Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1955, p. 3

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fwssv j t may 86th 168 f the acton fre6 press acton ohtario a a maximum facilities at minimum cost municipal services available to the- towns citizens at minimum cost offer maximum facilities and com modities for the normal unhindered progress of domestic commercial and industrial living in acton years of progressive develop ment sustained by a steady level of economy have left for actonians an active investment in community well being this investment is ser vices which continually addedto are administered by the taxpayers representatives actons disposal runt built capacity of 3000qo gallons intake age from some 12 miles of mams only ffye years ago is engineered to process twice the present the plant is an activatec sludge processing system and takes sew- tests oh the sewerage effluent gauge 94 to 9 pekteht pore a cooperative effort for better community living performed by private citizens businessmen in dustrialists and farmers is the function of the local chamber of commerce which in only six months of organization has made an ambitious start on this continu ing aim under the chairmanship of john coy and with r f bean as sec retary- in a ninetaan council the chamber has gained a membership of nearly so since its inception last year council members head ing such committees as civic re tail industrials publicity and mem bership and program have formed subcommittees to carry out various projects investigations and action which falls in the wide circle of chamber activity one jet the foremost aims of the chamberhere as with most cham ber of commerce or board of trade of commerce six already active units is to build up local pride in the present citizens and stimulate interest and attraction to prospect ive citizens and industries means to meet this efk take many shapes the projects large or small momentary or continuing all figure as accomplishments to enrich the communitys well being some of the accomplishments to date organization under the in dustrial committee to amass and maintain uptodate information valuable to potential industry for chamber or town council use as sistance to council in providing staff for the north halton urban boards display booth at the inter national trade fair planning for the installation of waste receptacles inthe downtown area formation of ian artificial ice committee which has prepared extensive tacts and figures prior to a possible chamber-led- community effort to add an ice plant to actons arena erection of a huge christmas tree in december on mill street and an undertaking to maintain the color ed street lights in downtown acton initiation of a canvassers licens ing system for the protection of members in business in addition to these accomplish ments the six months old cham ber has been responsible for other less public efforts directed with in tegrity and discretion at furthering actons municipal stature the local chamber a member of the canadian and ontario parent bodies meets the second wednes- day of every month summer ex cepted in the station hotel at 7 pjn membership applications can be obtained from membership committee chairman f terry or from the secretary for sale apply i opportunities are to be found in acton i the for sale sign is up in acton the commodity is opportunity and the price is only your interest r if you as a businessman or homemaker have an eye open for fresh opportunity through expansion relocation or development look to acton where citizens work hand in hand with commerce and industry to make this town a finer place to live acton a centre of progress i acton j chamber coyimlrc c waterworks in acton under a separate department and guided by the public utilities commissionre designed on a modern system in stalled in 1920 coursing through mostly sixinch mains fjqr nearly ten miles the consistently grade a water is supplied mainly from a spring pumping a maximum 170 gallons per minute a supplement ary deep well source provides an additional 90 gallons per minute to make a total present maximum of 260 gallons per minute this year the town will continue a program bagun in 1964 to open new sources of water supply to meet unfolding growth and new de mands maintenance to the system of conduits is carried on with a min imum of inconvenience to consum ers main valves are so located that sectional cutoffs interrupt service to the least number of us ers hydrant conduits from the mains are also valved at the con nector to facilitate maintenance and eliminate service interruption the local waterworks system was financed by a 30year debenture loan which was recovered through consumer rate charges hydro is a second service admin istered through the public utilit ies commission and financed in wholesale cost and retail distribut ion through rate charges all cate gories of consumer cost domestic commercial and industrial power bills are comparable to average scales in similar communities a survey here is neartng comp letion prior to revamping the towns distribution system to step up transformer strength and allow servicing of new housing develop ments under construction sixtycycle power in acton is generated from the niagara sys tem high tension lines from the cast or west can put in power from either the toronto or burlington distribution stations sewage disposal effected through a closed system to an activated sludge processing plant services every section of town in over 12 miles of main lines with only one pumping station over half the main conduits gravity feed to the dispos al plant well outside the builtup community the plant processing an average intake of 250000 gallons and max imum of 300000 gallons was built in 1950 and engineered in the dig- estor and aerator for future de- capmern mands of up to 600000 gallons acity tests oh thgsewerage efflu ent gauge 94 to 07 per cent pure these three services water hyd ro and sewage disposal are direct ed to the daytoday convenience and needs of town citizens howev er other services play no less an important part in community life transportation is vital to busin ess and private activity in any settl ed area actons 16 miles of grad ed lighted streets the majority with companion sidewalks are broad and faced b wctkkept homes or stores a policy of street levelling and permanent surfacing financed by- general revenue