Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1955, p. 2

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the acton free press acton7 ontario thursday may 12th 1k t es- i- your choice a provincial election has been announced for june 9th and from now until the voting is sum- marked the headlines of the papers the radio and every means of meeting the public will be used in getting tp the electorate it may all be a bit confusing and it is a time when the electors teed to analyse all the statemerits very carefully here in haltpn county the conservative candi date will be chosen at a convention to be held to morrow night stanley hall of hornby has been member for a number of years arid would seem the very reasonable choice to again carry the ban ner for the conservatives wm anderson who has b prominent in county affairs- a former jeeye of oakyille and within one vote of being mayor of that town this year is the choice of the liberals stan allan of georgetown council and wellknown in labor circles will represent the c and wl 1 d j canada gels underway on may 15th it is aimed to make this years campaign the biggest to date publicized within the weeks prior to june 9th there is general agreement that a lopsided legislature such as has been in power for the past five years in ontario does not make for the best government on a three party system however it seems that often one emerges numerically strong and the popular vote is so divided thai two minority parties are unable to give even token op- psition perhaps it is atase sftoo much choice being given the electorate t ma i in the h o th el n it is up to the people to make the decision by all means be prepared to render that decision in the best interests of ontario as a whole when the time comes next month creeping communism socialism as a political movement has two distinct characters in this country one is unortho dox socialism as the students of political science label it and the canadian form of this is the ccf the other is orthodox socialism more com monly known as communism in canada the of ficial communist action calls itself the labor pro gressive party from this latter party and frqm its sympathiz ing circle all guided by the red light of moscows worldcommunism movement scurry the work ers hirelings and fellow travellers who wedge their persistent way into canadian labor govern ment levels universities and even the arts and sciences l this isio revelation its realized and in effect ccndoned as liberalminded citizens say idealistic- allythatcommun c be p in a democratic country andsayysupposedly realistic- ally thatweve thusprevented the reds from go ing underground and we can watch them well weve watched them infiltrate and as sume control of the united electrical workers the mine mill and smelter workers international union the united fishermens uniorv and inter national fur and leather workers union this in labor alone its time the dreamers who are willing to bow in redled organizations with democratic niceties woke up to just what happens after the commun ists get all the way in democracy goes all the way out the avowed goal of marxist socialism alias russian communism is world revolution this aim has not changed nor has the communistic convic tion that the existence of democratic states cannot be tolerated under such a goal this is the aim forged by despots in the krem lin ito so creep into the daybyday pursuits of noncommunist peoples that eventually when the infiltration is strongest revolution by force will boil into awful reality marx lenin and stalin left that firm in the minds of world communists if a man will not deny that he is a communist then h cannot deny the unswerving direction he must follow the road to world revolution and the death of democratic freedom sjrangled by creeping communism keep up with jones the teams of eloquent verse written by poets sech sprfng can hardly be attributed to inspira tion irom humansf the muddy fields which over night becpme emerald carpets are the magic handiwork of nature the bursting- buds which make of every tree an admired debutante and the motti warmed soil are natures creations in fact aboutlhe only unsightjy things we see about us in spring sights that would jar the creativeness of any poet are manmade drab sootbegrimed houses- grey weatherbeaten barns broken down fences weed infested yards and roadways while such eyesores are more prevalent in urban centres we have them right here irlacton as well as in the rural areas but they cover a wid er area officially this year the campaign to cleart up- no need to wait until may 15th you can get right ahead now in the cleanup and beautifica- tion campaign remember your share in the na tional program starts right at home the weather has been ideal for an early start lets not lag un til the job is done and acton need take no back spat in any part o the dom reverse action good there were exclamations of relief asf- week when the announcement was made thatprovincial police would be continued and the former an nouncement of the provincial department was cancelled it was another problem off the list of municipal councils agenda which could well stand lightening we well know that the administration of pro- vincial police must be a problem complaints of the force and securing of personnel and com plaints from the municipalities and blame- of irate citizens are things that become quite mountainous when all accumulated in one heap however now that the plan is in effect in over 40 munici palities in ontario and all the administrations operating it seems ridiculous to scrap the whole system the municipalities which protested the move are to be commended for their protest there has been too much acquiescence to provincial dicta tion in many fields which is shown in the political platforms that point to the need for more munici pal aid we commend the provincial authorities on bending an ear to public opinion we hope that such attention is not due in any way to the forecast of june events and that fickle mind ch a the confusion i crea will be re moved from the government of ontario that as sumes office after the election next month time to stop the continued agitation for flag changing is proving a field for wouldbe designers that are bringing up grotesque suggestions and in the ef fort to please all factions getting nowhere there is one way to stop the nonsense the red ensign with the union jack in the corner is until changed- by act of parliament canadas official flag lets forget about redesigning another and