Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1955, p. 5

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thursday juuy aist lwoi the acton free press acton ontario paob txvm l acton jersey dairy km thi finest in dairy products homogenized milk i farm fresh whole milk skim milk chocolate milk cream buttermilk daily phone 242 don timmlngs prop delivery o t i c e the junior wading pool at acton park will be open each evening from 630 to 8 pm this service i possible through en offer of the local volunteer fire brigade to supervise at the pool obituary r elliott held in high esteem on july 3rd russell wo1r elliott passed away at the guelph gen eral hospital in his 49th year his death followed an illness of only a few hours his demise was learned of with sincere regret by a large circle of friends by whom he was much beloved and held in the highest esteem the finwal was held from mc- kersie and thatcher funeral home in milton conducted by rev baulch of nasaagaweya ohurch the late mr elliott was born in 1906 on the farm where he lived and was educated in the rural school he was an employee of the p l robertson co of milton for the past three years he lcdves to mourn his loss his wife tho former christine curnie and two sons russell jr and vic tor both at home one brother cyril of brook ville and three sisters mm s wyatt of hamilton mrs lucy hasselfelt of wqjpr- down nnd mis alvin gunson of mlllgrove his six nephews acted as pallbearers roy harris ijjrutt and glen elliott george currio and ken gunson r imi fawuuj r 9 mill street the douglas fir is named in honor of david douglas a scottish botan ist who introduced it into europe in 1827 man leal nod how to make paper fiom wood jy watching the wasp no bftter tire made foprvgged wghspeed nniiikir e e t v lrvi v mu 3mte i i eden mills tirfoit muxe champion milk canadian maid evaporated 16oz tins this milk is now packed in the type of can which may be opened with a can openar or juice can opener christies premium plain rfr salted soda biscuits 1lk pko i sliced cheese new cheese fbeshpak ylb pko lb ladies aid enjoy picnic meeting the ladies aid of the presby terian church held their picnic meeting at the home of mm john milne a pot luck dinner was serv ed at 12 30 and a full program of races and contests was conducted by mrs garnet macdougall and mrs gordon stevenson prises were awarded as follows lucky cup mrs w lowrle look and see mrs r roy number con test high mrs h gubertaon low mrs black clothes pins in bottle high mrs b smith low jwra r gordon lucky spot mrs j black- lock passing the baseball on feet mrs blacks team throwing the ball in box mrs j d lowrle kicking the shoe high mrs g stevenson low mrs j gllbertson throwing the bat high mrs w losby low mrs j milne spot race mrs mcphall throwing ring mrs e perry oldest lady present mrs mine age contest high mrs black low miw w mc lean and mrs w gllbertson thi owing the ball high mrs wright low mis a coulson and mrs d clark m black closed the gather ing with prayer conundrum tea a successful conundrum tea was hold under thp auspices of the w m s on the lawn of mr and mrs don ald clark s home a varied program was enjoyed consisting of ducts by missls bonnie macdougnll and brenda wright accordion selections by miss francis hand and n contest conducted by mrs r wi ight won by mrs e 1cny mr black was pi sent and spoke a few words to the group many a luugh was bad when the plates wire bi ought lucky plate wns held bv mrs anna coulson recent visitors mi joseph lusby of toronto tomato soup 2 oampbell8 10oz tins spent a few days last week with his futlici mi w a lusby mr and mrs james dnnle 1 mav and grace and mli ellen daniel of tot onto visitt d last yvcek in the home of mr and mrs w j lowrle vlsilois in tin same home sunday weie ml and mrs joseph abbott of tin onto mrs e rcnnie mrs l a baling mid mrs ruth rallngh nil of guelph i hi many fi it nds of mr jamts blticklock will be sony to learn ho is confined to hospital with a heart condtiion mrs james gllbertson is holiday ing in bala mpskoka mr and mrs r wilson of bramp ton were weekend guests with mr nnd mrs james wilson visitors in the some home recent ly were mrs cimeron scott and ml and mrs r rosen of acton sevtrnl from this district attend ed the joint congregational meeting held in rockwood presbytc rian church