Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1955, p. 2

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4 f page two the acton fre press acton ontario thursday jung 9th 1965 i n i i lucky or unlucky thursday may be a favorite day with premier frostifor an election but from the standpoint of a weekly newspaper its more objectionable than a micweek holiday of necessity the editorial comment must be written early irt the week news items and advertising must be arranged on wednesday at the latest any advertising of election is therefore of lit tle use to the candidates since it only appears qrt the date of the votings any editoriav comment on the last minute phases of the campaign has no bearing finally news of the results is not avail able before friday the day after the paper is printed and consequently held over for a week we suppose it will have no bearing on any political leader what the troubles of a weekly newpaper editor involve we wouldnt for the world place any more grief on any leader in any field but thursday elections are just a pain in the neck in any newspaper in the weekly field we hope somebody will find a day that is more lucky toot toot the police chief of lopg branch has issued a warning to wedding celebrants that those who follow a car carrying a bride and groom tooting the horns on their cars will find themselves in jail charged under the villages antinoise bylaw we agree with the police chief of that com munity that these horn tooting processions are a nuisance and do not pay tribute in any way to the sanctity of marriage matrimony is a sacred cere mony blessed by god it is a solemn contract be tween two people to join forces until death parts them matrimony is the most sacred thing in the lives of any couple it doesnt rate as a cheap parade or side show with noise just for the sake of noise and to attract attention we do not know whether there is an anti- noise bylaw here or not but there are many folks who would welcome such a bylaw if it would stop this cheap demonstration that has become part of the wedding proceedings of today the real highway menace according to prof joslyn rogers analytical chemist and consultant to the attorney generals department alcohol is involved in approximately 85 per cent of the traffic accidents in this pro vince tne same authority expresses the belief that it jyas to blame for between 200 and 400 of last years 1 000 traffic highway fatalities professor rogers discusses the matter not as a temperance advocate but as an analytical chem ist when he explains the effect of alcohol on the motorist alcohol produces a sense of euphoria says the prof that means you think you can dive deeper swim farther and come out dryer thananyoneelse or you think you can pass a car going at 50 miles an hour but you may meet someone coming from the opposite direction who is also suffering from euphoria a lack of discretion an unjustified confidence in ones ability as a driver these are alcohols fatal gifts to the motorist who to already heavy libations adds one for the road n preivacation dreaming this is the time of year when most canadians enjoy what may be the best part of summer holi daysthe anticipation in an idle hour they can relax and dream aboutsthe pleasure soon to come or plan a vaca tion even more idyllic than the one they intend to take this dreaming and planning can extend over several weeks and it doesnt cost a cent even if a mans wife wants to go to the mountains and the man himself favors going to the seaside he can dream anyway about the sea side of course the nicest thing about this preholiday antici pating is that in it everything works out perfectly the fisherman fills his creels the golfer shoots his holeinone the motorist rolls merrily along with never a traffic jam or a flat tire the bashful youth finds a sweetheart or the shy miss lapds a husband more and more favor again this year acton organizations carried out a most successful decoration day on sunday the weather was cooperative for a function out- ofdoors and the district groups gave splendid cooperation in supplying bands and participating in the parade on behalf of citizens sotltpresenf and former residents a word pi appreciation is due to all who worked to make the event so im pressive in june the cemeteries present their best and it is a grand time in which to pay tribute to those who have gone on before flowers too are in profusion and all the graves in their row on row were a tribute wjthjhe jright floral decorations it is an appropriate time of year for an out door service such as decoration day can provide we used to have rjiore of them in acton in the summer months than we havjn these later years we hope that decoration day wvill continue to be an annual event to perpetuate these services a suggestion that was passed on to us and which we have relayed to members of the com mittee was that a floral tribute and some place in the program should be given in recognition of the pioneers cemetery just off knox avenue where the remains of the early settlers of this section are interred we feel that this oversight will be cor rected and that decoration day in acton will con tinue to find a place in the hearts and lives of those of us who remain not always price t photo by esther taylor june in the country is a time of growth and green when warm weather brings forth crops and gardens fully leafs the trees and puts grass and pasture land in a rich verdant garb the scorching heat of july and august the drier months has yet to tarnish the green sheen that coats the countryside the good op days i may hav seemed tt better n e ast o r t h w s outh est the other day we noted that in new toronto a tender had been let for certain work at a bid of 20467 the engineers estimate of the cost of the work had been 32362 a difference in the two estimates of approximately 10000 one sometimes wonders at the wide variance when bids are opened on building and construction obs whether they are estimates or pure guesses it is quite easy to reconcile moderate differences in prices submitted by tender of a few dollars but when a third of the total amount involved in the whole creates the difference many of us who pre pare estimates on smaller items and are criticized for differences in cost are a bit flabbergasted at the wide spread in construction bids this occurson most every construction job called for tender and is not peculiar to new to ronto or any other municipality