use it more use of it would settle the matter in time and-we- would not have this constant agitation being bi ought up pity the poor school students who would have to draw a flag that was as allinclusive as the one most recently suggested those elongated lions beavers maple leaves and fleurdelis all have their significance of course get them all on 6 canadian flag and school children will never know whether it is a zoo or a forest or a map of canada that makes up our national flag we fear ones schoollife would have to be extended to take even the recognition of our flag into the curriculum and we would have an even more ignorant generation than the present on our na tional flag lets forget it and see more of jthe red ensigns floating in canada i 3 the only tnt ever pabltehed aa act rounded in 1875 and published every thursday at so mill st e acton out member of the audit bureau of circula- tiona the cwna andthe ontarioquebec division of the cwjxa advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance sx50 in canada 350 inline united states six months 130 static copies be aulh as second class mall pott office department ottawa rahlhw ay the duts rttrtsaf and raamshsag ca g a dills rditorbiouef david r dills production manager jaiaea dills john black aawcuta editors business and editorial office hii telephone 1 7 4 ztwaaywamwvav9 may have seemed better photoby esther taylor blossom time synonymous with may time has brought a flowering of soft white to ontarios fruitlands and orchards throughout the county in the current weeks trees are taking on their tinges of pink and white as one of springs most beau tiful signatures stamps the time of the season unmistakably n e ast o r t h w s o u t h est back in 1935 from this issue of the free press of thiuftday may 16 19s5 teachers and scholars of acton high school yesterday made their choiceof the best all round girl and hoy students of the year margaret arnold was chosen from among the girls ant fred turner from among the boys the presentation ot the jitisejl wjllrbe jjjach u the empire day concert v with the baseball season due to open legally in the tricounty league on saturday baseball is quite u live topic with the fans manager bill holloway and the boys have been putting in some strenuous workouts for several weeks and are ready for the field on saturday through the coopera tion of local merchants acton starts the year with brand new white unir the catching ttaff anderson and gibbons are ready for play from among a group of fjve pitchers manager holloway will make choice norm and bus morton furnish both right and yft hand deliveries telfer is ready for either the pitching box or one of the sacks cripps is putting them in with plenty on the ball deforest is o newcomer one of the biggest crowds to as semble in acton this year attended the second annual euchre and dance of the acton liberalprogressive association in the town hall the accommodation of the hall w ed beyond capacity mr hughes cleaver gave the audience some food fur thou rat out of the sky in bronte last week the 1055 lax is tvl nt 54 70 milk a frnr- tional rise of 7 over 1954s rate when one councillor- asked if there was any provision for application of lust years surplus to bring down ihis years rate- the reeve replied you had ample time to bring thjt up these estimates were just taken out of the sky 23aea r the otjwh jnoukville its reported last weck canvassers in the general hospital drive have collected some 40000 65000 has been raised in a special names group drive and industry has contributed 100000 another special group has donated 25000 total proceeds to date 230000 tor the oakville trafalgar memorial hospital electronic plant rises in georgetown construction lias started on a new addition to the local industrial scene varian as sociations of canada ltd subsidflry of a california electronic company is building a onestorey 10000 foot floor space factory with a local firm riding the building its expected production will start early this fall plant goes through in nelson township a 1000000 meat packing plant is going to go up before long on 66 acres which is part of a tract dubbeclas indus trial land it will employ about 300 people nelson township council was told last years council would not complete the sale of land to this ded vote but the vote went through and the engineer will be advertised for company altd litigation followed however a hew council this year too a diff education for 250 in oakville its reported construc tion will s get the goahead on ajttr0ufmrh igh school for the town antf township area a high atten dance jiflfabout 2500 high school students is expected by 1960 and boardrof facials arc anxious not to be caught unprepared where the money goes in georgetown it could be coun cil members are getting worried about the amount of money thats being spent on annexation town planning promotion and adminis tration when the time came to advertise for a town engineer at a 6000 salary two councillors op posed strongly demanded a rccor- a pleasant expression in- oakville fill from the new hospital excavation has already placed a more pleasant expression on the face of the town dump its reported and with activity to con tinue around the refuse retreat for vveial days it is expected all garbage will be covered shortly 300 at the track in milton last saturday afternoon harness racing at the halloo ag ricultural grounds attracted over 00 spectators the event was sponsored by the- society and the local legion and featured horses of tnral and district owners the fans all the track showed enthusiastic approval of the days sport milton anglers few in milton the fishing success riound the town oyer the may i weoljend was small according to the champions firhing contest re sults the- cottttttit hits titen extend ed another week and the prize iiain put on the counter for tin- local or area anglers to vie for el igible radius is 25 miles from mil ton hire four teachers for nelson area final approval for the clarksdalc school was received from the de partment of education by the school area no i board of nelson tnvhip in lh- itt of34230njr th- following teachers were tligaged for becoming term to teach in the aresk schools june wntkins of acton joanne fernie waterdown djris murdock nipi- gon and betty bush of haliburton kennedy skuce at present on the lawric smith school staff was ap pointed principal of the new clarksdalc school the resignations of mrs aileen gordon and miss shirley colling were accepted thtt board finalized the salary schedule