1 pagto6i the acton free press acton ontario thursday april 21st 185 w i declares halton cn lb bulwark jfeuon county is one otuie feulf warkss supporting the canadian national institute for the blind a w sparks supervisor of field ser vices for the cnjb declared tie is guest speaker at the meeting of tfce halton county advisory board of the canadian national institute for the blind in the sunday scfibbl room of st pauls united church milton on april 14 george p elliott introduced the guest speaker mr sparks he compared mr- spark and his as sociate tolfedtasshlotosdiampi lighter who made use 6f what might be considered by some to- be inefficient resources t punch holes in the dark perhaps the loss ul his sight at the age of 13 was not so much of a catastrophe as it may have enhanced his inner vision and like oreatheart in- pilgrims pro gress undismayed by misfortuher he is doing a great deal to alleviate human sufferings mr sparks thanked mr elliott f his introducti br gr tolerable this work is not conffa ed to cities and town but include eskimos indians and the sparsely settled parts of the dominion- we oan by our contributions volun taryeffort and sympathetic under standing add new dignity and- pro vide happiness and opportunities for the blind to -become- useful cit izens assets hot liabilities the communities in which they live he declared st rlicata thanked the speaker for his informative- and inspiring address after the members and guests had enjoyed a delicious supper the chairman gifrrthpmpson pro ceeded with the business ot the br ugh onjro i wdshes and appreciau0rrrrom col baker and uawley in ontario one person in every 800 suffers from defective vision at any age there is a possibility of losing ones sight forty years ago nothing was done for those so afflicted now the 20000 blind in canada receive as sistance from all levels of govern ment do we who can see the glory of the sun and sky the familiar faces of lovedones really apprec iate our good fortune other countries provided for thei bl before canada- and it- of the bank of nova scotia mil ton was appointed treasurer in place of h h hill who was rec ently transferred fi tn his report mr stanley secretary thanked the members especially mr willis for their ef- tcacelthq growth of the board fiom itsjnauguration in 1944 to the present complimented mr white- lock and mr elliot and thanked them for their untiring efforts tw hnnrri now consists of 2 active and 12 honorary members from acton burlington george town milton and oakville mr stanley then outlined the care given to the blind from baby hood school life at home and in the brantford institute and adult life m ihe tigbbs of by lieut col tregganu a locke acton fishermen and hunters can spend a rainy spring evening gathering detailed information about a- sport theyll never spend a sunny sunday afternoon at iiger hunting meetingharold r willis manager- nobody ever wrote a bopk about bow to hunt rabbits or forte what comparisons the local sportsmen will- make when they read such particular hints as this one d ujed forconc8alment should be fastened right way lip and not hung downwards to hang forts- on behalf of the cnib hepthem downwards is easier but- re versed ttoliage isroften conspicuous particularly by moonlight heres another item it is usually a simple matter to stalk and shoot a wild pig lieut- col locke says weu bet it is tigers are- harder qne tempera- mental tigress chased a busfull of people for a mile the author thoughtthat was funny hes got a great respect for man- eaters though maneaters of dif ferent junds havedifferent habit3 where provision is made for thoe and the writes- knowsbis subject capable of becoming self-suppor- j in such detail i he is able to assert was- not until 1937 that an agitation started by col baker caused the government to recognize in a small way their responsibility to their blind citizens th has done much to improve conditions and with be belp of 2600 volunteer workers is providing opportunities or recreation and rehabilitation for those so handicapped s through the sympathetic under standing and the contributions of the friends of the cnibrrnany blind persons have become capable of supporting themselves and their families 180 persons have been tr to manage cafeterias 170 are employed in jndustry and 190 work in sheltered workshops there are 61 field secretaries competent willing and anxious to serve by teaching jtlftfebjes games braille and by providing records talking books and assisting the blind in dramat ics and swimming the lot of those cnr car shops which less fortunate hasbee mad mo- closed ing for recreation- and rehabilitat ion all of this costs money and due to the increases in the number of those needing assistance salaries etc the county is being asked to raise 11000 the oakville traf- algar bronte community chest has pledged 5500 of this amount and the county council grant of 350 was raised to 500 for this year mr stanley congratulated hal- ton county on being the first to meet their quota last year and hop ed their campaign would be equal ly successful this year g f thompson was appointed o the board of governors for th clarkewood residence the campaign began in toronto this month milton has arranged a door to door canvass railway iielps falmerston ont tcp the canadian national railways hi undertaken to cooperate with civic officials of this western ontario town in a campaign to ob tain small industries to replace the are to be the jerangou maneater invari ably consumed the left legs of his victims first full of information whether really pr or not we couldnt say man from barrie new eng h f cole barrie will be george towns nev town engineer com mencing his position