Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1955, p. 8

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s page jjioht ginger f writtt specially to im actq trtt pri by gw9int jp otetkc whom i ti uhul liiilrtiut larni horrid j von onhirtlrit voiiltr i vmtuliilv ti k vim could itiovo yum farnt n 11 ufftir- tint dutllit wrutu would yxiu tut lore nu w jm1 it nlco tlucunro tmrk 0 kiii n ut pitvixl hlfiliwuv our iw om pluiu ut ffriy lullik mi limn but vol llimn l iu tiil in mimnv haml if wr uojmt u lonu ut mtit on tlio lituhwuv thr iwtvillinu ik tronl huwmoi hint unl ulwnvjt i- nilili yixlvuluv fm limtuiuv i drovo about flvn initio iiloni ono of out kiiivol xlttoiouiu uhilt loiul vark hiix iiimii in piojikvtn foi bin inl vwokit i ini lltouilh ivitliih tut unit i couldnt help wnndm inu imvv fiiiiroli nlmik hint ioiul could knit up llli it not only in tliu dust nultiu- tt t 11i10 11 111111- vncc children wnilklnu luilnu tin- lm1 to and fiom mhool chimot lir iwcn linnudlatoh ufloi n 0111 hut jvsxsihi li nd dit vol i iiiivk to tic iai ttiiikn lv cimtloiw cllmliliitf tlic liliu lost i oiioli ijilvoi mluit rmoilio fiom tin- dust on the wionu sldr of tlr uuil aftoi ni llttlp tilp uuois ooun- ti the icithtm upholtcm in mv 011 aml fit to all on i cmnc to the conclusion thut llv intf on u luulnvn spolu one foi tiic lllnx on hhm lomls and ot in otlut icipectt tt is so liiuoli ntooi itvtiiu fm hum out in the oountr aw in fiom lln liiuh- t knrm hoiimn nui roimiutl with aiitnii trees old apple iiclmids com s diinkitii down at hie ciook 1mi11iuou in tle swamp 10 1- v msisl hlickhuds dutmu in ana out imoiii the willow s on oui fatm wo neer see 1 ktlaunjjoil blackhud at all weigh the advun- tajns apalnst the jwaclviiitigcs nnfi what ha e ou i still don t know 1 supposo a lot depi nits up in what one wants and ones nlilit to oiipo with dismdvantagci 1 hno in mind one faini the homo of an oldoilx couple tho hae cattle but tlkro u no milkint shorthorn calos aie left with the cows a neverfailing stream provide wat er in the treehaded pasture a few hens on free range supply the house with egijs occasionally hen lays awa and comes out with a clutch of fluffy chicks it seem like an ideal setup a type of farming if ou cait call it that that is just a way of living but then you come to tjie house no hydro no laborsaving de vices a lovely garden and all kinds of houseplants but at niglt just a coaloil lamp to lighten the darkness to a nothing of out door plumbing no i just couldnt take it in this day and age that is pastoral living carried to extremes it seems to me people past middle life need the amenities of modern li ing even though they bury themselves in the woods hovovofrthe foregoing are just imaginary problems the difficul- ies we have to deal with today are real but ve last week partner sold all the milking cows to one buyer the trucker was to pick them up first thing this morning it is now mid- mornmg and he still hasnt arriv ed and we have two men waiting to help load however we just got a phone call to say he would be here right after dinner so here we are just on edge waiting around until the truck cbmej while the cows wait patiently down in their stalls little knowing this is the last day they will spend in sur- toundlngs that have been familiar to them since calfhood it is a very hot day which doesn t make things any easier however we understand the truck is airconditioned padded and separated into several compart ments with two men in charge who know how to deal with cattle so maybe the cows w ill be cooler on the road than they would be in the pasture in the meantime they are cool and comfortable in the stable at a lime like this i cant help thinking of the dlfferencebetween dealing with animate and inanim ate things if we were 561111x2 a car or a piece of equipment it wouldn t matter much when the buyers came for their- purchase- but cows are creatures of flesh and blood o we naturally have some concern fo their welfare how anyone could feel otherwise i dont know and after the cattle are gone no cows for partner to milk it sounds too good to be true we