Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1955, p. 2

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1 i vagb two the acton free press acton ontario- thursday september 1 1955- labor day since monday is labor dy has been observed urt canada since 1894 we presume that back in 1893 when the house of commons appointed the first monday in septem ber as la day i w i as a d set apart to give tribute to those who labor to make this country a better land in which to live many of us can recall when it was a day that called for parades of the workers in various industries it is a pretty inclusive holiday for everyone because each in his or her own way is a laborer today there was a time when the word laborer in the voters list designated those who did not specialize in any field but who did the heavy laborious work of the country modern machines have changed this view digging of ditches and post holes building of roads etc are no longer the task of strong backs and hands machinery has taken out the drudgery so in this present day it appears labor day takes in all who labor and who doesnt labor in some way next monday is another holiday in which many canadians will enjoy a day of rest and relaxation it will be a fine long weekend at the close of summer for those engaged in indus try in these days of 64000 questions uranium development lucky draws and sweepstake tickets it might be well to remind ourselves that the majority of canadians still labor to produce the wealth and growth of the nation and their own advancement the busy bees during the war years when sugar was ration ed honey was very much in demand in ontario for the past 10 years there has been a steady de cline in beekeeping this year it is said honey production has dropped 50 per cent weather conditions have not been good and other factors are contributing to the decline of the industry there are other causes which have made bee- keepirtg unprofitable among them are the de velopment of new strains of clover and other for age crops which have a high production yield but offer little nectar for the bees spraying of road side banks where flower blossoms once flourish- ed has also contributed to the setback of honey production the production of honey may not be consider ed important by some folks but eliminate the work of the busy bees and this whole country will soon be in a bad way many fruits and vegetables simply could not be produced without bees to pollinate the flowers the same applies to certain other i fiejds and canning crops and to many flowers we cannot change the weather conditions but we can alter the methods of farming and overuse pf chemical sprays which will keep nature in bal ance and allow the honey bees to carry on their work which is greater than we realize it is a matter which needs immediate attention in our agricultural production today better opportunities schools reopen next tuesday and in spite of all the building program which has been carried on over the past few years classrooms will be crowded canada is growing there are more yriirwj c bom here more new can- adians from other oduntries and the problem of providing adequate facilities for the education that will fit them for their place in the future is a gieat one in spite of this growth the children have today greater opportunities for securing education than a few years ago many of us can recall when a high school education called for real hardship today it is within the reach of every child living outside the town is no handicap since the district is now served by buses which bring the scholars right to the school door a few years ago starting back to school was often an expense that was burdensome to parents the purchase of books and supplies is now an item that is paid for by all citizens of the community better school classrooms help in equipping the scholars carrand do all play a part in better education and fittingsyoung folks for life these things alone cannot make for success that de pends on individual initiative the boy or girl who is just going to school to put in time without any aim or objective in life will not benefit great ly from the facilities of today right now at the opening of a new school term is the time to set sights and strive for the goal of your future and work toward it two income taxes for 15 years canadian taxpayers have been filling but one set of income tax forms even in quebec which has never signed a tax rental agreement it wasnt until this year that two forms had to be used with a different basis of taxable income for each weve grown so used to this state of affairs that to most of us it seems unthinkable tfiatvwe might have to return to the complications annoy ances and cost of overlapping tax jurisdictions but warns the financial post that could happen the federal government is toyirig with a scheme which could endanger all the uniformity of income taxes which the tax rental agreements have brought about it has not yet been adopted as the basis of ottawas proposal to the 10 pro vinces in october of course and there is still plenty of time for the cabinet to reassert the im portance of avoiding double taxation but the political appeal is obvious beyond the machine modern man has been so successful in his scientific pursuits that he sometimes forgets there are limits to the powers of his wonderful machin es he has released the energy of the atom and is finding ways to put it to peaceful use he can talk across the world send sound and pictures across a continent and fly faster than sound yet he still is not master of his planet several times a year there are reminders that forces more powerful than human devices are abroad in the world hurricanes swirl out of the tropics from time to time and pound the north american east coast sometimes landing a destructive punch on parts of canada as hurricane hazel and one of her ram paging sisters did last fall tornadoes sometimes sweep into canada from the united states such as the one which created havoc a few years ago at sarnia ont