the first of may one of 14 applicants for the posi tion recently advertised he was ono of three men interviewed by coun cil five men had been granted an interview but two withdrew their applications mr cole a woodstock native has been employed for te past tour years as a project engineer for cen tral mortgage and housing and de fence construction ltd his work has taken him to many parts of the province supervising contracts at such places as clinton and centra- lia rcaf stations wolsely barracks london and camp borden advertisement thediscoyery of chiropractic the modern science of chiro practic owes its origination to dr d d palmer wio in 1895 discov ered an unusual lump in the back bone of a patient afflicted with deafness and by applying a certain movement to the spine by hand was able to remove this protuber ance through which procedure the patients hearing was restored j armstrong pc palme finally arrived at the con clusion that he had corrected or adjusted a subluxated or displaced vertebra this led him to believe that the spinal column was an im portant fact in health and disease he laid down the foundation of natural healing which included as its major tenet the removal of in- i terference with the nervous system this acton library hook is realbr its main pathway at the spinal column he gave this science a specially coinesl word derived from the greek chiropractic from cheiro hand and praktos done chiropractic meaning done by hand building o thi diceoveryrtt science has developed into an ad vanced art of healing its funda mental concept being that- only nature is competent to effect heal ing and that chiropractic adjust ments are intended to release nat ural forcesof the body by remov ing interferences with the normal transmission of nerve impulses office hoars tuesdays and fri days 2 pm to 9 pm other times by appointment phone 550 public spending citizens who are nominally pretty careful with their own money are coming to be alarmingly eenerous spending other peoples money they have developed a habit of turning to the public purse prjnoe leorgp bci citizen algor permits exceed 1157000 trafalgars building permits is sued so far this year total more than 115000 and building inspector angus gregg predicts a record building year during march 99 permits valued at 559000 were issued compared to 18 for the same month last year which had a value of 210000 to the end of march trafalgar had is sued 177 building permits valued at 1157175 compared to 38 permits issued in the first quarter of 1954 with a total worth of 382000 builders are getting a much earlier start this year than last said the inspector and sure are keeping me hopping vo bowl o open bowling every afternoon for all ages bowling brings out thebost in enjoyable times of fun and leisure acton bowling lanes phone 697 acton w ma umm mtmmnvm urnimnmtnmkwtvmuf tom urn smwm mtt m wuiww too tpma awn we monarch pastry 7 lb bag dewkist choice ungraded flour 49c peas 2 25c maxwell house good to the last drop i iga new improved formula catsup clover leaf fancy red sockeye salmon half tin 37c stokarys fancy to juiclr 2t2zt special half price sale cake mixes 2 49c aylmer fancy apple sauce 229c maxwell house good to the last drop aaieaw a instant coffee 57ct national baby week april 23rd to april 30th remember gerber strained or junior baby f00ds 3 5 oz tins peanut butter 16 oz icebox jar 37c p pohtlac leads with v r i xw uw pontiarr in ndraa mir in rvrry phm- of lrnm and choij of o4i lhl ilv a fml- oul vin tyh tn that funrtiwial a wrtl hruiiful krm the gleaming front to maie rear bumper this car a leader its a straight 1st for rformance ivmliac ttfrr tbe tridrat ehnice t lranamiim in it eta jfc hat- erer traniwtinim vau cfaouae from the heavy duty synchro- meh to the lualkanellvdra matie youre urr of netting the ultimate in nek erfnrnancr pontmcs wav out front economy take pontiac coming or goinpi w tike it on stvlr on power on per formance compare it with any- other car in it class i and youll find that rontiac come out the leader every time thili brilliant tej leademhip hecomen evident the moment yojr see the newpontiae it ijecomeh a positive reality the instant yon slide behind the wheel touch your foot to the accelerator and feel iontiac surge out and away its complete when pontiac hasiven you the most amazinftlv smooth drive and brilliant performance yoave ever enjoyed dont wait another day take a demonstration drive in pontiac forfnv itjsugad of its class with power take your pick of ivmtiat mmomi ral 1 1 h vake- inljil itig tit brilliant lr hp 3s if stratoklah v8 or the vi nnbejiatle 180 hp straiostrrak xftenaine ootjher rar in tt ria rati oiial pontiaea areaatmher of 4ire i mo wonder buyers from both ends of the price scale are switching to dollar for dollar poatiacf mnmutaealy osws the aou vlu pontiac is tb sanst troowrjcrrckrinthfinjurtry and horsepower for horse- ossievtonaasi ew 95 s power poana isa rlmio in at bower acton phone 452 ritieir swifts arrow veal meaty rump or lb sirloin roast irvxmcttisile sweet pickled peamaaled cottage rolls lb 43c fresh sliced pork liver lb 19c swiff s premwim brown n serve 8 ox pky sausage cooked 41c flqrida valencia now at their peak i jumbo size 176s doz oranges wt cuban red spanish large siae 1 t each pineapples 29c spring tonic i fresh and tender california lb asparagus 25c freshly cut snow whfte no 1 1- mushrooms 49c inipoftod firm red ripe cello pkg tomatoes 23c j frozen food features booth brand 10 ox pkg fish sticks 39c ptctsweet reaular cut 10 ox pkg green beans 23c lima beans 33c v- s i 4 fc i rjj wnjl i ii trmixtiasttebs ji x i i i lailiiiaeawaamaimiiii ir in s ar it j iii j wmr iiflty t jjj i- 11 v j y i i i ass ia tic