it was arrang ed that the association for auxili ary classes for burlington and nel son public schools meet with the fcoard t an early date tait m hawkins chairman presided atthf united rev church of canada acton ontario e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue pjone60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave actoit phone 6 sunday may 15th 1965 955 am sunday school grow ing all the time and more val uable than ever 1115 ajn morning worship rur- altife sunday 700 pm evening worship ser- s vice conducted and message if given by the rev erla currey ba of orton united church hymns of your choosing r a quiet restful hour thought for the week to breed up the son to common evermore the parents least ex pense dryden baptist chutch ray h cosverus pastor parsonage us bower ave phone s06w sunday may 15th 1955 1000 cntsaaday scboot 1100 aim morning worship 700 pin eyeniihc service 845 paijbyjo presbyterian church in canada knox church acton kev robert h armstrong mx bj sunday may 15th 1955 84 am church school 1100 am divine worship 700 pjn evening worship mr william bell will preach both services they that wait upon the lord f hall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you at st aiban hurch aaglleaat rev evan h jones ba lth roga1son sunday may 15th 4065 jojoo sjn church scbol 1100 airriibeglnners class 1100 anirchoral communion and ssw-c- tt 413 pjnjholy baptism of infants 700 pjn evening prayer and sermon onnsi edward jofinson noted tenor of guelph has been apiointed head of the metropolitan opera associa tion the temperature dropped below the freezing point tuesday night but little damage is reported note in editorial column the crowland jobless finally let better judgement- prevail and ceased listening to the agitators it is necessary in this or any other land w work for a livelihood and none will starve who are willing to work if there is anything that belongs to the dark ages and yet survives in these enlightened times it is this chainletter racket a campaign for safety on ontario highways should find approval of every citizen back in 1905 front the issue of the free press off thursday may 11 185 the reception and assembly tend ered to his friends in the town hall last thursday evening by mr arthur a white may without question be classed as the most pretentious and complete event of the kwlt ever- held- in acton decorations by thet eaton co werife magnificent and lentu charn over the nierry gathering of youth and beauty music by the orcheav tra of the 48th highlanders wa highclass and the cold luncheon of six courses frojn toronto was delectable i matting was laid from the pave ment to the doors of the town hall end stairways were covered with crimson carpeting the costumes worn by the ladies- present were particularly hand some among the many were the following mrs a a secord black pattern voile over tnffetta wjth lace bertha mrs francis black silk grenadine skirt over green silk and green silk waist mrs james symon green voile low neck mrs w s chisholm white silk decollete mrs corey black silk aigrette in hair miss nicklin cream nuns veiling miss daisy nicklin white organdie with lace bertha mrs w p mat thews cream soleil en train- statistics just revealed show the startling fact uial during recent years uierelms- been d decided -in- crease in drinking drunkenness and crime throughout canada atw drunken met reeled along the streets on sunday afternoon the men who sold them the liquor are in a fair wuy to get into trouble the chicken incubator is having its innings under the care of some cf our citizens and the young birds are ready to tear down the sign what is home without a mother just to be out of doors so stillf so green during the past year or so rock- wood has manifested a progress and development worthy of the citizens of that village who now number from 600 to 700 electric light is being talked of and sidewalks will he laid first baseball -gam- next- satur day professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physlclan and sargeon office in symon block 43 a mill st e- acton off lee phone 78 ddence 115 church st e phone iso realdenc dr da garrett physician and sargean corner of willow and river su entrance rlvarstrect ontario acton phone zs8 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office lcishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 0 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib i dental sargeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to s pjn telephone 19 acton veterinary fg oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 b d young bvsc cl young dvm veterinary ba office brookville ontario phone milton 16sr21 real estate and d48ckano f l wrigkt 20 wubur sl acton ontario phone 95 appraiser w r bracken phone 26 actyba list your farms business or hou with us we invite you to use am facilities in securing a purchase fo your proparty- r f bean umijd 3 jfjrtx stactqh rh liott 76 bower avenue- phoas t represeatinsr- g w goidstiawtbrokar mston phone mo complete real estate serviea covering halton county ua our faculties legal c f ieatherland barrister a solicitor notary office hours 1000 am 1200 100 pm 300 pjn- saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy -43u5-mleqnalitan-bldgr- 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 aa e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 585 office hoars tuesday 15 pjn thursday 15 pjrt georgetown office by appointment 4 main st s phone triungle 72464 miscellaneous rumley funeral home heated aasbalanee phone 699 night or dsy serving the community for 46 years olive m laaapard atcm rjct teacher aff ptsaa acton studkr st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 290 travellers ouidf gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbonad 638 am 858 am 1133 a 208 pm 508 pm 633 pm pm bl013 pm westbaaasl 1027 am 12 52 prp 257 527- pm 77 pm 912 t 1132 pm 112 am sun to chener only a daily except sunday and i days b saturday sunday and hab- days canadian wationa1 railways daily 5 40 am daily except bun- days 1900 jh 713 pjn suttsay only 801 pjn sally except sun day slyer at georgetown loxajn- 647 pjn daily flyer at gabaga- town 1011 pan dauy 1144 pjn pally amapt sunday 848 ajn tss pm uttf- stop 740- pjn saturday only lit pjn sunday only 903 ajn ttsssr stop sunday only plyar at gualph 700 pjn dauyexxpt- and sun to jdatrain nasaangasa iromwest toronto and bound sju pjn daily except sat anctt sun tlyer at gulph 157 pjnt naft i mi ag

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