Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1955, p. 2

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i cage two a the acton free press acton ontario thunstoay june 1 w65 public apathy the electiortsare qverfor another term tnqn- tsho provincial matters arid prerriletfrost and his government have been overwhelmingly endorsed tfbr another term tn batton county where stan hall has represented the riding for several years he agairrdtred a yotef that gave hearty approval to his fulf flrnent of office and representative of this county it is a fact vyorth noting that of 33429 eligible voters in halton only 17482 went to the polls to register their choicetiflhe 15947 voters who failed to exercise their privilege had gone to the polls we question if the end result in halton would have been any different there are in this county however 15947 voters who by their negligence of duty have no right to beef about provincial matters they had their opportunity and failed roughly only about half the voters have apparently any interest in the affars of on tario there is no sense in blaming this apathy on the leaders the parties or the lack of issues last- thursday we had a free and democratic method cf expression of individual opinion its a privi lege that has been lost in some countries and has jed to a sad plight for the common people of those countries over 15000 people right in opr own country threv away their right to democratic expression on thursday last there might haye been 94 who through illness or other reasonable excuses were unable to gel to the polls there is nc use in going further afield to find fauit it is time we looked at our own failures it is poo encouragement toi leaders candidates and tnose wnc serve to have a people who are so half heartedi interested in their own affairs if such apathy on tne parr of the people themselves con- tinjs there wil pe further deterioration -in- y puoirc affairs good government requires an alert and triforrnec public interest itsjon sunday amongthe multitude of days which call for special observance in every calendar fathers day making a valiant stand for recognition jtryei there is often a little confusion on just wfiatsuri- day in june is fathers day but we fathers mysf get together on this matter and make sure the date is well publicized we just arent too sure ourselves what sunday in june has met with general approval but we do know that in t955 fathers day is next sunday jun 19th neckties socks smokes and other small gifts are always appreciated by dads who often dont have time to give much attention to small pur chases but the size of the gift or the card of re membrance is not half as importani as the fact that once a year there is a token to say dad is a decent sort of a guy say it or express it any way you please on sunday but if you even give him a little con sideration for the things he tries to do for you hell appreciate it even if he hasnt the finesse to put it as well as mothers can always do ie photo by esther taylor some fun huh late spring sunshine is bright and warm and where is the first spot young lads like this one head first to the most likely swimming hole usually with the dubious endorsement of one or the other parent anyhow hows a fellow to have some fun unless he can kick up his heels pre ferably in some cool wet stretch of water f3 n orth e w est ast s outh a sound foundation another venture undertaken by the three towns of north halton under the direction of the urban board was carried out successfully this year preparation well in advance of the event was planned for a booth and information centre at this gears trade fair which concluded on fri day the board was fortunate in securing mr e sonic gas strike i i in nkvilli last wivk while- face charges of cruelty to animals e barr to be in charge of the venture andwith the ma innervations and f nn a gun the town limit volunteer helpers from the three towns of acton for a sewer line to the new hospital poison ivy furor addition contact was made with thv in bronte somewhat of a furor is gas line and an explosion erupted being set up about the poison ivy dirt and debris 00 feet into the air conditions in nearby coronation damage was caused to the front of park along the queen e where two apartment buildings and ser- several youngsters have been- rf vjic to gas- was disrupt mcie3 by the weed this year andi the danger continue to exist that more will get a dose department the good oldpays may have seemed better back in 1935 trtm of itiuraday jon m 1dss at thr ttihr mmllng of th- w- b mt uncle tv of the united church o parllrularly ilcmo inii featur wan theprpkniitatlori it n hlr rnomtwrshtn t mr j iiinu mrs llartkree mml vh prr stmtalloii fit the rnrtlfirtilr ri mr4t spotlit l prmionliul lh pin both ladles rxprpv uti bv half of the society