Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1955, p. 2

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a aqb two the actonfree press acton ontario thursday august 11th 1955 planned growth in haton building regulations and the need for plan- nedevelopment have come to the wh of hal- ton county this month nassagaweya township has found it expedient to pass a bylaw designat ing an area of subdivision control a planning ibaldtilbearnedi j taken some time ago in the towns and thelsouthern townships of the county trailer camps and temporary build ings vhich become more or less permanent be came a nuisance once such sections are estab lished they are difficult to eradicate the squeeze of regulations in the south forced small holdings and the type of undesirable construction to seek location fart north nassagaweya has now taken a step toward control of its development the move is another indication of the growth that is being experienced throughout all of halton wepresume that other municipalities which are further north will- soon find themselves compelled to take similar action if they have not already done so the population growth figures given in another article on this page point the trend of growth that is being ex perienced in canada and greatest in ontario keep that friendly attitude the efforts of smaller centres to attract in dustry through advertising and special induce ments appear to be bearing fruit while there is no likelihood that montreal and toronto will stop growing medium sized centres may enjoy faster rates of growth and such a development would certainly be a healthy one the monthly review of the bank of nova scotia reports from this desk in one of the smaller centres where growth is predicated it is sometimes diffi cult to see advantages in expansion that brings with it increased difficulties from traffic and many other spheres perhaps its a sense of fear that the growing monster of development will swal low all the individuality the possibility of know ing neighbors and the residents in the communily in going to and from the post office these are all little things that must be retained through effort if the towns are to grow and also retain their friendly small town atmosphere it seems beyond doubt the area will grow how fast and how large are fields for both opti mism and pessimism with imagination running a good third it seems important to us that as new residents move into a community they are welcomed and blended into the community life new subdivi sions springing up provide ample opportunity for extensions of welcome and certainly this growing community has an abundance of opportunity for community service enthusiasm and the attitude toward any com munity are contagious and if the present citizens display a willingness to serve on municipal boards and in local organizations the commend able attitude will carry over its just the same as enterin as t m lihe of fire every task has its occupational hazards but few crafsmen are in the line of fire as often as editors and reporters the danger of typography cal errors is one none have yet completely over- comef down in cos angeles where mr sarrischpl- manrandidate for city council is suing a news paper the editors of the paper must how recog nize with special sharpness the perils that lurk behind the printed word mr schulman had placed an advertisement in thenewspaper which was supposed to read you need a friend in the city council it came out you need a fiend in the city council mr schul- maris irritation is understandable however the editor alsbdeserves sympathy then of course there is the other complaint that theres nothing in the paper about it one week recently the free press in local pictures showed 65 different individuals clearly visible taking the pictures knowing about the events and reporting on the various activities are taken for granted as part of the newspapers job but everyone can cooperate by informing the news paper office of events they may have just noticed the editorial staff of any newspaper can not be all places at all times and it is impossible to know of many things unless someone takes thetrouble to phone these calls are always appreciated becau they are indicative of the desire of readers make the local paper the best medium of local news for a newspaper to miss reporting on an important item is as serious to it as the plaguing typographical errors are to the offended in both cases readers can alwavs be assured the staff of this paper is always sfmjkig for the most local news most accurately hfcpojed the merchant in a friendly communitybuilding spirit it catches on attracting industry building community spirit and the outlook toward the future are all part of building towns into communities when or how the weather is always a fickle subject to dis cuss several times it was predicted the recent heat wave would be broken and it wasnt then without any forecast along came a cooling period over the weekend that was most refreshing even if not predicted just asthe weather discussion is torrid along come the predictions for next winter some of them are bound to be correct since they are well assorted just which of them will suit you should be the one for you to select theres no doubt the heat wave will come and go in canada heat wav es and cold spells have always come to an end in the meantime there is little use in looking too far into the future concerning the weather if your vacation period or your working time has been arranged theres little can bexlone about the weather that occurs at any specified time mvwwhiwwhhwwwwwwwhwiwt the good old days may have seemed better- power in the makingmen and machines at work during con struction of a 4500foot long cofferdam which now spans the north channel of the st lawrence river from a point on the canadian mainland near cornwall to barnhart island on thfe united states side with the completion in june of the structure shown above to- gether with a second cofferdam some two miles upstream between sheek and barnhart islands dewatering of the enclosed area was able to proceed some 650000000 gallons of water has joeen pumped out to permit construction of the canadian powerhouse to proceed in the dry 1 n orth w est ast s outh canadas population 156 canadas population has passed 1 5600000 the bureau of statistics reported its june 1 population estimate was 560 1000 up 27 per cent from june 1 1954 the population