Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1955, p. 8

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w j page eksht t the acton free press actqk ontario thursday august 11th 1855 county coniclers two grants plans fbr haltpn manor addition continued from page one first tinie we have askjjki the county for assistance mr ser vice statej it was further explained the park was operated by a joint board con sisting of county council members and officials of the federation council left the matter of grant to the finance committee for further consideration to enlarge manor members approved engaging architects to prepare plans for the addition of staff- house and alter- ations to haltbn centennial man or- it is estimated the cost would be about 985000 by making this change it was explained 14 ad ditional beds could be provided members also felt the board of governors should also consider en larging the manor fourteen beds are not suffic ient surplus to work on especially the way the county is growing said mr haldenbury members accepted the resignat ion of george e cleave from the north halton high school board and appointed clarence anderson georgetown to fill the vacancy for the- remainder of the term county engineer r f smith was authorized to prepare an addition al parking lot at the rear of the registry office acton dtspotes claim a letter from the towri of acton disputed a hospital claim amount ing to 96 and blamed the county for not letting the town know when th disp claim came be fore the court acton had been billed for their share of the account amounting to 18 with 9 court costs actons deputyreeve e footitt explained the town never disputed the residence of the patient but had steadfastly refused to act as a collection agency for the hospital clerk william deans explained the letter refusing the account had been received after the 20day limit and council felt last year that when the dispute had been filed late the county could offer no defense in the case accounts totalling 9427011 were approved and authorized to b paid in considering the grand jurys report that the registry office is still overcrowded members felt some action should be taken re garding enlarging the present building or building a new office review situation reeyc adkins reported the ad ditional space already provided has been a help but there has been an unprecedented amount of work during the past three months he felt that the situation would not be relieved ina years time mem bers felt the committee should re view the situation as it would n a year before a building could be ready council endorsed a resolution sponsored by lambton county council who sought to hijve re flective strips painted along box cars on railroads members felt this was a step iq the right direct ion it was agreed the open deer sea son should be held on november 23 to 26 the same dates as in other counties previouslxacpuncil felt the season should be of short dur ation at the opening of the north ern seasoh i- o marritt of the ontario department of lands and forests explained there still would be a lot of cattle still out at the first of november he felt the later dates would be more suitable- neueslehman vow p f a profusion of pink hd white gladioli and red roses decorated the altar of sacred heart church weeic wne x aecrewryjbod kenilwcw ontario for the mar- etoetv riage of anna geraldinc lehman kitchener tv station ckoctv of kenilworth and david george w m hls campers appear on television during tour o ki station over 23 attractive young acton girls made their television debut last week while y secretary bob surprise award for acton man in a mir presentation g w xlckcnxie received a plaque as one of six outstanding district gover nors at the slst international ys mens conference in philadelphia mr mokcnzic mr and mrs elmer smith made the trtp from acton six are selected to receive the award each year international ys mens president malcolm bowman of niagara falls made the present ation three others from the states received plaques and the other two who merited- them were not able to beprcsent about 750 attended the confer ence altogether the acton trio were away a week travelling by car with oth ers from the district they returned home last weekend after the conference they visited valley forge and atlantic city on display in the free press front window arc mr mckenzies very attractive wooden plaque with a crest and his name on a scroll and a beautiful souvenir book of valley forge he was given an interesting sidelight for act- onians was the fact that quite a few of the delegates in philadel phia were leaving immediately af ter the conference to go to the world alliance of the ymca meeting in paris dick schmull a former secretary of the acton y is in charge of sports for the gath ering which starts next weekend acton 3oy scouts any of the boy scouts who would like to spend an afternoon at the world jamboree are asked to get in touch with dave dills friday or saturday sap the fall program is being laid out at the ymca mr ryan is working temporar ily in the post office district groups are making their plans for fall fair displays the fence around the tenni3 courts and lawn bowling greens has been repainted asphalt paving on main st ditches was undertaken this week this will improve drainage many are expected to attend the centennial reunion of no 3 school nassagoweya this weekend a milton swimmer cliff snow- dott hopes to enter the across-the- lake swim at the cnjl this year 1 a warning sign has been erect ed at the bridge near glen williams where a man drowned this summer with a serious injury to his rnmttr donald stewartof rr 2 kockwood was rushed to hospital in guelph early sunday morning from a high of well over 90 the temperature dropped to 50 de grees in acton during sundiy night rev father macdougali of guelph is taking services- at