instead of impos ing more debenture debt has been indicated by local officials it la proposed to start this program dur ing the year and continue in suc ceeding years oiv a stepbystep basis as councils find it economic ally feasible two busy highways intersect in acton no 7 and no 25 three pri vate transport firms have their headquarters in town there are seven east and westbound buses daily through here and three cnr passenger schedules and freight trains malton airport one of can adas busiest is little more thaii 25 miles away garbage disposal for residents is effected at no extra cost and is in cluded in the general levy a col- lection schedule is regular with a modern sanitary truck covering the town every monday and thurs day refuse is disposed of under conditions which leave no threat of contamination nor cause any health hazard police protection is an around- theclock service to acton citizens as is fire protection a provincial police office and car with all fac ilities for county and provincewide cooperation is centrally located a volunteer fire brigade man a mod- pumper and l organized to jcom operate in emergencies with the halton mutual aid organization of municipal firefighters the local brigade also operates under a rural protection- arrangement with three adjsccnt townships police and jira department are located in trie town hall which also houses council chamber assessors and town foremans office in the same building a rootny public auditorium is utilized by local or ganizations and for civic gather- ttjgs t acton public library administ ered by an appointed oard res ponsible to council which approv es an annual bperating grant is a constant source of education and enjoyment fo citizens from sehool- nge id retirement age the library works closely with uie public school annual circulation accord ing to the most recent available report is estimated at nearly 20000 the library is part of the handsome y building on main street the county health unit provides a host of direct and indirect ben- elits to actonians for us little as u3 cents per year taxed here per capita prevention of tb childhood disease vaccinations baby clinics mental and physical health clinics sanitation and food control super- sion arc phases of the wealth of lublic welfare activity which stems from the halton county health vn- acton everywhere you may see an acton town booster anywhere on the contin ent this summer you can spot him by his smart red and white metal bumper plate proclaiming acton the centre of progress these booster plates were sold by the ys mens club as a project this year micro plastics is now nations largest plastic pipe producer after the close of the war in fact in july 1946 when the plastic in dustry was just getting started in canada a onestorey building was erected on mill street adjoining the cnr tracks here three young men with a knowledge of thermo plastic extrusion and one extruder started micro plastics limited to day there are 10 extruders in con stant operation from the one building two exten sions have been added and 24000 square feet of floor space are utiliz ed all of the land in that district now is built upon and another 14 acres was bought in acton micro plastics is the largest of its kind in canada in general extrusion there are 65 employees the company was the first in canada to make plastic pipe and is the largest canadian producer it was first in canada to produce sheet plastic raw materials come in large part from canada and the united states but england is also a sup plier for this industry to list the products now made from plastic by extrusion would be lengthy but the carlon pipe which has found so many advantages from mines to artificial ice arenas comes in end less loads and finds a market in many places acton certainly has diversified industries and products officers of the company are j h rcid president a r long vicepresident and n l bowles secretarytreasur er new industries find actons proximity to the distribution centre of canada a good place in which to get established mackenzie and son have acre of land in centre of town many of actons public buildings such as the ymca both high and public schools as well as many homes in acton have been con structed by i b mackenzie and son limited who confine their activities to acton and district and have beam- ln operation for over half a century their mill and supply yards oc- cupy an acre of land in tho centre of acton the firm has modern equipment such as a delta five- horsepower cutoff saw and manu factures here wood sash and door frames cupboards doors and does general mlllwork they specialize in serving the immediate distrlctr- there are seven employees at tho acton plant with m holmes as manager miss bcrnlce sargent as secretary john watcrhouse as fore man and e lambert g harding t reid and bill bruce on the staff materials used are mostly of can adian origin and this company has found acton an ideal location and a centre of progress for them down through the half century in a baseball game about 78 yeors ago a visiting team from guclph defeated acton by quite a margin 127 to 26 exhibit proves interest in crafts this month the five counties art exhibit with hundreds of ent ries was held in actclp public school and the continued interest in arts and crafts hcre certainly warrants the choice acton on may 14 and 15 was the mecca for many artists local people organized on aru and- crafts club in acton themselv es about five yeors ago under the guidance of energetic mrs wesley beatty mrs bcatty is now on the committee which supervises com munity night classes held under the sponsorship of the local high school board and the community programs branch of the depart ment of education this past winter there were classes in the new high school ii oil painting woodworking typing sewing and tray etching and theres plenty of enthusiasm for next year r crafts are taught to youngsters in scouts and y classes as well the town of acton was first known as danville and adnmsviue it was named acton by the first postmaster- robert swan in 1844 electric products manufacturers of tore electrical appliances and heating units for 26 years manufacturers of quality rangettes toasters irons and electrical heating units plant and head office acton ontario jhjfcbli8sjii8baa8ijisjsa sssbasswssiassesmissssaasmsext jjjsssirmtsii

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