rose by 1 592000 or 1 1 4 per cent since the june 1951 census and by 3529- 000 or 292 per cent since june 1945 the bureau credited the postwar rise to a rising birth rate falling death rate and heavy immigration annual increase to june 1955 at 406000 compared vyith gains of 414000 351000 and 421000 in the three previous years of the pro vinces ontario had the heaviest increase since last year rising by 137000 to 5183000 population of the other provinces with 1 2- month increase in brackets quebec 4520000 132000 british colum bia 1305000 39000 alberta 1066000 27- 000 manitoba 849000 21000 newfoundland 412000 14000 saskatchewan 889000 11- 000 new brunswick 558000 11000 nova scotia 683000 10000 prince edward island 1080003000 population of the northwest territories rose electronic firm rises in georgetown the new home of varian associates branch of a california firm which manufactures electronic tubes is taking shape rapidly and is expected to open by dseptember some 15 people ill be given employment initial- and the report adds in time ovdr 300 may be working for this ne r industry the lake holds up i i burlington with all of lake on ario to draw upon there seems little fear of a water shor- to jbi during the hottest summer in 1 000 to 1 8000 and yukon population was un changed at 10000 the bureaus estimates for intercensal years are obtained by adding births and immigrants to the census totals and deducting deaths and an estimate of emigration brief comment in most respects the average buyer will agree with the makers that the modern automobile is a mechanical miracle safe smooth and comfort able what puzzles him however is that the in dustry has given him all this seems unable to provide batteries and muffers that will really last campbellton nb tribune tr years consumption figures are soaring but reservoirs keep ahead of the demand as the filtration plant keeps going full blast a power interruption which stalled the plant last week for a few hours caused concern but no shortages super- peddlers short cuts in oakville the town fathers are expressing some agitation over the antics of young superpeddlers lads who distribute leaflets or dodgers for local merchants who have been taking shortcuts in their delivery chores usually more of the bargain broadsides are ending up littering lawns streets and gardens than on the door porches where theyre intended no feathers singed in burlington last week there was nearly a mass chicken roast at the farm of a raiser fire from an unstated source set an acre of grass ablaze and the flames licked onward toward the chicken pen before any leathers were singed however fire brigade members ar rived and soused the blaze before the chicken stuffed building was touched machinery moves in in milton its reported machinery is being moved into the new ply- board company of canada building which is expected to start pressing industrial woods in about a week over 25 people will be employed by this new industry located in the oldcanadian excelsior plant on main street forty t ariaitianr a rorwrng nn wrir ious public boards councils and commissions points out the nelson bc news that is a large body learning the mechanics and principles of democratic governing and it is an admirable thing because these people develop an increasing pride in the processes that mean so much to us as- vuell as experience mentals in the important furida- thither the trunk in bronte theres still debate about which course the villages proposed sewer trunk line will take to the new disposal plant near corpnation park trafalgar coun cil calling for sewer plans nortn and west of the plant indicated it hadnt promised bronte a lake- shore trunk sewer but apparently have promised the municipal board it would service bronte 1 the new chief tried in georgetown a subject came up at a recent council meeting which has often crossed the minds of many motorists in this district as they approach georgetown from east or west why a 30 mph limit for seeming miles of unbuilt area the towvs new police chief sugr gested a 40 mph limit but coun cil on a split vote defeated the idea for the present george towns 30mile limit in the envir ons will stay shortage of bachelors in bronte its made clear that despite some thought to the con trary the village does have a poll tax 5 to be paid annually by male residents over 21 who have managed to remain untangled in the nuptial knot however its ad mitted by the clerk the village doesnt collect because it would cost more to enforce payment than the return would amount to from the evidently few bachelors around ibigrest building total in milton the champion an nounces that in july the biggeu building total of the ye mqnth was recorded at 218300 some 38 new homes in subdivisions are under construction with 11 ready for occupancy fallingbrooke estates area has 25 under way while at the kingsleigh court area grading and landscaping is under way around houses completed the industrys wage bill approx imates the combined wages paid by the- three industries that after pulp and paper rank as the largest in dustrial employers at tmc united church o ca wtt ac tint 3te grpbb the only paper ever fabuahed la actan founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwj1a- and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance kuo in canada 950 in the united states six months 130 angle copies c authorized as second class mall post office department ottatoa pabuaaed by the blna pitalsag aad raanaasag ca uaattafl g a- dills editorinchief david r dills production manager jamerduus john black associate editors and editorial office telephone 174 business acton ontario rev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday august 14th 1955 95damsunday school 1115 ammorning worship rev dr morrow no evening service st albans church anglican rev evan h jones ba lth sector sunday august 14th 1955 trinity x 1100 am morning prayer and sermon evening service in the baptist church pr ch in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma bd minuter back in 1905 taken from the issue of toe free press af thursday august 1 1965 irt old rivals of the diamond acton and alton will meet again next saturday in the park tor the l time in a year or two the outside world is evidently becoming seized of the fact that acton has now ideal streets and sets an example to other towns the daily globe of friday says progressive acton the town of acton holds first