st josephs church- while father mor gan is on vacation black top sidewalk on main st air conditioning has been in stalled in watsons dairy bar their many patrons are glad to note the unit about six feet high stands not far from the entrance to the res taurant rev hay ward of osprrnge uiok the morning service at the united church in the absence of rev adams who is on holidays joint evening services wen- held in the baptist church another instalment of halton- pages u the pim north has been completed it runs on the west side from queen st to the cemetery framework began this week on the most advanced of the 20odd houses in the fastgrowing lake- view subdivision the farm news column is back in print again this week after agricultural representative j e whitelock has had two weeks holiday a trip jo the world jamboree at niagaraonthelake was discussed by rotarians at their meeting this week there were two guests from guelph and port credit a grass fire along no 25 high way necessitated sounding the fire alarm sunday afternoon quite a few cars followed the fire truck causing a minor traffic jam wednesdays winds and rain blew down leaves from trees which reminded one of autumn certainly its- nor long till fall fair a sure sign summer is over fill has been placed on the boulevards beside the new side walks in warren grove- the side walks ace higher than the lawns and boulevards in most places i m lptii agaia this week following mrs clarkes trip to britain on page three it deals with the early history of ss 3 in nassagaweya hard to imagine but some people complained about the cold those first pleasant nights after the hot spell according to forecasters theyll soon be able to complain about the heat again several from town were up to fergus tuesday evening to see the parade and presentation for mis shirley campbell who attempted to swim lake ontario she was given cash and other gifts no news is good news is cer tainly not a true adage as far as the free press is concerned at this time of year when club meetings are few news stories personals and rural correspondence are particu larly appreciated and nelles of acton- 1 rev father beck officiated at the ceremony at 930 am on july 30 the bride is the daughter of mr and mrs john lehman of kchil- worth and the groom is the son of mr and mrs cecil nelles of acton mr lehman gave his daughter in marriage for the occas sho wore a floor length colonial style gownof french tulle with over all embroidery of floral patterns with this she wore a matching long sleeved jacket the entire gown was accented with sequins her thfeequarter length veil of embroidered chantilly lace was held by a matching cap trimmed with florets she carried a cas cade ofe red sweetheart roses and stephanotis set in whltettuuc the bride had three- attendants her maid or honor miss georglna oconnor of kentiworth her brides maid mrs austin lehman toron to her sisterinlaw and the flower girl miss janie tangney the brides cousin miss oconnor and mrs lehman wore ballerina length strapless gowns the bodices and short sleeved jackets of embroidered swiss tulle net with rows of net ruffling formed the full skirts their matching headdresses were trimmed wtih lilyofthevalley miss oconnors gown was pink tiisft she carried a halo bonrructcvf yhite shasta mums and pink sladioli mrs lehmans gown was green and in contrast her boii- quet was of white mums with or chid gladioli the flower girl wore a- gown of floor length yellow nylon over satin with a matching tulle sash and yellow wreath she carried n nosegay of white shasta mums and yellow gladioli groomsman was vincent leh man the brides brother of kenil worth ushering the guests to their places in the church were william nelles acton the grooms brother and harold lehman kenilworth- the brides brother miss pauline quinlnn of kenil worth played the wedding music during the signing of the- register the choir sang on this day oh beautiful mother about 200 guests attended the reception at the home of the brides parents in the afternoon pink and white streamers match ing bells and bouquets of flowers added to the decorations which centred on the threetiered weddins cake on the brides table while hydrangea pink zinnias and baby breath formed the bouquets for her daughters marriage mrs lehman wore a dress of pink flow ered nylon over taffeta with blue accessories and a corsage of pink carnations the grooms mother chose queens blue crepe dress with ac cessories in navy her corsage wis of white carnations guests were present from det roit toronto guclph kitchener arthur mount forest zephyr hamilton and acton us well from kenilworth tlie bride and groom left on wedding trip to northern ontario and other points before they make their home in guelph for travel ling the bride wore a dress of pink flowered nylon over taffeta with a sweetheart neckline and pink accessories she carried powder blue nylon shortie coat and wore a corsage of pink rosette charges as they wandered around the studio and watched themselves in the monitor set this has been one of the high lights of the ymc a girls day camp which those attending twill probably never forget it was just one item in a series of weftplanned events which include sports films and crafts registration on the first day of roses one of every ten revenue freight cars loaded in canada is loaded with pulp paper or pulpwood back to school clothes can be made like new with our expert cleaning pressing service phone 128 now free pickup and delivery phone 128 acton helps set world record mmm w h denny local agent for state farm mutual helped his company hold world leadership in the auto insurance field for the 13th straight year in 1954 state farm insured a record total of 33ioqoo automo biles more by far than any com pan v has ever insured- l w h denny invites all careful drivers- who want topnotch protec tion at rockbottom