Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1955, p. 2

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c f i i wv w v page two the acton f ree f ress acton iontario thursbay june 23rd 1955- not a cureall many of us car remember when folks who were treated in hospitals had to be critically ill thetwbmrt pr ho5p was less costly even if ftiore inconvenient to have home treatment matter of fact it was quite an undertaking to get a patient transported to the hospitals which were all in the cities that was before the motor age and fhe screeching sirens of course j but hospital beds and nursing dare were in those days readily available for sick folk you didnt need to wait weeks for a hospital bed it was almost as prompt as next in the barber shops- we were intrigued by reading in napier moores scratch pactcctlumn this week of some of the things he has been learning about the health service in england for those who con sider a national health service the answer to all the ills to which human beings are prone we quote a couple of paragraphs we had a chat with an english working man about the british health seryiec his wife is suffering from a leg so badly ulcerated that last october amputation was recommend ed other medical advisers said that with proper h cure the limb might be save itt novetfnber application was made for a hospital bed up to june 6 no bed had been i obtained we talked with a hardworking country- town doctor about the health service he said a woman patient of his was desperately in need of an operation requiring great skill in november he approached a surgeon friend of his- a specialist in such operations who as a personal favor promised to do the job as soon as a hospital bed could be found after seven months a bed was found but up to now the surgeon hasnt fulfilled his promise the doc tor tackled him the other day the surgeon said look ive spent the whole morning fit ting 10 fat women with free corsets i have to do it under the health scheme regulations im away behind on operations the doctor asked how long he th it would be before he could do the job he had promised to do the surgeon said at this rate two years from now there were more observations made by mr moore in his financial post column that were worthy of thought they might well be read by those who believe a slate controlled national health service is the answer to all our ills hu mans are not like machines to be assembly line repaired and serviced their need can best be judged by doctors and trained assistants rather than dictated by inflexible rules laid down by governments two is sufficient it seems to be generally conceded that ontario would have been better off during the next four privileges for all newcomers to acton and many from put-of- tovyn have found that the natural facilities offered jind prlvately owned breez across the water compare most favorably with those that require a great deal of travel tp reach on a weekend every holiday and weekend these spots are crowded with picnickers or folks out for a short trip from the cities if they areto be kept enjicing to the public the task of keeping them in good condition is largely up to- those wko use these facilities the scatter ing of bottles and litter do not make any spot attractive the abuse or misuse of equipment put there for the enjoyment of all cannot be toler- ated these spots are appreciated ancbttsed rlghtly by most folks and it is only thoughtless minority who make them objectionable there isorily one course to pursue those who cannot conduct themselves properly in public must be denied the privileges that are available around acton and its fairy lake for the love of it if oner ttkes to do home g as a hobby baptist church mr easter has aul family ear4ftrongetlj6erar opposition group had i to the legislature mr rrost has more strength than he requires or can use and with eight to one it would seem that many duly elected representatives will not find it necessary to give very strict attention to the duties for which they have been chosen by the people for the weakness of the opposition in the legislature it would seem third parties and par- ticularly the ccf are to blame many of these candidates were put in the field without a chance of winning one thing has been demonstrated that third parties are on the wane in ontario the ccf has beensupping steadily in percentage of popular vote do from 27 in 1948 to 17 in 3955 put more significantly it has dropped in total vote too in the 1948 election in ontario almost half a million votes went to ccf candi dates in 1951 the total vyas less than 350000 end in this years voting it was down to well under 300000 that would surely be sufficient enough evidence at any time but this decline has taken place at a period when the total popu lation of the province was forging ahead ahd particularly in urban and industrial areas where the ccf is supposed to have a hold the sooner we get back to two parties in our political affairs the better government we can expect there isf room for all people and all opinions in either the conservative 6r liberal ranks this is applicable not only in provincial affairs but in our dominion parliament as well those complaints about the cold weather are now being replaced by comments about the heat one thing about canada we can always criticize the weather with such a variety just for the pleasure of planting combating of weeds and bugs and digging for fish worms and turning them under we think its a very old and noble pastime but the home garden as a source of replenishment for the family table went out when the movies came in to occupy the evenings and have been followed by a multitude of other distractions new potatoes that were so welcome in july in 1900 have been available in the stores for weeks in 1955 the radishes you buy have a reasonable assurance of being not half worm- eaten nearly eve t used to be so w come from the home garden in june has been available inthefruit stores all winter long with the home freezers now available if one wished every product of the home garden would be now found right in the home there are still many folks who like to grow their 6wn but we wonder if that group is not diminishing we do have longer daylight hours short work weeks and more leisure but the trend is not to spend it in the home garden not debate whether the trend is good or bad but it does seem that like everything else gardening is being done by the specialists rather than the amateurs just as in sports our amateursare dis appearing rtoto by esther taylor summertime sunshine