place in the province in comparison to its size in respect to street improvement the town has just completed mod ern macadam streets under the high ways act which approximate a mile in length thursday evenings news says the town of acton holds first place in ont in p to its size for good roads it has been no sinecure to be a member of acton council this past year every member of the council has been attentive to his duties but reeve hynds has been the most ubiquitious it is even said he knows the color and shape of every stone that went into the new roads and would roeagnizo any one that would be dugj up there have been four meetings of council within a fortnight prof flora the drum major of acton cornet band rave a rather unique entertainment to a big audience in the park on saturday evening his contortionistic spec ialties won applause but the ev ent of the evening was the stone- breaking feat which caught the crowd the professor resting on his hands and feet on the floor allow ed a big englishman to break a huge stone on his breast with a 16 pound sledge hammer a couple of character sketches were presented and other items of more or less merit the band played during the evening an occasional stray cow about town narrowly escapes the pound george schlas of hamilton wos fined 20 for selling ice cream on sundays mr t p martin sent in samples of corn 10 feet high a large contingent of muskoka tourists arrived home tuesday ev ening b4ck in 1935 taken from the issue of the free press of thrursdmy august is 1935 mr j m mcdonald has been chosen zone representative of the canadian legion succeeding col g o brown and mr w j gould is field secretary succeeding mr jsu lajwxikht zone 13 of jwch these tyto acton legionnaires are now head has 13 branches prize winners are announced in the acton fall fair standing crop competition for banner oats conr ducted by the society the fol lowing are the winners with the score hugh m- reid 93 arthur swackhamer 92 wallace stoack- hamer 91 arch mcnabb 90 chas mekeown 89 j e pearen 88 o- johnston 85v4 howard graff 85 secretary f l wright has receiv ed notice of the awards from the upeytntendehtrerthe fairs j car- roll p four thjousand knights of the royal black preceptories fjprn york peel halton wellington dufferin and wentworth counties and from the niagara peninsula marched in one of the largest parades ever staged in georgetown to commemorate the 247th anniv ersary of the relief of derry a program of sports mas meetings garden party and dance were in cluded in the days program queer how the annual struggled for baseball supremacy has to be fought out by acton and cieorge- town every year radio broadcasting stations will be seen in operation at the canad ian national exhibition they will be found in the electrical and en gineering building one of these accepts messages for transmission at no cost to the sender many canadian centres are org anizing rudy vallee parties for trips to the exhibition the great maestro will be heard every after noon and evening fortyone ladies were present on wednesday afternoon for the monthly meeting of the ospringe womens institute held at the hos pitable home of mrs albert mc- cutcheon the president mrs george cooke was in charge crown attorney j m kearns of guelph delivered a very interest ing address on legislation dealing with the various laws of canada professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church bt e phone 15 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sta entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d buckner nrgeon- 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 am to 8 pjn xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pjn telephone18 acton optical 1100 am august 14rrev t g m bryan august 21 the mirister atmr chuoor ray h costerus pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone j08w sunday august 14th 1966 1000 am 6unday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service a warm welcome awaits you they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength acton pentecostal assembly meeting in 101 hall crewsons corners pastpr rev k j reid 81 cook st telephone 64w sunday august 14th 1956 1000 am sunday school 1100 ammorning worship 7 jo pm evangelistic servicer wednesday 8 pjn cottage pray er meeting and y bible study c l buchncr ro optometrist 1 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 130 600 pjn wednesday leyenings by appoint ment legal c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary paau office hours 10 00 am- 1200 ajj 100 pm 500 pjn saturdays by appointment onlj office 22 phone res 131 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenktn8 and habdt 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 m e manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public x 77 mill st- i phone 980 office haara tuesday 1sjpjn thursday 19 pjn georgetown office by appointment 4 main st s phone triangte v 7244 veterin f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ava acton phone 130 b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone miltoiwj65r21 real e8tate and insurancb f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 insurance tte and w r real estate phone 26 list your farms bracken insurance acton business or houaa with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for your property r f bean limited real estate and insurance 83 mill st acton phone 585 miscellaneous ruaaley funeral home heated ambulance phone 699 night or day serving the community for 46 years trav guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbound 638 am 858 am 1133 ajili 2 08 pm 508 pm 633 pm m pm bl013 pm westbound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pjn 527 prn- 727 pm 912 pjn 1132 pm 112 am sun to kit chener only a daily except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days canadian national railways standard time daily 540 am daily except sun days 1000 am 713 pm sunday only 801 pjn daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 am 637 pjn daily flyer at geo town 1011 pm daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 8b anr tusor pnst tflafc- stop 74 pjn saturday on lf7 pjn sunday only 903 aih- flac- stop sunday only flyer at- guelph 70s pin daily except bat and sun to detrain passengexs from west toronto and beyonav s3i pjn daily except sat an sun flyer at guelph 597 pjn i i vh

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