Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1955, p. 2

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aob two the acton free press acton ontario thursday may 5th 195s mothers day we cannot recah just hqw many years since mothers day was first pbserved it waspvysver a happy and ccintagious coincidence that f bund ready acceptance over the entire countryside not pnly4ra oncwhichtoitonor altmothers but t timeof year the se sunday th choice of the in may this year mothers day- comes the earliest in the month that fs possible as we write this the week before it appears that the weather is co operating for the early date mothers day is something that through the years has gained momentum there has never been a question but mothers and their memory deserved all the acclaim that could be accorded there has never been a doubt but-that- m was the tnost appropriate tirne for this tribute flowers are just coming into bloom its such a simple thing to bring ones thinking and tribute into accord with honoring notonty your mother but all the mothers of today and all the mothers who have left such beautiful memories behind and are with us no more except in spirit there is nothing new that can be written or said about the mothers of the world and the part they have played in our lives those memories and loyalties are something that are indiivdua andscredin the lives of all they may vary as the people are diff but t h ono thin it is clear rt the events ofjtcwlfcek in certain labor rela tions in acbn indicate that citizens of acton are quite capable of handling their own local affairs in spite of relentless pressure f rorrr outside acton council backed by most citizens has made it clear tftat the stand they took was vindicated and there is no intention of a changed attitude we do hope this is quite clear now to those from putoftown who have attempted to dictate an unacceptable policy we commend acton council and the citizens as a whole we hope the disturbers wifl seek greener pastures or confine their efforts fb their own communities there are other things that require attention in a growing town and i theres a lot of wastepaper to dispose of vitamins of spring youcan get your vitamins in capsules or pills throughout the winter many have found that yoitan escape the snow and cold weather by go ing south but no one has ever found anything that will replace that feeling that makes you lean on the rake or shovel or that prompts one to just- want to go fishing or loaf in the springtime and visit wltfi those yoitjustltreet casually r what is it that prompts farmer to quit the and the love and affection of motherhood is some thing that deserves a place every day of the year and a day thatis universal in the combined think ing of everyone a missing item while it is readily admitted that the section of no 25 highway between acton and milton is one of the most scenic routes in the district it lacks any of those roadside tables or picnic spots which are so common and so much used along ontario highways t est r tables are ool lacking in this 1 1 mile strip as a start we might suggest that curve just south of speyside where thf hush mm rigt ipp to the roadside and there iiplenty of parking space off the pavement a little waterfall is near at hand and the view to the south and east is worthwhile matter of fact we have seen parties on many occasions stopping here even without the roadside table facilities there are other spots equaly inviting along this highway but just a couple of these roadside tab les would for a start find much favor with motor ists who travel this route perhaps from the highway program outlined for ontario this year we may hope for some road side tables on highway 25 t needless slaughter from now untilthe end of september more than 1000 canadians will die needlessly on the countrys highways and streets since 1945 more canadians have been killed on the roads than were killed inall the land battles of the sec ond world war and in korea the canadian good roads association is the authority for the road casualty estimates one canadian dies in a traffic accident every three hours fiftysix canadians die on the roads every week or about 225 every month in 1953 the traffic death toll was almost 3000 the highest since the second world war most of those deaths could have been avoided in an effort to cut the toll the association has called canadas first highway safety conference in ottawa may 2426 federal provincial muni cipal business and industrial representatives will try to set up a national program of remedial ac tion the program will be aimed at both motor- ists and pedestrians both groups are- involved in the highway death and injury toll the amazing thing is that such a program should be necessary every canadian knows the traffic toll is heavy the newspapersparticularly on mondays and on days after statutory holidaysare full of accident stories but the normal reaction is it wont hap pen to me plowdevehisworkosi and chat with a neighbor what is it that makes neighbors in town gertogether and loaf a little in the process of planting a garden why is it that the golf courses have a bigger attraction when the season first opens some may also add what makes men get together for a fishing party the answer eems to obviously be compan ionship arid an opportunity to enjoy it in the great outdoors its not a matter of bodily health but an at mosphere of friendliness that can only be se cured over the back line fences or over the pile of leaves and rubbish being burned or over the sport and play that have been but memories for many months o wifiter 4 get a few months of summer weather and the joys of just being outofdoors loses some of its nove vacations and work on the land an pre- photo by esther taylor cat in a hat with another friend pawing around iscaugjjt by lhe photographer tri thisarnmal study cats the smaller the better always make good models and even the younger ones own some of the sense of feline vanity as the look of curious arrogance in the hatfhroned kitten seems to attest vmliy the good old days may have seemed bs i- better 1 ftiiivfr back in 1935 from the issue of the free press- of thursday may 9 193s- the observance arid celebration in honor of the silver jutjtlee of the accession of george v was marked very fittingly in acton on monday a parade was followed by service m the park there was a tiihiwp puehrp and dance in the e ast llo r t h west s o u t h canvass swindlers in and around burlington its re ported swindlers are trying to make some