adding to the confusion is the fact that the estimates are pre pared from identical specifications and the engi neers who prepare the plans are very liable to be at wide variance with the offer of some company to undertake the work after all as in most things we suppose the prime factor for consideration is reliability of the firm for successful completion of such work as well as the price consideration many a munici pality and individual have found that price is not always the prime factor in getting work done brief comment time is at hand whert school pupils are being put to the test regarding the studies which have been assigned them over the past year money for hospital in oakville its reported the oak- villetrafalgar memorial hospital building campaign has yielded a total of 360000 to date there is still some 78000 to be raised be fore the objective is reached pro ceeds of the general canvass have reached 82000 while 130000 has been raised in special gifts and 183000 in grants from i june the month of strawberries and green peas and the start of the crop of homegrown vegetables roses also bloom this month to add beauty to outofdoors most taxpayers would be greatly shocked if comparisons were made in the amount of value received for tax dollars these days as compared with that of 25 years ago more and more people are obtaining an easy ride on the shoulders of the taxpaying public langley bc advance we are making education in high schools too easy says the nanton alta news the water ing down of courses in order to encourage and attract students is unrealistic in the extreme here is the twentieth century making more extensive demands every year yet school courses are con sistently spread thinner instead of being intensi fied to meet the needs of the times courses are diluted again andagain and commerce sewers or schools in bronte a gathering of citizens last week demanded a referendum before the end of june to decide whether or not the village should install a 289000 sewer system while the attendance at this meet ing was largely unanimous some opposition led by those concerned over the building of a new school was voiced v no election by wards in burlington last week council approved a redivision of the town into six instead of four wards but in the next breath voted against a move to elect councillors by wards the councillor who sponsored the motion announced he would it- tempt to line up voters support on the idea andbring a petition before council new look long overdue in georgetown a proposal for a drastic newlook to the towns downtown section was outlined last week when it was announced the main thoroughfare through town may get a complete repaving and in spots a widening citizen will feel a lot prouder of the road way than they do at the present time as the resurfacing is long overdue the herald comments rockthrowers in court in oakville three boys all under 10 were put on probation for a yeaa by a juvenile court magistrate fsr hitting a local woman with stones the woman is said to have suffer ed injuries to the head and legs after the youngsters fired rocks at her while she was walking in a new subdivision in the industry race in bronte establishment of con trolled industries in the commerc ial area may be permitted if the council allow itself to be guided by results of a poll in the district one councillor declared the poll improper but another countered the village had been losing industry long enough and needed to take steps to get more assessment private to public in burlington a launching ramp at the foot of s park fur the use of small boat owners was approved by council last week on a unanimous vote but none of the names of the 30 boat owners was revealed the ramp will be built privately but supervised by the town engineer and then will be come public property control proposal lambasted in trafalgar township last week ratepayers meeting in a sixth line school had a hectic time of it as they gathered to boo criticize jeer and generally knock the stuffing out of a proposal by the council lo put an industrial zone tab for future development on a north ern stretch of the township now used as farmland township cuts connection fin milton it looks as if trafalgar township has severed connections as far as planning is concerned trafalgar ha pointed out it will not sit in on any more meetings of the miltonnorth trafalgar plan ning board unless specifically in vited at one time it was hoped a working joint board could be es tablished back in 1935 taken from the issue of the free press of thursday jane 13 193s fire just as going to press the grain warehouse at the station is being completely destroyed by fire and flames are also destroying the elevator r announcement wa made on fri day of the appointment of w j l hampshire former reeve of es- quesing township as sheriff and surrogate court clerk of haltori county succeeding j m macken- zuv milton county clerk and col g o brown georgetown who held the post of sheriff william anderson former deputyreeve of oakville and a veteran of the war has been appointed mr hamp shires deputy acton branch of the canadian legion is versatile in its method of procedure and gave another unique- event last evening in uul ixkon hall the members of the duke of devonshire and lakeside chapters of the iojde and reeve and council school board representat ives of the girl guides- and boy scouts and press were guests on this occasion zone commander col g o brown was also present and the first president of acton branch w j gguld who has been ill was again able to attend and received a royal welcome the legion hall had undergone a transformation in its decoration and the appearance on this evening gave indication of hard work and careful planning on the part of the committee under the leadership of mr e el barr a splendid banquet followed the program repairs have been made td the mill st pavement and holes filled the tenth anniversary of rock- wood united church took place on sunday afternoon on monday the afternoon supper was partaken of followed by a program born i wake at the guelph genera hospital on thursday june b to diesel purchases why all the panic in the purchase of more diesels for eastern can- ada the new equipment is being bought at a time when excellent progress is reported in the per fection of the new coalfired gas turbine which will continue to use our coal and which will give the railroads more efficiency than the