rates to contact him now no cost or obligation of course 39 brock t phon 455 itatlbaim imsuaalici day camp tuesday7auguat 2 wai 28 and since then the average at tendance has been about 22 f6 many events the girls have been divided into two teams the roses and the orchids to compete against each other so far the orchids seem ahead but the clos ing party isnt until friday the roses sill have a chance since the y is sponsoring the day camp this summer rather than a camp outoftown any boys and girls could attend the boys camp in july was most successful the youngsters spend their mornings and afternoons at the y but have their meals and sleep at home crafts periods on their first afternoon at day camp the girls made themselves woollen dolls as pins mrs bray- shaw gave them instruction there was a field day in the after noon with the roses losing to the orchids in the final counting wednesday morning of last week the orchids continued their sup remacy by winning a softball game th lheatterhonthe girls fillcdpri vate cars for the trip to kitchener to tour the television station they were seen by actonians at home for about five minutes mr brashaw gave some information on the day camp as the girls strolled through the studio thursday mornings movies were followed by a scavenger hunt in the afternoon the girls scoured the town hunting pictures of marilyn bell a box of salt a label from a ennof soup an old free press and many other exclusive items the girls staged their own talent show on friday morning and acted as judges themselves too there were about eight numbers on the program carol candler was judg ed first place winner by her fellow campers she played a piano solo for her singing of let the sunshine in helen benton won second place this week began with a program of movies and a softball game dur ing the tuesday crafts session pic tures were painted on glass norma cunningham instructed the girls the public school grounds were scoured on tuesday afternoon dur ing an enthusiastic paper chase the roses won with 122 points pieces of paper were hidden in the most unlikely places all around the school the smiles n chuckles plant in kitchener was toured by the girls on wednesday afternoon there were movies and more softball scheduled for today to morrow there will be a second tal ent show and a closing party kenilworth bride honored in acton a hridc of july 30 arina gcr- nlfllkk f nhmlin rf fiillninrih n jjiigslcjiihoijoj at re vera 1 nhowenr and presentations prior to her marriage she is the bride of dav id george nelles of acton most of the social gathering irv her honor were held in kenilworth and guelph however mrs gor don corrie of acton held a misc ellaneous shower in july for ac ton friends and relatives of the groom 1 new angling anopje saint john nb cpicily council has given a new unfile to angling in the famed reversing falls councillors hove decided to present a plaque annually to- the fisherman catching the largest baas in the falls that reverse their flow as the bay of fundy rushes into the saint john river at changing tides r pblloclcaitd campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engr 62 water st north oaly takphon 204s engagements i h mrs amelia sadler thornbuiy wishes to announce the engage ment of her second daughter dor othy elaine to john aubrey rich ardson eldest son of mr and mrs ivan richardson campbcllyille the marriage to take place at bbenczer united church august 20 at 3 0o oclock b acton frisat aug 1213 double feature program sihuk timme hayden deckrlo second feature spy chasers the bowery boys plus technicolor cartoon montueswed aug 151617 if ever there was a picture of the year this is it pl technicolor carto advanced prices this engagement only i adults 65c students 40c children 25c j thursfri aug 1112 drums across the river block busters satmon aug 1315 the boy from oklahoma tueswed aug 1617 the seekers thursfri aug 1819 blazing forest 2 shows nightly the carters are luckier than they knjjw like all families the carters have plans and dreams for the future but unlike the families of just a generation ago they have a better chance of making those dreams come true why one important reason is because life inwrtmci is much more flexible today during ihc past 25 years many new policies have been created the modern family in- comc7 policy for instance provides maximum coverage while children axe young and reduces in amount as they become selfsupporting other policies have been deve loped to cover mortgages and to provide retirement income to fit in with the government old age security benefits this wider choice reflect i jusl one of the wayi in which life insurance companies and their representatives htve adapted their services to the changing needs of canadians in all walks of ufa ussd the uie insurana companies in canada coia imorm tfco 50 camtniiam bthhh amd umhtj sof ci tf f wuov y s pf v rtaiumlev0 a handshake la ahh tjkjoda vuwlzxl make these boys lcel at world jamboree ten thou- home theyve come to niagara- onthelake from all parts of the sand of them they mem from ix- tv nations yet speak a common earth over continents nul seas l the hn o by air and rail and ship to scouts the world over attend north americas first 4-oy- my sank attends the qjomcoowi canadas firsi hank iv hap xuiul a swcial hanil tit wticninc 10 the stmii at canada n first world jamtkiirc for the uo mi playing its part in making the txys fwl at home tiv pro idinp a banking senicc oh rhc jambnrtr grounds a service designed csperialls to take care of tlicir aay irom home banking needs the pleasure which scouts take in being of serue to other is no greater than the pleasure- wh h the b of m takes in txuij at the serwee of the ni scouts bank of montreal my bank i c ium working w i t h canadians eviit tl of 111 jinci i 1 1 7 a saami rnyljlpfe

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