lhflr appreciat ion of the faithful work of mm poole the ouiihomlon of mli morenrel grlndell of acton to the haluirluin national exhibition offirluu 1ht the rural schools he allowed to en ter exhibit in the whocil rnmpotlt- iont hni reiilte more than both entries helnjr received mr w j hnmnohlrv was on tucuidny sworn into the office of sherrlf and clerk of the surrogate court in halton in contests for posters and health hooks conducted by trje wctu in halton county the pupils of ac ton public school won four firsts and one second the pupils wire elmer lasby polly porty aljro gibbons and dora wood frist prize second prize gordon mccutcheor the foundations have been com menced for the new symon block the actondale ufypo clutt gathered at the home of mr and mrs stanley morrison last wed nesday evening to honor them on the occasion of their recent mar riage a letter from the ontario hydro commission notified the local com mission that approval was given for a five per cent rebate to dom estic and commercial customer based on the amount- received from eachcustomer during 1934 back in 1905 t f ra i l rnf tamtweay jmc 1 imc runu oivlfotwi mi i th ppolrlmntof rnrewntatlvis to hegollnte pre profvol the coiinell met in rejfjilur aee- lon fifii monday evtjtiig hfpvf ifyfwlnijn the fhiwr nn tfir imn- twrm rrnt mrj ii fjk c- retrry f the innd ifilfvlrw ttw eoiineil mallng lh- bond a intent ion to hlfl bfino eonrl woaktjtn luring the summer nfit whw tti eounrll to provide a utieyfrir ktdtld the hnnrf would efeet h land a weddlnii of eaperlal intreat lok plare lnt wrdneawltiy jiinc 1 j dorehejiter nil vher ftapt frefl ii ijeaeon wan married u ml bthel reeord dauahter of hon it tl emmernon mlnler of ril- uays anfl cnnalii am thfuw present were mr and mr j 8 deacfin mum florence deacon and mr and mrn w b clemonts miu ton the new station begins to put off a handsome appearance in its arch itectural outlines the contrast l most striking with the old structure beside it the bricklayers are well ad vanced on the walls of councillor lackeys new residenre on church street married beardmoremackenzie at chiist church montreal on simmons mr lissant beard- rryore eldest son of w d beard- more esq toronto to miss ev- elyn daughter of mrs hector mackenzie montreal died chb5holm in acton on satur day mary craddock wife of john b chisholm in her 74th vear i i i supplying homes the parr which tne banks of canada are tak- ityc in me home bunding today was brought to arjentio r s recenr address of mr t h atkin- s presden of the canadian bankers associa- tor more tnan 23000 homes have been built or ban creai under terms of the national hous ing ac up c april 30 1955 with the mortgage pro gram in effect only slightly more than a year the chartered banks have committed more than 216000000 in housing loans said mr atkin son who today completed his twoyear term as president mratkinson notes that while on april 30 the banks had nha mortgage commitments ex ceeding 210000000 actual advances totalled 118000000 he explained there would always be a lag between commitments and advances be- ca use payme are mad only a construction ptoceeds mr atkinson said he was particularly proud of the fact that bank housing loanswere being made not only in the larger centres but also in the smaller more remote areas where previously it had been difficult if not imposstbler to obtain adequate mortgage assistance the chartered banks he said have made mortgage loans from one end of canada to the other and broadly speaking they are available in every community within reasonable reach of a branch bank thus another objective of thejegis- tation has been fully rnet that of increasing the machinery for making housing loans by adding the 4100 branches of the chartered banks many of them in small centres with the first years experience satisfactory there is no doubt that the financing of homes under the national housing act is now an accept- ed and integral part of canadian banking mr atkinson commented but emphasized mr ark inson despite the large volume of mortgage loans a volume which will increase steadily there has been ho restric- tioninthe ability of the chartered banks -topro- vide credit to ordinary bank borrowjers the thou- sands of individuals corporations and public bod ies tfjaf relyon bank credit to assist in their fin- encing milton and georgetown the information centre made contacts and advertised these towns to a large and varied audience that could be reached tn tvo other way it was a venture into a new field by the north halton urban board which must of necessity be measured not in the present but in a long term over the years ahead there is often on the part ct the- general public an impatience to see immed iate results from such a promotion as the trade fair exhibit the man on the street is too apt to expect an