Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1955, p. 2

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actt two t ac h hressratohgo thursday- may 19th 1965 victoria day not the 24th monday next will be victoria day but it wont be on may 24th this year and it wont be confusing wd irregularly observed as when it felf in midweek that fjrst hoiday in early sum- mar before the lnjenhtarrlvei6 arways one of the most popular for an ointj to have it come oft a weekend makes itpossible for foil- enjoyment for a family outing owrv through 1he years it has been a very popular holiday in canada the reign of queen victoria was so longthat birthdays of other kings and queens never became as well established then too it is a time of the year when usually the weather is conducive to a longing to be out-of- doors 7 with victoria day now established on mon day it leaves nly one canadian holiday floating around through the week this year dominion day falls on a friday which isnt too disrupting in the weeks routine possibly long before it comes round to a tuesday or wednesday the necessary rulings will have been sanctioned that will have dominion day also a monday holiday in the meantime we have victoria day on which- to sample the success of weekend holidays against midweek dates high bidding in the race between towns to get new indus tries there are indications that the bonusing plan that was so disastrous to municipalities several years ago is making a comeback the much pub licized offer of the mayor of owen sound while contrary to municipal procedure has not been publicly refuted just recently a town a few miles north of here was reported in the newspaper of that town to have given land to two firms to locate there with values of 2000 and 9000 respectively if ontario towns are to- keep solvent and not en gage in a freeforall auction in bidding for estab lished industry it is time the municipal board ex erted the authority which we believe it possesses to keep ontario towns in as solvent a state as pos sible with audited statements and information the board requires it should not be difficult to exercise its authority every town wants industry it is needed to get a decent balance in taxation but the price may be too high in he best interests there are always newcompanies not always fi sound who are looking for bonuses and munici pal help experience years ago proved this muni cipal policy of bonuses unsound a watchful eye is needed again j new driving caution t if you are the driver of a motor vehicle it might be well to checkup on the new highway traffic regulations that become effective at the end of thisrnonth if you are a careless driver its going to cost you more if you are caught license suspension may be imposed for one year rather than six months as at present driving while intoxicated will carry a mini mum license suspension of six months for the first offense if injury or damage is involved its six- months and possibly more there are many other amendments governing drivers and pedestrians that are calculated to make our highways safer bicyclists must carry a white or amber ijght on the front and an approv ed reflector on the rear farm tractors must be equipped and carry electric lighting systems simi lar to those required on motor vehicles if moving on the highway after dusk or before cjawn all new cars will be equipped after january 1st 1956 with electrical signalling devices in dicating clearly the intention to turn school buses have protection provided for other vehicles to stop when signalled while pupils are boarding or being discharged from the school bus the amendments are designed to cut down the terrible toll of our highways if you are in doubt about the law better check or be over cautious in your driving habits the new amend ments may be applicable to some of the things you have considered quite all right getting ready while a short election campaign may have its benefits in shortening the time for the candidates to cover their territdries it has its disadvantages for those who have to make preparation for tfje recording of the vote right now there are some long hours being put in so that that air may be in readiness forontario electors to register their verdict on june 9th the past week all over the province enume rators have been gathering the names of those eligible to vote this week every printing office is busy making voters lists and doing othei printing necessary for polling day then there must be courts of appeal sei yp-im- those names omitted candidates have a few hectic weeks to get their proposals before the electorate the litera ture for the information of the voters and the necessary newspaper promotion and speeches have to be prepared- and distribution made and arrangements made for halls in which- to meet and hear the candidates sometimes as wje see all this preparation and work to make an informed electorate and the care taken to give the electors free choice of their gov ernment we wonder if it is appreciated on june 9 hundreds of ontario resident wont take the time to go to the polls hundreds more would never make it if they had to get theretremselves but brother just take that privilege away just leave that name off the list and the squawks are terrific during the next few weeks make up your mind at least that you are going to vote on june 9th a handicap race canadas railways made a poor financial showing in 1954 the canadian national went in the red to the tune of 28 million the canadian pacific netted only 215 per cent on its rail invest ment the cnr deficit has had to be met out of the poikets of canadian taxpayers the cprs low rail earnings increase that privatelyowned lines difficulties in attracting the capital necessary for the improvement and expansion of its servic es- l what is at the root of the financial plight of canadas railway industry cnr president donald gordon hints at the trouble when he says that given a regulatory environment compatible with the exercise of sound business principles the canadian national carr be made topay -its- own way cpr president w a mather is a bit more forthright the trouble says mr mather is that the railways are required by- law to haul export grain from the prairies to lakehead and pacific coast ports at ratesno higher today than in 1899 during the past year both the board of trans port commissioners and the federal arbitrator in the rail labor dispute have pointed to the paralys ing effects upon railway finances of the socalled