ahall still have young heifers and a few calves and there will be i a dry cow to go out later but nothing to milk at all we have been look ing forward to this day for a lonj time but until the cows are safely loaded we shall put in a few anxious hours just now is a par ticularly good time for the cows to co as i expect to toe away for a little while and i shall certainly 0 with an easier mind knowing that partner has a lot less work ti do but oh dear sell a few cows and what rumors you hear i wa told down town that we had sold the farm that definitely isnt true we havent even got it listed nor bave we given the matter any con sideration whatsoever but of- course if anyone came along and offered u fantastic price mu there no telling what kahihwu motor trip follows wedding- saturday in a quiet ceremony at- the church or st albiin the martyr acton on sutunlay afternoon june 4 mi dolortm marie hheehy of cluelph been me the bride of kri- ward qeorge tyler jr the bride is the daughter of mrs maritnrnt sheehy und- the lute mr sheeny of cjuelpli and the jrooni u hie sou of mayor mid mm kilwurd deorgu tyler of acton the ceremony wa nerforipocl liyjlcv evun ii jorim with mm flunk oaken ut the ortfnn ol von in muriilugn by the groom ttoirtiii mr llerliell h hennetl of hamilton the bilde wme u fiom length ti ailemi gown of chuntllly luce and tulle with neqiiln trim ovei white ullppei xatfii and u miiuliluu chiinlhiv laie jueket with ihv point jdepvek a coronet f need pent u iii id hoi flnueltlp veil of oiivbioliloiod nylon tulle nnilhei flow ola went ii eihteuile of i eil swiolheint lone with mtcpliiinnllx and font mliu ki inn llwtikiitl of kllllieimi wan lirldoniiiuld wouiing 11 flout length gown of blue nlnn not ovei it ideal out tuffetu with mulching jacket dhow length mllltuif unit hcudilioiiii she cull led 11 cutioudi of tulliinun nines julluii znjuc of alton vvun benl 111111 a tocnptlon foi us uunaut w held at hilltop uidgn krln lhc couple loft on u inoloi trip the lirlile wealing 1111 eiuemble of tun mid beige with mulching uc- iehioile1 und u eoitage of bnbv oichldh on tholi leliini hie happy couple will lohitte in acton reidwetherelt wedding saturday a piottv wedding took place hi sutuiduy juno 4 at pm at the btliles home cm lisle when the rev cm lie united in innnlago ivllls luughtor of mii cathei uu wethorlt curllnle to cruig soi of ml iil mis w held pool go tow n the in iclo ihose a stuot longtli iliess of pi lilt nyjlim not ovei lu feta wttlrwhhf lienlh ts und ue- icssorles und 1 01 sugo of white 1111 nations mis mutiny calloway a friend of the bi ide was uttendant in navy nylon luce over taffeta with white headdioss und ucct smu les und tor sugo of pink carnations herb roid bi other of the groom was best man a 1 eception was held af tei w inch the couple left mid showei s of good w islus of points west the bride travelling in a dress of navy i and white linen with white acces sories und carnation corsage guests were present from tor onto georgetown cnmpbellville and cat lisle the acton fcfcf iktfift acfon onfawo r thursday june ftth ims apprenticed in acton opened own drug store 50 years ago completes year- it wan fid year nun hint j kn drown opened lit drug tue hi klmweitd munllolm maiklnu llm iicraaliiii n iimiplele xloiy win imlilifclieil in oiln nf the wimltun uewnihiuiii and it in ieirlulml hiiu for hie inteieal of mi lliowntt attun filinid he appnii lied here in alton with lila liiiilli ei tliu lule a t itiown hlfly viii ugo die fliol itiui ctiiiu inmuui rltmwnihl it wua in mm ihut 1 kn hihiwii opetuil lll itoocj to hie inclillciin null ii ave at hint lliim liiulmiiu tenlieii luigely amuiul liimine lllllilge willi ii timttoy iwi rpiritn hie itvil itlvel uu llm u iiiiuiii to lliu east etui f kim wood the nhupiilllg uieu thou onl viil the ol igliiul running ma or spilngfleld thut uo imfme tlniro wua unv tiuummiiiu in the imiiiiiiiiu of lleilwiiiiil itililgu ml iii own iipellill u lllialllli bliue in iih4i on kelvin st to aervu hie new dlatilil which ilevul upoil willi the opuiilnis of hoilwuml iii idac iii 1011 the null n ave atom ii mild tim locution