dirty dollars acting as collec- tors for the muscular dystrophy fund which mroughout this district has been conducted legally by local fire departments citizens are be ing warned not to donate any mon- ey to outsiders posing as canvassers firemen are the only authorized collectors a surprise budget in oakville the 1955 tax rate was struck last week and it hit a repeat figure of 45 mills reductions in the county rate and general purpose rate were countered naturally enough by rises in the public and paration for harvest take their places in our sum mer weather but you cant get your vitamins of neighborly friendliness any way or any other time than in the first warm days of early summer a dogs life we wouldnt blame any dog that had a home its town for running away from home and not re turning until next fall folks in town like gar dens flower beds and nice lawns they like to keep the garbage in containers and readilyecatried away in the collection these people who own the homes pay for the s pay for water to sprinkle lawns and shrubs feel that dogs have no right to molest and destroy the things they want in view of the fact that dogs are in disagree ment with this urge for beauty and tidiness it seems- that there just isnt room in towns and cities for the two factions to live peaceably during the summer of course if the dog wants to stay at home he can spend the summer tied up to- a tree dig within the limits of the length of his rope or chain and snap at flies within his range if the dog has thoughtful owners he can have his meals brought to him at regular intervals with towns as close as they are today there just doesnt seem any wide open spaces if there are the dog is liable to get shot for playing with sheep or other farm animalsf therexipthing for if but for dogs to hibernate in summer and dream away the weary months contemplating the days when the flowers have lost their bloom and the lawns are not tidy and he can then regain the life that a dog was intended to live brief comment one characteristic of the present unemploy ment situation is that the untrained vinder-eclucat- ed worker has the most trouble then there are those whose skills have been cut into it has been suggested that these groups need training to supply them wijh new skills barrie ont examiner high school costs oakgate mayo lachlan mcarthur called the budget a surprise budget on account of it hewed to the 1954 line dors breaking the laver lit brorifeangling eyes lire bcv ing cast at errant dogs by the oak ville humane society whose mem bers are hesitant to go after the loose canines around the village be cause no grant is forthcoming from the municipality toward the so cietys work dogs arent adhering to bronte bylaws apparently and the local officials are a bit puzzled a bo lit what to do but once a week in oakville though town council has approved the purchase of a 15000 bulldozer to clean up the dump and bury refuse in future it is reported that to economize gar bage collection will be made but oncn a week instead of twice a with the hamilton united eleven this week the season opens with guelph- booting off in bronte there are eight teams in the loop with 14 games in each- teams schedule lodge 50th birthday in milton last week the evening star rebekah lodge no 79 started on its second 50 years of activity with a birthday party spread in the town hall and a guest list of ihearly 200 people who enjoyed among other events the cutting of a gleaming fourtiered cake trim med appropriately with gold water on their minds in milton its iearned theres water supply for no mure than 500 people with this in mind the area planning board last week studied a report from the interna tional water supply co- outlining thcavailability of 770000 gallons daily with more if needed no ac tion was taken but the matter will get greater consideration legion hall in the evening the play presented by the ay pa players was greeted- with a packed house in the town hall and the audience had nothing but praise for the players in the play were anne holmes may waterhouse harry ware eddie footitt lillian perry leona waller barbara tay lor john prest olive rookes harry rogers esther taylor and clara bauer mrs- buchanan who who directed the play was pre sented with a basket of flowers outstanding speakers in the work of the imperial order daughters of the empire gave splendid addresses at the banquet of the lakeside chapter friday evening in the parish hall where the members of the duke of devon shire chapter were also guests the banquet was capably served by the girls of the iode troop of girt guides miss joanr arnoldi former regent of the national chapter and mrs gordon thomp son national honorary viceregent bo sp f very satisfactory reports were at thjp annual meeting of the beginningmay 1 new sehe fara to- dules have been posted for the garbage collection lacrosse shapes up in georgetown its reported the lacrosse season is shaping up for the year with some players al ready signed for the team there is no official word where george town will be grouped in intermed iate circles as the team will try to move on from last years stall in the quest for a second ontario championship j soccer sprouts out in bronte on a different sports front the united soccer club came up with a 3-1- victory for the home town fans in an exhibition match oakville rate 45 same as last year oakvilles tax bills will be the same as last year as mayor lach- lan mcarthur announced a budget calling for 45 mills unchanged from 1954 highlight of the estimates which call for taxpayers to contribute 669212 were an allocation of 5000 rr an increase to 52290 in the police department costs up from 44000 and streets and sidewalks estimates of 80290 almost 15000 less than last year in dollars and cents the mill rate moans that oakvilleites will pay fof general expenses 246159 1626 mills general debentures 31640 1209 mill parks m960 t79mills county levy 60404 399 mills high school maintenance 60404 399 mills high school debentures 8234 61 mills public school maintenance 185039 1284 mills pjublic school debentures 53321 370 mills public relief 1500 10 mills separate school board 15285 21 mills at me united church of canada acton ontario rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue i phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bovver ave acton phone 6 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bd minuter mt artoti jte f vbb r the only rape ever rablbbed te aeto founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mql