and hurricanes which many have experienced in the past year electrical storms often brew over canada and cut a destructive swath across the countryside in winter- bliyarhs ran paralyze travel and com munications in broad areas sometimes affecting even major cities spring floods like the historic one in winnipeg carry the threat of death and of heavy property damage in recent weeks a long spell of hot dry weather caused millions of dollars damage to crops in ontario and quebec as well as bring ing discomfort to residents of both urban and rural districts gripped by the heat wave mans ingenuity rtiay one day bring evn the weather under its control dr edward teller fam ous atojgyc scientist says atomic research will pos- enable men to change weather conditions within 10 years thus raising a new problem of tryingjogive everyone the kindof wealherhe wants but until that dayffhankind glorying in scien- tific prowess will likely continue to be humbled on occasion by being made to realize that some of his greatest achievements can be dwarfed by the fo of n brief comment its the little things that are often so bother some for instancethose flies at this tjme of year can be so pesky a a i scouts retprning from the first world jam boree ever held on this continent are this week thinking over thejnany friendships which encircl ed the world as a result of this gathering ghj artntt jfrn grrub the only la mr m maeta pjiblleaed every thursday m m mfll st b aetna oat member ot the auiitt bursa ot ctrcufe- taaaa a cwma aad tt ontarioquebec drvisiaa ot the cwjijl advarttsiag satos on request subscriptions pay able la aamacsccuo in canada u0 ia the hatted copies fc six months vjsfc stasia copies he authorised aa omm mall post offlba department ottawa oa jaamldofcv business and editorial oftice telepho nerr taken from the bsue at the free press of aagsst 31 195 in a few days postmaster mat thews will have completed so years continuously in charge of acton post office notwithstanding the numerous photo by esther taylor trees stripped of leaves the bare branches reaching in a cloudy sky are a reminder of the days just ahead a hint too that from now oh fall fairs are just around the corner and the weeks ahead are the time to get out and enjoy the autumnal foliage before the bleak cold days ahead merely a reminder that the hot spells will soon be an item of conversation for gotten n orth w est ast s outh li flans to expand in georgetown council has look ed at plans and is now ready to study estimates on cost of enlarging the municipal building the added space would provide more room for the clerk and staff the new town engineer an enlarged coun cil chamber a mayors office and other changes to curb speedsters in burlington it was reported that the latest police efforts with the towns speed detecting device have landed 40 mtoorists in dutch for travelling over the town lim it the first time the trap was tried earlier this summer there was a notable falling off of speeding wont col on cabs in georgetown last week a delegation of local taxi cab operat ors made an unsuccessful bid be fore council to have the town closed off to any more cab operat ors council decided to place no restrictions and noted that orange- ville milton brampton and bur lington have none oakville has a limit of four companies acton has- reportedly a limit of 10 look out for strings in burlington after transfer of a piece of rjroperty was held up when the township considered it might need the area to extend a road the chairman of the planning board warned prospective propert buyers to make certain there were no strings attached that migfjt even prevent the purchaser from building a home on the land the sequel in court in bronte its reported there are two court actions in the offing following the ejection of i coun cillor from the chambers after a majority vote declined an apology from earlier conduct the ejected member plans a court action cha- i lenging the legality of a water- mains bylaw its reported and also plans a writ for damages a contract in time in oakville after there was danger of the whole knotty prob lem being tossed into the lap of the municipal board to be untied its learned that town and township plltc officials have reached an agreement about what both sides want th the way of a water con tract the contract is to run for 20 years but has yet to be made a legal document fends off rivals in milton a representative of the halton natural gas co appeared before council last week following the fuel boards adjournment of franchise application hearings sought by this company on a reg ulations cause the representative urged council not to give two read ings to a rival companys fran chise bylaw in the interval haw after the smoke in milton a spokesman for the armstrong estates which retains control of the towns arena said there are no present plans for the future of the building last season the arena was damaged by an unexplained fire news about the plate ever since then has been hazy and incomplete leaving many citizens wondering good turnouf at bowling jitney there was a very good turnout at the lawn bowling jitney on thursday evening august 25 mans high was won by arley while with 36 and ladies high by mrs ingles with 31 everyone present enjoyed a most pleasant evening united church of canada aetoa ontario rev gordon adams ma bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 mr george elliott organist and choir leader t6 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday september 4 1955 956 amsunday school 1115 am morning worship no evening service st alsan church aagttaiat rev evan h jones b-a- lth sunday september 4 1955 trinity xiii jo am holp communion 1 1 6 am woly communion and sermon evening s in the presbyter ian church aveioto ray h costarus pastor porsoaaa 115 roarer aw phone m sunday m00 ii 1l school am morning worship 700 pjn combined evening ser vice- at knox church presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong- ma bd minister sunday september 4 1955 945 am