean second high mrs hj pastor was master of ceremonies village they have taken miss iv toni w j hurren lone hands miss clarence king proposed a toast to j ens apartment rnonan l robson low score miss j the queen william donaghy of i dorothv kirkpatrick and pat a bastil h meadows bridge high orangeville proposed a toast to the i crawford demonstrated the making score mrs jeatv jollif fe e langjbride mrs dorothy smith gave aj tl biscults at achie don low score mrs m wlngate a family history from 1895 to daten pay at milton on saturday maltby winners of travelling prizes mrs jean king replied to a toasttot played and lunch was served the wms met at the home tf mrs mitchell on wednesday even ing mrs mitchell reading scripture and mrs smethurst the prayer mrs wilson reviewed the chaptt on food and lack of tools in india from jthe study book salvation wa the exl word used plans were discussed for the spring thankof- fcring meeting mrs a norton sang robe of calvary in the pro- gram the hostess served lunch afterwards robbie roughley is recuperating after a tonsilectomy at guelph general hospital last week mrs c clarke is home after a dental operation at peel memorial hospital on saturday miss doris mitchell was home from toronto for the weekend mrs geary and children of to ronto visited the karns on i sat urday mr gordon grieg and mr bark er of brantford visited with the formers aunts miss ivens- nnd mrs newton the a w bentons visited the w grecnlow at campbell ville on surd3y we welcome mrpniarding ani and hii sister mrs schulfz to the at card tables euchre mrs mcfar- lane j mclean bridge mrs a maltby e langdon winners of the door prizes were lucky shamrock mrs lawrence d dutton u marsden mrs t gettly g perry mrs f kelso lucky bal loons miss m wilson w hauser mmdear mass tia mrs o mead ows lady witfi the largest family living mrs alice duby couple most recently married mr and mrs han son birthdays on the 17th or one nearest date before mrs o mead- ows o meadows marked- cup f kelso prize posters for the euchreiand bridge social by students of grades seven and eight were first myrna armstrong second mary roman third murray swanstbn an order hiss finally been made that the office of acton customs will hereafter be cl all day saturday this is now uveffect and is the r in most oer customs also otflcies through the tlominloci marina j of the the daughtcrinlaw smith replied on behalf of the bettek auctions grandchildren- j edmonton cp the alberta other speakers were daniel gray auction markets association has who was a guest at the wedding 60 i been formed to meet an increase years agolaban boggs of fergus in market auctioneering the as- who attended school with the groom sociation will attempt to promote and was school master to his four belter management and higher eth- sons i ics john root mjp presented the happy couple with a scroll on be half of the province of ontario premier leslie frost sent congratu lations ancva book pioneers of old ontario greetings were received from her majesty queen elizabeth george drew mp pm louis st laurent henry hosking mp house of commons ottawa harry fvcavewr mipp for lincoln coun- tyttrprn the grooms brother efrettj king of vulcan alberta and friends at saskatoon sask neighbors presented mr and mrs king with a beautiful floor lamp and 49 electric clock they wer the recipieiits jot- numerous other gifts and flowers membership ted held by c wl about 50 ladies attended the i membership tea of the catholic womens league in st josephs church hall on sunday evening the president mr e heffernan i welcomed new and forme mem bers andopened the meeting with the cw l prayer she outlined briefly the aims and ideals of the society and following the tea read the credo of the league father morgan spoke a few wojrds of welcome and encourage ment to the ladief and wished them every success in their years work the tea with a st patrick theme was convened by mrs les davies and the councillors mrs p mccristall mrv m mcmillan mrs 1 marcoiix and mrs hr coles pouring tea were mrs martin 1 kelly and miss d gibbons paisf president during the evening community singing was enjoyed with mrs j bradshaw at the piano katherine rtenny entertained with a guitar solo mrs colin maccdll wis in charge of entertainment father morgan closed the meet- ing with prayer and all joined in i singing the hymn mother dearest mother- fairest j nobody ever sued a ditch suppose your car goes off the who pays the damages road without collision insurance you do with cia collision we pay all but the deductible for economical collision coverage cooperators insurance association george robertson phone 90j2 acton deep cleaning with d0wper van wyck cleaners phone 272 acton monuments brampton- monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and mar iters a good display in stock wm c auan prop 68 quwt st w br shop fhoho mioj rs313 wep tom nfcoi phono bram 603w ten dtfts tenders will be received by the north halten high school district board for an addition to acton high school acton ontario drawings and specifications by barnett rieder architecu will be available at the architects office in toronto the toronto builders exchange and the office of the school board secretary col g o brown georgetown ontario on monday march 28th 1955 tenders shall be forwarded by registered mail postmarked not later than 500 jpm tuesday april 12th and addressed to s secretary north halton high school district board co harnett ft rieder architects 644 bayview avenue toronto ontario r the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 2500 deposit cheque required for drawings and specifications mm i thmimiiidi amiazmd what a tie taai i imi n up with vsaacartl onm hu im far hodr ou ltet 40 ut brcauaa low in iraa latroducuiry w elacuainlnl tbm omlf w try ortiri took talilrli lur pop lo and younsrr fnllni uiiivrry day al all drug stores pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 304b electric washers one new model regular ly 15900 on sale nt only 8050 7 paymenta aa tow aa vim week a bang up trade deal for your old washer this one- sold at regular price of 50 for this stock reduction clearance sale we offer it to ydu with your old washer traded in for 11950 heres a chance to sell your old washer for 5000 remember the weekly payments as low as 1j5 vacuum cleaners go on sale as low as 195 week dont waste time with your old obsolete vacuum cleaner one as low as 2950 g e new swiveltop chick this great suction pow er reg 1 19 50 with attach- menlv one only used as housi- demonstrator fur hort time now n sale it only swim payments as low as 195 week frigidaihe syichromutic rffrihiritir u4 it cooking seh rcg 529 00 sold to the first buyer for 399 50 very low payments spe our window display open friday night til 9 hardware phone 16 rockwood j georgetown hqhefurnishincsstdre te 72s2z wwvwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa in seventeen naurirow of wsahable rayon una a jacket with auaaotrie print lining in contrasting color aan sheath hne uttne m parisian hline 1 5 to 15 250 jonathan lojgan dreas arid sportswear sold oxclusivnly at miu st mildred bell m acton etmwi slt t l ktk

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