Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1955, p. 1

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eightieth year no 46 acton ontario thursday may 12th 1955 twelve pages six cents party by the lake fishing derby here proposed by c of c proposal of a oneday fish derby was made last night at the general meeting at the chamber of com merce where- members endorsed used to attract summer visitors bv advertising a fishing contest on the opening of the bass season at the same time ah idea was advanced that on the evening of the- proposed for july x a community party be held in the park by the lake prizes would be offered for win ners in the contest and a system of registration devised it was left to the chamber council to organize c to ar t derby and the evening party which would be free to all citizens earlier in the meeting it was dis cussed that several women in town were anxious to join the chamber but they might feel excluded be cause of the dominant mate mem bership this is to be riven full consideration in the fall following the summer recess progress of the booster edition be ing sponsored may m by the cham ber was discussed and some prob lcms of distribution ironed out flags for standards a committee headed hy robert halton hatton county will have an open season- for hunting deer according ton resolution approved by ha lion county uuuncll at its regular month- ly session in milton tuesday afternoon members finally gave their ap proval after indicating objections to holding an opeii season because of the damage that might be caused to farnis by irresponsible hunters 1 four members of the ontario dp- apply to certify ii haddaway and iatiifel district ropreaenuuvea of the international united electrical workers cioocl told the free nnionr bad on thuruday may 5 made application to the ontario labor relations board for certificate to tepreaent the employees of the s g smallvtood company in acton the hearing before the board haptwen net fer monday may 24 sly reported the cost of flags hold- ers and clamp on eight downtown lights authorization jld be about 88 was given to go ahead with this project p 1 wright on a supgestioiv queen for a week is frances oakes 17 who saturday night yvas completing lists of halton voters lists of eligible voters will be c w a t of pea s wi enj a all junefc in haluicountvr passed on by president j goy agreed to do the ground work this summer for the revival of a hortic ulture organization here interest in such a society has declined in rec ent years it whs noted agreement prevailed among members that as a means of sus taining interest through the sum mer months a social outing should be enjoyed by cflambcr members a professional ball game was sug gested and accepted with date to be announced later president goy revealed the trash containers proposed for the down town area were still under consid eration but that it wa found better and cheaper containers could be produced here in town instead of buying them outside of town the- president urged members during their summer travels to keep their eyes open for ideas and activities undertaken by other chamber of commerce groups to buy six swings and slide for ps junior grade pupils purchase of six swings and one 18foot slide for junior grade pup ils in acton publ schools stone scliopl was approved at last wcoics meeting of the board when prin- e c w m pointed out trip to new york city the acton high school girl garnered the most votes in the rotary clubs peanut sales campaign last week peanut crown for fran oakes as rotary queen contest ends completed by the end or lilts week for the provincial elections being before a packed theatre attract ive 17 year old frances oakes was revealed as the winner of the rot ary clubs queen for a week con test saturday the top ten finalists in the unique contest appeared on the acton roxy stage earlier in the boxes to com- cvenjng a group ccutnted ballots from throughout acton hastily pute the winner miss oakes wins a double al expense paid trip to new york with a companion art padbury made the announce ment of the winning girl to a house hushed with suspense applause burst out when her name was an nounced mr padbury as president of the rotary club thanked every one for their support and interest all the girls deserved to be the queen rotarian jim ledger as- serted when he spoke a few word i he thanked the girls fo their en thusiastic participation tits wonderful i its wonderful frances oakes exclaimed as to her trip she hasnt had time enough to make all the plans yet she isnt even certain who her companion will be mother mrs f oakes she has never been to new york of rotarians- in the cutrate stores of the back there was no playground equip ment for these pupils the principal considered there was a real need for some play ground equipment and offered to ward purchase of this some 150 from money earned by pupils pro jects the board accepted this of fer and approved purchase of the equipment jt was also noted by the princip al that the children have voted i 100 from money earned toward the pi ano fund t kenmlr ball diamond principal mckenzie reported that the attendance at school opening was 570 and that present enrol- nient is 608 requisition for kindergarten pri mary