immediate result too prone to con demn if a new industry is not immediately locat ed or a new boom blossoming in a few months the promotion of the north halton urban board carried on now can not be fully assessed in a decade it will not go on its own momentum without further assistance but from a broad view point the start made in the few months of the boards operationhas been encouraging and it is no idle or unfounded prediction that it will be beneficial in the years ahead in the growth of north halton it was something that certainly could not have been attempted by individual towns of the size of the three municipalities of north halton ed no injuries were reported start rc church in bronte in bronte ground was broken last week for a hew roman catholic church st dominics church to serve the estimated 100 families of that faith in the village and immed iate neighborhood first construc tion is on the rectory parishioners the cost of growth since the beginning of this year the popula tion of canada has been increasing at the average i ate of 800 a day in spite of a fallingoff in im migration thats enough in a day to support a modest grocery store enough in a week to sup port a supermarket and a drugstore thesuper- market and the drugstore in turn support an in crease in the output of packers canners soap- makers box factories and so on and it all means jobs we havent yet fully grasped either the op- portunities or the costs inyolved in this- rate of increase to cope with our rising population well need at least 40000 more classrooms 40- 000 more teachers in the next- 10 years thats a tost to taxpayers bo an opportunity to architects builders and young people interested in teach ing we need more roads in spite of spending 1 billion on new roads and major reconstruction in the five years ending march 31 154 we still have 18 motor vehicles fier mile of surfaced high way compared with 135 in 1948 in other words vve not holding our own once again this is a cost to taxpayers but an opportunity for the can adians who will seek jobs in the industries involv ed in roadmaking and for the firms whbroduce the materials financial post j will worship in a chapel in basement until building of an ed- lfici is warranted a jolt on water in georgetown council must have got a jolt last week when members learned that despite a recent and costly program of water supply ex pansion the town still wont have enough to service the big delrex subdivision when it is built it could be that the town will eventually need some four million gallons daily so council has to start all over again thanks to polecat in burlington one night last week a resident was wakeded by the un mistakable odor of a skunk whilst looking out the window to see what he could see he also saw a thief of highways crews report the area is sprayed however other observers say the stuff is flourishing thieves like it here in milton its reported that for the sixth time in about a year thieves took a crack at the safe in norm tp guild motors service station on the farm hazards vancouver cpi farming hazards now are almost as high as those of semiskilled industrial workers due to the use of insect icides and other poisonous an address he said arsenic ancr icals dr t h patterson said in nicotine were chiefly responsible valuable coins toronto op pre-eonfeder- ation coins and historic c were among exhibits by the toron- cheroi to c club for national weett also included was old hud sons bay comrjany currency in sterling outskirts of town succeeded in opening it and making off with over 100 the safe was a mess smashed and pounded until it looked as if a giant canopener had done it in board council agiee in milton public school board and council are finally getting some where over the new public school argument the board has agreed to buy the present high school if the price is right but occupancy must be had in two years apparency a professional directory and travellers guide medical new high school will have built anyway to be boosts reception grand falls nb icp telegraph and radio have been combined to give better reception making off tvititthtbicycie belong- coasttocoast english language ing to the boy next door jthe inanpfams lqhistpwn on the us kave chase was j by the police raawatt automatic je iris atoiotrgtttnev didnt catch the plater radio transmitter has been the thief the bicycle was recovered h to cnt lines which carrry as it was abandoned by the fleeing he programs culprit j publishers pet position inoakville in a front page spread the story is told in that paper about the publisher of the recordtstar who after formal warning shot the converted to machine typesetting petkilling dog of a neighbor when after 36 years of hand setting- the the catchasing became tnore than star had a linotype years ago but patience would