church school 1100 am morning worship 700 pmyunion service a warm welcome awaits you they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength acton fntecostal assembly meeting in lol hall- crewsont corners rev k j reid cook st telep sunday sbptbmbrr 4 ims rrm aav sunday school llooajt moraine worship tja pjn rvancellstic service wednesday a pm cottafe pray- l er awetiag and basle study the good old days may have seemed better i buildings m we course oi erection in town the supply is still far be low the demand as a result rents continue to rise the bareheaded girl is coming more into evidence every day the fashion is growing apace peace is reached at last japan magnanimously yields her claims to indemnity and interned war ships the annual parade of the meth odist sunday school and the sports and banquet held in warrens grove last thursday afternoon provided an outing which every one of the three or four hundred present enjoyed the happy schol ars with their flags and accomp anied by teachers and friends made a pretty sight as they paraded down mill st and up the lane into the grove the current for the tso foot el ectric sign onr the roof of the can ada glove works was turned on tuesday evening for the first time this season the sign calls forth much admiration from the passeng ers on the evening trains the directors of esquesing ag ricultural society are getting feady for the exhibition to be held the 3rd and 4th of october a feature which the ladies will especially appreciate is the arrangement of two lists for the ladies department one for amateurs and one for pro fessionals preparations are in progress for the installation of a new pipe organ in knox church milton the bowling green is surely growing more popular this week three generations of one of our leading families have been on the green d henderson mp d m henderson and master kenneth henderson ack in 4935 taken from the issue of the tyeet preas of september 5 i3ss s e griffin and son r-r- 2v acton were winners of several prizes of grain at the canadian national exhibition local hackney breeders were pulp and paper exports are worth 925 million annually to canada they account for 33 per cent of the value of exports to the us and for 24 per cent of all exports every canadian has a stake in the main tenance of these markets winners at uie jujnfc rairyiew boniiitectfirst prize threeyearold filly of j a malta was declared the best mare ot the show gold seal a twoyearold owned by w o moffat was junior champion and reserve was won by hermoine performer owned by n g lind say acton an interesting event of the week was a gathering of a number of relatives of mrs robert bennett at the residence on lake ave- to express to her their heartiest con gratulations on the occasion of her 30th birthday in the juvenile playoff game played between niagara falls and acton the visitors ran up an enor mous score when the local boys faded badly after the fifth innihgs knox sunday school orchestri wereentertained at the home of the pianist miss margaret brown with a corn roast tfie official opening of the new ymca will be october 2 tomatoes for sale fresh at the garden for 15c basket bring your own basket a l hcmstrect main st the campbell lodge a f and a m- campbellville held their first meeting in their new hall on tuesday evening family reunion at the breezes the family of the late mr and mrs r h- wansbrough of acton held their third reunion at the breezes recently two big meals were particularly enjoyed about 35 attended from toronto willow- dale hamilton rockwood and ac ton their uncle peter hilts of churchill also attended he rec ently celebrated his 88th birthday the transatlantic cable was laid between newfoundland and ire land in 1858 professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician aad sargeaa office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phaoe 78 residence 115 chnrch 8l e phaoe is dr d a garrett physician and snrgean corner of willow and river sta entrance rivar street acton ontario phone 238 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 68 pm dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block miu st office hours 9 am to 8 pjn xrvfty telephone 148 dr h leib dental sargeaa office corner-mill-and- fredcrick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pjn telephone 19 acton optical e l buchner ro optometrist 48 mill st e phone 115 office hours wednesdays only 130 600 pjn wednesday evenings by appoint- ment legal c f leatherland 41 8otkemor notary office hours 10 00 am- 1100 ajt 100 nm500 pja saturdays by appointment only office m phone jua 181 acton iever ft hoskin charter amaass aax manderson ba barrister solicitor aad notary public 77 miu st phone mr l- pjn thursday geor oraeoby tjjl veterinary f g oakes bv se veterinarian office and residence 24 knox a acton phone iso b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary 8nrgtana office brookville ontario phone milton 165r21 real estate and insckanob f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95- appralser real estate- naorance w r bracken real estate phone 26 actaai list your farms business or houaa with us we invite you to use facilities in securing a purchase your property r f bean limited real estate and mnsrana 83 1 mill stactbn phone 585 miscellaneous ruaaiey funeral home heated ambaamco phone 699 night or day s th cuiiuiiuulty fu 46 neass travellers cfuide gray coach lines coache8 leave acton eaatboaad 638 am 858 am 1133 ajaj 208 pm 508 pm 633 pm ul pm t1013 pm 1027 am 1252 pm sj7 527 pm 727 pm 911 1132 pm 112 am sun to chener only a daily except sunday aad days b saturday sunday aad days canadian nation rawavs daily 340 am daily exceg days 1080 ajn t1s pjn only 801 pjn daily eapt-raa- day fryer at oaorfstown rob aam 837 pjnj daily flyer at town 1011 pjn dally 1144 sunday 84r aa wo p stop 74 pm saturday oi tun sunday only rob stop sunday gaelpa t8b pm mbvonly 808 ia totth sunday only ttyar at 00 pat daily except flbr toronto sr

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