supplies and home economics was approved the board authorized purchase of material necessary to repair the ball dia also for the cup- board in the old school a finance statement of 8iai0 was presented approved and ipayri ment authorized by resolution the board re- quested council to issue debentures tc cover purchase of 804 acres of land for a new school site the application of the members el the dutch reform church for the use of the public school auditorium for the evening of june 4 was ap proved at the regular fee and in arcordance with policy of the board government annuity retirement plan for douglas price was passed the secretary reported receipt of as march nonresident feesr and is particularly looking fqrward to seeing the empire state build ing and radio city she says of course there will also be shopping probably the trip will be mado- auring the summer at any rate after her third form examinations in june she will probably stay in the barbizon plaza hotel which faces central park south since she will be there in the summer she will no doubt mount to the thirtieth floor yacht lounge on the ronf terrace the hoteleven- houses a theatre and concert hall tours and shopping- included in the prize will be a complete dinner at the copacabana including the floor show- a guided tour of la guardia airport a yacht cruise around new york an even ing in radio city music hall and a building arrangements will b made for her to lake ad vantage of the trips and visits she would like most there is considerable leeway in what she will do with as much time as she likes left for shopping streets or the luxurious salons of fifth avenue peanut day proved the biggeit success to date final results have not been totalled as yet however saturday attraction the peanutladen float with it- dancing peanut men added a new note for acton shoppers all day saturday it cruised up and down the streets and stopped at the post office to the delight of the children and adults alike candidates foi th contest and rotarians sold peanuts on the streets saturday they had pre viously undertaken a doortodor cshvassr the queen for a week contest was a novel venture held in con junction with the rotarians an nual peanut day shield drive here annual red shield appeal by the salvation army started this week in acton the local objective is 1000 while th campaign is currently directed toward business and in dustry here the residential can vass will be held may 27 a notice elsewhere in this issue seeks local canvassers to aid in the red shield drive in charge- of the business canvass is w benson while r f bean is chairman of the residential can vass immediately prior to the may 27 housetohouse canvass a free band concert will be held in the local park the salvation army citadel band guelph will play at this event which will launch the gen- trip to the top of the empire state i era compaign here 106 enumerators are ut work on the task of lifting thoe who may exer cise their franchise there will ue no polling sutxuvi- sions and about 125 polls on election lay which falls on a thursday william anderson has been nam ed the liberal candidate and stan ley allen the ccf candidate for halton the conservative candidate will be chosen at a meeting tomor row it seems likely there will be only three candidates running for member in the county the nomination meeting will be held on may 36 in milton town hall fourth natural gas well in esquesing natural gas continues to roar from the earth in esquesing town- ship i unde the prodding drills of tony seynuck acton ga and oil explorer who said this week his fourth well which blew in satur day had tested at over 332000 cub ic feet of natural gas the president of anthony gas and oil explorations ltd said the strike was made at about 2000 feet and an official government test was made monday the well is loc ated ori the moore sisters- farm about five miles south of acton meanwhile operations continue mr 6cynuck has visions of drill ing up to 50 wells in this area be fore the end of the year he indic- ated the potential of natural gas in the actonmiltongeorgetown area is nearly beyond estimate last weeks strike his largest to date follows a strike in february on farm land leased for drilling from a mcdonald georgetown this well no 3 was tested again partment of lands and forests headed by i c marritt district forester urged members to ap prove of the open season about 40 members of grade 8 milton public school sat in on the ses sion to hear interesting reports from the representatives or the department of lands and forests billy brush on behalf of the class expressed the classs appreciation for the opportunity of visiting council mr marritt explained the de partment would go along with the decision of the county whether un open season for hunting deer was held or not reviewing the deer population in southern ontario he sid in 1930 there were no deer around but during the last is years the increase in population had beep great protection since j94q since 1940 deer had received protection by department officials i with ideal living conditions- local man despite efforts of search parties district provincial police and re ports of huving been seen andrew buchanan 03 is still missing utter leuvihg his home monday