bear despite ap- 1 shifted to hand setting in 1920 parent applause from other neigh- when replacement parts could nbi bors for the act the publisher will- be obtained dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 chorcb st e phone is dr d a garrett pjiyaielan and sorxem corner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 238 dental veterinary jr g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox a acton phone 13f b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brooitvlue ontario phone milton 105r21 optical dr arruchatian back to machines j golden bc icp the gold- 1 en star ope 0 british columbias i oldest weekly newspapers has r 2hjf artntt 3ttt prraa t the only paper ever rabuahed la acta fouhded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 m31 st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circuuf- tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of h cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay- able in advance 3js0 in canada 8350 in the united statea six months 150 single copies 6c authorized as second class mall post office department ottawa rebusbed by the dills prtataag and tbtwub cel juaefted c ai dills editorinchief david r dills production manager james dills john black associate editors 0mm erp i t o r i a l o f fl c je ji l e p h q n e yjf at the dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets off ice hours 9 am to 6 pjrn telephone 19- acton miscellaneous united church of canada acton ontario rev j a currey ba bd minister parsonage 28 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 1 sunday june 19th 1955 1000 am sunday school no fin er influence anywhere 1100 am morning worship an nual wmjs service mission ary from newfoundland i 700 pjn evening worship aii hour of sacred musv by the choir and soloists you will enjoy thi lovely service thought for the week stewardship places the whole life with all its possessions and possibilities upon gods alta and humbly and reverently acknowledg es gods ownership i l ffl presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong mabjx minister sunday june 19th 1955 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome a wait you baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage us bower ave phone 20flw rumley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive wc lampard atcm rmt teacher of pbuae acton studio st albans rarish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 e l buchner ro optometrist 4tani st e phone 116 office hours wednesdays only 130 600 pjn- wednesday evenings by appoint- ment legal c f leatherland barrister a bejieiter notary ims office hours 1000 am1200 an- 1 00 pm500 pjn saturdays by appointment only- office 22 phone res 151 acton lever v hoskin chartered aceauntanta successors to jenkins and hakdt 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 traveuers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton 638 am 858 am 1133 ajn 2 08 pjm 508 pm 633 pm 9x pm bl0rl3 pm m e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 56ft office hoars tuesday 1 5 pm thursday 15 pjm georgetown office by appointment 4 main sts phone triancle 72464 real estate and ins1tranoh st albans church fangiieaa rev evan h jones ba lth eaetor sunday june 19th 1sa5 t trinity u 830 ajrhholy communion 1000 a mcurch school 1100 ajn beginners cuts 1100 am choral communion ahd sermon and 700 pm evening prayer sermon wednesday june 32 st albans is day 9 ajn holy communion afriendly w f all sunday june 19th 1955 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service 815 pmbypu acton pfntfcostal assemrty meeting in lol hall crewsons corners pasur rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone 640w sunday june ioth lses 1000 am siihday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic service wednesdyt 8 pnrcottage pray er meeting and bible study 1027 ajn 1252 pm 2jt7 pjn 57 pm 727 pm 912 pjn 1132 pm 112 am sun to kit chener only a daily except sunday and boll days b saturday sunday and holi days canadian national raaways daily 540 ajn daily except sun day 1000 713 pan sunday only 801 pjnt dally except son- day flyer at georgetown 90s ajn 637 pjn daily flyer at georc town 1011 pj daily 1144 pm dauy except sunday 848 am 6j6 pjn flag- stop 749 pm saturday only 127 pjn sunday only 003 ajn flag- stop sunday only flyer at guelph 705 pin daily except sat and sun to detrain bessengers from west toronto and beyond 5pjndarr except sat said f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate w r bracken phone 26 list your arms business or with us we invite you to use facilities in securing a purchase your property aetna r f bean limited 83 mux st acton r hr audtt v aiial raasbj 7 bower atomic- pbom 0 cdllljalla n v bpcfiffwitwssc 7imttvvbfcfrlh

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