last week mrs j l macdonuld and mr nnd mis nicholson of hamilton were visitors in ithe mit donald home on sunday undci forest management it is possible to take a harvest from the woods ond still leave a growing forest spreads clarks asstd meats 2 tins 29c grapefruit juice donald duck a 48oz tin xwc af aftyirw orange and lemon vmw bv i slices 15 oz bag 1 catsup 2 bts 39c grand -union- lux detergent tin 42 c breeze giant pko ginger ale oajfoe lemon root beer or orapb oatarac dry btls ice cream sbkg j5c n u frozen grape juice bth watermelons jimbo carolina the largest yet 32lfcr average 99 grapes lemons r apples celery beets sweet tasty calif green seedless calif size 150 i b c winesap 3b cello bag hearts tender and green or carrots fresh daily a ri silver forks xjiven to 4h club qirls the regrlar meeting of limehouse womens institute was held on july 7 in limehouse memorial kail with the president mrs harry smith in the chair the meeting opened with blest be the tie that binds follow ed by the lords prayer after busi ness and committee reports were at tended to mrs ralph turner took the meeting for home economics and health roll call was how to prevent accidents in the home at this meeting the girls of the 4- h club take part current events were given local by kathleen kirk- patrlck national by dorothy kirk- patrlck and international by patsy crawford the motto was well giv en by kathleen kirkpntjrlck grumbling spoils more homes than bad cooking conveners leporis followed for agriculture a garden is a good place to live wns read by mrs james noble prepared by mrs geary for historical research mrs kirkpat- riek recalled that in 1028 mrs kirk- patrlck sr celebrated her 93 birth day she showed group photoa of interest for home economics mrs ralph turnei took dripless paint as her topic a demonstration on how to make tea biscuits followed by two 4h girls dorothy kirkpatrick and pat sy crawford mrs smith presented each of the girls with a silver fork for complet ing their course another highlight of the meeting was the presentation by mrs snnford past president of a beautiful aluminium tray to th siciolarytieusurcr mrs jack noble in appreciation of services rendered for the past tluee years mrs nobl taken completely by surprise thank ed all the numbers for their gift and sold she was glad to have help- i i in jny way she could a bus trip is being planned for thj lattjpurl of august mrs s cilsbv conveni r of school gnrdens discussed hnving a trophy for the boy oi girl with highest point is suggested by mr pirgcter who ibih yi ar kindly judges the- gar- di ns the inei ting close d with the quei n tin gills served i delicious i line ii of tea biscuits cheny jam short cake ind tci ospringe rockwood 2 tins 35c c each lb 25c doz39c each 29 ml 15c 3 bchs 17c vote cash donation for camp expenses the chi istlan women s fellow ship of fverton church of christ disciples held their monthly meet ing at the home of mrs d g rob ertson with 15 ladies piesent the president mrs wm robertson pre sided and mrs george young sec retary road the minutes of the pre vious meeting in the absence of mrs harry hor- top the worship convu ne r- a paper prepared by her was read by the president the program leader for the day miss jennie tovell had a splendid discourse in dialogue form on christion education with the following ladies tiking pirt mrs j alton mrs w robe rtson mrs har vey jestin and mrs d g robert son flowe r convc ners for the next foui sundays weie appointed avid a c ish donation was voted towards the camp i xp nses of the six young people attending cimp this week fallowing the benediction mrs h jestin and mis g young assisted the hostess in serving r freshments mr and mrs d stc wart returned home on sunday following a few davs holidav in the north mr and mrs gordon aitken ind family spent a few days last wick at mud lake mr and mis bert craig of georgetown yyen wcekend visitors with mc ssrx r nnd j huntt i miss joan ciaig visited with miss martha mulder tcuvnlinc during the week miss elv ma winter of oustic spent the weekend with mrs m jackson mr jerry fisher was a guest last week with relatives in guelph mr alex curne of toronto spent theweekend with mr errett and miss ada curne mr styn klooster and friend of oshawa were weekend visitors with the formers parents mr and- mrs k klooster lawn