presentday diesels spnnghill ns record an estimated 2419000 families had children 24 years of age and under living at home at the start o june 1954 attht united church of canada acton ontario rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george euiort organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sty artmt 3xtt ifrrtss only paper brer pabusked hi aei founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 58 mill st e acton out member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cw jja- and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance tt in canada sst0 in the united states six months 4l50 stag copies 0c authorized at second oast matt post office department ottawa prtmilrlhrttadmavffu as apsmlila a os thahsi g a dills editorinchief i david r bills production manager v james dills john black assodateiedttors v business amd editorial office telephone 174 sunday june 12th 1955 9 55 a m sunday school for ev ery child faith in god 1115 a mt morning worship 700 pw evening worship a quiet relaxing hour of praise prayer and fellowship thought for the week thei was never law or sect or opinion did so much magnify goodness as the christian religion dothi bacon presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bj minister sunday june 12th 1956 9 45 am church school 11 00 am morning worship 7 00 p m evening worship they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206w st albans church anglican rev evan h jones ba lth sunday june 12th 1956 trdctty i 8j0 ajn tjoly communion tljjj 1000 am church school l 1100 am beginners class t 415 pan holy baptism 700 pm evening trayer sermon wednesday june 15th 8 p3t confirmation service sermon by the rt rev w e bag- nail ba djx bishop of the dfocesei of niagara and sunday june 12th 1955 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 7 00 p m evening service 815 pm bypu acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lox hall crewsons corners r pastor rev k j heidi fbl cook st telephone 649w sundays june 12th 195s 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 a morning worship 730 pjn evangelistic service wednesday 8 pjn cottage pray er meeting and bible study a friendly welcome to all mr and mrs a s ware of campbejlville a son george al bert back in 1905 taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 8 190 mr j k brown phm b who has been managing one of mr w w mckeagues drug stores in winnipeg the past year has just commenced business on his own account on tuesday he opened a new drug store in that city mr brdwns many friends here- wish him every success in business in americas most rapidly growing city in pursuance of their plan of mutual help and improvement in matters culinary and domestic the members ofhalton womens instit ute to the number of about 40 drove to the home of mrs wm mc donald fourth line on friday af ternoon to hold their regular meet ing the feature of the program was a demonstration of the uses of separator our gillant flamefighters were the hosts at an enjoyable open air function in the park on friday evening a dance in the drill shed after the program was well pat ronized acton station is indeed a busy place at present gangs of navvies are raising and lowering shifting taking up and lowering track the whole system of track is to be moved from 20 to 40 feet to the north the new station now gives some idea of its future appearance the present unnavigable condit ion of most of the roadways about town has put the watering cart practically out of commission mud holes are indeed evident the quarterly general meeting of the board of trade will be held next week it is understood that a couple of industries are seeking to locate in acton and the board must act at once fairview cemetery was visited by crowds of citizens on sunday after noon to witness the unveiling of the monument to the late george vin cent of the acton society wood- meh of the world proceeded by the band members marched to the cemetery there was a program hymns and address professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office tarsymon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 15t dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance rivor street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office bours 9nnto xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 a m to 6 pjn telephone 19- acton miscellaneous ruaaley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive m laaapard atcm rjit teacher of plans acton studio st albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton east bound 638 am 858 am 1133 ajn 2 08 p m 5 08 p m 6 33 pm ts pm bl013 p m westbound 1027 am 12 52 p m 2 57 pjn 527 pm 727 pm 9 12 pjn 1132 pm112 am sun to kit chener only a daily except sunday and hoi days b saturday sunday and boll days canadian national railways standard time esstbeand dally 540 ami daily except sun days 10 00 ajn 713 pm sundaj only 801 pjnc daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 ajn 837 pjn daily flyer at george town 1011 pm daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 848 am 655 pm flsg- st6p 740 pm saturday only 137 pjn sunday only 903 a jn -flag- stop sunday only flyer at guelph 705 pjn daily except sat and sun to detrain passengers from west toronto and beyond 531 pjn daily except sat and sun flyer at guelph 5 57 pjn veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ava acton phone 130 b d youngvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton 165r21 optical e l buchner r o optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 1 30 6 00 pjn wednesday evenings by appoint- merit legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary p office hours 1000 am1200 1 00 pm500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 aa e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 585 office hours tuesday 15 p m thursday 15 pjn georgetown office by appointment 4- main st s phone triangle 72464 real estate and in8urancr f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate insurance actm w r bracken real estate phone 26 list your farms business or with us we invite you to uss oar facilities in securing a purchass tor your property r f bean limited 83 mill st acton phone 58s r h elliott 76 bower avenue fhons representing g w ctoldstrawtbroksr v milton phone 340 complete bsaltutsstslet covsring halton county r ussour rciutis r a m ri rsvj 4jis5

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