is just fine for youngsters and that goes for youngsters of this kind too this kid who has a iamblike disposition goes along with every other youngster this week in welcoming summer which made its debut mon day the curious gaze on this kids face is directed at- the camera which naturally isnt shown t w r n orth e w est ast land use map done in milton the planning board last week accepted the proposed official land use map and recommended council give it formal approvnl before the plan is finally approved it must go to the minister of plan ning and development then be put before h p h ing many meetings wtyh town planner p a deacon preceded the plans comp letion s outh it fake the ghanee- lest one offend in georgetown last week coun cil took an uncomfortable view about allowing a 220lot subdivis ion to go through on a farm within the town limits because there seemed to be no compensating industry in the offing wflth this deal besides one councillor ob served a quick goahead on tnis we will j might annoy mr heslop who has big expansion plans for george town with a balanced residential- industrial development a sudden dress up in burlington its reported that nelson township council made a sudden move to dress up the j municipality by putting the veto on such indecorative establish- jncnls as salvage yards which the schism between the townj re creational committee and former- recreation director ted lambert is nearing settlement in an action against the town lambert was dismissed some time ago with fe reasons given and a big howl of protest rose from a citizens com mittee who couldnt go along with the reasons or laok of them of dismissal a house divided in bronte amid accusations of stalling and outside influence the reeve extended the date for the villages crucial sewer vote on july 11 whether there would be an overall vote or voting by sect ions separately wont be decided until a special council meeting is held council has been divided on the matter plum for olarkson in oakville its reported that a huge roofing concern the barrett company limited said to be the worlds largest manufacturer of roofing materials and insulating boards in the parent company is establishing a branch factory nrar nearby clarkson on mo 2 high way it is said to have bought part of a 310acre industrial tract iwwm a the good old days may have seemed better imimnnni t1111mwwwttntunttwl back in 1935 lutea from ike lasae of thsrsday ji of um free ne n ims sessi of t council of ttio- baptist church are beinr held in acton today this evening a ser vice which is of interest to all arid open for all to attend will take place mr o reatr will ord ained into the ministry of the been the pastor of acwjn church for the past two year and has now completed mi studies and graduat ed from college mr hcdougall has made some notable improvements at edgewod park this season now the facilites can accommodate from 900 to 800 picnickers at one time rev cl poole win preach hi farewell sermon at the united church on sunday jfe will remeve shortly to nitnew pastorate at ridgeway last thursday evening the choir of the church held a picnic supper and social time to honor mrs c- l poole and mr george poole prior to their leaving both have been valued members of the choir during their residence here and mrs poole since her girlhood this severing of the long connection of mrs poole with the home church and especially in h faitliful se back in 1905 taken fpn the lasae of the free freas thursday lame is therevolving wheel of the itin erant system in connection with the methodist church has reached the time when farewells must be said to rev a e smith and family and in a few days wwvm ini extended to rev george barker in an- article in the london stan dard this week sir cksrles duke says that the recent changes in the dockyards of canada were baaed oh policy rather than on stratieiy the government must be jf the op inion that all further disputes be tween great britain and the unrtetf states will be i settled by arbitrat ion complaints have been made of the very unsightly and disagree able habit some people have of ex- pectoratioc4obacc6 juice on the sidewalk the czar of russia ha at last come down from his absolutely monarchial position and- allowed elected representatives to be ad mitted to the operations of the state the civic holiday excursion to bracebridge last wednesday under- the auspices of the sons of scot land was in all respects successful about 200 excursionists left acton accompanied by acton cornet band vice in the choir is keenly felt bv and the addresses paid tribute to t t j her and her work i last evening a meeting wis held in acton town hall of the farmers and milk producers in the plan to make halton one of the counties in the proposed restricted tuberculos is area all but about half 4 dozen attending the meeting approved of ic galore en route the caledonian games formed an attractive feature of the program in this pretty muskoka town the surroundings of the new gl tr station have certainly been radically changed a wellknown excouncillor who had been at to ronto the other day stepped off these days as motorists drive along highways to and from summer cottages or on vacation or business there will be the usual lot of fellows thumbing a ride perhaps you have plenty of room and without any inconvenience could offer the hitchhiker a ride theres a great temptation to give a helping handteut the record shows that in the interests of your ownvvellbeing it is much better to keep on your way alone the readers digest recentlypublished a very grim warning agamsttrie practice giving a few of the long list of brutal murders which have been perpetrated by hitchhikers on those who be friend them the article does hot make good reading but it isveading which carries with it n grim warning- which all those who travel will do well to heed there is absolutely no sure way of knowing whether the hitchhiker is worthy of a lift or whether he is an inmate escape from some in- stitution or a person who would commit murder to get whatever you rnight have of value if you give him a lift you are taking the big chance- there is only one safe rule to follow make it yours and do not deviate from it dont give a lift to the hitchhiker along any highway you have nothing to gain for your kindness and you may lose your life for the chance you take conditions are such that allbusiness is levell ing off to where the storekeeper must really do a job of selling to the customer business de mands that the big businessman be really on his toes if he is to secure his full