on kelvin st wua leu ami till hkid the buallieaa acctlull of tin ill- tilit giuduully moved b to the mil hi and on the eual aide of hie all cot and it wua ut thut time ml llrown pin eliaaed propel ly it 210 kelvin elected u new stole a ling jitoioa llloilel nued ciuujjo weio inude tnduy it u u complete ly 111010111 and oulurgod stoic with it iccensed feulure fiulit j k hruwn upprentitod with iiij in other a t brown in actiui out in ibuu und uttonded the out urlo college of phurmacy in 10112 und iihki giuduuting with hie e- g of ilun h gi anted by tlie unlveisity of toronto iln 11m he came t wlinilpi g to open u ding iloio for w w mi keagui ut louise bridge an ohl house on posts wua made rtuilv and the flrat diiik store on hit list side of tile kid lllvt l was opeuld the equipment hit luded lighting w ith cimii oil lamps a eoal stove uud felt boots to kep the f t id winti r manitoulin home setting for wedding a spring setting of tulips daffo dils and fern made an attractive setting at the home of mr and mrs herbert mervyn barric island manitoulin when their younger daughter joyce ada became the bride of mr john garnet norrlsh bsa and son of mr and mrs stanley nornsh of moffat tire rev r c kaill officiated at the three oclock ceremony given in marriage by her father the brido wore an informal length dress of aqua blue tissue taffeta fashioned with a fitted bodice high mandarin collar and elbow length sleeves the full skirt fell from a pointed waistline a bandeau o orange blossoms in her hair and a corsage of pink carnations and lilyofthevalley completed her costume mrs h long played the wed ding music a bufferreception followed mrs meryyn received wearing a cocoa brown shot taffeta dress wfih nat ural straw hat white accessories and a corsage of white carnations and lilyofthevalley the grooms mother assisted she chose a dior blue dress with white trim white accesories and a cor- oge of pink carnations for a motor trip to the united states the bride topped an oyster white suit and navy accessories with a pastel blue full length coat on their return mr and mrs nornsh will reside in guelph guesls attended from moffat guelph lambeth weston rock- wood gore bay and manitoba win in dm lug the monlhs kurlv in 1u05 mi broun v mite thi phurmacy exams of the mjii- ltibn pliarmucouticul association and teivlvid his manitoba dlplotn apprentices who have sorvid un der mr brown include m culliu- k g harm in r l harman w lightbody c d morley a dauiih tor margaret now mrs gordon craig and a son harold graduates who hav bcin cm- ployed are w carson r mcmillan w a wilhcrspoon jack boy harold garliett t moir and fltt- vey a park iduring the second world war w hen manpower was scarce mrs craig was the mainstay of the store harold brown graduated in 1948 aftir serving in the navy from 1040 to ims since graduation he took over the management of the business active in association affairs he ls immediate past president of the manitoba retail druggists associat ion and ls a membc of the dom inion council of the c ph a the present staff includes j k browtt harold a brown and a- loewcn graduates apprentice walter melnyk and anne biggins and ccrtidc m mr brown has a family of one daughter three sons and ten grandchildren shorter week winnipeg op federal em ployees at stony mountain penit entiary and similar institutions ccross the country will be on a 40 hour week within two or three months civil servants here were told by trevor gough of ottavn secretarytreasurer of the amalga mated civil servants of canada iml kiiiiimiii ceilim luk fun it ii alton baa leiulveil wind that lie urn efiillv i oii luted ull ifl flubjc li with littiim iturik in lata til at vur ut lliu online ag riiiillmul ollngi iin ipli town league ball schedule the lowll icfigile imenlmill al lied llle hua lis in ilroii up ly hi mlimi hpoiu lnuifiii uinl uu lunvo tioi ioomia llm jita minkei wolf lloonila und hot shot a guinea begin next tunalay und ult played ut i la on tiieaduy an 1 tliumduy evening june 7- jela va mlllkela i simla va wolf llouiida june 0 wolf lluiliida va jul- mm kera va lint hlhila june 1 4 mm km