evening the acton resident left his muin st home eiirly monday evening re portedly to visit his soli william on macdonald boulevard he is be lieved to have walked along mill street toward the high school then disappeared mr buchanan was weuring a grey blue jnoket a red sweuter and duck trousers lie hud un u peaked cap wednesday a general report on the missing iiinn was sent out un the provincial police radio band at the same time three local broadcasting blaaimiaiii lheiimi urn disappearance at i pm yesterday group alwxil 2f mfnwttaiilited attlietowi had no success the group also fol lowed roods to steworttown in search of the missing man but again found no trace of him v as the reason for more deer m this area they are so well fed they will have twins instead of a single lawn and if some measure of con- trol is not taken we will be over run by thein mr marritt said while afcer are a danger to the motoring public they are a great hazard to our reforestation program by nipping the tops off newly planted trees he reviewed past problems faced by the department in regard to openv seasons adding nassagaweya and esquesing held in open season in 1949 we know there are poachers taking deer by night so let us make it legal at the proper time of year he said while council overrulod a rec ommendation of the conservation committer regarding the open sea son reeve a r service explained the biggest objection was to the way hunters damaged fences and even had shot at cattle farmers welcome sportsmen but then there is another class of hunter who does not have any respect for the other fellow if we had the assurance we would not be overrun by nonres ident hunters this might be recon sidered he said nino deer killed by can i have seen 12 to 14 deer feed ing on our corn and its about time we took some action to give the farmer some protection from this deputyreeve fred walker ob served mr marritt did not think the farmers would be overrun by non residents if the county were to hold the open season during the open hull and left to search the bush near churchill where it wus bellev ett he may have gone no trace was found it was learned this morning that another search party acting on a re port that mr buchnnun was seen near speyside combed the bush area near that point last night but andrew buchanan season in the north a great num ber- of- deer- hunters will be up tl an y fiiidi ty residents taking advantage of the hunubere at home he explained garnewarden dudley hitchcox saidnine deer had been killed by ial metering feet hows 300000 cubic this week and by reportedly offic- car on roads and highways since february this year and one farm er near the ford plant at oakville called to say a herd of 12 were resting in his barn yard about three weeks ago harold cantelonof the fish and wid life department gave an in- wi isw i teresting talk on wild turkeys and vt c ol knox jpheasants he advised members to in the church room on may 9 ax have eomt wood d ter a game called kamabi they sang wiih to provide hunting for the hymn and repeated the p- 1 local sportsmen hunters and fish- pose aim watkuis and jane mc- d h amounts of sjsllep sj oe during the year on clothing cgit members work on project service conducted by norma sin clair as their project thegroup went down to the basement to cover their model huts with salt and flour also 4 for april nonresident fe and payment of 13000 legislative grant in part the board approved the usual landscaping flower expenditure name t c byrne zone commander t c byrne of pembroke and formerly of acton was elected one commander at a- canadian- legion zone g rally at arnprior on hay 1 approximately 350 legion delegates met in the newly erected lecion han in arnprior mr byrne is a far deputy one onwnm in tjsacw post- va soae comma rtle he replaces william henry of deep river jstmb fboto ikkme imam aooor frees are being planted back of halton centennial manor in mirron this week the planting under the supervision of district forester c groves is of norway sprupe and scotch pine hovmfrom theleftare bo of hal m w soperinterkjent eric clevfce and secnmaryfreasyrer williarn deans as they examine the plantings and just how the i county tree planter works and equipment which definitely af fects the economy of the country so lets provide something for them when we stock the county forests he urged over 18000 trees were planted on the fou county woodlots this year c r groves reported he also urge the sc children to be careful when they visited the for ests reeve harold adkins announced that nelson township were to have two new industries establish there with an assessment of a million dollars they are expected to em ploy some 500 he said three readings were given to the bylaw to raise 396000 to provide for the expenses of the county for 1955 it was pointed out the county assessment was over 30 million dol lars and the rate would be three mills for the general rate and two mills for the road levy a grant of 200 was made to the st johns ambulance corps texs afmlftmi council approved a resolution sponsored by deputyreeve d bath trafalgar and reeve a r seryice nassagaweya in respect to the county entering into hospit als on a similar basis to the coun ty home presenting- the motion mr bath said he hoped to