bowling cup contest in the dave gray cup tourna ment in connection with the rock- wood lawn bowling club the rink of rev j dilts and geo saunders received tho cup with a total score of 2 wins 24 in second place was the rink of geo perry and geo day with a score of 2 wins 23 and third place mr vincent and f kelso with 2 wins ib at the wednesday evening jltncv game in first place was rev j pilts 2 wins 23 in second place tom hutchinson and geo perry tied 1 win 18 in failing health rockwood lost a well known citizen in the person of mrs george oakcg in her 93rd year mrs ookcs had been in failing health and passed nwiy suddenly she was a member of the local horticultural society and in recent years had shown the products of her garden among the floral wreaths surrounding the casket was one from thp hnrticulturvil society funeral took place nt sacred he art church friday morning with rev a s callaghan conducting iixpiiem high mass in the course of his address father callaghan paid high tribute to the worth of mrs ookcs as j citurcn in the com munity as well as a church member pollbear rs were messrs frank day stewart s royce horh saundc rs geo laverty he rb bol ton all of rockyyood and ci irenc c lynch of toronto she icivcs to mourn her loss flank of salem ambrose of pic ixt sisk lawrence gait mrs nirk weisaniil irene of duffilo a daughter- kathleen prrdrc ea her sc vc nil- vears ago a son j wilfred oake s wis a wir r isu illy in tin first wftrld wn mi jack oikes of guclph and mi loc onke s of toronto are othe r mem he i s of the fimily circle lute i me nt took pi ice in oustic cc me te ry holidaying mis i whiteside of vanrouve i ii c is spenling some time with he i brother mr george bevnc and mrs bayne richmond of tims i fe w d lys w th p it wood pulp is the basis of 95 per cent of all paper ssys keys made while -you- vnr hintons 5c1 store for the best buy 1 our lumber is selected from the best stocks and finished with expert attention this is your guarantee of satisfaction and fair dealing when you order lumber or builders supplies from us mm j phone r4cto miss carol worth spe nel schneider miss marjone craig of toronto spent a few days with mrs j- hani litem and miss pearl hamilton mr and mrs rol ind ramshaw of detroit ire holid tying with mrs e mcneil huns st mr ind mrs geo diy ind f ini ily left eluring the week end for their holid ly rmt of town also mr and mr a e groorock and family are away for holidays while getting ready for church sunday morning mr blacklork suffered a heirt attick and was removed to hospital in gue lph church meeting a meeting in connection with eden mills and rockwood presby terian congregations was h in the presbyterian church last wed neselay evening concerning mr d blark student minister to continue with the two churches rev r ii armstrong of acton was pre s e nt end afte r brie f devotional e r vices conducted the busine s pirt of the meeting pre vious to the meeting mr ma tin biuer jr gue an origan re eital which wis much enjoy ed by those present mr mirtin bluer si wis sicri hrv for the me e tun weekly jitneys on local greens in the july 12 bowling jitney high scorers weije miss doris mc laren and jim fleming in tuesday evenings jitney top players were jim fleming jr and arlie white some of the men bowled in mil ton wednesday evening both mta and ladies will be travelling to georgetown friday evening for matches everton sunday visitors holidayers listed sunday visitors with mr and mrs ted jestin and family were mr and mrs lloyd hunter and family calnsvllle and mr and mrs jim milne and family rockwood weekend ond sunday visitors with mr and mrs chas fountain and family were mr and mrs bob fountain guelph and mr and mrs dick grill and family of allisttm master norman duckett and george bruce are attending camp this week down on lake eric sunday visitors with mr and mrs j p bonham and wills were mr and mrs chas bye and family of burlington and mr and mrs jack mqrrcll and family of guelph sunday visitors with mr and mrs jlohn alton and miss jennie toveil were mr and mrs robert fullci mr ernie tovell mss margaret tovell and miss susie rogers df grand valley mi and mrs hiny hortop and mrs w h hortop attended the fielding mans wedding at paris on saturday misses ellabe th aiiel nnricy hor top visited on saturday with miss corolyn we ir guelph