crowsnest pass grain rates that freight rates no higher than those prevailing at the turn of the century bear no relationship to presentday costs is apparent these abnormally low freight rates are in effect a hidden subsidy to western grain growers which the railways and those who ship by rail are forced to shoulder so long as the crowsnest pass grain rates re main in force the cnr is likely to face recurring deficits which will have to be made up by the tax payer and the cprs rail earnings are likely to re main far below what might be regarded as a fair and reasonable rate of return on rajl investment brief comment the powassan news marked its 49th annivers- ary and the founder of the paper j b lake is still at the helm congratulations and a wish that both may continue to serve that cammunityfor many more years those who would seek greater welfare bene fits for canadians might be on the wrong track secret of a prosperous nation does not seem to lie in social welfare but in enabling people to earn their own living and create their own sav ings and purchasing power grand forks bc gazette t at tan jto frbb the only paper brer famlshed m acton founded in tyub5 and published every thursday at 96 mill st e acton ont member of the audit- bureau of circula tions thecwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwjta advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance s2q in canada 9350 in the united states six months 150 single copies 6c authorized as second class mall post office department otuwa pabltshtd by duis printing an psbikdtteg a limited g a dills editorinchief david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors l- editorial of ficl telephone 174 v the good qld days j may have seemed photo by esther taylor flowers of spring grow in bright patches of color in gar dens over the town and district tulips daffodils violets and a profusion of other maytime flowers are at their peak these days taking a good whiff of his favoritespring flower is this choir boy whos lost his nose in the fragrant petals- inojth e ast s o u t h est remarkable physique in erin the local paper tells of the remarkable physique of a hillsburgh man robert jacksbn who at 90 years old works regul arly at a local feed store- during a recent hot spell the energetic none- genarian helped to unload eight tons of feed was none the worse for the effort bulldoaer to blame in georgetown a recent power shutoff which extended to acton was caused when a truck towing a bulldozer rammed into a car jack- knifed and flung the bulldozer in to a hydro pole which snapped telephone cable underground was also broken and hydro and phone service was interrupted for about an hour something for nelson in nelson a large metal products manufacturing firm- has located on 90 acres of land with a reputed in vestment of 1000000 the new plant butler manufacturing co of kansas city mo is expected to employ about 125 no information about construction start or size of plant has been released w spare th tree in burlington nine trees slated for the axemans bite have been given a reprieve temporarily at least after several interested- cit izens made intercession on their behalf the trees are reported in the way of a street widening pro gram although the trees are to be spared for now it looks as if theyll have to go when the road subsidy comes through look into the matter in georgetown- the school board of nearby ccdarvale school has reprimanded town council for lark of care where town garbage is dumped apparently the refuse is going on sewer disposal property near the school and is lying uncov ered the matter is to be looked in to racketeers on loose in erin the advocate cautions residentsjto beware of the racke teer wk are on the road again holering home owners to repair fs and chimneys dont have a hing to do with this type of so- called mechanic you will invariab ly get stuck for plenty the paper advises then adds a plug for re liable local workmen trailer trouble 8uii in burlington ifs reported the 100 trailer families living in two con demned lakeshore parks have got to pick up and leave or else a court order gives the trailers to may 14 to imake tire tracks but up to that time few of them showed any hurry to roll now appeals have been filed against the order so the trailers could well hang around for another 30 days at least among those present in milton tv viewers of that locality apparently have sharp eyes for whos who in the audience in a recent sunday night telecast of ed sullivans toast of the town local car dealer norm guild was spotted sitting in the audience case of necessity in milton the local school board last week announced that action for another new public school from council is needed but fast in the old public school plaster is coming down and ceilings are sagging al though ok for a second new school didnt forthcome council fit least gave the board the goahead for aj fourroom addition to the new public school back in 1905 taken fram the tome of the nee press of thursday may u ims the session of the acton board of trade last week was taken up with discussion of how acton al ways an attractive place in summer can be made more beautiful the ball season was opened at the park with a highly interesting and wellplayed match between the victorias of guelph and- the- acton grays county councillor h p moore was chosen to pitch the first ball before proceeding to do so he addressed the players congratulat ing them on their organization as a purely amateur rteam this year be observed that every one of the players was a former pupil of ac- toil public school where each had acquitted himself wwh credit and he trusted that during their match es they would emulate the good conduct taught them in that wor thy institution his delivery of the first ball wns made and though vigorous was a trifle erratic acton- won 3 to 1 wear twentieth century cloth ing last seasons suit is a back number theforemqstlothing in canada th finishedprodurfdf at- tists shermans the mens outfit ters acton all interested in the motion to banish the bar are invited to u meeting in the town hall the nassagawcya persheron horse co have just received the new pure bred stallion mongolien he was in town saturday and was much admired those interested in tennis met last wednesday in the town hall to elect officers for the current sea- eon president is homer adams vicepresident miss daisy nicklin secretary treasurer miss clara moore acton cornet band celebrated the donning of