provoke discussion of the problem on a county basis the resolution is as follows in viewof the rapidly growing need for hospital faculties due to the increased population and in order to determine if the hospital problem could be best aoreed by county action be it ieaol that fconaaneif on severn public utilities commission has variety in regular session here flattened cartons burn in bunkhouse a stack of flattened cartons was blackened aifd charred late satur day night when fire broke out in the old- bunkhouse now used by the bcardmorc co ltd for storage firemen responded to the alarm and threw out piles of the smok ing boxes in efforts to find the source of the fire water was pour ed on the broken down crates and little damage was caused the structure of the building itself cause of the firel according to chief sam tennanf is unknown delegate attends annua meeting the annual- council meeting of the womens m society w d of the presbyterian church in canada is being held this week may 9 to may 13 in glenview presbyterian church toronto to this meeting delegates come from the seven synodicals from british columbia to quebec to gether with the men representing different boards of the church mrs h mainprize is attending is 3 delegate from the synodical society of toronto and kingston nine to receive y certificates a variety of routine business was covered by the local public util ities commission last week when it met in regular session william mullocks appearing for the chamber of commerce was iiven permission for the c of c to install permanent flag holders on eight light standards on mill street the commission agreed to make an offe to e jonei milton an experienced hydro lineman of 140 an hour for a 40 hour week mr jones to be hired on a temporary basis appeared early in the meet ing afte it was suggested by sup erintendent d mason that addit ional experienced help was re quired for the hydro department waiter pipe key off members discussed the line key break in waterworks construction near the glenlea subdivision last week when during the night water gushed out of the unstoppered line and almost drained the standpipe 4gnk d the br was no d covered until near morning a weed killer wiii reported need leaders corps certificates will be presented to nine acton y vtca branch of the hxpc members at a special event yet to be planned secretary bob bray- haw announced this week those whd have won the certif icates completing their first year are frank marisak peter lawxon brian mccristall don lindsay marjorie janks theresa arbic er nie lawaon pauline baker and ena waller ed around the spring area superintendent mason discussed the ordering of required line and pole supplies for the glenlea sub division he noted work could w- gin installing lights on the third line poles now within the towns area no action followed a sug gestion that an aerial ladder was needed for the hydro department however therequert is to be in vestigated the following accounts were passed- for payment to transfer bend line chairman f oaket noted a hyd- rant on a warren grove hpmeown- 1 ers property is to be moved as j soon as possible it was learned the guelph rural hag made final meter readings for rural hydro users on the third line area recently annexed to acton prior to turning the lines over to the ac ton pjuc consumers in this area have been notified several members of the commis sion expressed intentions of at- f continued on pope twelve district board approves 2room addition for milton high school plans were approved tuesday i school was announced for friday night for a tworoom addition to may 13 and the member of the milton high school by the north i board were extended an invitation hatton district high school board from the principal the plans call for two classrooms on the south sjide of the present school with halls and cloak rooms and floors and finish will match the present classrooms roy turner of- barnett and ried- er presented the proposal the plan now go to the depart ment of education for final ap proval and the milton council and municipal board for final approval of the funds necessary there was again discussion on the sale of the p building for public school purposes and the er ection of a new high school it was felt however that this move was to involved with five municipal ities partftipatina- fkurai were presented m shew the increased estimated sc population of mil ton and the need tar a bigger open night cor uoton high c the resignation of john heron from the staff of acton school was announced and two positions on the acton staff were being adv the georgetown replacements were completed for two staff members the liability and medical aid tn- surance was awarded to the boards brokers frank cowan co for a three year period at a total coat on the milton and acton schools of h8640 another lower bid for this insurance was submitted but it felt the coverage was not as plete and by previous m the frank cowan co had been m pointed representatives for an me insurance pnthe three schools aar richardson discussed the matter fully with the board axattnusse was given that no increase wotdd be applicable in p l jaw three years regardless et populatioix v vt v r

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