share of the4usiness in his community huntingdon que gleaner endangering playing children cut ting over newlyseeded lawn areas 1 and generally making a foolhardy nuisance of themselves settlement in view in burlington ivs reported that some kind of settlement following sty artntt wrt jl s the only taper ever pabllahed in aetwi founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mul st e- acton ont member of the audit bureau of- circula tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec utvisiqa of the cwa advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance 250 in canada 30 in the united state six months 150 single copies 6c authorised as second class mall post office department ottrwa pabusbed by the puteprfcaoac and publhhtac c ussmed p q- a dills editorinchief david it dills production manatee- james dills john black associate editors ed i t o riv u offi g e teb e p h o n e 17 i might deal in such assorted junk as waste paper rags bone bottles bicycle tires old metal and such secondhand goods in georgetown too in georgetown apparently theres trouble just as acton has with keeping young motorists whose a big hike this in milton a big hike in build ing permits for houses was approv ed at the lasj meeting of council when members decided on a 100 increase to rates hitherto compar able with surrounding municipal ities anyone wanting to build a house valued at around 12000 will common sense is about as lacking nave to fork over 110 to the town as their civil sense off the park j f a permit track the culprits take to tearing j around the track raising dust and low water cache bay ont icp a mat ter of 12 inches in the water level sidelined 200 men in this lumber ing town lake nipissing sater level droppedso low that togs could not be floated to the saw mill this towns only industry mason knitting co are building another extension to their plant on willow st the plan of having halton take this the train and was so bewildered forward step it was a pleasure to note that halton farmers were well aware of the situation and while many have had accredited herds for some time others were ready to join in this progressive move so he had to ask where he was the septic tank system the new modern method of treating sewage is being tried at the new station- license inspector reynolds was here on a still hunt a couple of days last week wi j kee has put a telephone- in his livery stable professional directory and travellers guide r medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st k phone dr d a garrett ehyslrlan ahd snrgeon- cirner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr at the united crlurch of canada acton ontario rev e a cnrrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave- acton phone 6 sunday june 2th 1955 955 am sunday school nofiner school for character 1115 am morning worship rec- eptioninto membership faro- well service 700 pm evening worship joint service cf all protestant church es personality men have yet to learn the value of human personality the fart that a person is white or black r yellow of one race or another this religion or that these things are not all important it is the human personality- that should come first v presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bd minister sunday june 26th 1955 945 am church school 1100 am mr william bell- 700 pm rev e a curreys fare well service in the united church they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you baptist church acton ray h costerus pastor parsonage 113 bower- ave phone 206w st albany church angtleanv rev evan h jones ba lth -sector- sunday jdne 28th 1955 trdftty jb a0 anv holy communion churth sckooiclosej vacation will reopen on sun day september 11 1100 am morning prayer and sermon 4uilp mjftoly baptism l tmo p jnevenlniserjee rt the united ehiireh jftaiweiy fnr b a sunday june 36th 1955 i 1000 am sunday school i 1100- am morning worshipt sunday evening service at united church 815 pmbyju the rev currey acton pentecostal assembly meeting in lol hall crewsons corners pastor rev k j reid 81 cook telephone 64w 7 sunday june 26th 1965 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic service wednesdayy-8-piinotuaiei-prsy- er meeting and bible study a friendly welcome to all a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pjn xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pjn telephone 19 acton miscellaneous rumley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years olive m lampard atcm rjtt teacher of psms lacton studio st- albans parish hall 14 park ave guelph phone 296 veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox a vol acton phone 130 b d young bvsc cl l you ng dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton i5r21 optical e l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 118 m office hours wednesdays only 130 600 prnu wednesday evenings by appoint ment legal r c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary office hours 10 00 am- 1200 100 pm 500 saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 181 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bids 44 vic st t em 49131 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbound 638 am 858 am 1133 sja 208 pm 508 pm 633 pm m pm bl013 pm westbound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pjn 527 pm 727 pm 912 pjn 1132 pm 112 am sun to kb chener only 4 a dally except sunday and hoi days b saturday sunday and boll days canadian national railways standard daily 540 am daily except sun days 1000 ajn 713 pm sunday onlyaoi pjn daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 90s aim 6 j7 pm daily flyer at george town 1011 pm wostboaad jxtaily 4i44- pjn daily except sunday 848 am- 65 pm oag- stop 749 pm saturday only ixt pjn sunday only 909 a jn flag- stop sunday only flyer at guelph 705 pjn d0u5 and sun to detrain p -from-west- torotfto and beyond 5j1 pjn daily except sat and sun flyer at guelph 537 pjn- 1 m e aaanderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public 77 mill st phone 585 office hours tuesday 15 pm thursday 15 pm georgetown office by appointment 4 main st s phone triangle 72464 real estate and instjranck f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser w r bractcen phone 26 actosj list your farms business or boumw with us we invite y6u to us our facilities in securing a purchase tar your property i r f bean limited 83 mill st acton phono s sljluscioiii 76 bower atbo phono representing w ooldatraw broksr mlltontono mb n county fadutlts t il

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