va wolf llolinila hot hhola va jela june hi jots va muck era wolf llouiiita va hot shots june 21 wolf hound vj jela hot shots va muukcra june 23 muckeia va wof lloiinda jct va hot shut june 2h jela va muckers h it shots va wolf hounds june 30 wolf hounds vs jeta mutkera va hot shola july 5 muckeis va wolf hounds hot shola vs jeta july 7 jeta va muckers wjlf hounds va hot shola july 12wolf hounds va jet hot shots va muckers july 14 muckers va wolf hounds jeta va hot shots july 10 hot shots va wolf hounds muckers va jets july 21 mucker va hot shot jets va wolf hounds july m hot shot v- ju woif hounds vs moi ker seek information on civil defense ilaiia b lug madi to iik hide bur lington in program of civil dt f- t in e will be sought by burlington town couik il the lerk was in- ti ucit d to write to brigadier p a s todd churmaii of civil de- f nee for hamilton requesting a n port on the hamilton civil de fence pi ogram a opy of the motion ls to be forwardi d t w rcld burlingtons civil di fence rcprescntativo no oiscussion- was held on uie motion passed in regular session of coun cil x joint tun lira oor0a holllngr nm am i lie aiturnnro fit fa nlimln ifinufiri4 ihe aftfttlftl merit ta mr fjtsfjkjn hlliriyfc os o r3rfcifcfilijti ya itf anon alf ion mid jiitrnl mr hollmfjor it n lic ijij fiideiil of a ton where he is ell wnovn in buti neii nnfl mmnr sports ortiitifes afnfau moat itttaullfiil acnlng rusco vmnotlan awnlngt door a lorraco canoplon permanent allmetal 0 tt fllhuttl llful t ul uiux lhuiltllklll adrrilu llglit aim umaitdluiti t ftiutln uititliitl mm i aiii lul r ani f a ymr m t i ii with nothing to change ftotriing ut totts ahfrrhkh grkat khhco value f him o vovitunatuth yuhmtvth wll mahui famel vrsriiariov aiho thmtsti nd imwijlatiom iuvown h c bace rockwood phl falfwhml 32 cotlt cecil a carr optometrist 8 dotiglat st tel 1091 guelph frigidaire automatic washer trcfone sqvwl nylon tubeless tires amsa rmumstruncfwol i wotcaiqw ywer sweowy manning electric frank toth lorne garner motors ltu plow contenders saint john nb cp the new brunswick plowmens assoc iation ha decided to send its two top plowmen to the canadian meet at leamington ontario oct ober 11 and 12 the tirtie and place of new brunswicks plowing cbm- petition remained to be decided e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 130600 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone 115 37000 also used models rowitnii 7 hf fecyda iimmms comination swml ikhfl0ccin6 m0usin6 automatic kcoil staihr offshwhols ptevoitscalring fiont ft sim nui the completely hem lrlunbov canadas most popular powot mowtr lowtone mfrkr han64ip stoiace sales a seivice if lawnbot iviau 19 2 it p h9 05 lawnbot dehw31 1hj s104j0 lawn- bot 18- lshp 474j0 cuts any type of lawn threse new deluxe lawnboy power mowers cut trim and get rid of grass clippings in the easi est way in the shortest time the best mower for amy lawn rough or smooth ask for a demonstration today i buy shares with a future ir ifcm ici haiton and pffl trust and savings co 11 per share lri4jirifci lr rtcj o i mfwlg mnnaqar hal ton peel trust and savings co oakville omtaflo 9 mill street acton limited quahtity of farm boy raisins seedless 2 lb bao 33c dole crushed pineapple 2 westons fruit roll jellies 18 oz bao candy 25c heinz tomato or veoetable soup 2 23c nabisco- rice flakes 25c allens apple juice ballards health food for doos a saving of 10c 3 tins 3lc niblets corn ptac obeen oiant 14oz tins 15oz tins 2 33c 2 35 lawnbot onmi 18 liltrr84jto outboard motor oil and lawn mowtr oil lyal mccutcheon 294 milt st e phone 565j lalaihhbl1 acton brtno us tour coupons for surf giant pko freshpak fresh strawberry ice cream miracle whip ritz biscuits pt brick kratt loz jab 8ozpko 25c 45c 19c frozen foods oz rialemon or reaiime s 2 29c glen wood fruit pies 2 45c apple or cherry or blueberry new potatoes california no 1 10 lbs 59c cabbage radish home grown home grown lemons carrots oranges california sizelso dot texas 20 oz cello bags 2 heads 25c 3bchs19c 2 for 25c california valencia siovdor 4i

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