their new uniforms by a very enjoyable concert last thursday evening the coat is a fine dark blueblack cloth trimmed with military braid and a narrow gold braid ornamentation the cap is made of cloth to match of a mod ified auto shape adorned with gold braid and gold wreath chairman wilson is arranging to plant a number of trees in the park this spring cut works budget brampton rate 66 bramptons 1955 tax rate was es tablished at 665 mills jast week ov er the dissenting vote iaf council- lor russell proue who favored a higher rate the 665 mill is 45 mills above last years figure this years rate was established by council only after the works committee budget had been drast ically reduced from an origin 1 figure of approximately 330000 to 179000 this prompted the opposit ion from councillor prouse i dont think 66 and onehalf mills is adequate for- the works commit tee said mr prouse it might be risky to strike this rate instead of 68 or 69 at tht united church of canada acton ontario rye a cjmreybajbjl minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday may 22nd 19w 1000 am sunday school next to the home the finest character- developing influence 1100 ajn morning worship 700 pm evening worship hymns- of your choice tapjeh music a- restful helpful hour thought- for the week not all mothers are beautiful but all motherhood is st albany church v angtteasn rev evan h jones ba lth rector f a sunday ay 22nd 1955 sunday after ascension day 1000 anv church school 1100 ajn beginners class 1100 am morning prayer and sermon 415 plm holy baptism of in- fants vooy pjn evening prayer and sermon v- presbyterian church in canada rev robert h armstrong ma bjdx minister sunday may- 22nd 1955 945 amchurch school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship they that wait upon the i lord- shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you baptist church acton ray hj costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206 w sunday may 22nd 1955 1000 am sunday school 1100 a jn morning worship 700 pjn evening service 815 pm bypu acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lox hall crewsbns corners pastor rev kj reid 81 cook st telephone 649w sunday may 22nd 1955 1000 am sunday school 1100 am mo wu 730 pm evangelistic i wednesday 8 pjrr prayer meeting and 3ible study a friendly welcome to all back in 1935 taken t from the tsstte of the free press thursday may 23 1983 an acton boy is stepping along in hockey according to press re ports ilio mafao may play junior hockey next treat wjith owen sound it is said oakville also want hhn for senior hockey it is predict ed by some sports writers that in a few years he will be playing pro fessional hockey he played hi first hockey in acton and learned the game skating on the fnter beds adjoining the crescent the annual meeting of the actors lawn bowling and tennis club was held last week officers elected tor the season are general secretary a r battye honorary president w j gould president j m mc donald first vicepresident dr pearen second vicepresidenlt ehiottthird vicepresident kr-di- on the first issue of the new heavy silver jubilee dollar was na large it is in popular demand at present because of its scarcity at least there are no hard feel ings in acton over the distribution of the jubilee medals only two wgre allotted in the municipality and one of these to a returned man whom tmone knew as a resident of acton o could locate to allow for larger store space the store now occupied by mr psllattt will beextcndedinjengjthi and the rear wall removed to make a larger and more commodious store thiswill give mr pallant more space for display and accom modating his increasing business premier and mrs hepburn have set an example for the adopt a child week by adopting a baby boy and will adopt a baby girl next week another light frost on wednes day morning they have been rath er too common in may the club house at the bowling and tennis grounds is being re- shingled and renovated st albans boy scouts presented fleur dc lis their first annual dis play friday patrol leaders robert footitt and frank holmes were elected to re present the troop at the forestry camp professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church 8t b phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and 8nrgeoa corner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanan rental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgesa office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pm telephone 19 acton veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary 8nrgeens office brookville ontario phone milton 165r21 real estate and in8cranci f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser rasd estate w r bracken real estate phone 2 acton list your farms business or hous with us we invite you to use ouj facilities in securing a purchase to your property r f bean limited leal estate and bssranc 83 mill st acton phone 585 r h elliott irf- real estate 76 bower avenue phone 6 represent g w o milton phone tt complete heal estate serrics covering halton county use ou facilities legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor nstery office hours 1000 ajoa1200 100 pm 500 saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered aeeemtaats successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 m e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public t7mill st phone 58s office hoars tuesday 15 pm thursday 15 pm georgetown office by appointment 4 main st s phone triangle 72464 miscellaneous ruaaley funeral home heated ambalanee phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive m lampard atcm rjtt acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers qwm gray coach unes coaches leave acton 38 a an 8s8 am 1133 r 208 pmt 508 pm 633 pm us pjn bi013 pm wcstbmbd 1027 am 1232 pm 257 bjm4 327 pjn it pm 912 pjbw 1132 pjn 112 am sun to chener only a daily except sunday and days b saturday sunday and days canadian national v railways daily 540 am daily except sun days 1000 ajn 713 pro only 801 pm daily excp day flyer at georgetown 902 637- pm daily flyer at george town 1011 pm daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 848 am j56- pm flsf- stop 740 pm saturday only ljfcr pjn sunday only 903 ajn oac- stop sunday only flyer at ou t05 p dally e 8at and sun to detrain pa from west toronto and b 531 pjn daily except sat sad sun flyer at guelph 557 pm u- 1 ie iasijtefcl uh

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