township master clifford lillie spe a few days in goc lph last week with mr ind mrs ke n smith and fam ily through the week visitors nt the home rf mr ind mrs john alton win mr and mis sle wn t tovell- mt family toronto mr and mrs st mli v mrdotigall mil marjone of gue lph nnd mr ind mrs fred alton of ileickwood si ve ral from the vill ige attend- e d the 100th anniversary of the masons of oinnd i in outirio in toronto on suneiny limehouse iignydufferin attend wedding in saskatchewan mrs r dredge has returned home from a trfp bj plane to kcl- vington sask she w is accom- pinied on the trip by her siste inlaw and niece mr r early and mi s anna early of campbellyille while there they attended the wedding of a mete mis dorothy dredge mis barban briny n has accept ed a secretarial position in tor onto having recently graduated from camda bu mesa college n toronto sachi sanmija passed her grade three piano exam recently con gratulations to sachi and her teacher mrs r anderson mrs flintoft yisited weekend at london mr and mr- s j brown were weekend guest- of their daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs e gooch ancaste- the farmers are busy w ith tfce wheat harvest ard the hum o thttjrrrrrg machine e cnearrl or many farm- the e days ard the combine- busy on others linda how den and sharilyn mc- kerr arc recoyemg ncely since haying their tonsils out we wh these tyyo litte girls better healh now congratulations to mr and m a anderson on the arrival of their son lloyd day is john mcarthur and day id how den haye returned home after a week at beavcrton camp h s holden optometrist eyesxamined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph summer visitors in district news mr and mrs icferink and child ren enjoyeel a trip to collingwood on thursday while he was on holi days mr and mrs a w larto of to ronto are spending holidays with his mother this week the sanford s have gone to their cottage at waubashitne mr brown headmaster at ridley collejji st catherines and his wife and mrs ii o howitt of guelph were recent visitors with lt col and mrs bourne we welcome mr and mrs cohexin ind son bill of port credit to our ne ighborhocid they have purchas ed the farms formerly owned by mrs russell thompson whose re moval from he re we re gret church services will not be held it limehouse pre sbytenan church on lulv 24 and 31 but will resume for ill of august wedding bells ire ringing in our community ran v scott is spe nding this week with cousin iehn i indsay near wate rdown miss dtru mitchell lttearly last iefk for a trip to the british isles ti lyelling iboard the inyerma on he i maide n yoyage wms meeting the w m s me t at the home of mrs mills ormxhursday evening with vic president mrs roughley in charge mrs patterson read scrip ture mrs benton the prayer and mrs gisby re ad a chapti r on crime in india from the study book text word work was answered in a verse of scripture mrs h norton re ad a poem on pray cr mrs roughley mentioned a few facts about the nurse anna geidde n whose missionary work is told in a new book anna and the indians mrs roughley taught school at cross lake manitoba where some of the story gets its set ting following the benediction the hostess served lunch david roughley is spending this k with ins co d scott near nobleton blue valley ranch entertained the first blind swimmeron sunday mrs john crawford of torontowho with her husband was spending the weekend yfeith the sandy mcdon ald s after ljeing led to the pool en- juved rtcrself swimmihg alone for some time mr and mrs stubbs and children of brampton visited the h h smith s on sunday municipal paving machinery be gan a yery welcome tar surface on our limehouse sideroad wednesday morning that shyld put an end to the dust menace but it is to be hoped that drivers da not use it as a speedway and endanger life and limb instead lose matches by same score the tennis club lost two- tourna ments during the pat two weeks each by the same score on tuei- day july 12 players ent to hes peier to lose 93 on m6ndy a woodbrldge group came to ilbe acton courts and took the match there will be no more tourna- ments until august 6 due to holi- canadians paid 47 million to the federal government in personal income tax in 1938 1278 million tn 1994 j

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