st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions ttie cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the qwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance 150 in canada 9m50 in the united states six months 150 single copies 6c authorized as second class mall post office department ottrws 7 published by the duis frtatsbf and pubuahhmc co usalte g a dills editorinchief david r dills production manageru james dills john black associate editors business and editorial office tele phon bj 1 74 f sunday may 8th 1955 christian family sunday mothers day 1000 am sunday school bring the children and stay for church 1115 am morning fant baptisms r00 pm evening hymns of your worship in- w ors h i p choice tap recordings a restful helpful hour thought for the week an oiiree of mother says the spanish proverb is worth a pound of clergy- baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w sunday may 8th 1955 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pjn evening service 605 pjn bypu wednesday 8 pjn prater meet ing sunday may 8th 1955 1100 am childrens service and baptism 700 p nr evening worship they that wait upon jhe lord hall renew their strength a warm welcome- awaits you st albans church anglican rev evan h jones ba lth rector sunday may 8th 1955 900 am corporate communion and breakfast for the young people of the parish 1000 arrichurch school 1100 amrrbegiriners class 4 15 pmhol jr baptism 700 pmrevehing prayer sermon and agairi this year a juniorfarm er from scotland visited in halton couhtyrmoregetails are givenon the farm nws page v womens institute officers elected include president mrs j e gam ble vicepresidents mrs ri l davidson mrs a reesor secre tarytreasurer miss e hawthorne the halton presbytery of the hamilton conference of the united church in canada assembled in ac ton on may 2 a special meeting of the public utilities commission was held to confer with dealers regarding the plan of sale of electric stoves in acton messrs w d talbot m symon w r e blair and jos n reid were present the heir to the throne the prince of wales has had a radio installed in his plane the prime minister al has on back in 1905 from the issue of the43tee press ol thursday may 4 1905 the assessor of this municipality has completed the assessment of 1905 with the result thai the total value of assessable property unaer the new act in acton is 367480 the business tax this year aggrega- ted 39400 returns for population show an increase of 58tthe assess or succeeded in locating 89 dogs in town the increase of rrearly in the total assessment will enable council to reduce the rate of taxa tion this year from two to two ancf a half mills if the expenditures are kept at the same economical point of 1904 j the monthly meeting of the womens institute will be held in the town hall on friday evening the topic to be discussed is out door exercised for women young women of the town are cordially invited this old mill darn at the foot of mill street is one of actons land marks early residents- and form- er citizens have bden actors tn scenes of interest there through the eighty years of its existence some were of sorrow several drownings took place some were of- pleasure notably when the bon- spiels skating races and shinny matches were in progress lately the dam has shown signs of weak- to strengthen and improve the dam beardmore uo have had a gang of workmen employed dur- ing the past month it appears now to be good for another half rent appear welldressed at the ball in the town hall tonight every necessity in dress shirts collars cuffs neckwear and hose has been secured if you want to be well tied collared and cuffed see sher man the mens outfitter mill st the annual report of the reg istrar general shows that of every one thousand children born one hundred and eleven die before they reach the age of one year most of these deaths could be avoided if mother kept on hand this simpe remedy etc etc the new fire escape and exit thereto at the town hall have been professional directory and travellers guide medical dr vv g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st k phone 150 t dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner- of willow and river sts entrancerivar street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanaw dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib v dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton veterinary f g cakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvaa veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton 165r21 real estate and in8uranc1 f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phppe 95 appraiser real estate and insurance w r bracken real estate insurance phone 26 acton list your farms business or hous with us we invite you to use oui facilities in securing a purchase fo your property r f bean limited real estate and fawuraneo 83 mill st acton phone 585 r h- elliott 1 el estate 76 bower avenue phons representing g w goldstraw broker milton phone 348 complete real estate service covering halton county use ou faculties legal c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary office hours 1000 am1200 100 pm 500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 191 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 m e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 585 office hoars tuesday 15 pm thursday 15 pm georgetown office by appointment 4 main st s phone triahgle 72464 miscellaneous ruaaley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive m lampard atcm rmt teacher of plana acto- studtq st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbound 6 38 an 858 a mt 1133 ajil 208 pm 5 08 pm 633 pm lss pm bl013 pm westbound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pjn 5 27 pm 727 pm 912 pjn 1132 pm 112 am sun to kit chener only 1 a daily except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and days canadian national railways staadarsl tune qaily 540 am daily except sun days 1000 am 713 pm sunday only 801 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 903 11114 637 pm dally flyer at georga- town 1011 pm wostbobbd daily 1144 p4n daily except sunday 848 am- o35pm flag- stop 740 pm saturday only 127 pjn stop guelp r rr and sun to detrain from west toronto -an- 531pjmr dioly except sat siutjflyer at guelph 557 pin p 740 pm saturday only- ls7 i sunday only 909 ajh jtoaf- p sunday only flyer at elph 705 pm dally except sat lv m yv jz la7 sbesasasssan l-

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